dextents Index Type Parameter

Document #: P2389R2
Date: 2024-06-24
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach

Mark Hoemmen

1 Authors

2 Abstract

P2299R3 added dextents to make it less verbose to use mdspan in common cases. Later, an index type parameter was added to dextents, which increases its verbosity, defeating its original purpose. We should fix this.

3 Revision history

3.1 R0

R0 published 2024-02-15 and reviewed by LEWG 2024-03-05. Poll results follow.

POLL: We want to make a breaking change to dextents to fix the issue presented in P2389R0.

Results (SF/F/N/A/SA): 0/8/6/4/1.

POLL: Vote once for your preferred name option:

POLL: Forward P2389R1 to LWG for C++26 (which will be P2389R0 modified to add a new facility (std::dims) as suggested, but with the last param as the type defaulted to std::size_t) (to be confirmed with a library evolution electronic poll).

Results (SF/F/N/A/SA): 5/8/2/0/0.

3.2 R1

R1, to be published 2024-03-12, includes the following changes.

3.3 R2

LWG reviewed R1 at the St. Louis meeting on 2024-06-24. There, LWG asked the authors to fix formatting by replacing @_ ... _@ code-font text with actual italics. The authors made that change.

4 Background

P0009R18 added mdspan, a non-owning multidimensional span abstraction to the C++ Standard Library. It is excellent and flexible, allowing users to customize customize data layout, access method, and index type. However, this flexibility often comes with verbosity.

The length of each dimension (the extent) of an mdspan are represented by an extents object, and each extent may be expressed either statically or dynamically. Use cases based on P0009R18’s wording would look like this.

// All static extents
mdspan<float, extents<64, 64, 64>> a(d);

// All dynamic extents
mdspan<float, extents<dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent>> a(d, 64, 64, 64);

// Mixed static and dynamic extents
mdspan<float, extents<64, dynamic_extent, 64>> a(d, 64);

P2299R3 sought to improve mdspans usability for one of the most common cases: when all extents are dynamic. First, it added deduction guides to make class template argument deduction (CTAD) work for mdspan and extents.

std::vector<float> storage(64 * 64);
mdspan a(, 64, 64); // All dynamic.

However, CTAD does not help in all situations. For example, it cannot be used when declaring a class member or a function parameter.

struct X {
  std::mdspan<float, std::extents<std::dynamic_extent, std::dynamic_extent, std::dynamic_extent>> a;

void f(std::mdspan<float, std::extents<std::dynamic_extent, std::dynamic_extent, std::dynamic_extent>> a);

To simplify these cases, P2299R3 also added dextents<N>, a template alias for an extents with N dynamic extents.

template <std::size_t N>
using dextents = /* ... */;

struct X {
  std::mdspan<float, std::dextents<3>> a;

void f(mdspan<float, std::dextents<3>> a);

5 Problem

Originally, mdspan and extents used a fixed index type (std::size_t). However, the signedness and size of the index type can affect performance in certain cases. So, P2553R1 parameterized the index type used by mdspan and extents. As a part of this change, an index type template parameter was added to dextents.

template <class IndexType, std::size_t Rank>
using dextents = /* ... */

This change has made using dextents more verbose, which is unfortunate, as the main purpose of dextents was to make common uses as simple as possible.

struct X {
  std::mdspan<float, std::dextents<std::size_t, 3>> a;

void f(mdspan<float, std::dextents<std::size_t, 3>> a);

Index type customization is an important feature for mdspan to support, but it is not something that most users will need to use or think about. If they do need it, they can always use the more verbose extents.

6 Proposed Changes

In R0, we originally proposed removing the index type parameter from dextents and making it always use size_t as the index type. For example, instead of typing dextents<int, 3> as an alias for extents<int, dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent, dynamic_extent>, users would type dextents<3>.

This would have been a source-breaking change. As of the publication date, MSVC’s STL and LLVM’s libc++ are already shipping dextents. GCC’s libstdc++ is not shipping mdspan yet. However, since dextents is a template alias, it would have had no ABI impact.

LEWG reviewed R0 and voted against the breaking change. Instead, LEWG approved our alternative design: leave dextents alone, but add a new dims template alias. LEWG asked us to adjust the dims design by adding an index type template parameter as its last template parameter, and defaulting it to size_t. The resulting alias looks like this.

template<size_t Rank, class IndexType = size_t>
using dims = dextents<IndexType, Rank>;

Before adding this alias, the above use cases where CTAD could not be used would look like this.

struct X {
  // Member declaration
  std::mdspan<float, std::dextents<std::size_t, 3>> a;

// Function parameter
void f(std::mdspan<float, std::dextents<std::size_t, 3>> a);

After adding this alias, those two use cases would look like this.

struct X {
  // Member declaration
  std::mdspan<float, std::dims<3>> a;

// Function parameter
void f(mdspan<float, std::dims<3>> a);

The result is even more compact than dextents. It also abbreviates a more familiar word, “dimensions.”

7 Note on freestanding

P2833R2, adopted in Kona 2023, added an // all freestanding comment to the beginning of the [mdspan.syn] synopsis. In our view, our proposal would not change this freestanding status.

8 Implementation

We have implemented the proposal as Pull Request 324 in the reference mdspan implementation.

9 Wording

Text in blockquotes is not proposed wording, but rather instructions for generating proposed wording.

Make the following changes to the latest C++ Working Draft as of the time of writing. All wording is relative to the latest C++ Working Draft.

In [version.syn], increase the value of the __cpp_lib_mdspan macro by replacing YYYMML below with the integer literal encoding the appropriate year (YYYY) and month (MM).

#define __cpp_lib_mdspan YYYYMML // also in <mdspan>

In the <mdspan> header synopsis [mdspan.syn], after the declaration of dextents, add the following declaration of dims.

// [mdspan.extents.dims], alias template `dims`
template<size_t Rank, class IndexType = size_t>
  using dims = see below;

Immediately after section [mdspan.extents.dextents], insert a new section “Alias template dims” [mdspan.extents.dims] with the following wording.

template<size_t Rank, class IndexType = size_t>
  using dims = see below;

Result: A type E that is a specialization of extents such that E::rank() == Rank && E::rank() == E::rank_dynamic() is true, and E::index_type denotes IndexType.