Extending Conditionally Borrowed

Document #: P3117R0
Date: 2024-02-05
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: SG-9
Reply-to: Zach Laine
Barry Revzin

1 Changelog

Initial revision.

2 Motivation

In [P2017R1], we made some range adaptors conditionally borrowed. But we didn’t touch adaptors that had callables - like views::transform. It turns out to be very useful to have a borrowable version of views::transform. Indeed, P2728R6 even adds a dedicated new range adaptor (views::project) which is simply a version of views::transform that can be borrowed (because its callable must be a constant).

But rather than add a dedicated view for this specific case, which requires a new name but really only helps views::transform, we can generalize views::transform to address the use-case in a way that would also help all the other range adaptors that take callables. At the very least, in views::transform(r, f) if r is borrowed and f is empty, an implementation can simply put f in the transform_view<R, F>::iterator directly (rather than a transform_view<R, F> *) which would allow it to be borrowed. The same could be said for other range adaptors that take callables as well, which seems like a more useful approach as well as not requiring new names for every adaptor.

The main question then is what the criteria should be for when transform_view<R, F> should be a borrowed range (when R is):

This question is a little simpler for views::transform (which only needs to potentially store f in the adapted iterator) than it is for views::filter (which would need not only the predicate but also the underlying sentinel, so this may not be worthwhile). This would need to be carefully considered.

3 Why care about borrowed_range?

borrowed_range is important because it allows the standard range adaptors and views to know that a particular view is a proper view – that is, a reference type, not an expensive-to-copy type like a std::vector<int>. Certain views refuse to work with non-borrowed_range ranges, because the result might dangle. For instance, you cannot construct a subrange from a non-borrowed_range. In other cases, an rvalue range might be wrapped in a owning_view to turn it into a view, if it was not already a borrowed_range. So std::vector<int>({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) | take(3) would take the rvalue vector, wrap it in an owning_view, and the result is a non-borrowed_range that is move-only.

Here is the part of [range.range] that describes borrowed_range:

template<class T>
  concept borrowed_range =
    range<T> && (is_lvalue_reference_v<T> || enable_borrowed_range<remove_cvref_t<T>>);

4 Let U be remove_reference_t<T> if T is an rvalue reference type, and T otherwise. Given a variable u of type U, T models borrowed_range only if the validity of iterators obtained from u is not tied to the lifetime of that variable.

5 [Note 2: Since the validity of iterators is not tied to the lifetime of a variable whose type models borrowed_range, a function with a parameter of such a type can return iterators obtained from it without danger of dangling. ? end note]

To increase the interoperability of the templates in std::ranges and to avoid unnecessary wrapping, we should make as many views borrowed_ranges as is reasonable. It is probably unreasonable to do so if there is a significant cost involved. To make a view a borrowed_range means copying its state out of the view itself, and into the iterator instead.

Note that copying state to the iterator is not sufficient to guarantee borrowed-ness, though is it necessary. Most views take an existing view V and do something with it, making a new view over the existing one. For instance, transform_view<V, F> creates a view by transforming the elements of V using the invocable F.

A particular view specialization is only borrowed if it satisfies the borrowed_range concept, and V does as well. This is important, because if a view is not borrowed, no view that uses it will be either. In rng | V1 | V2 | ... | Vn, if any Vi is not borrowed, the entire resulting view is not.

4 Status quo

Currently, there are several views that are never borrowed_ranges that potentially could be. They are: transform_view, zip_transform_view, adjacent_transform_view, filter_view, take_while_view, chunk_by_view, join_view, join_with_view, split_view, lazy_split_view, and cartesian_product_view.

The status quo is also not as memory safe as it could be. Many of the views above have iterators that refer back to the view to get the end of the underlying sequence V base_. Consider this example.

auto v = /* some view containing 100 elements */;
int count = 0;
auto const last = std::ranges::end(v);
for (auto it = std::ranges::begin(v); it != last; ++it) {
    if (++count == 50) {
        v = /* new stuff, where end(v) is different */;
        // Some subsequent operations on 'it' will reach back into 'v' for some if
        // 'it' needs to know the end of the v.base_.  Even though we made a copy of
        // ranges::end(v) -- 'last' -- we are not protected.

This is unusual code to be sure, but nothing in the standard indicates that this is UB. Rather than just update the wording with preconditions that indicate the UB, we would like to copy base_.end() into the iterators of all the views above. This is a necessary step in making a view borrowable, but is probably a good idea, independent of borrowability concerns.

4.1 The easy ones

join_view is easiest of all. The only modifications it requires are to copy the view’s base_.end() into the iterator, and specialize enable_borrowed_range. join_view’s borrowability is predicated on its being a forward_range. That’s because join_view and join_with_view have these caches:

    non-propagating-cache<iterator_t<V>> outer_;            // exposition only, present only
                                                            // when !forward_range<V>
    non-propagating-cache<remove_cv_t<InnerRng>> inner_;    // exposition only, present only
                                                            // if is_reference_v<InnerRng> is false

If a join_view uses either of its two caches, it will be an input_range. So this will do the trick:

template<typename T>
  constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<join_view<T>> =
    enable_borrowed_range<T> && forward_range<join_view<T>>;

Four more views are easy to change with little impact: transform_view, zip_transform_view, adjacent_transform_view, and take_while_view. Each of these views stores its invocable in the view, and has an iterator type that contains a pointer back to the view. However, as stated in the Motivation section, if the invocable (“F f” for the first three, “Pred pred” for take_while_view, just “f” hereafter) has a size no larger than a pointer and is trivially copyable, we could just replace the iterator’s (or sentinel’s, in the case of take_while_view) back-pointer to the view with a copy a f. This would enable borrowed-ness, and also would make these views slightly more efficient by removing an indirection. We could have insisted that F be empty, and most Fs that people use with these views will be. However, since we’re already replacing a pointer, we might as well allow for a small amount of state in F. Note that since the change to the iterator/sentinel data members depends on sizeof(F), the change is statically conditional.

4.2 The low-cost ones

filter_view could get the same treatment as the easy ones above (the ones that require modification), but its iterator also needs to know where the end of the underlying view is, so the sentinel would also need to be added to the iterator. This would increase the size of the iterator by at most the size of two pointers.

chunk_by_view is mostly the same story as filter_view. However, for bidirectional specializations of the view, the iterator’s operator-- would also need the beginning of the underlying view V. This would increase the size of the iterator by at most the size of two or three pointers for forward and bidirectional views, respectively.

split_view and join_with_view each take a view V and a view Pattern to use to do the join or split, respectively. Clearly, to be borrowable V must be borrowable. If Pattern is borrowable as well, then the entire split_view/join_with_view is too. However, even if Pattern is not borrowable, if we could copy Pattern into the iterator, that would work just as well. A Pattern that is trivially copyable and no larger than sizeof(Pattern) <= sizeof(void*) * 2 is acceptable to copy, since a borrowed_range Pattern will typically be about the size of two pointers.

lazy_split_view is nearly the same story as split_view, except that it has an additional cache:

    non-propagating-cache<iterator_t<V>> current_;              // exposition only, present only
                                                                // if forward_range<V> is false

As with join_view, the cache is in use if forward_range<lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>> is false. This means its borrowability depends on V, Pattern, and forward_range<lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>>.

4.3 The other one

cartesian_product_view has an unbounded number of views it may be specialized with, so it’s probably a poor candidate for copying stuff into the iterator.

5 Proposed changes

All these changes are in std::ranges.

5.1 join_view

Change join_view::iterator to store the join_view’s base_.end() instead of a pointer to the join_view. Then, add this specialization:

template<typename T>
  constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<join_view<T>> =
    enable_borrowed_range<T> && forward_range<join_view<T>>;

5.2 Create implementation-only traits

template<typename F>
  constexpr bool tidy-func = is_trivially_copyable_v<F> && sizeof(F) <= sizeof(void*);
template<typename V>
  constexpr bool tidy-view = is_trivially_copyable_v<V> && sizeof(V) <= sizeof(void*) * 2;

tidy-func evaluates to true when an invocable is a candidate for copying into a view’s iterators. tidy-view evaluates to true when a view is a candidate for copying into a view’s iterators.

5.3 The easy ones

transform_view, zip_transform_view, adjacent_transform_view, and take_while_view all have the same kind of changes, except that take_while_view’s sentinel is changed, not its iterator. Using transform_view as an example:

In [range.transform.iterator]:

 namespace std::ranges {
   template<input_range V, move_constructible F>
     requires view<V> && is_object_v<F> &&
              regular_invocable<F&, range_reference_t<V>> &&
              can-reference<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<V>>>
   template<bool Const>
   class transform_view<V, F>::iterator {
     using Parent = maybe-const<Const, transform_view>;          // exposition only
     using Base = maybe-const<Const, V>;                         // exposition only
     iterator_t<Base> current_ = iterator_t<Base>();             // exposition only
-    Parent* parent_ = nullptr;                                  // exposition only
+    using f-access =
+      conditional_t<tidy-func<F>, movable-box<F>, Parent*>;     // exposition only
+    [[no_unique_address]] mutable f-access f_access_;           // exposition only
+    constexpr maybe-const<Const, F>& f() const                  // exposition only
+    {
+        if constexpr (tidy-func<F>)
+            return *f_access_;
+        else
+            return *f_access_->fun_;
+    }

Then, change every place that previously used parent_->fun_ to use f() instead. Then, replace the initialization of parent_ in constructors with the conditional initialization of f_access_ with parent.fun_ if tidy-func<F> is true, and addressof(parent) otherwise.

Finally, add the enable_borrowed_range specialization:

template<typename V, typename F>
  constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<transform_view<V, F>> = enable_borrowed_range<V> && tidy-func<F>;

mutable is used on f_access_ to make sure that the reference to f() is non-const. This gives the same behavior as the status quo – even when using f() in a const member function of iterator, like operator*, we still call f() as if we were doing so through a pointer back to the view.

5.4 filter_view

filter_view::iterator gets a similar change as the one for transform_view::iterator, slightly modified. The difference is that the nested type, data member, and member function look like this:

using pred-access =
  conditional_t<tidy-func<Pred>, movable-box<Pred>, filter_view*>;

[[no_unique_address]] pred-access pred_access_;

constexpr Pred& pred()
  if constexpr (tidy-func<Pred>)
    return *pred_access_;
    return *pred_access_->pred_;

Note the absence of maybe-const, or pred() const. filter_view::iterator has no const variant, and it uses its predicate exclusively within non-const member functions.

Additionally, filter_view::iterator has base_.end() from the filter_view stored in it. Again, the base_ iterator copy happens unconditionally. filter_view gets an enable_borrowed_range specialization as well:

template<typename V, typename Pred>
constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<filter_view<V, Pred>> =
    enable_borrowed_range<V> && tidy_func<Pred>;

5.5 chunk_by_view

chunk_by_view::iterator gets the same changes as filter_view::iterator, plus it also has base_.begin() from the chunk_by_view stored in it. Again, this happens unconditionally. chunk_by_view gets a enable_borrowed_range specialization as well.

5.6 lazy_split_view, split_view, and join_with_view

These three are pretty similar to each other. Instead of the iterator conditionally storing a copy of an invocable, each conditionally stores a copy of the view’s Pattern:

constexpr bool store-pattern = see below;                // exposition only

using pattern-access =
  conditional_t<store-pattern, Pattern, Parent*>;        // exposition only

// mutable is only used for join_with_view.
[[no_unique_address]] mutable pattern-access pattern_access_;    // exposition only

// maybe-const is used in join_with_view only; the others return const Pattern &.
constexpr maybe-const<Const, Pattern>& pattern() const   // exposition only
  if constexpr (store-pattern)
    return pattern_access_;
    return pattern_access_->pattern_;

store-pattern is true if the iterator is a forward_iterator and tidy-view<Pattern> is true; it is false otherwise.

The Pattern is never stored in the iterator when the whole view is an input range, since the cache in the view must be used regardless; this makes the view non-borrowable. split_view does not have such a cache, so it doesn’t use the forward_range part of the condition. Also, only join_with_view needs to use maybe-const for the return type of pattern(); the other two just return const Pattern &. This is because join_with_view produces its pattern as part of its output; the other two only read the values out of the pattern, so it makes no difference if the pattern is const or not.

Otherwise, the changes are the same as before – conditionally copy Pattern into the iterator, and unconditionally copy the view’s base_.end() into the iterator.

All three views get enable_borrowed_range specialization like this, except that the split_view one has no forward_range requirement:

template<typename V, typename Pattern>
constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>> =
    enable_borrowed_range<V> && (enable_borrowed_range<Pattern> || tidy-view<Pattern>) &&
    forward_range<lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>>;

6 Implementation experience

One of the authors implemented the changes suggested above, for all the views discussed. The implementation was done by taking the libstdc++ implementations, copying them into a new header, in a new new namespace under std::ranges, and altering them. The implementation can be found here. The header is accompanied by a test file, and a small perf test. The implementation was very straightforward.

7 Costs versus benefits

join_view has the simplest proposed change. It just gets a copy of the end-iterator for the underlying view V, and the addition of the enable_borrowed_range specialization.

Since it only adds an end iterator to join_view::iterator, it is a convenient case to test the performance impact of this change. For simple cases, like just doing a single join operation, the join_view changes had no performance impact that the authors could measure. However, the case is different when you pipe together several view adaptors.

For the chart and table below, “Old” indicates the status quo implementation; “New” indicates the implementation modified by the authors. This view was used:

auto view = subranges | views::join | views::transform(identity) | views::split(99) | views::join;

These are the first of the performance numbers; more follow below. All performance numbers were generated using Google Benchmark on a GCC 13 -O3 build. All table numbers are in nanoseconds.

Run  N
Old 46 109 835 6664 69190 595838
New 98 161 674 5314 62558 606272

The numbers are pretty terrible at small sizes of N, gradually converging as N grows. This is likely due to the large size of join_view::iterator for this deeply-nested view type; for “Old”, sizeof(view.end()) == 192, whereas for “New”, sizeof(view.end()) == 408. If this view were not a common_range, sizeof(view.end()) would be much smaller in both cases.

7.1 The other easy ones

The other easy ones seem like clear improvements. The modifications are simple, and they’re nearly identical in performance to the status quo. In these tables and charts, “old” is the status quo implementation of the view; “new” uses a version modified to be borrowable, where the invocable in use is small enough to make the view borrowable; and “fat new” is the same modified implementation as “new”, but with an invocable that does not allow the view to be borrowable.

Above we mentioned expectations for increased size of iterators. It turns out that in some cases, copying the invocable into the iterator actually decreases the size of the iterator. This is because before the change, the iterator had a pointer back to the view. If it instead contains the invocable directly, and the invocable is stored in a movable-box marked [[no_unique_address]], the compiler can just use it without storing it in some cases.

transform_view 16 8 16
zip_transform_view 24 16 24
adjacent_transform_view 24 16 24
take_while_view 8 8 8

So, there’s no size penalty for adding conditional borrowability to these four views. Here are some performance charts. After each one, we’ve listed the raw data, since the logarithmic scale makes it hard to see exact differences. Unfortunately, with a linear scale, the differences are even less comprehensible.

For each view, there are two charts. The first the result of using a very simple lambda as the callable. The second uses a pointer to a function with a body identical to the lambda.

Run  N
Old 3 10 91 927 14714 157813
New 4 13 117 1115 14711 160760
Fat New 4 12 94 946 14802 157828

Run  N
Old 11 108 1039 10343 104773 1041585
New 4 17 162 1558 15530 156805
Fat New 11 108 1037 10314 103725 1040596

Run  N
Old 4 14 119 1219 16323 172855
New 4 15 118 1128 15212 162041
Fat New 5 11 92 1196 16083 173267

Run  N
Old 13 128 1243 12410 124728 1247042
New 11 107 1037 10346 103790 1042682
Fat New 12 110 1040 10359 104147 1048073

Run  N
Old 4 12 93 1199 16199 178819
New 4 12 92 1217 15990 171407
Fat New 4 12 93 1217 15815 172544

Run  N
Old 11 109 1054 10340 104192 1044660
New 11 109 1039 10399 104172 1045590
Fat New 10 107 1036 10321 103684 1040870

Run  N
Old 3 18 174 1711 17337 175469
New 3 18 176 1705 17180 175326
Fat New 3 18 177 1698 17295 176765

The take-away here is that changing these four views yields a negligible impact on performance for the lambda case, and modest to dramatic improvements in the function pointer case. In particular, take_while_view produces performance numbers that are so similar to the status quo that the lines completely overlap. Where the numbers differ only slightly, the new implementations are slightly better for most sizes of input.

7.2 The low-cost ones

The low-cost ones are more of a mixed bag than the easy ones. Let’s first look at filter_view and chunk_by_view. We’ll look at the others together, since they are more like each other than these two.

Let’s look at sizes. As before, the size penalty is sometimes less, when the invocable is small. Unlike before, there is a size penalty here when the invocable does not fit. That’s mainly because we also copied base_.end() (from the view’s V base_) into the iterator.

filter_view 16 16 24
chunk_by_view 24 32 40

Run  N
Old 9 93 988 28475 324653 3280019
New 11 104 1386 34734 386109 3865245
Fat New 12 111 1099 29161 327035 3335268

Run  N
Old 16 179 2381 41636 437130 4367355
New 6 157 2124 34282 360168 3611216
Fat New 13 152 2179 37559 388305 3883130

Run  N
Old 23 216 2376 42229 438928 4424799
New 16 150 1528 33707 367695 3729119
Fat New 16 160 1526 35283 365044 3703705

Run  N
Old 26 266 3331 45865 469879 4718487
New 20 262 3132 43524 452269 4514382
Fat New 19 231 2952 42788 443756 4395832

As you can see, there is a small but significant performance penalty for filter_view. For chunk_view, however, making it borrowable is a significant perf boost, even if the invocable is too large to get stashed in the iterator. This means that simply having base_.end() in the iterator is beneficial. Who knew?

7.2.1 The multi-view low-cost views

These views are together because they are similar to each other in the data they operate on. Each one takes a view V like any other view, but also another view Pattern, that is used to do the split or join. The range adaptor for each of these views also accepts a single element instead of the pattern, from which it will construct a single_view from that element.

In the tables below, “old” is an iterator from the status quo implementation; “new” is an iterator from a view with a ranges::subrange given for Pattern; “new single” is an iterator from a view with a single element (in the form of a single_view given for Pattern; and “fat new” is an iterator from a view with a non-trivially-copyable Pattern (an owning_view was used).

lazy_split_view 24 40 32 32
split_view 40 56 48 48
join_with_view 32 48 40 40

There is definitely a size penalty for modifying these views to be borrowable. new is always a single pointer larger than fat_new, because fat_new uses a pointer to the view when the pattern is not copied into the iterator. fat_new is therefore basically like old, except that it has base_.end() copied into it as well. new_single can be smaller than new when the single_view is small, such as in v | ranges::split_view('-'). In that case, storage of the single_view actually gets optimized away by the compiler, like we saw with simple invocables previously.

Now, the performance numbers. In these charts and tables, “old” and “new” still refer to the status quo and conditionally borrowed implementations, respectively. “Owned” indicates that an owning_view was used for Pattern; “subrange” indicates that a ranges::subrange was used for Pattern; and “single” indicates that a single_view (always <= sizeof(void*)) was used for Pattern.

Run  N
Old Owned Pattern 21 89 462 3211 36950 388447
Old Subrange Pattern 19 84 404 3315 36488 394279
Old Single 15 91 485 3301 37417 407012
New Owned Pattern 20 99 444 3354 36560 391778
New Subrange Pattern 20 90 443 3345 36013 404278
New Single 19 73 414 3353 36350 383636

Run  N
Old Owned Pattern 13 80 539 6177 59575 625030
Old Subrange Pattern 13 68 685 6634 52002 548042
Old Single 12 63 531 4633 52861 578949
New Owned Pattern 11 44 321 1899 19805 233189
New Subrange Pattern 13 55 320 2022 21655 234532
New Single 79 96 761 7374 70770 620282

split_view and join_with_view both show mixed results, but tend to do better on larger values of N. For both of these views, you have options that are better or worse than the status quo’s equivalent. So, by profiling and changing the range given for Pattern accordingly, users can meet or beat the previous performance numbers.

Run  N
Old Owned Pattern 25 218 2472 22743 224713 2302364
Old Subrange Pattern 26 218 2248 20687 204262 2062595
Old Single 13 84 793 5979 56787 650747
New Owned Pattern 21 176 1963 16970 164141 1669101
New Subrange Pattern 11 95 1090 8871 87545 895048
New Single 13 98 1312 12310 118646 1234266

The results for lazy_split_view is disappointing, in that the best results are available only from one of the “Old” runs.

For all three views, it is surprising that “New Single” performs so poorly. If the implementation is changed so that Pattern is never copied into the iterator, “New Single” performs about as well as the other “New” runs. So, the problem really is the storage of the single_view, and not the storage of base_.end(). So far, it is a very mysterious result.

7.3 Costs/benefits conclusion

The size penalty is low-to-none (and occasionally negative) for all of these views’ iterators. Further, the correlation of iterator size to performance seems to be very low. We feel that we can safely ignore the size penalty.

The perf numbers above come from modifying only one implementation. However, they are promising in that, except for lazy_split_view, there were no definite performance penalties. All other perf regressions were for a certain range of N, a certain size of callable or Pattern, etc. In other words, the user has a means of meeting or exceeding the perf results of the status quo, by doing some profiling and some code tweaks.

The fact that the results were mixed indicates that the perf differences were probably largely specific to the testing methodology, specifics of libstdc++, etc. Similarly mixed results will probably be found for other implementations as well.

The two notable exceptions are lazy_split_view, whose status quo single_view run is better than all the modified runs, and chunk_by_view, which is way better with the proposed changes.

8 References

[P2017R1] Barry Revzin. 2020-02-19. Conditionally borrowed ranges.