Formatter specializations for the standard library

Document #: P2930R0
Date: 2023-07-15
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Mark de Wever

1 Introduction

C++20 introduced std::format and in C++23 several improvements were made, for example [P2286R8] and [P2693R1]. Some types in the standard library are formattable that do not have streaming support, unfortunately the opposite is also true. Some types can be streamed, but not formatted. This paper looks at the types that are not formattable and proposes formatter support for some of these types. Other types will be out of the scope of this paper, but are identified.

2 Motivation

The addition of std::format and std::print are a huge step forward for formatting and printing objects in C++. Unfortunately, for some types in the standard library, users still need to use the stream operators to format the output. A part of these types have been identified in [P1636R2]. Unfortunately the author of the paper can no longer be reached. (The author of this paper and others have, without success, reached out to the author of [P1636R2].) Parts of the design of the paper are approved by LEWG, but never made it into the standard.

This paper has a different approach for the formatter specializations as [P1636R2]. That paper was based on the state of <format> in C++20. In C++23 <format> gained a lot of new features giving better tools to define these specializations.

3 Scope

The proposal [P1636R2] has identified some formatters that are missing. This proposal looks at more types.

3.1 Atomic values

These types are not streamable nor formattable. This paper does not propose to add these types. Users can already format the values by do this by using

  std::format("{}", atomic_value.load());

This allows to specify the memory ordering of load(). Adding a formatter for this type would need to have a way to specify the memory order too. This adds extra complexity to the standard for little gain. The only benefit from having it in the library would be that it’s possible to format a vector<atomic<T>> directly.

Users can already do this by using something like:

std::string example() {
  std::array input{

  return std::format("{}",
    input | std::views::transform([](auto& i) { return i.load(); }));

3.2 Random engines and distributions

These types are streamable to store and load their internal state. This is a set of decimal numbers, so it could be formatted as a range of integrals. However the intention is recreating a random engine or distribution with a previous state. It’s not intended to display the state. The author sees little benefit from making these types formattable so the paper does not propose to make these types formattable.

3.3 Pointers and smart pointers

Currently only void pointers and nullptrs can be formatted. It might be useful to format other pointers and smart pointers as well. [P1636R2] proposed this, but LEWG requested the smart pointers to be removed. Formatting pointers sounds useful. However there are several design decision to be taken. The author feels this would better be addressed in a separate paper.

3.4 Utility types

There are several utility types: optional, variant, any, and expected that would be nice to format. [P2286R8] introduced formatting for tuple and pair, but didn’t offer a way to specify the formatting of the underlying types. Earlier versions of the paper proposed a solution, but there were issues with that approach. Later revisions removed this part of the proposal. These utility types would have the same issue. The author feels it would be better to solve this issue before adding more formatters with the same issue.

3.5 filesystem::path

This was proposed in [P1636R2] and Victor Zverovich recently proposed [P2845R0].

3.6 mdspan

This type has no formatting support. It would useful to be able to format this type. However determining the best approach how to format this type has several interesting non-trivial design choices. Especially for mdspans with more than two dimensions. It seems better to do this in a dedicated paper. Adding a formatter for mdarray ([P1684R5] not in the WP yet) has been requested by LEWG. That formatter can be used for mdspan too.

3.7 flat_map and flat_set

There is no need to do anything for these container adaptors. These types are handled by [P2585R0] and are formatted the same way are their “non-flat” equivalents.

3.8 Diagnostics library

In the diagnostics library error_code is streamable but not formattable. The similar type error_condition is neither streamable nor formattable. The stream operator of error_code uses the value of the error_category which is not streamable. [P1636R2] proposes formatting of error_code.

It seems useful to make all these types formattable, especially the difference between error_code and error_condition looks odd. The author has not been able to find the historic reason for this discrepancy.

3.9 Other types

There are some other types proposed in [P1636R2] which have not been incorporated in the standard library:

LEWG was happy to add formatters for these types so this proposal adds them too.

3.10 Byte

There are no proposals to add this type. Before [P2286R8] a byte formatter would only be be able to format one element. After [P2286R8] it is possible to format ranges of elements. Since byte is intended to be used to give a byte-oriented access to a memory range this seems very useful to format. This makes it easy to print data received in buffers. For example for logging or debugging data received.

3.11 Summary

There are several standard library types that are interesting to be formattable, that are not in the current standard. This paper proposes formatters for the following types:

This paper does not propose formatters for the following types:

4 Design decisions

The proposal [P1636R2] is quite old, since that time the formatting library has improved and other formatter specializations have been added. For example, the paper [P2286R8] solved some of the same problems [P1636R2] solves for complex. So it’s better to follow the design already in the Standard instead of the original design. This improves the consistency of the formatter specializations.

From an implementers point of view some of the design choices are not optimal. Forcing public inheriting from formatter<basic_string<charT>, charT> is not always optimal. For example, when a sub_match has a contigious_iterator there is no reason to copy the matched result into a basic_string, using basic_string_view would avoid the copy. The paper [P2693R1] which proposed a part of [P1636R2] went used a different direction; only specifying what should happen without forcing design choices on implementers. This paper will follow the same approach; giving implementers the freedom to use the best option for their implementation.

4.1 Format’s impact on translation unit size

Per [format.formatter.spec]/2

  Each header that declares the template formatter provides the following
  enabled specializations:

This requires every header that specializes a formatter to make the listed specializations available. This seemed fine when formatters were used in a limited number of headers, however since its initial inception formatters have been added to more headers in the standard library. This proposal adds more formatter specializations, causing more headers to be affected.

The libc++ standard library uses granularized headers to reduce the size of translation units. This formatter requirement requires libc++ to add extra includes in its implementation. Instead this paper proposes to only require these specializations to be available when the header format is included. This header defines the format functions that use these specializations.

The size increase of headers due to the inclusion of format has an impact on users. For example, one of the people working on Chromium mentioned the following in a Phabricator review

In Chromium we noticed that this almost doubled the preprocessed size of
<vector>, from ca 1.6 MB to 3.2 MB. Since it's a widely included header, that
results in ca 8 GB (2.5%) of extra code to compile during a full build.

This was due to implementing the vector<bool>::reference formatter specialization. This added several new includes to the vector header in libc++, like <string>, <string_view>, and <locale>.

Another motivation for this change is to avoid possible circular dependencies in headers. For example the <vector> header has a formatter specialization. Using vector in <format> causes a circular dependency. This circular dependency has caused an issue in libc++.

Note when using modules the inclusion size less relevant, but at the moment of writing module support for the standard library is not wildly available on all platforms.

Does LEWG want to address this or should this be an LWG issue instead?

Does LEWG feel the translation unit size is something that should be addressed by LEWG?

4.2 Complex

Both [P1636R2] and [P2197R0] have proposed this feature before. This implementation ideas align with [P2197R0].

The output format has two options:

The output is based on the range based formatters and uses the following format-spec:

    range-fill-and-alignopt widthopt nopt complex-typeopt complex-underlying-specopt
      : format-spec

The format-spec of complex-underlying-spec is applied to both the real and the imaginary part of the complex number. This allows users to have control on how these values are formatted. When the complex-type is r there are some special cases:

The complex-type behaves like:

When no complex-type the range based output format is used.

These letters are not used in the current std-format-spec and alternative would be to use o or s for the stream-like output. The option S will also be used for the error_condition formatter where o (octal) and s (string) have a different meaning. For consistency the proposal uses S for all stream-like output formats.

Some examples of the output for formatting complex values

complex{0, 0} {} (0+0i)
complex{3, 4} {} (3+4i)
complex{-3, 4} {} (-3+4i)
complex{3, -4} {} (3-4i)
complex{nan, nan} {} (nan+nan i)
complex{-nan, -nan} {} (nan-nan i)
complex{inf, inf} {} (inf+inf i)
complex{-inf, -inf} {} (-inf-inf i)
complex{0, 0} {:r} (0+0i)
complex{0, 0} {:nr} 0+0i
complex{0, 0} {:S} (0,0)
complex{0, 0} {:nS} 0,0
complex{0, 0} {::#} (0.+0.i)
complex{1.345, 1.3} {:#^18} ###(1.345+1.3i)###
complex{1.345, 1.3} {::08} (0001.345+0001.3i)
complex{1.345, 1.3} {::+08} (+001.345+0001.3i)
complex{1.345, 1.3} {::E} (1.345E+00+1.3E+00i)
complex{1.345, 1.3} {::.6E} (1.345000E+00+1.300000E+00i)

There are some open questions:

4.3 Bitset

This type’s formatting deviates from [P1636R2], the original proposal’s output isn’t bad, but it’s very limited. Next to to_string the bitset the members to_ulong and to_ullong, which allow an integral value. Another way to look at a bitset is a range of bits. Proposed are the following output formats:

The formatter will use the following format-spec:

    range-fill-and-alignopt #opt 0opt widthopt Lopt nopt bitset-typeopt bitset-underlying-specopt
bitset-type: one of
     b B d o x X r s
      : format-spec

Most fields match the behaviour of the std-format-spec ( [format.string.std]) or the range-format-spec ( [format.range.formatter]).

The n option is only valid when the bitset-type option is r.

The r option of bitset-type selects the range-based output. This implies the underlying bits are outputted in the same way as the bool formatter.

The bitset-underlying-spec is only valid when the output is range-based.

The format-spec of the bitset-underlying-spec matches the std-format-spec of the bool type.

Some examples of the output for formatting bitset values

bitset<4>{0x5} {} 0101
bitset<4>{0x5} {:s} 0101
bitset<4>{0x5} {:b} 101
bitset<4>{0x5} {:#B} 0B101
bitset<4>{0x5} {:r} [false, true, false, true]
bitset<4>{0x5} {:r:b} [0, 1, 0, 1]
bitset<4>{0x5} {:nr:b} 0, 1, 0, 1

4.3.1 Bitset reference

Like vector<bool> the returned type of the non-const member operator[](size_t) of a bitset is a proxy. The formatter for this proxy is modeled after the proxy of vector<bool>.

(Note that the provided libc++ implementation tests for a bitset<N>::const_reference-like type too. This is due libc++ returning a non-conforming proxy from the const member operator[](size_t) in some ABI versions. These tests also work on confirming implementations returning a bool.)

The format-spec for this type is identical to the std-format-spec of a boolean.

4.4 Sub_match

This type’s formatting matches [P1636R2], but the wording takes a different approach. It’s likely sub_match uses a contiguous_iterator, forcing the range to be copied to a string and then copied to the output adds unneeded overhead. The wording gives implementations options to pick other types. For example a basic_string_view for a contiguous_iterator and a basic_string for a non-contiguous_iterator.

The format-spec for this type is identical to the std-format-spec of a string type.

4.5 Diagnostics

4.5.1 To specialize wchar_t or not to specialize wchar_t

All these formatters may use error_category::name(). This function returns a string and has no option to return a wstring. The same holds true for the message member function of error_code and error_condition.

A design consideration is whether or not to allow wchar_t formatter specializations for the diagnostics. In [P1636R2] the formatter specialization had the following effect:

  basic_ostringstream<charT> o;
  o << ec;

If charT is a wchar_t it widens the char input to wchar_t.

The formatter specialization for stacktrace_entry in [P2693R1] took a different design approach, it doesn’t support wchar_t. At the moment Zach Laine is working on improving Unicode support in C++. The paper [P2728R3] specifies a utf_view specialization

  These should be added to the list of “the debug-enabled string type
  specializations” in [format.formatter.spec]. This allows utf_view to
  be used in std::format() and std::print(). The intention is that the
  formatter will transcode to UTF-8 if the formatter’s charT is char, or
  to UTF-16 if the formatter’s charT is wchar_t – if transcoding is
  necessary at all.

Here the conversion from char to wchar_t will be done using Unicode transcoding. For consistency, there should only be one way of transcoding in the format library. (There is already some transcoding in the library with STATICALLY-WIDEN, which is done by the compiler.) The C++26 cycle has just started. The author prefers to disallow wchar_t specializations for now. Once [P2728R3] is approved the author can write a small paper adding wchar_t support using Unicode transcoding.

4.5.2 Error_code

This type’s formatting deviates from [P1636R2]. The original proposal’s output feels limited. It’s based on the output of operator<<. Customizing the output of operator<< for “custom” types is non-trivial, but formatters don’t have this limitation. Instead of limiting the output of the formatter, let’s embrace it. Some of the limitations are that it’s not possible to write the error’s message which may contain useful information.

It could be argued that the decimal output may not be portable across platforms. For example EOVERFLOW has the value 75 on Linux and 132 on Windows. However this value is currently already used in operator<<, so this proposal follows the direction in this regard.

The formatter will use the following format-spec:

    fill-and-alignopt #opt 0opt widthopt Lopt error-code-typeopt
error-code-type-value: one of
     b B d o x X

Most fields match the behaviour of the std-format-spec ( [format.string.std]).

When error-code-type is a error-code-type-value the value is formatted as an int obtained by calling the value() member function.

When error-code-type is a error-code-type-message the value is formatted as a string obtained by calling the message() member function.

When error-code-type is a error-code-type-ostream the value is formatted is the same way the output of operator<<. When this display type is used only the fill-and-align and width option may be present.

When the error-code-type is omitted it is formatted as-if the error-code-type-ostream has been specified.

Formatting the make_error_code(errc::value_too_large); may give the following results:

{} Value too large for defined data type
{:s} Value too large for defined data type
{:d} 75
{:S} generic:75

4.5.3 Error_condition

This type is similar to error_code, but it has no operator<<. It’s unclear to the author what the historic reason for the difference is. This proposal proposes to add an error_condition formatter. This formatter behaves the same as the error_code formatter.

4.5.4 Error_category

This formatter behaves the same as a formatter for a string type taking its value from the name() member function. Since these messages typical are short and truncating them may loose information the formatter specialization will not allow the precision option that is available for string types.

Formatting the generic_category(); gives the following results:

{} generic
{:s} generic
{:.42} // ill-formed, precision not allowed

4.6 Byte

There are no previous proposals for this type. The type is intended to be used as a memory buffer containing bytes. With the presence of range-based formatting it seems useful to be able to format this memory buffer.

This type is defined in cstddef. It feels wrong to add a formatter to a c header. Instead this formatter specialization will be available in the <format> header.

Since the type is small it makes sense to directly store the byte in the basic_format_arg exposition only value variant. However this change may be problematic for implementers due to following requirement [format.args]/1

  An instance of basic_format_args provides access to formatting arguments.
  Implementations should optimize the representation of basic_format_args for a
  small number of formatting arguments.
  [Note 1: For example, by storing indices of type alternatives separately
  from values and packing the former. — end note]

Implementations have different methods for packing their types. Two of the implementations have added additional types to this “variant”:

Instead of requiring implementers to add it to the variant it is unspecified whether the value is stored directly in the handle or in the variant. This difference is observable when users call visit_format_arg. Searching for this string on GitHub only finds usage of this function in {fmt}, LLVM, GCC, MSVC STL and the LWG issue repositories (or forks of them). So the function unlikely to be used in the wild. (Note [P2637R2] deprecated this function and added a visit<R> member function to basic_format_arg as its replacement.)

Not specifying this means it’s unspecified whether the visit functions can use this value Requiring it to be always visitibale basically requires storing in the value in the “variant”.

The formatter itself behaves like the formatter for int except that it does not allow the character display type. When formatting a byte as a char half of the values can not be represented in a char if char has a signed char as underlying type. For wchar_t all values can be represented. When a value can’t be represented as a char the formatter has to throw an exception ([]). So instead of adding a possible unusable format option, don’t add it at all. If users want to output a range of bytes as chars they have the option to use a std::views::transform and convert the byte to a char and then the char formatter will be used.

Since the type is always unsigned it might be worth considering to disallow a sign option. However the sign option can be used for unsigned integrals. Therefore the sign is allowed here too.

Some examples of the output for formatting byte values

byte{0} {} 0
byte{42} {:x} 2a
byte{255} {:#X} 0X2A
byte{2} {:b} 10
byte{2} {:c} // ill-formed, char output not allowed

5 Impact on the standard

The proposal is a library only extension.

6 Implementation experience

A libc++ reference implementation is available. The formatter byte has not been implemented. The author would like to get approval for the design direction before writing this formatter.

7 Proposed wording

The wording is not entirely complete and needs polishing before LWG starts reviewing. For the same reason as the implementation, the formatter byte has not wording. The wording is based on [N4944].

7.1 Feature test macro

Update the macro __cpp_lib_formatters to the date of adoption and make it available in the following additional headers <bitset>, <complex>, <regex>, <system_error>, <format>.

7.2 Format’s impact on translation unit size [format.formatter.spec]/2

- Each header that declares the template formatter provides the following enabled specializations:
+ This header provides the following enabled specializations:

7.3 Formatter complex

Add to 28.4.2 [complex.syn]

   template<class T> complex<T> tan  (const complex<T>&);
   template<class T> complex<T> tanh (const complex<T>&);

+  // [complex.format], complex formatting
+  template<class T, class charT>
+  struct formatter<complex<T>, charT>;
   // [complex.literals], complex literals
   inline namespace literals {
   inline namespace complex_literals {

Add a new section 26.4.? Formatting [complex.format]:

namespace std {
  template<class T, class charT>
  class formatter<complex<T>, charT {
    formatter<T, charT> underlying_;                                          // exposition only
    basic_string_view<charT> separator_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("");        // exposition only
    basic_string_view<charT> opening-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("("); // exposition only
    basic_string_view<charT> closing-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>(")"); // exposition only

    constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;
    constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening,
                                basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;

    template<class ParseContext>
      constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator
        parse(ParseContext& ctx);

    template<class FormatContext>
      typename FormatContext::iterator
        format(complex<T> value, FormatContext& ctx) const;

1 template<class T, class charT> class formatter<complex<T>, charT>;

formatter<complex<T>, charT> interprets format-spec as a complex-format-spec. The syntax of format specifications is as follows:

    range-fill-and-alignopt widthopt nopt complex-typeopt complex-underlying-specopt
      : format-spec

2 range-fill-and-align is interpreted the same way as a described in [format.range.formatter].

3 width is interpreted the same way as a described in 22.14.2 [format.string].

4 n is interpreted the same way as a described in [format.range.formatter].

5 the complex-type specifier changes the way a complex is formatted, with certain options only valid with certain argument types. The meaning of the various type options is as specified in Table xx.

Table xx: Meaning of complex-type options [tab:complex.format.type]

S The output is compatible with the ostream output. Indicates the separator should be STATICALLY-WIDEN(“,”).
r The output is a range of the real and imaginary part.
none The same as r.

6 The format-spec in a complex-underlying-spec, if any, is interpreted as the std-format-spec for a floating-point type as described in 22.14.2 [format.string].

constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;

7 Effects: Equivalent to: separator_ = sep;

constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening,
                            basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;

8 Effects: Equivalent to:

  opening-bracket_ = opening;
  closing-bracket_ = closing;
template<class ParseContext>
  constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator
    parse(ParseContext& ctx);

9 Effects: Parses the format specifier as a complex-format-spec and stores the parsed specifiers in *this. The values of opening-bracket_, closing-bracket_, and separator_ are modified if and only if required by the complex-type or the n option, if present. The function underlying_.parse() is called with the format-spec of complex-underlying-spec.

10 Returns: An iterator past the end of the complex-format-spec.

template<class FormatContext>
  typename FormatContext::iterator
    format(complex<T> value, FormatContext& ctx) const;

11 Effects: Writes the following into ctx.out(), adjusted according to the complex-format-spec:

(11.1) - opening-bracket_,

(11.2) - value.real() via underlying_,

(11.3) - separator_,

(11.5) - value.imag() via underlying_. If complex-type is not S and underlying_.parse() was called without a sign option or a sign option -, adjust the ouput as-if underlying_.parse() was called with sign option +.

(11.5) - if complex-type is not S, if value.imag() is not infinity or NaN, write `STATICALLY-WIDEN(" i") else write STATICALLY-WIDEN(" i"), and

(11.6) - closing-bracket_.

[ Example xx:
string s0 = format("{}", complex{0.0, 0.0});         // s0 has value: (0+0i)
string s1 = format("{::-}", complex{0.0, 0.0});      // s1 has value: (0+0i)
string s2 = format("{:: }", complex{0.0, 0.0});      // s2 has value: ( 0 0i)
string s3 = format("{::+}", complex{0.0, 0.0});      // s3 has value: (+0+0i)
string s4 = format("{:S:}", complex{0.0, 0.0});      // s4 has value: (0,0)

double inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double nan = numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
string s5 = format("{::}", complex{inf, nan});       // s5 has value: (inf+nan i)
string s6 = format("{:S:}", complex{inf, nan});      // s6 has value: (inf,nan)
-- end example]

12 Returns: An iterator past the end of the output range.

7.4 Formatters bitset and bitset::reference

Add to 22.9.1 [bitset.syn]

   template<class charT, class traits, size_t N>
     basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
       operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const bitset<N>& x);

+  // [bitset.format], formatter specialization for bitset
+  template<size_t N, class charT> struct formatter<bitset<N>, charT>;
+  template<class T>
+    constexpr bool is-bitset-reference = see below;          // exposition only
+  template<class T, class charT> requires is-bitset-reference<T>
+    struct formatter<T, charT>;
 [3]{.pnum} The functions described in [template.bitset]{.sref} can report three kinds of errors, each associated with a distinct exception:

 [3.1]{.pnum} an _invalid-argument_ error is associated with exceptions of type `invalid_argument` ([invalid.argument]{.sref});

 [3.2]{.pnum} an _out-of-range_ error is associated with exceptions of type out_of_range ([out.of.range]{.sref});

 [3.3]{.pnum} an _overflow_ error is associated with exceptions of type overflow_error ([overflow.error]{.sref}).

+template<class T>
+  constexpr bool is-bitset-reference = see below;
+ [4]{.pnum} The expression is-bitset-reference<T> is true if T denotes the type `template<size_t N> bitset<N>::reference`.

Add a new section 22.9.? Formatting [bitset.format]:

namespace std {
  template<size_t N, class charT = char>
  class formatter<bitset<N>, charT {
    basic_string_view<charT> separator_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("");        // exposition only
    basic_string_view<charT> opening-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>("("); // exposition only
    basic_string_view<charT> closing-bracket_ = STATICALLY-WIDEN<charT>(")"); // exposition only
    charT zero_ = CharT('0');                                                 // exposition only
    charT one_ = CharT('1');                                                  // exposition only

    constexpr void set_separator(basic_string_view<charT> sep) noexcept;
    constexpr void set_brackets(basic_string_view<charT> opening,
                                basic_string_view<charT> closing) noexcept;
    constexpr void set_zero_one(charT zero, charT one) noexcept;

    template<class ParseContext>
      constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator
        parse(ParseContext& ctx);

    template<class FormatContext>
      typename FormatContext::iterator
        format(bitset<N> value, FormatContext& ctx) const;

1 template<size_t N, class charT> class formatter<bitset<N>, charT>;

formatter<bitset<N>, charT> interprets format-spec as a bitset-format-spec. The syntax of format specifications is as follows:

    range-fill-and-alignopt #opt 0opt widthopt Lopt nopt bitset-typeopt bitset-underlying-specopt
bitset-type: one of
     b B d o x X r s
      : format-spec

2 range-fill-and-align, is interpreted the same way as a described in [format.range.formatter].

3 #, 0, width, and L are interpreted the same way as a described in 22.14.2 [format.string].

4 n is interpreted the same way as a described in [format.range.formatter].

5 the bitset-type specifier changes the way a bitset is formatted, with certain options only valid with certain argument types. The meaning of the various type options is as specified in Table xx.

Table xx: Meaning of bitset-type options [tab:bitset.format.type]

b, B, d, o, x, X

Is formatted as if formatting the output of bitset<N>::to_ullong(). If the value can not be represented in an unsigned long long it is implementation defined whether the value is formatted as an integral or an overflow_error is thrown.

Implementations may use different behavior for the different options.

[ Note: This allows to generate output for the b option and throwing for the d option.end note ]

r The output is formatted as a range of boolean values.
s Is formatted as if formatting the output of bitset<N>::to_string(zero_, one_).
none The same s.

6 The format-spec in a bitset-underlying-spec, if any, is interpreted as the std-format-spec for a bool type as described in 22.14.2 [format.string]. The bitset-underlying-spec is only valid when the bitset-type option is r.

template<class T>
  constexpr bool is-bitset-reference = see below;

7 The variable template is-bitset-reference is true if T denotes the type bitset<N>::reference for some value of N and bitset<N> is not a program-defined specialization.

template<class T, class charT> requires is-bitset-reference<T>
  struct formatter<T, charT> {
    formatter<bool, charT> underlying_;     // exposition only

    template <class ParseContext>
      constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator
        parse(ParseContext& ctx);

    template <class FormatContext>
      typename FormatContext::iterator
        format(const T& ref, FormatContext& ctx) const;
template <class ParseContext>
  constexpr typename ParseContext::iterator
    parse(ParseContext& ctx);

8 Effects: Equivalent to return underlying_.parse(ctx);

template <class FormatContext>
  typename FormatContext::iterator
    format(const T& ref, FormatContext& ctx) const;

9 Effects: Equivalent to return underlying_.format(ref, ctx);

7.5 Formatter sub_match

Add to 32.3 [re.syn]

   template<class charT, class ST, class BiIter>
     basic_ostream<charT, ST>&
       operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, ST>& os, const sub_match<BiIter>& m);

+  // [re.submatch.format], formatting
+  template<class BiIter, class charT>
+  struct formatter<sub_match<BiIter>, charT>;
   // [re.results], class template match_results
   template<class BidirectionalIterator,
            class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>>>
     class match_results;

Add a new section 38.8.? Formatting [re.submatch.format]:

1 formatter<sub_match<BiIter>, charT> is a debug-enabled string type specialization ( [format.formatter.spec]).

2 The formatter outputs the result of the sub_match’s str().

7.6 Header system_error

Add to 19.5.2 [system.error.syn]

   // [], comparison operator functions
   bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
   bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
   bool operator==(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
   strong_ordering operator<=>(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
   strong_ordering operator<=>(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
+  // [syserr.format], formatter support
+  template<> struct formatter<error_category>;
+  template<> struct formatter<error_code>;
+  template<> struct formatter<error_condition>;

   // [syserr.hash], hash support
   template<class T> struct hash;
   template<> struct hash<error_code>;
   template<> struct hash<error_condition>;

Add a new section 19.5.? Formatting [syserr.format]:

1 For each of error_code and error_condition, the library provides the following formatter specialization where error-code is the name of the template.

template<> struct formatter<error-code>;

1 formatter<error-code> interprets format-spec as a error-code-format-spec. The syntax of format specifications is as follows:

    fill-and-alignopt #opt 0opt widthopt Lopt error-code-typeopt
error-code-type-value: one of
     b B d o x X

3 fill-and-align, #, 0, width, and L are interpreted the same way as a described in 22.14.2 [format.string].

4 When error-code-type is a error-code-type-value the value is formatted as an int obtained by calling the value() member function.

5 When error-code-type is a error-code-type-message the value is formatted as a string obtained by calling the message() member function.

6 When error-code-type is a error-code-type-ostream the value is formatted is the same way the output of operator<<. When this display type is used only the fill-and-align and width option may be present.

7 When the error-code-type is omitted it is formatted as-if the error-code-type-ostream has been specified.

7.7 Byte

TODO after the generic design is approved.

8 References

[N4944] Thomas Köppe. 2023-03-22. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++.
[P1636R2] Lars Gullik Bjønnes. 2019-10-06. Formatters for library types.
[P1684R5] Christian Trott, D. S. Hollman,Mark Hoemmen,Daniel Sunderland,Damien Lebrun-Grandie. 2023-05-19. mdarray: An Owning Multidimensional Array Analog of mdspan.
[P2197R0] Michael Tesch, Victor Zverovich. 2020-08-22. Formatting for std::complex.
[P2286R8] Barry Revzin. 2022-05-16. Formatting Ranges.
[P2585R0] Barry Revzin. 2022-05-15. Improving default container formatting.
[P2637R2] Barry Revzin. 2023-05-16. Member visit.
[P2693R1] Corentin Jabot, Victor Zverovich. 2023-02-09. Formatting thread::id and stacktrace.
[P2728R3] Zach Laine. 2023-05-10. Unicode in the Library, Part 1: UTF Transcoding.
[P2845R0] Victor Zverovich. 2023-05-07. Formatting of std::filesystem::path.