ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 P2973R0

Date: 2023-09-15

To: SG12, SG23, EWG, CWG

Jonathan Wakely <>
Thomas Köppe <>

Erroneous behaviour for missing return from assignment


  1. Revision history
  2. Summary
  3. Motivation
  4. Design questions
  5. Proposal: flowing off an assignment operator is erroneous
  6. References

Revision history


We propose to change the behaviour of flowing off the end of an overloaded assignment operator from undefined to erroneous, erroneously returning *this.


Flowing off the end of an assignment operator overload is a common mistake (example, example, example, etc.):

struct Foo {   Foo& operator=(const Foo& rhs) {     x = rhs.x;     y = rhs.y;     // error: forgot "return *this;"! };

In current C++ (unlike in C) it is undefined behaviour to call a function with non-void return type that flows off the end, regardless of whether the result of the function call is used ([stmt.return]).

P2795R3 proposes the definition of “erroneous behaviour” in C++, which is well-defined behaviour that is nonetheless an error. The paper lays out principles by which one can evaluate whether any particular undefined behaviour could be changed to be erroneous. We believe that flowing off an assignment operator meets those criteria:

A word on the cost of the now-defined behaviour: compilers can currently optimise aggressively based on the occurrence of undefined behaviour; all such optimisations would no longer be allowed. Usually, the original program was meaningless anyway, but one could argue that there may exist complex cases where some parts of a function had undefined behaviour but were known not to be used, which would now be pessimised. In such cases, one can explicitly insert std::unreachable() to those parts to restore the original behaviour, and we would even consider this an overall improvement, since it makes the unusual control flow more obvious. There remains a standard argument that in a large project one may be including third-party code that cannot be modified and that is not being used, but if that code contains the error under discussion, then with the proposed change it will produce a more expensive program (e.g. one that is larger). We consider this cost acceptable.

Design questions

There is one major design question that should be discussed: precisely which assignment operators do we want to change?

Proposal: flowing off an assignment operator is erroneous

We propose to change the semantics of flowing off the end of an assignment operator overload. The wording is relative to Working Draft N4958. The wording is a placeholder and implements only the most conservative design, only affecting special members.

Modify [stmt.return, 8.7.4] paragraph 4 as follows:

Flowing off the end of a constructor, a destructor, or a non-coroutine function with a cv void return type is equivalent to a return with no operand. Flowing off the end of a copy or move assignment operator ([class.copy.assign, 11.4.6]) results in erroneous behaviour and is erroneously equivalent to a return with operand *this;. Otherwise, flowing off the end of a function that is neither main ([basic.start.main,]) nor a coroutine ([dcl.fct.def.coroutine, 9.5.4]) results in undefined behavior.
