2023-05 Library Evolution Polls

Published Proposal,

Issue Tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Introduction

This paper contains the decision polls that the C++ Library Evolution group will take in 2023-05.

2. Voting

These decision polls will be conducted electronically; see [P2195R2] for more information on electronic voting procedures.

All committee members may vote, but if you have not participated in the Library Evolution discussions of a poll, please choose to not vote.

2.1. How to Vote

Vote here.

A documents.isocpp.org account is necessary to vote. If you have an isocpp.org/papers account, a documents.isocpp.org account has been created for you. Just go to documents.isocpp.org and reset your password. Email Bryce Adelstein Lelbach if you do not have an account or are having trouble accessing your account.

If you see "Form not found" when you go to the above link, you are not signed in to documents.isocpp.org. Go to documents.isocpp.org and sign in first.

You will not receive a confirmation email after voting. The Library Evolution chairs will send a confirmation to all voters before the close of the poll.

If you need to change how you voted or have any questions or issues about voting, please email Bryce Adelstein Lelbach.

2.2. Voting Timeline

3. Poll Structure

Each poll consists of a statement; you vote on whether you support the statement. All polls will be 5-way polls; you’ll vote either "strongly favor", "weakly favor", "neutral", "weakly against", or "strongly against".

Polls phrased as "Return X" indicate that the paper was sent to Library Working Group in the past, and Libary Working Group returned it to us with questions. Polls phrased as "Send X" indicate that the paper has not previously been sent to Library Working Group.

All committee members may vote, but if you have not participated in the Library Evolution discussions of a poll (in-person, over telecon, or over email), please consider whether you sufficiently understand the topic to be able to vote in an informed manner. If you do not, please choose to not participate in the poll.

If you do not want to participate in a poll, select the "I do not want to participate in this poll" option. Those who do not participate in a poll will not be counted or recorded. Voting neutral is not the same as choosing to not participate; please don’t vote neutral if you did not participate in the discussions of the poll.

Each poll has a comment field. Please write a few sentences explaining the rationale for your vote. We recommend drafting your comments in a text editor and then pasting them into the polling system.

Poll results and selected comments will be shared with Library Evolution after the end of the polling period, including attribution of your votes and comments.

If you want to discuss the polls or how you plan on voting, please start an email thread on the Library Evolution mailing list.

You will not receive a confirmation email after voting.

If you need to see how you voted, change how you voted, or have any questions or issues about voting, please contact the Library Evolution chair.

3.1. Polls

3.1.1. [P1673R12] BLAS Linear Algebra

Send [P1673R12] BLAS Linear Algebra to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.2. [P2630R3] submdspan

Send [P2630R3] submdspan to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.3. [P1383R1] More constexpr For <cmath> And <complex>

Send [P1383R1] More constexpr For <cmath> And <complex> to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.4. [P2546R3] Debugging Support

Send [P2546R3] Debugging Support to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.5. [P2548R5] copyable_function

Send [P2548R5] copyable_function to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.6. [P2714R0] Bind Front And Back To NTTP Callables

Send [P2714R0] Bind Front And Back To NTTP Callables to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.7. [P2637R2] Member visit

Send [P2637R2] Member visit to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.8. [P2757R2] Type-Checking Format Args

Send [P2757R2] Type-Checking Format Args to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.9. [P2641R3] Checking If A Union Alternative Is Active

Send [P2641R3] Checking If A Union Alternative Is Active to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.10. [P1759R6] Native Handle And File Streams

Send [P1759R6] Native Handle And File Streams to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.11. [P2697R0] Interfacing bitset With string_view

Send [P2697R0] Interfacing bitset With string_view to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.12. [P2248R7] Enabling List-Initialization For Algorithms

Send [P2248R7] Enabling List-Initialization For Algorithms to Library Working Group for C++26.

3.1.13. [P2734R0] Adding The New 2022 SI Prefixes

Send [P2734R0] Adding The New 2022 SI Prefixes to Library Working Group for C++26.


Informative References

Oliver Rosten. More constexpr for cmath and complex. 21 November 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p1383r1
Mark Hoemmen, Daisy Hollman,Christian Trott,Daniel Sunderland,Nevin Liber,Alicia KlinvexLi-Ta Lo,Damien Lebrun-Grandie,Graham Lopez,Peter Caday,Sarah Knepper,Piotr Luszczek,Timothy Costa. A free function linear algebra interface based on the BLAS. 15 March 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p1673r12
Elias Kosunen. Native Handles And File Streams. 2023-05-15. URL: https://wg21.link/P1759R6
Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. Electronic Straw Polls. 28 January 2021. URL: https://wg21.link/p2195r2
Giuseppe D'Angelo. Enabling list-initialization for algorithms. 13 November 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2248r7
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell. Debugging Support. 15 November 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2546r3
Michael Florian Hava. copyable_function. 2023-04-03. URL: https://wg21.link/P2548R5
Christian Trott, Mark Hoemmen, Damien Lebrun-Grandie, Nevin Liber. Submdspan. 15 March 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2630r3
Barry Revzin. Member visit. 2023-04-16. URL: https://wg21.link/P2637R2
Barry Revzin. Checking If A Union Alternative Is Active. 2023-05-15. URL: https://wg21.link/P2641R3
Michael Florian Hava. Interfacing bitset with string_view. 13 November 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2697r0
Zhihao Yuan, Tomasz Kamiński. Bind front and back to NTTP callables. 13 January 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2714r0
Marc Mutz. Adding the new 2022 SI prefixes. 20221130. URL: https://wg21.link/p2734r0
Barry Revzin. Type-Checking Format Args. 2023-05-15. URL: https://wg21.link/P2757R2