constexpr std::uncaught_exceptions()

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


This paper marks std::uncaught_exceptions and std::current_exception constexpr.

1. Revision history

1.1. Changes since R0

2. Overview

I propose to mark the function std::uncaught_exceptions constexpr.

Currently, this can be done because there can never be an active exception during constant evaluation. std::uncaught_exceptions would always return zero during constant evaluation. Similarly, std::current_exception would always return a null pointer.

[P2996R1] recommends exceptions as an error handling mechanism for reflections, during constant evaluation. [P3068R0] proposes allowing exception throwing in constant expressions. If exceptions were throwable in constant expressions, marking these functions constexpr would simply be part of exception support. However, these proposals is not a prerequisite to this proposal.

3. Motivation

The motivation is the same as allowing try-catch blocks in constexpr functions, a feature added to C++20 thanks to [P1002R1]. Allowing the use of uncaught_exceptions() in constant expressions makes metaprogramming easier and eliminates special if consteval cases.

A common use case for std::uncaught_exceptions is in the implementation of RAII types which execute a function upon destruction, but only if an exception was (not) thrown in the current scope. This is utilized by std::scope_success and std::scope_failure; see [N4806].

In the implementation of a constexpr stack, one may write:
constexpr value_type pop() {
    // Only decrease the size of the stack if no exception was thrown during
    // copy/move construction of the returned object.
    // This ensures a strong exception guarantee.
    std::scope_success _{[this] { m_size--; }};
    return std::move(top());

It is reasonable to mark such code constexpr, and ideally std::uncaught_exceptions would not be an obstacle to this.

Besides the quality-of-life aspect, we want to future-proof code. If the user circumvents std::uncaught_exceptions by guarding its use with an if !consteval block, this makes the assumption that exceptions aren’t throwable in constant expression. That may be true now, but could change in the future, in which case the user will have to rewrite their code to avoid this assumption.

Furthermore, it makes sense to mark std::uncaught_exceptions' sister function, std::current_exception constexpr. This is done purely for the purpose of consistency. I am not aware of any concrete example of std::current_exception’s lack of constexpr being an obstacle.

4. Possible implementation

4.1. constexpr uncaught_exceptions

constexpr int uncaught_exceptions() noexcept {
    if consteval {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return __uncaught_exceptions_impl();

It is obviously possible for the user to wrap std::uncaught_exceptions like this themselves (e.g. [ScopeLite]), but this is an unnecessary burden.

4.2. constexpr current_exception

constexpr exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept {
    if consteval {
        return exception_ptr(nullptr);
    } else {
        return __current_exception_impl();

4.3. constexpr exception_ptr

std::exception_ptr would also need to be made a literal type. All major three standard libraries implement exception_ptr as a wrapper class for void*, which makes this easily possible.

Simply mark all special member functions constexpr and if necessary, guard their implementation with an if !consteval block. It is impossible to create an exception_ptr that is not a null pointer during constant evaluations.

4.4. Non-trivial implementations

[P2996R1] suggests allowing throw in constant expressions. This would mean that std::active_exceptions, std::current_exception, and std::exception_ptr would no longer have such trivial implementations, and further functions such as std::make_exception_ptr may be marked constexpr.

The bare minimum compiler support needed for this is:

  1. The compiler must track all active exceptions "magically", so that std::active_exceptions() returns the correct amount, and std::current_exception() returns the current exception. This needs compiler support because such mutable global state normally doesn’t exist in constant expressions.

  2. std::exception_ptr behaves like a type-erased, reference-counted smart pointer. [P2738R1] has been accepted into C++26, adding constexpr cast from void*. This makes the implementation of such type-erasure in constexpr std::exception_ptr feasible.

4.5. Impact on ABI

Multiple functions, including member functions of std::exception_ptr would become inline functions if marked constexpr. To remain ABI-compatible with existing software, it is necessary to emit these inline function into the runtime library.

libstdc++ already conditionally does this by marking member functions of std::exception_ptr __attribute__((__used__)). Therefore:

5. Proposed wording

The proposed changes are relative to the working draft of the standard as of [N4917].

Update subclause 17.3.2 [version.syn], paragraph 2 as follows:

#define __cpp_lib_constexpr_current_exception   202401L // freestanding, also in <exception>
#define __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions           201411L202401L // freestanding, also in <exception>

Update subclause 17.9.2 [exception.syn] as follows:

constexpr int uncaught_exceptions() noexcept;    
using exception_ptr = unspecified; constexpr exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept;

Update subclause 17.9.6 [uncaught.exceptions] as follows:

constexpr int uncaught_exceptions() noexcept;

Update subclause 17.9.7 [propagation], paragraph 2 as follows:

exception_ptr is a literal type([basic.types.general]) which meets the requirements of Cpp17NullablePointer (Table 36). All expressions which must be valid for a Cpp17NullablePointer are constant expressions for a null value of type exception_ptr.

Note: This wording is slightly work-in-progress.

Update subclause 17.9.7 [propagation], current_exception as follows:

constexpr exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept;

6. Acknowledgements

The original idea for this paper and a portion of its content have been adopted from a proposal draft by Morwenn.


Normative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++. 5 September 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/n4917

Informative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals, Version 3. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/n4806.html
Louis Dionne. Try-catch blocks in constexpr functions. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p1002r1.pdf
Corentin Jabot; David Ledger. constexpr cast from void*: towards constexpr type-erasure. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2023/p2738r1.pdf
Wyatt Childers; et al. Reflection for C++26. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2023/p2996r1.html
Hana Dusíková. Allowing exception throwing in constant-evaluation.. URL: https://wg21.link/p3068r0
Martin Moene. uncaught_exceptions() wrapper in scope-lite. URL: https://github.com/martinmoene/scope-lite/blob/89b274a106363101ea258cb9555a9c6a47ae2928/include/nonstd/scope.hpp#L586-L597