An Allocator-Aware inplace_vector

Document #: P3160R2
Date: 2024-10-14 20:04 EDT
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Pablo Halpern
Arthur O’Dwyer

1 Abstract

The inplace_vector proposal, [P0843R14], was accepted into the working paper without allocator support. We propose that inplace_vector should have allocator support and explores the pros and cons of adding such support directly into inplace_vector vs. into a separate basic_inplace_vector class template. In addition to providing an updated interface for inplace_vector, this paper proposes that std::allocator should be freestanding, so as allow its use as the default allocator type, consistent with other containers.

2 History

New Information

LEWG discussed this paper in March 2024 at the Tokyo WG21 meeting. The room was roughly evenly split as to whether to pursue this paper further. SG14 (Low-latency Study Group) discussed this paper in their June 12, 2024 telecon to gage support for the use an allocator-aware inplace_vector in low-latency applications. A number of attendees voiced support for being able to have fine-grained memory control for allocator-aware objects stored within an inplace_vector whether or not they would use such a facility; most of the attendees did not object to adding allocator support to inplace_vector, provided it did not compromise its being freestanding. One poll was taken:

SG14 Poll: If the embeded issues can be solved, would you be OK with adding the allocator template parameter to inplace vector?

6 8 1 3 0




3 Motivation

3.1 Some short examples

Consider an inplace_vector containing at most 10 short strings:

std::inplace_vector<std::string, 10> vec;


The code above would not allocate memory in most implementations because the strings stored in the inplace_vector fit within the small-string optimization. This non-allocating container is a key motivation for inplace_vector. But what if, every once in a while, a larger string needs to be stored in the vector?

vec.emplace_back("A longer string that does not fit in the SSO buffer");

To handle this possibility without accessing the heap, the programmer switches to pmr::string and sets aside a buffer that can hold the contents of larger strings:

char buffer[1024];
std::pmr::monotonic_buffer_resource mr(buffer, 1034);
std::inplace_vector<std::pmr::string, 10> vec;

vec.emplace_back("hello", &mr);
vec.emplace_back("bye", &mr);
vec.emplace_back("A longer string that does not fit in the SSO buffer", &mr);

Again, no heap accesses occur, but the code is brittle; it lacks abstraction by exposing the allocator at every push_back instead of relying on the usual invariant that all elements of the vector have the same allocator.

Consider what would happen if this code were in a generic function, where vec is a template parameter. The memory resource would not likely be available, nor could the generic code easily determine, for a given type of vec, whether an allocator should be passed to push_back. For example, if vec were created by make_obj_using_allocator, the result would likely not be what is expected:

pmr::polymorphic_allocator<> alloc{ &mr };
using V = std::inplace_vector<std::pmr::string, 10>;
auto vec = std::make_obj_using_allocator<V>(alloc, { "hello", "bye" });
assert(vec[0].get_allocator() == alloc);  // FAILS

Even though an allocator is supplied, it is not used to construct the pmr::string objects within the resulting inplace_vector object because inplace_vector does not have the necessary hooks for make_obj_using_allocator to recognize it as being allocator aware. Note that, although this example and the ones that follow use pmr::polymorphic_allocator, the same issues would apply to any scoped allocator.

A similar problem occurs if inplace_vector is used within an allocator-aware container:

std::pmr::vector<V> vo(alloc);

vo.emplace_back({ "hello" });
assert(vo.back()[0]->get_allocator() == alloc);  // FAILS

Again, inplace_vector lacks the hooks needed to maintain the invariant that all parts of the outer vector use the same allocator.

3.2 General Motivation for Allocator-Aware Types

Note: The text below is borrowed nearly verbatim from [P3002R1], which proposes a general policy for when types should use allocators.

In short, four principles underlie this policy proposal.

  1. The Standard Library should be general and flexible. The user of a library class should have control, to the greatest extent possible, over how memory is allocated.

  2. The Standard Library should be consistent. The use of allocators should be consistent with the existing allocator-aware classes and class templates, especially those in the containers library.

  3. The parts of the Standard Library should work together. If one part of the library gives the user control over memory allocation but another part does not, then the second part undermines the utility of the first.

  4. The Standard Library should encapsulate complexity. The generic application of allocators with maximum flexibility is potentially complex and is best left to the experts implementing the Standard Library. Users can choose their own subset of desirable allocator behavior only if the underlying Library classes allow them to choose their preferred approach, whether it be stateless allocators, statically typed allocators, polymorphic allocators, or no allocators.

4 Proposal Summary

The proposal offered here includes changes to inplace_vector (24.3.14 [inplace.vector]1), adding allocator support.

Because inplace_vector is intended to available in a freestanding implementation, any use of std::allocator by inplace_vector must also be available in a freestanding implementation. Thus, there are changes proposed to allocator (20.2.10 [default.allocator]), making it freestanding, but see Alternatives Considered and [P3295R1] for other ways to tackle this issue.

4.1 Adding allocator support to inplace_vector

This paper makes inplace_vector an allocator-aware container as described in [container.alloc.reqmts] and as specified below.

template <class T, size_t N, class Allocator = allocator<T>>
class inplace_vector; // partially freestanding

namespace pmr
  template <class T, size_t N>
  using inplace_vector = std::inplace_vector<T, N, polymorphic_allocator<T>>;
using allocator_type = Allocator;

constexpr allocator_type get_allocator() const;
constexpr inplace_vector() noexcept;
constexpr explicit inplace_vector(const allocator_type& a) noexcept;
constexpr explicit inplace_vector(size_type n);                                      // freestanding-deleted
constexpr inplace_vector(size_type n, const allocator_type& a);                      // freestanding-deleted
constexpr inplace_vector(size_type n, const T& value, const allocator_type& a = {}); // freestanding-deleted
// etc..

4.2 Making allocator Freestanding

The inplace_vector class template is partially freestanding. Using allocator<T> as the default allocator for inplace_vector presents a problem, then, unless allocator is also (fully or partially) freestanding. The parts of allocator that cannot be freestanding are the allocate and deallocate member functions, since they allocate memory from a runtime heap that is not guaranteed to exist in freestanding implementations, and since allocate may throw.

Fortunately, inplace_vector never calls allocate or deallocate, and allocator_traits<allocator<T>>::construct and allocator_traits<allocator<T>>::destroy, which are called, are already freestanding. Theoretically, then, allocator could be partially freestanding, with allocate and deallocate being freestanding-deleted, but then, std::allocator<T> wouldn’t meet the requirements of an allocator anymore. Rather than modify those requirements, we declare allocate and deallocate as consteval for freestanding implementations. That way, they are available for constexpr applications and retain conformance with the allocator requirements, but are not available at runtime in the freestanding environment.

The changes proposed here are harmonious with Ben Craig’s [P3295R1], which proposes that a number of standard library facilities, including the default allocator (std::allocator) be available in a freestanding implementation, but only in a consteval context.

5 Design Decisions for Discussion

5.1 Uses-allocator construction vs. Allocator::construct/destroy

For wrapper types such as tuple<T>, an allocator passed to the constructor is passed through to the wrapped T object via uses-allocator construction ( []), regardless of whether the allocator is a scoped allocator. The rationale for this design is that, since the tuple does not itself allocate memory, passing in an allocator that is compatible with T but which is not passed to the wrapped T object makes no sense. The same logic applies to the basic_optional and basic_variant templates proposed in [P2047R7] and [P3153R0], respectively.

On the other hand, the requirements on an allocator-aware container in [container.alloc.reqmts] indicate that elements should always be constructed using allocator_traits<Allocator>::construct and destroyed using allocator_traits<Allocator>::construct. A nonintuitive downside of following this convention for inplace_vector is that an allocator not having a special construct method would effectively be ignored (but might take up space in the object footprint). This would be the case for most non-scoped allocators:

template <class T>
struct NonScopedAlloc
  using value_type = T;


  value_type* allocate(std::size_t);
  void deallocate(value_type*, std::size_t);

  // `construct` and `destroy` are not declared

using MyString = std::string<char, std::char_traits<char>, NonScopedAlloc<char>>;

void f1()
  NonScopedAlloc a{ ... };
  inplace_vector<MyString, NonScopedAlloc<MyString>> v(a, { "x", "y" });
  assert(v[0].get_allocator() != a);  // Allocator `a` was not used

Despite this unintuitive behavior, the main benefits of using construct and destroy is that the existing wording in [] applies unchanged, including the definitions of Cpp17DefaultInsertable, Cpp17MoveInsertable, Cpp17CopyInsertable, Cpp17EmplaceConstructible, and Cpp17Erasable. Moreover, inplace_vector could, in most cases, be used as a drop-in replacement for vector, or vice-versa, as needs change.

For most scoped allocators, including pmr::polymorphic_allocator and scoped_allocator_adaptor<A>, the two designs are equivalent. If a scoped allocator uses different allocation mechanisms at different nesting levels (e.g., scoped_allocator_adaptor<A1, A2>), however uses-allocator construction will pass A1 to T’s constructor (ignoring A2) whereas construct will pass either A1 or A2 to T, depending on the definition of A1::construct. It is possible to make either design behave more-or-less like the other by employing scoped_allocator_adaptor<Allocator>.

The choice between these two designs also affects the behavior of swap, as discussed next.

5.2 Behavior of move assignment and swap

For all the other allocator-aware containers, move assignment and swap do not touch the elements of the containers; they simply change ownership of them. This behavior is not available for inplace_vector, as it’s not possible to transfer ownership of elements that are not on the heap. There is a known issue with the absence of a swap specification in inplace_vector (see LWG4151), but there are potentially new issues with move assignment and swap in allocator-aware inplace_vector.

For two inplace_vectors, a and b, A typical implementation of a.swap(b) would be

  1. Possibly swap their allocators (see below).
  2. Perform an element-wise swap of the first n elements of a and b, where n is the smaller of a.size() and b.size().
  3. Move-construct the remaining elements from the larger inplace_vector to the smaller one.
  4. Destroy the moved-from elements.
  5. Adjust the size of each container (so that their initial sizes are swapped).

For an Allocator type for which propagate_on_container_swap (POCS) is false_type, there are no new issues; the allocators are not swapped and the precondition on swap devolves to the preconditions on the T’s swap as well as the preconditions on move construction mediated by the allocator.

For an Allocator type for which POCS is true_type, the allocators are swapped, so if a.construct is used to construct elements of inplace_vector, x, then when a.destroy is eventually called on those elements, the value of a might have changed via swap (or via an assignment, if POCMA and/or POCCA are true_type). For the vast majority of allocators, this apparent mismatch will make no difference, but it is possible to create a situation where it is UB if, for example, construct and destroy track the address of their arguments.

There are a number of design options that could resolve this question:

  1. Choose the uses-allocator construction design rather than Allocator::construct/destroy design, as described above to construct new elements, thus eliminating the opportunity for a mismatch. The simplification of the swap specification by itself, however, is not sufficient reason to make this design choice, as the issue is likely to come up again in the context of small_vector (or whatever it is eventually called), which will almost certainly use construct/destroy.

  2. Leave the problem to the allocator. If an allocator provides both construct and destroy, and if each call to the latter must be matched up with a call to the former on the same object, and if that allocator defines POCS to true_type, then it is up to the allocator author to document this fact and let users know not to swap two inplace_vector instances using different values of that allocator. This is Pablo’s preferred resolution for the construct/destroy design.

  3. If POCS is true, make it a precondition that the allocators of a and b compare equal. This is Arthur’s preferred resolution. The benefit of this approach is that it is easy to test, within inplace_vector itself, that the precondition holds (whereas the previous approach pushes that concern to the allocator). The disadvantage is that POCS is often chosen specifically to enable swapping containers with unequal allocators, an intention that would be thwarted by this resolution.

  4. Add new traits and/or member functions to allocator_traits. For example, an allocator_traits::swap_elements could call an Allocator::swap_elements that correctly patches up the allocator’s data structure for the mismatched construct/destroy pair or an allow_mistmatched_destroy trait could be added to determine whether the equal-allocators precondition must hold (where the trait would default to true if the allocator does not provide its own destroy member). This design space has not been explored and is not proposed here.

The wording in this paper uses resolution 1 for this revision.

6 Alternatives Considered

Several alternative designs for an allocator-aware inplace_vector have been considered and discarded; see [P3160R1]. Only the ones still in play are described here.

6.1 Using void instead of std::allocator<T> for the default allocator

This design would have two declarations:

template <class T, size_t N, class Allocator = void> class inplace_vector;
template <class T, size_t N> class inplace_vector<void>;

The partial specialization for the void allocator would be identical (except for the extra template parameter) to the inplace_vector currently in the WP. It would not be an allocator-aware type; i.e., it would not have allocator_type or get_allocator() members. For non-void allocators, the full interface described in this paper would be available.



6.2 basic_inplace_vector<class T, size_t N, class Alloc = std::allocator<T>>

This approach defines a separate template, basic_inplace_vector, that is the same as the proposed allocator-aware inplace_vector but without affecting the interface of inplace_vector currently in the WP.



7 Performance and Compile-Time Costs

Experiments have shown that the proposed interface can be implemented with no runtime cost and negligible compile-time costs when allocators are not used. See [P3160R1].

8 Implementation Experience

Pablo Halpern’s implementation of this proposal is available at

Arthur O’Dwyer’s implementation using the construct/destroy design is available at

Neither implementation includes the freestanding changes to allocator.

9 Wording

All wording is relative to the July 2024 working paper, [N4986].

construct/destroy Wording: The wording below assumes the uses-allocator design. Wording changes needed for the construct/destroy design are called out in construct/destroy Wording boxes like this one. Where the authors disagreed, both potential wording changes are presented.

9.1 Feature-test macros

In 17.3.2 [version.syn], add a feature test macro for freestanding allocator. The date, 20XXXXL, should be replaced by the year and month that each feature was adopted.

#define __cpp_lib_allocator 20XXXXL // also in <memory>
#define __cpp_lib_freestanding_allocator 20XXXXL // freestanding, also in <memory>

The first macro indicates that the entirety of the allocator interface is supported, whereas the second macro indicates that at least all of the freestanding features are supported. In this case the minimal freestanding features are that allocate and deallocate are available in a constexpr context whereas the full feature set includes runtime support.

Also, update the version date for inplace_vector

#define __cpp_lib_inplace_vector 202406L20XXXXL // also in <inplace_vector>

There is an existing issue whereby there was no feature-test macro for the minimal freestanding subset of inplace_vector (issue number TBD). The following would correct this issue. Note that if the issue is corrected prior to adopting this paper, that the date value should still be updated:

#define __cpp_lib_freestanding_inplace_vector 20XXXXL // freestanding, also in <inplace_vector>

9.2 Changes to std::allocator

Make the following addition to 20.2.2 [memory.syn].

// 20.2.10, the default allocator
template<class T> class allocator; // partially freestanding
template<class T, class U>
   constexpr bool operator==(const allocator<T>&, const allocator<U>&) noexcept; // freestanding

Make the following additions to 20.2.10 [default.allocator].

    namespace std {
      template<class T> class allocator {
        using value_type                             = T;

        using size_type                              = size_t;
        using difference_type                        = ptrdiff_t;
        using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = true_type;

        constexpr allocator() noexcept;
        constexpr allocator(const allocator&) noexcept;
        template<class U> constexpr allocator(const allocator<U>&) noexcept;
        constexpr ~allocator();
        constexpr allocator& operator=(const allocator&) = default;
        [[nodiscard]] constexpr T* allocate(size_t n); // Note 1
        [[nodiscard]] constexpr allocation_result<T*> allocate_at_least(size_t n); // Note 1
        constexpr void deallocate(T* p, size_t n); // Note 1

Note 1: For a freestanding implementation, it is implementation-defined whether allocate, allocate_at_least, and deallocate are consteval rather than constexpr.

9.3 Changes to Allocator-aware Container Requirements

Make the following changes to [container.alloc.reqmts].

Except for array and inplace_vector, all of the containers defined in Clause 24, 19.6.4, 23.4.3, and 32.9 meet the additional requirements of an allocator-aware container, as described below.

Given an allocator type A and given a container type X having a value_type identical to T and an allocator_type identical to allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<T> and given an lvalue m of type A, a pointer p of type T*, an expression v that denotes an lvalue of type T or const T or an rvalue of type const T, and an rvalue rv of type T, the following terms are defined. If X is a specialization of inplace_vector, the terms below are defined as though A were scoped_allocator_adaptor<allocator<T>, allocator_type>. If X is not allocator-aware or is a specialization of basic_string, the terms below are defined as if A were allocator<T> — no allocator object needs to be created and user specializations of allocator<T> are not instantiated:

construct/destroy Wording: Omit the addition (“If X is a specialization…”), above, if the construct/destroy design is chosen.

In the same section ( [container.alloc.reqmts]), also change Note 2:

[Note 2: A container calls allocator_traits<A>::construct(m, p, args) to construct an element at p using args, with m == get_allocator() (or m == A(allocator<T>(), get_allocator()) in the case of inplace_vector). The default construct in allocator will call ::new((void*)p) T(args), but specialized allocators can choose a different definition. — end note]

construct/destroy Wording: Omit the changes to Note 2 if the construct/destroy design is chosen.

In the same section, update the complexity clauses of move construction and swap for allocator-aware containers as follows:

X u(rv);

Postconditions: u has the same elements as rv had before this construction; the value of u.get_allocator() is the same as the value of rv.get_allocator() before this construction.

Complexity: ConstantLinear for inplace_vector; constant for all other allocator-aware standard containers.

X u(rv, m);

Preconditions: T is Cpp17MoveInsertable into X.

Postconditions: u has the same elements, or copies of the elements, that rv had before this construction, u.get_allocator() == m.

Complexity: ConstantLinear for inplace_vector; constant for all other allocator-aware standard containers if m == rv.get_allocator(), otherwise linear.


Result: void

Effects: Exchanges the contents of a and b.

Complexity: ConstantLinear for inplace_vector; constant for all other allocator-aware standard containers.

9.4 Changes to inplace_vector

9.4.1 Changes to Header Synopsis (24.3.7 [inplace.vector.syn])

Update 24.3.7 [inplace.vector.syn] as follows.

24.3.7 Header <inplace_vector> synopsis [inplace.vector.syn]

construct/destroy Wording: For the construct/destroy design, replace all instances of is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v with is-nothrow-allocator-constructible-v (Pablo’s preference) or see below (Arthur’s preference) throughout the wording. See Changes to Overview, below, for more detail on this design choice.
// mostly freestanding
#include <compare> // see 17.11.1
#include <initializer_list> // see 17.10.2

namespace std {

    // exposition-only type traits
    template<class T, class A, class... X>
        constexpr bool is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v = see below; // exposition only

    // 24.3.14, class template inplace_vector
    template<class T, size_t N, class Allocator = allocator<T>>
        class inplace_vector; // partially freestanding

    //, erasure
    template<class T, size_t N, class A, class U>
        constexpr typename inplace_vector<T, N, A>::size_type
            erase(inplace_vector<T, N, A>& c, const U& value);
    template<class T, size_t N, class A, class Predicate>
        constexpr typename inplace_vector<T, N, A>::size_type
            erase_if(inplace_vector<T, N, A>& c, Predicate pred);
namespace pmr {
    template<class T, size_t N>
        using inplace_vector = std::inplace_vector<T, N, polymorphic_allocator<T>>;

9.4.2 Changes to Overview ( [inplace.vector.overview])

Update [inplace.vector.overview] as follows:

An inplace_vector is a contiguous container. Its capacity is fixed and its elements are stored within the inplace_vector object itself. [Note: inplace_vector uses its allocator only to construct and destroy allocator-aware elements; it does not directly invoke the allocator’s allocate or deallocate members. — end note]

An inplace_vector meets all of the requirements of a container (, of a reversible container (, of an allocator-aware container ( [container.alloc.reqmts]), of a contiguous container, and of a sequence container, including most of the optional sequence container requirements (24.2.4). The exceptions are the push_front, prepend_range, pop_front, and emplace_front member functions, which are not provided. Descriptions are provided here only for operations on inplace_vector that are not described in one of these tables or for operations where there is additional semantic information.

For any N and A, inplace_vector<T, N, A>::iterator and inplace_vector<T, N, A>::const_iterator meet the constexpr iterator requirements.

For any N > 0, if is_trivial_v<T> is false, then no inplace_vector<T, N, A> member functions are usable in constant expressions.

Any member function of inplace_vector<T, N, A> that would cause the size to exceed N throws an exception of type bad_alloc.

For the purpose of this overview, a specialization of std::allocator is treated as being trivial, trivially default constructible, trivially copyable, trivially movable, and trivially destructible. [Note: for implementations having non-trivial special member functions in allocator, inplace_vector might not store a allocator object, but could use a new, value-initialized object each time a allocator object is required — end note]

Let IV denote a specialization of inplace_vector<T, N, A>. If N is zero and is_empty_v<A> is true, then IV is both trivial and empty. If N is zero and is_trivial_v<A> is true, then IV is trivial. Otherwise:

  • If is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> && is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<A> is true, and if A::select_on_container_copy_construction does not exist, then IV has a trivial copy constructor.
  • If is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T> && is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<A> is true, then IV has a trivial move constructor.
  • If is_trivially_destructible_v<T> is true, then:
  • If is_trivially_destructible_v<A> is true, then IV has a trivial destructor.
  • If is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> && is_trivially_copy_assignable_v<T> && is_trivially_copy_assignable_v<A> && (allocator_traits<A>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value || allocator_traits<A>::is_always_equal::value) is true, then IV has a trivial copy assignment operator.
  • If is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T> && is_trivially_move_assignable_v<T> && is_trivially_move_assignable_v<A> && (allocator_traits<A>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value || allocator_traits<A>::is_always_equal::value) is true, then IV has a trivial move assignment operator.

The exposition-only trait is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, A, X...> is true if uses-allocator construction with allocator of type A and constructor arguments of types specified by X... (see []) is known to be a non-throwing operation. [Note: This trait can be implemented by instantiating is_nothrow_constructible_v<T, Y...>, where Y... is the set of tuple arguments deduced by uses_allocator_construction_args. — end note]

construct/destroy Wording (Pablo’s preference): Replace the definition of is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v, above, with the definition of is-nothrow-allocator-constructible-v for the construct/destroy design:

The exposition-only trait is-nothrow-allocator-constructible-v<T, A, X...> is equivalent to noexcept(A::construct(declval<A&>(), declval<T*>(), declval<X>()...)) if A::construct exists and is_nothrow_constructible_v<T, X...> otherwise. [Note: if A::construct does not exist, the allocator type is used to construct objects and is thus effectively ignored by inplace_vector. — end note]

construct/destroy Wording (Arthur’s preference): Remove the definition of is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v, above, entirely. Replace each use in an exception specification with see below. The exception specification will then be described per-operation for the case where Allocator is std::allocator and left unspecified otherwise.

For the move and allocator-extended move constructors, add:

Remarks: If allocator_type is allocator<value_type>, the exception specification is equivalent to N == 0 || is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<value_type>; otherwise, the exception specification is unspecified.

For the move-assignment operator, add:

Remarks: If allocator_type is allocator<value_type>, the exception specification is equivalent to N == 0 || is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<value_type> && is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<value_type>; otherwise, the exception specification is unspecified.

For the swap member function, add:

Remarks: If allocator_type is allocator<value_type>, the exception specification is equivalent to N == 0 || is_nothrow_swappable_v<value_type> && is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<value_type>; otherwise, the exception specification is unspecified.

Add an Allocator parameter to the definition of inplace_vector.

namespace std {
    template<class T, size_t N, class Allocator = allocator<T>>
    class inplace_vector {
         // types
         using value_type = T;
         using allocator_type = Allocator;
         using pointer = T*;
         using const_pointer = const T*;
         using reference = value_type&;
         using const_reference = const value_type&;
         using size_type = size_t;
         using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
LWG Issue: unlike other allocator-aware containers, the size_type, difference_type, pointer, and const_pointer types are not aliases for the corresponding allocator_traits types. The size_type and difference_type types are specified by the standard to be types that can represent the distance between two iterators. Not being stored in allocated memory, the integral type that can represent the distance between elements in an inplace_vector is unrelated to the allocator. The meaning and intended use of pointer and const_pointer is not specified anywhere in the standard, so it is not clear whether it should be consistent with the allocator or consistent with the (raw) element storage. The definitions above are consistent with raw element storage, like size_type and difference_type, and is also consistent with the current use of pointer as the return type for try_emplace_back and try_push_back. Arthur believes that pointer should, instead be an alias for allocator_traits::pointer. If LWG decides that the intended meaning of pointer matches Arthur’s understanding, then try_emplace_back and try_push_back should be changed to return T* instead of pointer. See Arthur’s blog post for a good treatment of when fancy pointers are useful (though it doesn’t argue one way or another on this particular issue).

And add allocator-aware constructors and get_allocator:

Drafting Note: The use of type_identity_t<Allocator> for the allocator-extended copy and move constructors is consistent with the other STL containers. CTAD needs it in order to handle allocator-argument deduction from memory_resource*, as in the case of pmr::inplace_vector<X ,10> v; pmr::unsynchronized_pool_resource mr; auto w = inplace_vector(v, &mr);

//, construct/copy/destroy
constexpr inplace_vector() noexcept(noexcept(Allocator()) : inplace_vector(Allocator()) {};
explicit constexpr inplace_vector(const Allocator&) noexcept;
constexpr explicit inplace_vector(size_type n, const Allocator& = Allocator()); // freestanding-deleted
constexpr inplace_vector(size_type n, const T& value, const Allocator& = Allocator()); // freestanding-deleted
template<class InputIterator>
    constexpr inplace_vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                                    const Allocator& = Allocator()); // freestanding-deleted
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
    constexpr inplace_vector(from_range_t, R&& rg, const Allocator& = Allocator()); // freestanding-deleted
constexpr inplace_vector(const inplace_vector&);
constexpr inplace_vector(const inplace_vector&, const type_identity_t<Allocator>&);
constexpr inplace_vector(inplace_vector&&)
    noexcept(N == 0 || is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>)
    noexcept(N == 0 || is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, Allocator, T&&>);
constexpr inplace_vector(inplace_vector&&, const type_identity_t<Allocator>&)
    noexcept(N == 0 || is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, Allocator, T&&>);
constexpr inplace_vector(initializer_list<T> il, const Allocator& = Allocator()); // freestanding-deleted
constexpr ~inplace_vector();
constexpr inplace_vector& operator=(const inplace_vector& other);
constexpr inplace_vector& operator=(inplace_vector&& other)
    noexcept(N == 0 || (is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<T> &&
                                         is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, Allocator, T&&>));
constexpr inplace_vector& operator=(initializer_list<T>); // freestanding-deleted
template<class InputIterator>
    constexpr void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last); // freestanding-deleted
template<container-compatible-range<T> R>
    constexpr void assign_range(R&& rg); // freestanding-deleted
constexpr void assign(size_type n, const T& u); // freestanding-deleted
constexpr void assign(initializer_list<T> il); // freestanding-deleted
constexpr allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;

Also update the noexcept clause for the swap member function

constexpr void swap(inplace_vector& x)
    noexcept(N == 0 || (is_nothrow_swappable_v<T> &&
                                         is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, Allocator, T&&>));

and the swap hidden-friend function.

constexpr friend void swap(inplace_vector& x, inplace_vector& y)
    noexcept(N == 0 || (is_nothrow_swappable_v<T> &&
    { x.swap(y); }

9.4.3 Changes to Constructors and Assignment Operators ( [inplace.vector.cons])

Update the Constructors section as follows. Constructors and assignment operators [inplace.vector.cons]

constexpr explicit inplace_vector(size_type n, const Allocator& = Allocator());

Preconditions: T is Cpp17DefaultInsertable into *this.

Effects: Constructs an inplace_vector with n default-inserted elements using the specified allocator.

Complexity: Linear in n.

constexpr inplace_vector(size_type n, const T& value, const Allocator& = Allocator());

Preconditions: T is Cpp17CopyInsertable into *this.

Effects: Constructs an inplace_vector with n copies of value using the specified allocator.

Complexity: Linear in n.

template<class InputIterator>
    constexpr inplace_vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Allocator& = Allocator());

Effects: Constructs an inplace_vector equal to the range [first, last) using the specified allocator.

Complexity: Linear in distance(first, last).

template<container-compatible-range <T> R>
    constexpr inplace_vector(from_range_t, R&& rg, const Allocator& = Allocator());

Effects: Constructs an inplace_vector object with the elements of the range rg using the specified allocator.

Complexity: Linear in ranges::distance(rg).

constexpr inplace_vector& operator=(const inplace_vector& other);

Preconditions: T is Cpp17CopyAssignable and Cpp17CopyInsertable into inplace_vector.

Postconditions: *this == other is true.

Returns: *this.

Complexity: Linear

constexpr inplace_vector& operator=(inplace_vector&& other)
    noexcept(N == 0 || (is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<T> &&
                                         is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, Allocator, T&&>));

Preconditions: T is Cpp17MoveAssignable and Cpp17MoveInsertable into inplace_vector.

Effects: All existing elements of *this are either move assigned to or destroyed.

Returns: *this.

Postconditions: If *this and other do not refer to the same object, *this is equal to the value that other had before this assignment.

Complexity: Linear

uses-allocator Wording: The above definitions for the assignment operators can be removed for the uses-allocator design because they don’t add much to the descriptions allocator-aware container requirements.

construct/destroy Wording: This wording is for resolution 2 (Pablo’s preference) described in the Behavior of move assignment and swap section, above. Add Remarks clauses for the assignment operators.

For the copy-assignment operator, add:

Remarks: If allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value is true, then, after the allocator is assigned, allocator_traits<allocator_type>::destroy might be invoked with an allocator having a different value than when allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct was invoked on a some element. This construct-assign-destroy sequence is well defined for all allocator types in the standard library. [Note: No object is ever deallocated from an allocator having a different value than that from which it was allocated. — end note]

For the move-assignment operator, add:

Remarks: If allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value is true, then, after the allocator is assigned, allocator_traits<allocator_type>::destroy might be invoked with an allocator having a different value than when allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct was invoked on a some element. This construct-assign-destroy sequence is well defined for all allocator types in the standard library. [Note: No object is ever deallocated from an allocator having a different value than that from which it was allocated. — end note]

Drafting note: The Remarks clauses, above, as well as the one for swap, below, are essentially the same. It might be better to centralize some or all of the text.

construct/destroy Wording: This wording is for resolution 3 (Arthur’s preference) described in the Behavior of move assignment and swap section, above. Extend the Preconditions clauses for the assignment operators.

For the copy-assignment operator, modify the Preconditions as follows.

Preconditions: T is Cpp17CopyAssignable and Cpp17CopyInsertable into inplace_vector. If allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value is true, then other.get_allocator() == this->get_allocator() is true.

For the move-assignment operator, modify the Preconditions as follows.

Preconditions: T is Cpp17MoveAssignable and Cpp17MoveInsertable into inplace_vector. If allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value is true, then other.get_allocator() == this->get_allocator() is true.

9.4.4 Changes to inplace_vector::swap (in [inplace.vector.modifiers])

Add the definition of swap to the end of [inplace.vector.modifiers].

constexpr void swap(inplace_vector& x)
    noexcept(N == 0 || (is_nothrow_swappable_v<T> &&
                                         is-nothrow-ua-constructible-v<T, Allocator, T&&>));

Preconditions: Let M be min(size(), x.size()). For each non-negative integer n < M, (*this)[n] is swappable with x[n] ( [swappable.requirements]).

Effects: Exchanges the contents of *this and x.

Complexity: Linear

construct/destroy Wording: This wording is for resolution 2 (Pablo’s preference) described in the Behavior of move assignment and swap section, above: Add the following Remarks for the construct/destroy design.

Remarks: If allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_swap::value is true, then, after the allocators are swapped, allocator_traits<allocator_type>::destroy might be invoked with an allocator having a different value than when allocator_traits<allocator_type>::construct was invoked on a some elements of both inplace_vectors. This construct-swap-destroy sequence is well defined for all allocator types in the standard library. [Note: No object is ever deallocated from an allocator having a different value than that from which it was allocated. — end note]

construct/destroy Wording: This wording is for resolution 3 (Arthur’s preference) described in the Behavior of move assignment and swap section, above: Change the Preconditions for swap for the construct/destroy design as follows.

Preconditions: Let M be min(size(), x.size()). For each non-negative integer n < M, (*this)[n] is swappable with x[n] ( [swappable.requirements]). If allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_swap::value is true, then other.get_allocator() == this->get_allocator() is true.

9.4.5 Changes to Erasure ( [inplace.vector.erasure])

Add the allocator parameter to the erase non-member functions in [inplace.vector.erasure]: Erasure [inplace.vector.erasure]

template<class T, size_t N, class A, class U = T>
    constexpr size_t erase(inplace_vector<T, N>& c, const U& value);

Effects: Equivalent to:

auto it = remove(c.begin(), c.end(), value);
auto r = distance(it, c.end());
c.erase(it, c.end());
return r;
template<class T, size_t N, class A, class Predicate>
    constexpr size_t erase_if(inplace_vector<T, N>& c, Predicate pred);

Effects: Equivalent to:

auto it = remove_if(c.begin(), c.end(), pred);
auto r = distance(it, c.end());
c.erase(it, c.end());

10 Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank each other for a congenial working relationship whereby issues could be raised and addressed, and disagreements presented fairly within this paper.

Thanks to SG14 for helping me identify the key requirements of inplace_vector in embedded environments.

Thanks to Ben Craig for his work on freestanding allocator, which I’ve excerpted in this paper.

11 References

[N4986] Thomas Köppe. 2024-07-16. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++.
[P0843R14] Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi, Timur Doumler, Nevin Liber, David Sankel. 2024-06-26. inplace_vector.
[P2047R7] Nina Ranns, Pablo Halpern Ville Voutilainen. 2024-02-15. An allocator-aware optional type.
[P3002R1] Pablo Halpern. 2024-02-15. Policies for Using Allocators in New Library Classes.
[P3153R0] Nina Ranns, Pablo Halpern, Ville Voutilainen. 2024-02-15. An allocator-aware variant type.
[P3160R1] Pablo Halpern. 2024-03-09. An allocator-aware `inplace_vector`.
[P3295R1] Ben Craig. 2024-09-15. Freestanding constexpr containers and constexpr exception types.

  1. All citations to the Standard are to working draft N4986 unless otherwise specified.↩︎