Doc. no.: P3060R0
Date: 2023-11-22
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Weile Wei <>

Add std::ranges::upto(n)


This proposal suggests adding std::ranges::upto(n) to the C++ Standard Library as a range adaptor that generates a sequence of integers from 0 to n-1.


Typically, generating such a sequence of integers involves std::views::iota combined with std::views::take, or manual iteration, which can be cumbersome and not straightforward, particularly with unsigned types like container sizes. Consider the following typical usage:


for (int i : std::views::iota(0) | std::views::take(10)) {
    std::cout << i << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';


for (int i : std::views::upto(10)) {
    std::cout << i << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';

std::ranges::upto(n) eases this pattern by providing a straightforward and type-safe method to generate integer sequences, improving code readability and minimizing repetitive code.


namespace std::ranges {
    inline constexpr auto upto = [] <std::integral I> (I n) {
        return std::views::iota(I{}, n);

Test cases verified on various platforms

Test case:

int main() {
    constexpr auto up_to_ten = std::ranges::upto(10);

    for (auto i : up_to_ten) {
        std::cout << i << ' ';
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;

Expected output:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The implementation is confirmed to work with clang version 16.0.0+, gcc version 11.1+, and msvc v19.32+: T7YoMzsdGCompiler Explorer


Two preceding proposals have provided fundation for std::ranges::upto(n):

  1. P2214R2: A Plan for C++26 Ranges[1] highlights the issue with views::iota(0, r.size()) not compiling due to mismatched types. std::ranges::views::iota requires both arguments to be of the same type, or at least commonly comparable. This becomes problematic when comparing int (often 32-bit) with std::size_t (often 64-bit), which is usually wider on 64-bit systems. An example illustrating this issue is available at TGzP4be7KCompiler Explorer.
std::vector vec(10, 0);
auto res = std::ranges::views::iota(0, vec.size());
  1. P1894R0: Proposal of std::upto, std::indices and std::enumerate[2] proposed an implementation (see below) that our proposal refines. Our approach offers a more intuitive and consistent interface, fitting seamlessly with existing standard library components without adding complexity.
// std::upto implementation example
// P1894R0: Proposal of std::upto, std::indices and std::enumerate
namespace std {
    template<typename Int>
    constexpr auto upto(Int&& i) noexcept {
        return std::ranges::iota_view{Int(),std::forward<Int>(i)};

Technical Decisions

  1. Limiting to std::integral: This constraint ensures functionality is restricted to integral types, yielding predictable behavior and avoiding the pitfalls of generic types. A more relaxed constraint to std::default_initializable and std::incrementable would allow iterators to compile but might introduce undefined behavior. An example illustrating this issue is available at hGx1T9sxGCompiler Explorer:
namespace std::ranges {
    // a more relaxed design pattern, compiled but UB
    inline constexpr auto upto2 = []
    <typename T>
    requires std::default_initializable<T> && std::incrementable<T>
        (T n) {
        return std::views::iota(T{}, n);

int main() {
    int myint = 10;
    int* ptr = &myint;

    // !!!compiled but undefined behavior!!!
    auto up_to_ten2 = std::ranges::upto2(CustomIterator{ptr});
    for (auto i : up_to_ten2) {
        std::cout << *i << ' ';

    return 0;
  1. Lambda-based Approach: Employing a lambda is consistent with the established range adaptor patterns. Moreoever, the constexpr specifier on the lambda ensures that the lambda object is a constant expression.

  2. Leveraging Existing iota_view Instead of Creating a New upto_view: Introducing upto_view would mean adding a component similar to what already exists, causing confusion and maintainability issues for users. By leveraging iota_view, we simplify the implementation and reuse of what the current C++ Standard Library offers. Additionally, any future optimizations to iota_view will automatically benefit std::ranges::upto. Therefore, by extending iota_view, std::ranges::upto becomes more maintainable, efficient, and simple.


This wording is relative to N4964.

Header <ranges> synopsis [ranges.syn]

Insert a new item in the std::ranges namespace:

namespace std::ranges {
    inline constexpr auto upto = [] <std::integral I> (I n) {
        return std::views::iota(I{}, n);

New subsection under [range.iota.view]

Add a new subsection to describe std::ranges::upto: upto function [range.upto]

-1- The name upto denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). The expression std::ranges::upto(n) is expression-equivalent to std::views::iota(I{}, n) where I is the type of n.

-2- Constraints: The type I shall satisfy the std::integral concept.

-3- Returns: A view of the integers in the range [0, n).

-4- Complexity: Constant time.

-5- Remarks: This function template shall not participate in overload resolution unless std::integral<I> is true.


  1. P2214R2 A Plan for C++26 Ranges. ↩︎

  2. P1894R0 Proposal of std::upto, std::indices and std::enumerate. ↩︎