get_element customization point object

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


This paper introduces a CPO to read elements of tuple like objects, and uses it to define a generic tuple-like concept.

1. Motivation

1.1. Allowing user-defined tuples, or "true" motivation :)

The section addresses the LEWG feedback. While we always had in mind that with get_element facility we can make tuple-like generic enough, we assumed it to be developed as a separate proposal. However, based on the LEWG poll (§ 8.2 Library Evolution Telecon 2024-01-23), the get_element paper should enable user-defined tuples to make its motivation strong enough.

So, let’s go to the problem statement. Today the C++ standard defines tuple-like types as only 5 types from std namespace:

That sounds like a huge limitation for a generic library because, in principle, user-defined types could be treated like tuples. std::tuple_size and std::tuple_element are already customizable by users. The problematic part is std::get which is not a customization point.

Furthermore, there is already partial support for user-defined tuples in the language. For example the structured binding language feature has special rules for finding a get function for an arbitrary type (in a nutshell, either as a non-static-member-function or by argument-dependent lookup).

Unfortunately, rules are different in different places in the standard today. For example, has-tuple-element exposition-only concept for elements_view allows only the 5 tuple-like types listed above and does not consider user-defined types.

[P2165R4] added constraints for existing API (like std::apply, std::tuple_cat, etc.) to take tuple-like and also provides better compatibility between tuple-like objects by adding extra APIs, which is great. The unfortunate part of the story, however, is that the mentioned APIs are still limited by the definition of the tuple-like concept (5 standard types).

Since the proposed get_element API is a customization point object we can use it to extend the tuple protocol to user-defined types, and since this facility is using ADL lookup for get it is not going to be a breaking change.

For the following (simplified) code snippet:

namespace user {

template <typename T, typename U>
struct my_tuple_like
    my_tuple_like(T tt, U uu) : t(tt), u(uu) {}
    T t;
    U u;

    template <std::size_t I>
    friend auto get(my_tuple_like<T, U> t_like)
        static_assert (I == 0 || I == 1);
        if constexpr (I == 0)
            return t_like.t;
        else if (I == 1)
            return t_like.u;

} // namespace user

namespace std {

template <typename T, typename U>
struct tuple_size<user::my_tuple_like<T, U>> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 2> {};

template <typename T, typename U>
struct tuple_element<0, user::my_tuple_like<T, U>> {
    using type = T;

template <typename T, typename U>
struct tuple_element<1, user::my_tuple_like<T, U>> {
    using type = U;

} // namespace std

please see the Before-After table

Before After
auto [x, y] = user::my_tuple_like{3,3};

// This code does not compile
// std::apply([](auto x, auto y) {
//     return x + y;
// }, user::my_tuple_like{3,3});
auto [x, y] = user::my_tuple_like{3,3};

// Works fine, assuming that std::apply uses std::get_element
std::apply([](auto x, auto y) {
    return x + y;
}, user::my_tuple_like{3,3});

Of course, std::apply is just an example. my_tuple_like would work with any API that supports tuple-like types.

1.2. The original motivating use case

Having std::pair, std::tuple and other tuple-like objects as the value types for the algorithms creates a plenty of opportunities. With special views, such as std::ranges::elements_view, we can specify which tuple elements to access when iterating over collections of such objects. However, we cannot easily use a predicate to make a decision based on only some of tuple elements, for example keys or values.

Let’s consider the following example:

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, [](auto x, auto y)
    // key-based sorting
    return std::get<0>(x) < std::get<0>(y);

As we can see, users should spell some extra syntax out to achieve the necessary goal, comparing to what is described in § 1.2.2 The desired approach. The example above can be considered simplified; in real practice users might also need to think of e.g. adding references to lambda parameters to avoid copying.

The code above can be rewritten with structured binding:

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, [](auto x, auto y)
    // key-based sorting
    auto [key1, value1] = x;
    auto [key2, value2] = y;
    return key1 < key2;

Though one could say that it makes code simpler or at least more readable, on the other hand, its syntax forces the programmer to give names to otherwise unneeded variables, which is often considered a bad practice.

With [P2169R3] the situation with unused variables for structured binding becomes better but still might require the user to write a quite amount of underscores depending on the use case:

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int, int>> v{{3,1,1,1},{2,4,4,4},{1,7,7,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, [](auto x, auto y)
    // key-based sorting
    auto [key1, _, _, _] = x;
    auto [key2, _, _, _] = y;
    return key1 < key2;

1.2.1. Projections-based alternative

Projections provide another option to achieve the same behavior:

std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, [](auto x)
    // key-based sorting
    return std::get<0>(x);

A variant that properly handles references would use a generic lambda:

[](auto&& x) -> auto&&
    // key-based sorting
    return std::get<0>(std::forward<decltype(x)>(x));

While this code achieves the desired result, it requires more syntactic boilerplate (lambda, forwarding etc.) than the useful code.

1.2.2. The desired approach

The nicest way to get what we want would be:

// The code that does not work because std::get is not fully instantiated
std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, std::get<0>);

But it doesn’t work because std::get is a function template, and one cannot pass function templates as arguments without instantiating them.

1.2.3. Why not std::ranges::views::elements

The necessary result cannot be achieved with std::ranges::views::elements, which would apply the filter for all operations on the input data, including element swap (for sort algorithm), while we need it to be only be applied for the comparator.

std::ranges::views::elements Desired behavior
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
// views::keys is an alias to views::elements
std::ranges::sort(v | std::ranges::views::keys, [](auto x, auto y)
    return x < y;

for (auto& x : v)
    auto [key, val] = x;
    std::cout << "Key = " << key << ", Value = " << val << std::endl;

// Output (only keys are sorted):
// Key = 1, Value = 1
// Key = 2, Value = 4
// Key = 3, Value = 7
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};

std::ranges::sort(v, [](auto x, auto y)
    return std::get<0>(x) < std::get<0>(y); // key-based sorting

for (auto& x : v)
    auto [key, val] = x;
    std::cout << "Key = " << key << ", Value = " << val << std::endl;

// Output (values are sorted based on keys):
// Key = 1, Value = 7
// Key = 2, Value = 4
// Key = 3, Value = 1

1.3. Usefulness with zip_view

With std::ranges::zip_view appearance in the standard the easy use of projection for Tuple-Like objects might become even more important because its dereferenceable type is exactly Tuple-Like.

1.4. Radix sort use case

Counting-based sorts, and Radix Sort in particular, provide another motivating use case. Today it is not possible to have a C++ standard conformant implementation that uses Radix Sort algorithm underneath because the complexity of std::sort is defined as the number of comparator calls, while counting-based sorts do not use a comparator at all.

However, the industry needs Radix Sort for performance reasons. Implementations of C++ standard parallel algorithms, such as oneAPI Data Parallel C++ Library (oneDPL) and CUDA Thrust, use Radix Sort conditionally under the hood of std::sort, checking data types of the input and the comparator. In this case, a special comparator is of no help to sort values by keys, and projections seem the only viable option.

That makes the proposed API applicable wider than just with the C++ standard library use cases.

2. Proposed API

We propose the following API:

inline namespace /* unspecified */
    template <size_t I>
    inline constexpr /* unspecified */ get_element = /* unspecified */;
inline constexpr auto get_key = get_element<0>;
inline constexpr auto get_value = get_element<1>;

With that API the motivating use case code with the desired behavior would be:

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, std::get_element<0>);

or even

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, std::get_key);

Let’s look at comparison tables (a.k.a. Tony Tables):

Comparison of proposed API with comparator-based version

Before After
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, [](auto x, auto y)
    return std::get<0>(x) < std::get<0>(y); // key-based sorting
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, std::ranges::get_key);

Comparison of proposed API with projections-based version

Before After
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, [](auto x)
    return std::get<0>(x); // key-based sorting
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> v{{3,1},{2,4},{1,7}};
std::ranges::sort(v, std::less{}, std::ranges::get_key);

2.1. Possible implementation

namespace std
namespace __detail
template <std::size_t _Ip>
struct __get_element_fn
    template <typename _TupleLike>
    auto operator()(_TupleLike&& __tuple_like) const ->
        return get<_Ip>(std::forward<_TupleLike>(__tuple_like));
} // namespace __detail

inline namespace __get_element_namespace
template <std::size_t _Ip>
inline constexpr __detail::__get_element_fn<_Ip> get_element;
} // inline namespace __get_element_namespace

inline constexpr auto get_key = get_element<0>;
inline constexpr auto get_value = get_element<1>;
} // namespace std

2.2. tuple-like concept

With the proposed std::get_element CPO, the tuple-like concept can be generalized to cover wider range of types rather than just the listed standard types.

2.2.1. tuple-like concept generalization with get_element

With get_element we can define an exposition only helper concept can-get-tuple-element in the following way:

// necessary to check if std::tuple_size_v is well-formed before using it
template <typename T>
concept /*has-tuple-size*/ =  // exposition only
requires {
    typename std::tuple_size<T>::type;

template< class T, std::size_t N >
concept /*can-get-tuple-element*/ =  // exposition only
    /*has-tuple-size*/<T> &&
    requires(T t) {
        requires N < std::tuple_size_v<T>;
        typename std::tuple_element_t<N, T>;
        { std::get_element<N>(t) } -> std::convertible_to<const std::tuple_element_t<N, T>&>;

Then the tuple-like concept can use can-get-tuple-element and do something like:

template <typename T>
concept /*tuple-like*/ = !std::is_reference_v<T> &&
                         /*has-tuple-size*/<T> &&
                         []<std::size_t... I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
                             return (... && /*can-get-tuple-element*/<T, I>);
                         } (std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<T>>{});

3. Design considerations

Alternative name for the proposed API could be std::ranges::get. Unfortunately, this name is already taken for std::ranges::subrange overload.

Potentially std::ranges::get could be repurposed for the proposed CPO with minimal API break for tricky scenarios only while still working as expected in existing reasonable use cases, as explained below. But we (likely) could not avoid an ABI break.

As std::get_element have got more support than std::ranges::get at § 8.1 SG9 polls, Issaquah 2023, the rest of this section is kept primarily for recording the evaluated and rejected alternative.

3.1. What could be done to use std::ranges::get name

In all major standard library implementations (GCC, LLVM, Microsoft) the get overload for std::ranges::subrange is defined in std::ranges. Adding another definition of get to the same namespace would obviously create name ambiguity.

However, library implementors could move the current std::ranges::get function to an implementation specific namespace (e.g., __detail) and inherit (possibly privately) std::ranges::subrange from an empty tag class (e.g., adl_hook) defined in the same namespace. That way std::ranges::__detail::get can still be found by ADL for std::ranges::subrange, and at the same time, the std::ranges::get name becomes free to be redefined as a CPO that could successfully find a necessary overload for get, including the case when the argument is a std::ranges::subrange. Moreover, the proposed std::ranges::get CPO type could have a parameter pack in the interface to cover the use case when the current std::ranges::get function is used with explicit template arguments.

Please see the example that explains the idea and shows how it might look like. A full implementation with examples is available here.

namespace std
namespace ranges
// Necessary to make namespace __detail being considered by ADL
// for get<0>(std::ranges::subrange<something>{}) without moving
// the subrange itself to another namespace
namespace __detail
struct adl_hook {};

// thanks to the empty-base optimization, inheriting adl_hook does not break ABI
template <class T> class subrange : __detail::adl_hook {
    public: T whatever;

namespace __detail
template <std::size_t, class T>
auto get(subrange<T> x) {
    return x.whatever;
} // namespace __detail
} // namespace ranges

using std::ranges::__detail::get;
} // namespace std

namespace std
namespace ranges
namespace __detail
// Introduce Args... to cover the case of calling get with explicit template arguments
template <std::size_t _Ip, typename... Args>
struct __get_fn
    // No more than std::tuple_size_v template arguments should be allowed
    template <typename _TupleLike> requires (sizeof...(Args) <= std::tuple_size_v<std::remove_cvref_t<_TupleLike>>
                                     && __are_tuple_elements_convertible_to_args<std::remove_cvref_t<_TupleLike>, Args...>::value)
    decltype(auto) operator()(_TupleLike&& __tuple_like) const
        return get<_Ip>(std::forward<_TupleLike>(__tuple_like));
} // namespace __detail

inline namespace __get_fn_namespace
template <std::size_t _Ip, typename... Args>
inline constexpr __detail::__get_fn<_Ip, Args...> get;
} // inline namespace __get_fn_namespace
} // namespace ranges
} // namespace std

With such an implementation, all important cases from our perspective continue working:

where sub_r is std::ranges::subrange object.

The API breaking change appears when get has all explicit template arguments for subrange, i.e., std::ranges::get<Iarg, Sarg, Karg>(std::ranges::subrange<Iarg, Sarg, Karg>{}). The problem is with the last Karg argument, which is unrelated to tuple_size_v and tuple_element_t of the subrange. Even if we say that the proposed backward compatible CPO with Args... does not constraint sizeof...(Args) and ignores the tail outside tuple_size_v<subrange>, it doesn’t help for the mentioned use case because K of std::ranges::subrange is a non-type template parameter. Anyway, this scenario doesn’t look common because explicit template parameters are used relatively rarely and furthermore, K has the default argument that is substituted based on a sentinel.

Definitely such a change would break the ABI for std::ranges::get because the fully qualified name of this function would change from what is in C++ standard library implementations today. But we think that that ABI break would have low impact because std::ranges::get is likely inlined and so doesn’t create a visible symbol in translation units. We could imagine other tricky scenario where the API might be broken when std::ranges::get is used for something else but call. For example: &std::ranges::get<0>, decltype(std::ranges::get<0>), etc. However, these scenarios don’t look common.

Since the std::ranges::subrange API is relatively new, perhaps only a small amount of users would be affected but it can not be predicted accurately.

4. Connections with other papers

4.1. Connection with [P2547R1]

[P2547R1] uses std::get as the example and a good candidate to be a customizable function. Authors plan to ship the customizable functions proposal first and deal with customizing standard library functions later. That means we should not expect that examples in this paper automatically would be transformed to customizable functions when it will land.

Moreover, at this time the authors of [P2547R1] don’t see how to introduce customizable functions with the same names (e.g. std::get) without the ABI break, so they will likely need to choose different names.

4.2. Connection with [P2141R1]

[P2141R1]'s main goal is allow aggregates being interpreted as Tuple-Like. At the same time, it touches the tuple-like concept making it as generic as for the types structured binding can work with. It also adds a yet another std::get overload that works with any Tuple-Like object except those that are already in the std:: namespace.

With [P2141R1] being adopted std::get does the right thing and works with Tuple-Like object, so we may use just std::get<_Ip>(std::forward<_TupleLike>(__tuple_like)) within the implementation of std::get_element instead of the unqualified get call.

Independently of [P2141R1] std::get_element brings its own value by covering the described motivation use-cases. Furthermore, in the standard there are already precedences of having two similar things with slightly different semantics, for example, std::less and std::ranges::less, where the latter is not even a CPO.

[P2141R1] also gives another way to generalize the tuple-like concept (via structured binding).

5. Further work

6. Formal wording

Below, substitute the � character with a number the editor finds appropriate for the table, paragraph, section or sub-section.

6.1. Modify Concept tuple-like [tuple.like]

template<typename T>
concept has-tuple-size =  // exposition only
  requires {
      typename tuple_size<T>::type;

template<class T, size_t N>
concept can-get-tuple-element = // exposition only
  has-tuple-size<T> &&
  requires(T t) {
      requires N < std::tuple_size_v<T>;
      typename std::tuple_element_t<N, T>;
      { std::get_element<N>(t) } -> std::convertible_to<const std::tuple_element_t<N, T>&>;
template<typename T>
concept tuple-like = see-below
    !is_reference_v<T> &&
    has-tuple-size<T> &&
    []<size_t... I>(index_sequence<I...>) {
        return (... && ranges::can-get-tuple-element<T, I>);
    } (make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<T>>{});
A type T models and satisfies the exposition-only concept tuple-like if remove_cvref_t<T> is a specialization of array, complex, pair, tuple, or ranges::subrange.

6.2. Modify Header <tuple> synopsis [tuple.syn]

// [tuple.helper], tuple helper classes
template <class T>
  constexpr size_t tuple_size_v = tuple_size<T>::value;
inline namespace /* unspecified */ {
    template <size_t I>
    inline constexpr /* unspecified */ get_element = /* unspecified */;
inline constexpr auto get_key = get_element<0>;
inline constexpr auto get_value = get_element<1>;

6.3. Add the following sections into [tuple]

� Element access [tuple.elem]
� Customization Point Objects [tuple.cust] � get_element [tuple.cust.get_elem]

6.4. Add the following wording into [tuple.cust.get_elem]

1. The name get_element denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). The expression get_element<I>(E) where I is size_t for a subexpression E is expression-equivalent to:
  1. get<I>(E), if E has class or enumeration type and get<I>(E) is a well-formed expression when treated as an unevaluated operand, where the meaning of get is established as-if by performing argument-dependent lookup only ([basic.lookup.argdep]).

  2. Otherwise, get_element<I>(E) is ill-formed.

6.5. Add feature test macro to the end of [version.syn]

#define __cpp_lib_element_access_customization_point  20����L
 // also in <tuple>, <utility>, <array>, <ranges>


6.6. Modify tuple construct [tuple.cnstr]

template<tuple-like UTuple>
   constexpr explicit(see below) tuple(UTuple&& u);

Let I be the pack 0, 1,, (sizeof...(Types) - 1).


Effects: For all i, initializes the ith element of *this with get_element<i>(std::forward<UTuple>(u)).

Remarks: The expression inside explicit is equivalent to: !(is_convertible_v<decltype(get_element<I>(std::forward<UTuple>(u))), Types> && ...) The constructor is defined as deleted if (reference_constructs_from_temporary_v<Types, decltype(get_element <I>(std::forward<UTuple>(u)))> || ...) is true.

6.7. Modify tuple assignment [tuple.assign]

template <tuple-like UTuple>
   constexpr tuple& operator=(UTuple&& u);


Effects: For all i, assigns get_element<i>(std::forward<UTuple>(u)) to get_element<i>(*this).

Returns: *this.

template<tuple-like UTuple>
   constexpr const tuple& operator=(UTuple&& u) const;


Effects: For all i, assigns get_element<i>(std::forward<UTuple>(u)) to get_element<i>(*this).

Returns: *this.

6.8. Modify tuple_cat in tuple creation [tuple.creation]

template<tuple-like... Tuples>
   constexpr tuple<CTypes...> tuple_cat(Tuples&&... tpls);

Let n be sizeof...(Tuples). For every integer 0 <= i < n:

The types in CTypes are equal to the ordered sequence of the expanded packs of types Elems0..., Elems1..., ..., Elemsn1.... Let celems be the ordered sequence of the expanded packs of expressions elems0..., ..., elemsn1....

Mandates: (is_constructible_v<CTypes, decltype(celems)> && ...) is true.

Returns: tuple<CTypes...>(celems...)

6.9. Modify apply in [tuple.apply]

template<class F, tuple-like Tuple>
   constexpr decltype(auto) apply(F&& f, Tuple&& t) noexcept(see below);

Effects: Given the exposition-only function template:

namespace std {
  template<class F, tuple-like Tuple, size_t... I>
  constexpr decltype(auto) apply-impl(F&& f, Tuple&& t, index_sequence<I...>) {
                                                                        // exposition only
    return INVOKE(std::forward<F>(f), get_element<I>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...);     // see [func.require]

Equivalent to:

 return apply-impl(std::forward(f), std::forward(t),

Remarks: Let I be the pack 0, 1, ..., (tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<Tuple>> - 1). The exception specification is equivalent to:

noexcept(invoke(std::forward<F>(f), get_element<I>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...))
template<class T, tuple-like Tuple>
  constexpr T make_from_tuple(Tuple&& t);

Mandates: If tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<Tuple>> is 1, then
  reference_constructs_from_temporary_vT, decltype(get_element<0>(declval<Tuple>()))> is false.

Effects: Given the exposition-only function template:

namespace std {
  template<class T, tuple-like Tuple, size_t... I>
    requires is_constructible_v<T, decltype(get_element<I>(declval<Tuple>()))...>
  constexpr T make-from-tuple-impl(Tuple&& t, index_sequence<I...>) {   // exposition only
    return T(get_element<I>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...);

6.10. Modify relation operators in [tuple.rel]

template<class... TTypes, class... UTypes>
constexpr bool operator==(const tuple<TTypes...>& t, const tuple<UTypes...>& u);
template<class... TTypes, tuple-like UTuple>
constexpr bool operator==(const tuple<TTypes...>& t, const UTuple& u);

For the first overload let UTuple be tuple<UTypes...>.

Constraints: For all i, where 0<=i < sizeof...(TTypes), get<i>(t) == get_element<i>(u) is a valid expression and decltype(get<i>(t) == get_element<i>(u)) models boolean-testable. sizeof...(TTypes) equals tuple_size_v<UTuple>.

Returns: true if get<i>(t) == get_element<i>(u) for all i, otherwise false.

[Note 1: If sizeof...(TTypes) equals zero, returns true. — end note]


template<class... TTypes, class... UTypes>
  constexpr common_comparison_category_t<synth-three-way-result<TTypes, UTypes>...>
    operator<=>(const tuple<TTypes...>& t, const tuple<UTypes...>& u);
template<class... TTypes, tuple-like UTuple>
  constexpr common_comparison_category_t<synth-three-way-result<TTypes, Elems>...>
    operator<=>(const tuple<TTypes...>& t, const UTuple& u);

For the second overload, Elems denotes the pack of types tuple_element_t<0, UTuple>, tuple_element_t<1, UTuple>,, tuple_element_t<tuple_size_v<UTuple> - 1, UTuple>.

Effects: Performs a lexicographical comparison between t and u. If sizeof...(TTypes) equals zero, returns strong_ordering::equal.

Otherwise, equivalent to: if (auto c = synth-three-way(get<0>(t), get_element<0>(u)); c != 0) return c; return ttail <=> utail;

where rtail for some r is a tuple containing all but the first element of r.

Remarks: The second overload is to be found via argument-dependent lookup ([basic.lookup.argdep]) only.

6.11. Modify [range.elements.iterator]

The member typedef-name iterator_category is defined if and only if Base models forward_range. In that case, iterator_category is defined as follows: Let C denote the type iterator_traits<iterator_t<Base>>::iterator_category.

static constexpr decltype(auto) get-element(const iterator_t<Base>& i);

Effects: Equivalent to:

if constexpr (is_reference_v<range_reference_t<Base>>) {
  return std::get_element<N>(*i);
} else {
  using E = remove_cv_t<tuple_element_t<N, range_reference_t<Base>>>;
  return static_cast<E>(std::get_element<N>(*i));

7. Revision history

7.1. R1 => R2

7.2. R0 => R1

8. Polls

8.1. SG9 polls, Issaquah 2023

POLL: The solution proposed in the paper "P2769: get_element customization point object" should be renamed to std::ranges::get.

 1 2 1 2  1

POLL: The solution proposed in the paper "P2769: get_element customization point object" should be moved out of the ranges namespace (std::get_element).

 2 4 0 1  0

8.2. Library Evolution Telecon 2024-01-23

POLL: [P2769R1] (get_element customization point object) needs to allow for user tuple-likes before it can ship

 3 3 4 2  0

POLL: LEWG should spend more time on [P2769R1] (get_element customization point object)

 5 4 0 2  0

9. Acknowledgements


Informative References

Antony Polukhin. Aggregates are named tuples. 3 May 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2141r1
Corentin Jabot. Compatibility between tuple, pair and tuple-like objects. 15 July 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2165r4
Corentin Jabot, Michael Park. A Nice Placeholder With No Name. 15 December 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2169r3
Lewis Baker, Corentin Jabot, Gašper Ažman. Language support for customisable functions. 16 July 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2547r1
Ruslan Arutyunyan, Alexey Kukanov. get_element customization point object. 17 May 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2769r1