Document number P3259R0
Date 2024-05-09

Jarrad J. Waterloo <descender76 at gmail dot com>

Audience Evolution Working Group (EWG)

const by default

Table of contents


Pure reference types with shallow const semantics would benefit from allowing adding a const modifier to a class definition in order to make them const by default and hence more consistent with the behavior of lvalue references.

Motivational Examples



  template<class... S> class function_ref;    // not defined

  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  class function_ref<R(ArgTypes...) cv noexcept(noex)> const// const by default
    // ...


void action(){}

void some_other_action()
  function_ref<void ()> fr1{ action };// const by default
  mutable function_ref<void ()> fr2{ action };// const has been disengaged
  fr1 = function_ref<void ()>{ action };// ill formed
  fr2 = function_ref<void ()>{ action };// well formed
  std::vector<function_ref<void ()>> v1{ fr1, fr2 };// compiler error
  std::vector<mutable function_ref<void ()>> v2{ fr1, fr2 };// ok



  template <class T>
  class optional<T&> const// const by
    // ...


int i = 42;
optional<int&> oi1{ i };// const by default
optional<const int&> oi2{ i };// const by default
mutable optional<int&> oi3{ i };// const has been disengaged
mutable optional<const int&> oi4{ i };// const has been disengaged
oi1 = i;// ill formed
oi2 = i;// ill formed
oi3 = i;// well formed
oi4 = i;// well formed
std::vector<optional<const int&>> v1{ oi1, oi2, oi3, oi4 };// compiler error
std::vector<mutable optional<const int&>> v2{ oi1, oi2, oi3, oi4 };// ok


Lvalue references are immutable. "A reference is similar to a const pointer such as int* const p (as opposed to a pointer to const such as const int* p)" [1] References and constant pointers are easier to reason about dangling. Since references are not reseatable and constant pointers are not by default reseatable, they are just aliases to the referent that they point to. This means at compile time, once they point to a global, local or temporary, they always point to said global, local or temporary. Further since the constness is baked in, a programmer is less likely to forget to add it.

Making pure reference types with shallow const semantics such as function_ref [2] and optional<&> [3] const by default would make them more consistent with lvalue references. This will make them easier to use safely as it is easier to reason about the lifetimes of the referents that they point to.

More Potential Examples

class a const{}; // const by default
class b mutable{}; // same as class b {};
class c const(true){}; // same as class c const {};
class d const(false){};// same as class c mutable {};
class e mutable(true){}; // same as class c mutable {};
class f mutable(false){};// same as class c const {};

While at a minimum, only adding const to a class definition is needed, the other examples would be beneficial for completeness and to ease their usage in library definitions.

Should've, Could've, Would've

While not a part of this proposal, there are places in the standard library where types are implicitly const by default. For instance, adding the const by default class modifier to source_location, initializer_list, numeric_limits, integer_sequence, ration and all of the type traits would not have negative consequences as all of its member access is currently const only. It should also be noted that stacktrace_entry, span, mdspan, locale and all of the exceptions would also have been ideal candidates if it was not for their assignment operator. This is especially true of exeptions since they are usually thrown by value, catched by reference and rarely if ever reassigned mutably. The span class would also have been ideal since it is a lightweight pure reference type like function_ref and optional<&>. The basic_string_view is also in a similar situation of span, if it wasn't for its assignment operator, remove_prefix, remove_suffix and swap member functions. The last three member functions just as easily could have created a new basic_string_view since it is a cheap stack type like span.


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