Additional format specifiers for time_point

Document #: P2945R0
Date: 2023-07-13
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Barry Revzin

1 Introduction

std::chrono::time_point has a lot of format specifiers. You can peruse the table here. This makes it very convenient for the user to format their time_point however they want: the date in either the correct (2023-07-08) or incorrect (07/08/2023) numeric formats, spelling out the month (July or Jul), presenting the time in 24-hour notation or using AM or PM, etc. This is all very useful.

But there’s a few format specifier that I believe are missing that I would like to propose:

desired output proposed current workaround
1688830834295314673 std::format("{:%s}", tp) std::format("{:%Q}", tp.time_since_epoch())
or std::format("{}", tp.time_since_epoch().count())
15:40:34 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.0S}", tp) std::format("{:%H:%M:%S}", std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(tp))
15:40:34.295 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.3S}", tp) std::format("{:%H:%M:%S}", std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(tp))
15:40:34.295314 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.6S}", tp) std::format("{:%H:%M:%S}", std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(tp))

In addition to proposing %.nS (for seconds with n decimal digits), this paper also proposes %.nT to mean %H:%M:%.nS.

2 Why More Specifiers

First, it is simply much more convenient for the user to write something like %.0T if what they want is 15:40:34 then it is for them to write that rather verbose cast expression to convert their time_point into seconds duration.

Second, %.0T ensures that they don’t actually have to care about the underlying duration of their time_point, this will consistently produce the same output regardless of whether it’s time_point<system_clock, seconds> or time_point<system_clock, milliseconds> or time_point<system_clock, nanoseconds>.

Third, specifiers can nest in a way that those workarounds don’t. For example, it is straightforward to implement formatting for Optional<T> such that it supports all of T’s format specifiers, so that Optional<int>(42) can format using {:#x} as Some(0x2a). If time_point has the necessary specifiers then an Optional<time_point> can be formatted as desired simply using time_point’s specifiers. Otherwise, the workaround requires calling Optional::transform. The same argument can be made for ranges: use the underlying specifier, or have to resort to using std::views::transform. This certainly becomes inconvenient for the user pretty rapidly, but it also brings up a question of safety - something I’m going to call the capture problem.1

2.1 The Capture Problem


void print_names(std::vector<std::string> const& names) {
    std::println("{}", names);

Here, the formatting is all done immediately. std::println doesn’t need to (and doesn’t) copy names and there are no lifetime issues here at all. Now consider a slight variation:

void log_names(std::vector<std::string> const& names) {
    LOG("{}", names);

Here, LOG is a stand-in for your favorite logging framework. Some of these do foreground logging (and so wouldn’t need to copy names), some of these do background logging (and so would have to, and do, copy names), some of these do it conditionally. Either way, the above still works, because the logger simply does the right thing with the object.

Let’s say we don’t want to log the names, but rather want to log some… transformed version thereof:

void log_transformed_names(std::vector<std::string> const& names) {
    LOG("{}", names | std::views::transform(f));

One example of this being wanting to provide a custom delimiter, which currently doesn’t exist as a specifier:

void log_transformed_names(std::vector<std::string> const& names) {
    LOG("{}", fmt::join(", and ", names));

Now we have a problem. If LOG is doing background logging (whether always or conditionally) and it copies the result of fmt::join and that’s… just a view. We’re not copying the underlying names and now we have a potential problem with lifetimes. This could now dangle.

Or it could be fine, if we’re doing foreground logging! So we have this problem where if we’re doing foreground logging, we definitely want to just log the view without any additional work. Whereas if we’re doing background logging, we probably want to eagerly construct a vector out of it (or eagerly do the formatting for this argument) to avoid any lifetime issues.

We have no way of “just doing the right thing” here. We have no way using the view if that’s good enough or collecting the elements otherwise, nor do we have a way of signaling when using the view might dangle.

Note that this is not specific to ranges and views at all, I’m just using it as a simple example.

Allowing more common logic into the specifiers simply avoids this problem.

2.2 Why not use precision?

Rather than having a prefixed specifier to do millisecond precision, like %3S or %.3S, could we use the already-existing precision specifier and write something like {:.3%H:%M:%S}? We could, but I think this would be a poor choice.

First, this is what the standard has to say about precision for a chrono-format-spec (in 29.12 [time.format]/1):

1 […] Giving a precision specification in the chrono-format-spec is valid only for types that are specializations of std​::​chrono​::​duration for which the nested typedef-name rep denotes a floating-point type. For all other types, an exception of type format_error is thrown if the chrono-format-spec contains a precision specification.

That’s it. So, first, precision is only meaningful for floating-point types, which makes it useless here because even double doesn’t have enough precision for nanoseconds, so system_clock::rep is practically speaking going to be an integral type (even though all we specify about it is that it’s signed). Second, we don’t… actually say what precision does anywhere.

But even assuming that it does what we might think of as “the obvious thing”, consider the difference between the two choices of specifier:

using precision
modifying %S
"{:.3%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}" "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.3S}"

The version on the left just has this weirdly dangling .3, that only applies to the much later %S. That’s not really how any of the other specifiers behave and is needlessly harder to understand. It would also meant that you can provide a precision without providing any specifier that makes use of it, which is just a pointless thing to allow.

2.3 Existing Practice in Other Languages

2.3.1 UNIX

In the UNIX date program, %S is always an integer number of seconds and %s is seconds since epoch. If you want decimal digits, you can add a width to %N (which defaults to 9):

+%T 09:40:34
+%T.%N 09:40:34.295314673
+%T.%3N 09:40:34.295
+%s 1688830834
+%s%N 1688830834295314673

2.3.2 C

tm has no subsecond field, but in strftime, %S is an integral number of seconds and %s is seconds since epoch.

2.3.3 Python

In datetime.strftime, %S is always an integer number of seconds and %s is seconds since epoch. %f exists to print microseconds, as in %S.%f or %s%f, but there is no way to get any other precision.

2.3.4 Rust

In Rust in the chrono crate, %S is always an integer number of seconds, %s is seconds since epoch. The following specifiers exist to get subsecond precision:

%f 026490000
%.f .026940
%.3f .026
%.6f .026490
%.9f .026490000
%3f 026
%6f 026490
%9f 026490000

2.3.5 Ruby

In Ruby, %S is always an integer number of seconds, %s is seconds since epoch, and the following specifiers can give you subsecond precision:

%L 323
%N 323091400
%3N 323
%6N 323091
%9N 323091400
%24N 323091400000000000000000

I feel like yoctoseconds is probably not a unit people are going to use very often, but there it is.

2.3.6 C++, <chrono>, and <format>

As you can see above, there’s a pretty impressive consensus on what a few specifiers mean. To everybody:

To everyone, that is, except C++20’s approach to chrono formatting. Why is that? Our wording comes from [P1361R2], which itself comes from [P0355R7]. That paper, since R0, has always defined %S in the same way. The specific words changed over time, but even [P0355R0] states:

  • If %S or %T appears in the format string and the argument tp has precision finer than seconds, then seconds are formatted as a decimal floating point number with a fixed format and a precision matching that of the precision of tp. The character for the decimal point is localized according to the locale.

P0355 describes itself as proposing “strftime-like formatting” but offers no explanation that I can find for why it differs from strftime in this case.2 Nor can I find any evidence that this difference was noted in either LEWG or LWG any of the times this paper was discussed.

I consider this an unfortunate design choice.

3 Proposal

I have two proposals here: the one that I think we should do, and the one that will likely get more support.

3.1 Preferred Proposal

My preference would be to revert %S to always be a two-digit, integer number of seconds (mirroring %H and %M for hours and minutes). This would be a breaking change, as this has been the behavior since C++20.

Although it’s notable that libstdc++ only implemented formatting in gcc 13 (released April 2023) and libc++ still doesn’t implement formatting (it is currently labelled “implemented but still marked as an incomplete feature” and you must compile with -fexperimental-library to use it). Only the MSVC standard library has had this functionality for more than a few months (implemented in April 2021).

The proposal is to break existing uses of %S to normalize our use of chrono specifiers with the rest of the strftime ecosystem:

It bears a little more explanation of how exactly %f would have to function for us, and here we do diverge slightly. Currently, we have this behavior:

println("{:%S}", sys_time(1s));     // 01
println("{:%S}", sys_time(1000ms)); // 01.000

Which materializes in how formatting works in <iostream> (assuming we still remember those). Streaming a sys_time<Duration> is defined as formatting using "{:L%F %T}", which means:

cout << sys_time(1s) << '\n';     // 1970-01-01 00:00:01
cout << sys_time(1000ms) << '\n'; // 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000

In order to preserve that behavior, and achieve a similar precision-specific formatting, we would need to do something like this:

specifier seconds(1) milliseconds(1234) nanoseconds(1234567)
%.f empty string .234 .001234567
%.0f empty string empty string empty string
%.3f .000 .234 .001
%.5f .00000 .23400 .00123
%f empty string 234 001234567
%0f empty string empty string empty string
%3f 000 234 001
%5f 00000 23400 00123

That is: %f can take an optional . and an optional precision. If the . is provided, and digits need to be emitted, then a (localized) decimal point will be also. If precision is provided, that many digits are emitted. If precision is not provided, the precision of the time_point is used.

In this way, the old %S can be achieved by the new %S%.f, just like the old %T can be achieved by the new %T%.f.

%f can also take a dynamic precision, so %.3f% is always three digits following a decimal point while %.{}f would mean using another argument for the number of digits.

This way, we end up with the same meaning of %S and %s as everyone else, and a pretty consistent %f as well.

The examples for the initial table thus become:

desired output proposed
1688830834295314673 std::format("{:%s%9f}", tp)
1688830834 std::format("{:%s}", tp)
15:40:34 std::format("{:%H:%M:%S}", tp)
15:40:34.295 std::format("{:%H:%M:%S%.3f}", tp)
15:40:34.295314 std::format("{:%H:%M:%S%.6f}", tp)

Note that we have to do it as %.3f rather than the perhaps more obvious .%3f because in order to localize the decimal point, it has to be part of the specifier, not just an arbitrary character.

3.2 Less-preferred Proposal

If we cannot change %S as above, then:

Proposed examples (which assume that system_clock::time_point has nanosecond resolution):

desired output proposed
1688830834295314673 std::format("{:%s}", tp)
1688830834 std::format("{:%.0s}", tp)
15:40:34 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.0S}", tp)
15:40:34.295 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.3S}", tp)
15:40:34.295314 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.6S}", tp)

There’s one more thing that needs to be touched on here, that doesn’t need to be addressed in the preferred proposal. For sys_time<nanoseconds>, it’s pretty clear what %s should mean (nanoseconds since epoch) and what %.0s would mean (seconds since epoch). But nanoseconds (and similar units like microseconds or seconds) aren’t the only durations. We also have to consider other ones.

The next most obvious one to consider is… everyone say it with me now… microfortnights.

A microfornight is, as the name suggests, one millionth of a fortnight - which is 14 days. In more familiar units, a microfortnight is equal to 1.2096 seconds.

Following the rules that we have today, formatting 1 microfortnight using %S would yield 01.2096. Or, to pick a more interesting time point that is more than a minute since epoch, formatting 123 microfortnights (148.7808 seconds) using %S would yield 28.7808.The question is: what should %s print for 123 microfortnights? I think the appropriate answer is 1487808. That is: while %S prints in seconds modulo 60, %s prints in the unit that would avoid any decimals - in this case in units of 100μs - and without any modulo. And then explicitly providing a precision would affect the number of “decimal” points that are present. This makes %.0s always seconds since epoch, regardless of underlying precision.

That is, a table of examples for formatting sys_time(microfortnights(123)) would be:

%S 28.7808 (C++20 status quo)
%.0S 28
%.3S 28.780
%.6S 28.780800
%s 1487808
%.0s 148
%.3s 148780
%.4s 1487808
%.6s 148780800

3.3 Comparison of the two proposals

Just putting those tables side by side for clarity:

preferred desired output less preferred
std::format("{:%s%9f}", tp) 1688830834295314673 std::format("{:%s}", tp)
std::format("{:%s}", tp) 1688830834 std::format("{:%.0s}", tp)
std::format("{:%H:%M:%S}", tp)
std::format("{:%T}", tp)
15:40:34 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.0S}", tp)
std::format("{:%.0T}", tp)
std::format("{:%H:%M:%S%.3f}", tp)
std::format("{:%T.%3f}", tp)
15:40:34.295 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.3S}", tp)
std::format("{:%.3T}", tp)
std::format("{:%H:%M:%S%.6f}", tp)
std::format("{:%T.%6f}", tp)
15:40:34.295314 std::format("{:%H:%M:%.6S}", tp)
std::format("{:%.6T}", tp)

Note that my preferred approach here is longer in several of these examples - the reason it’s my preferred approach is not because it’s necessarily terser, but rather because it’s more consistent.

3.4 Other Specifiers

Separate from the question of what %S and %s should do: are there any other specifiers that we should add? One that I have not noted here is a specifier to simply format tp.time_since_epoch().count(). We have such a thing for durations (%Q) but not for time_points. In the less-preferred proposal, %s achieves this for the SI units - but not for microfortnights.

When I originally set out to write this paper, my intent was to propose %Q. But given the uniformity of treating %s as (sub)seconds since epoch, that seemed like a better choice to handle formatting nanoseconds since epoch. This makes %Q for time_point seem less motivated. But I think we should consider extending %Q to work for time_point for broadly the reasons described above.

3.5 Wording

For either proposal, add f and s to the options for type and add support for precision modifiers in 29.12 [time.format]:

  modifier: one of
-   E O
+   E O tp-precision

+ tp-precision:
+   .opt nonnegative-integeropt
+   .opt { arg-idopt }

  type: one of
-   a A b B c C d D e F g G h H I j m M n
+   a A b B c C d D e F f g G h H I j m M n
-   p q Q r R S t T u U V w W x X y Y z Z %
+   p q Q r R S s t T u U V w W x X y Y z Z %

3.5.1 The %f specifier

Add a row to the conversion specifier table in 29.12 [time.format]:

%f Sub-seconds as a decimal number. The format is a decimal floating-point number with a fixed format and precision matching that of the precision of the input (or to the tp-precision if provided or otherwise to microseconds precision if the conversion to floating-point decimal seconds cannot be mae within 18 fractional digits). The localized decimal point is included if the . appears in the specifier.

3.5.2 The %Q and %q specifiers

%q The duration’s unit suffix as specified in 29.5.11 []. If the type being formatted is a specialization of time_point, then the unit suffix of the underlying duration.
%Q The duration’s or time_point’s numeric value (as if extracted via .count() or .time_since_epoch().count(), respectively)

3.5.3 Preferred Proposal Wording

Change %S and add %s to the conversion specifier table in 29.12 [time.format]:

%S Seconds as a decimal number. If the number of seconds is less than 10, the result is prefixed with 0. If the precision of the input cannot be exactly represented with seconds, then the format is a decimal floating-point number with a fixed format and a precision matching that of the precision of the input (or to a microseconds precision if the conversion to floating-point decimal seconds cannot be made within 18 fractional digits). The character for the decimal point is localized according to the locale. The modified command %OS produces the locale’s alternative representation.
%s Seconds since epoch as a decimal number.

All of the uses other uses of %T in 29 [time] for ostream formatters would also have to change to be %T%f.

3.5.4 Less-Preferred Proposal Wording

%S Seconds as a decimal number. If the number of seconds is less than 10, the result is prefixed with 0. If the precision of the input cannot be exactly represented with seconds, then the format is a decimal floating-point number with a fixed format and a precision matching that of the precision of the input (or to a microseconds precision if the conversion to floating-point decimal seconds cannot be made within 18 fractional digits). The character for the decimal point is localized according to the locale. The modified command %OS produces the locale’s alternative representation. The modified command %tp-precisionS instead uses tp-precision as the precision for the input.
%s Duration since epoch as a decimal number in the precision of the input (or in microseconds if the conversion to floating-point decimal seconds cannot be made within 18 fractional digits). The modified command %tp-precisions instead uses tp-precision as the precision of the input
%T Equivalent to %H:%M:%S. The modified command %tp-precisionT is equivalent to %H:%M:%tp-precisionS.

4 References

[P0355R0] Howard Hinnant. 2016-05-30. Extending to Calendars and Time Zones.

[P0355R7] Howard E. Hinnant, Tomasz Kamiński. 2018-03-16. Extending to Calendars and Time Zones.

[P1361R2] Victor Zverovich, Daniela Engert, Howard E. Hinnant. 2019-07-19. Integration of chrono with text formatting.

  1. This probably already exists in the literature under a much more suitable name, so I’m hoping by giving it a bad name somebody simply points me to the correct one later.↩︎

  2. You could argue that it doesn’t actually differ from strftime in the sense that in both cases, %S formats all the sub-minute time - it’s just that C did not have any subsecond precision. I don’t find this argument particularly compelling - %S went from always printing a two-digit integer number of seconds to printing decimals.↩︎