std::unexpected<E> should have error() as member accessor

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
Issue Tracking:
GitHub Mick235711/wg21-papers

[P0323R12] introduced class template std::expected<T, E>, a vocabulary type containing an expected value of type T or an error E. Similar to std::optional<T>, std::expected<T, E> provided member function value() and error() in order to allow access to the contained value or error type. The proposal also includes the auxiliary type std::unexpected<E> to wrap the error type, to both disambiguating between value and error types, and also introduce explicit marker for returning error (unexpected outcome) types. The introduction of the wrapper type allows both T and std::unexpected<E> to be implicitly convertible to std::expected<T, E>, and thus allows the following usage:

std::expected<int, std::errc> svtoi(std::string_view sv)
    int value{0};
    auto [ptr, ec] = std::from_chars(sv.begin(), sv.end(), value);
    if (ec == std::errc{})
        return value;
    return std::unexpected(ec);
However, even though std::unexpected<E> is simply a wrapper over E, we need to use its member method value() to access the contained error value. The name of the member method is inconsistent with the std::expected<T, E> usage and intuition, so this proposal seeks to correct the name of the member access method to error().

[P0323R12] is adopted for C++23 at February 2022 WG21 Plenary, so this proposal also targets C++23 to fix this.

1. Revision History

1.1. R1

Poll: Advance [P2549R0] to electronic polling to send it to LWG for C++23 (as a [P0592R4] priority 2 item)

7 5 2 0 0

Outcome: Strong Consensus in Favor 🎉

In the 2022-05 Library Evolution Electronic Polling period, the paper was forwarded to LWG.

Poll 1.12: Send [P2549R0] to Library Working Group for C++23, classified as an improvement of an existing feature ([P0592R4] bucket 2 item).

9 9 2 0 0

Outcome: Strong Consensus in Favor 🎉

This revision thus targets LWG.

1.2. R0

2. Motivation

Consistency among library vocabulary types is essential and makes user interaction intuitive. Since std::expected<T, E> is specifically based on and extends std::optional<T> [N3793], it is especially important to maintain a similar interface between std::optional<T> and std::expected<T, E>, and also within the expected design. In this way, users will not be surprised if they switch between different sum types.

We can have a comparison on the various member access method of the optional and expected interface:

Member Return Type std::optional
<T, E>
(Normal) Value T value()
Unexpected Outcome
E (std::
N/A error() value() error()

We can see that the only outlier in this table is std::unexpected<E>::value(), which is both inconsistent with std::expected<E> and std::bad_expected_access<E> that also (possibly) holds an error value, and also inconsistent with other standard library types providing value(), including std::optional<T> and std::expected<T, E>. These types all provide value() to access the normal value they hold and often have preconditions (or throw exceptions if violated) that they hold a value instead of an error.

Provide error() instead of value() for std::unexpected<E> has several benefits:

  1. Consistency: Both consistent with std::expected<T, E> and std::bad_expected_access<E> to provide error() to return error value, and also reduce inconsistency with other value()-providing types that have different preconditions.

  2. Generic: Same name means more generic code is allowed. For example, generic code can do e.error() on any (potentially) error-wrapping types to retrieve the error, this includes std::expected<T, E>, std::unexpected<E>, std::bad_expected_access<E>, and possible further error-handling types like std::status_code [P1028R3] and std::error [P0709R4].

  3. Safety & Intuitive: Other value() types often has different preconditions, for example, throwing when the type does not hold a normal value or (worse) have a narrow contract and UB on abnormal call. Passing the current std::unexpected<E>-wrapped type to interface expecting the normal value() semantics can be surprising when leading to runtime exception or (worse) UB.

Before change:

void fun()
    using namespace std::literals;
    using ET = std::expected<int, std::string>;
    auto unex = std::unexpected("Oops"s);
    auto wrapped = unex.value(); // okay, get "Oops"
    auto ex = ET(unex); // implicit, can also happen in parameter passing, etc.
    auto wrapped2 = ex.value(); // throws!
After change:
void fun()
    using namespace std::literals;
    using ET = std::expected<int, std::string>;
    auto unex = std::unexpected("Oops"s);
    auto wrapped = unex.error(); // okay, get "Oops"
    auto ex = ET(unex); // implicit, can also happen in parameter passing, etc.
    auto wrapped2 = ex.error(); // okay, get "Oops" too.

Side note: you can even smell the inconsistency when many of the wording of equality operator between expected<T, E> and unexpected<E> in [P0323R12] contains clause such as x.error() == e.value().

3. Design

3.1. Alternative Design

This section lists the alternative choices and possible arguments against this proposal that have been considered.

3.1.1. But we are already badly inconsistent!

Some may argue that the intensive use of value() across the library is already inconsistent, and we do not need to keep it consistent.

I would argue that most use of value() member function across the standard library adheres to the tradition, aka return the normal "value" that the type is holding. Functions like std::chrono::leap_second::value() can be thought as an extended definition of "value": leap second can hold either +1s or -1s as value. The only case that I agree are related is the C++11 std::error_code/std::error_condition pair and their value() member that returns the error code, which seems to return an error(-related) value. However, I want to point out that value() is not really the "error value" or "unexpected outcome" of these types since this is the expected outcome (or "normal value") on a std::error_code. Furthermore, value() is not really the whole "error" contained in these types since these two types consist of value() plus category(). Only value() cannot represent a unique error and should not be taken as the "error representation".

3.1.2. Conversion operator

The other standard library wrapper type, std::reference_wrapper<T>, provided an (implicit) conversion operator to T&, its wrapped value. This leads to thoughts on whether std::unexpected<E> should simply provide an (implicit or explicit) conversion operator to E as its member access method.

A similar choice had been facing the designer of std::optional<T>, and their decision (later inherited by std::expected<T, E>) is to reject: ([N3672], 7.9)

We do not think that providing an implicit conversion to T would be a good choice. First, it would require different way of checking for the empty state; and second, such implicit conversion is not perfect and still requires other means of accessing the contained value if we want to call a member function on it.

I think that this reasoning also applies here. Even if it is implicit, the conversion operator is not perfect (call member functions), and we still need static_cast or other member accessors to do that. Also, there seems to be no benefit in providing such conversion (besides, std::unexpected<E> is just intended as a "trampoline" for constructing a std::expected<T, E>, it is not intended to be used extensively/on its own). Therefore I rejected this option.

3.1.3. No member accessor

The above discussion leads to the consideration: since std::unexpected<E> is just meant as a "trampoline", does it need a member accessor at all? Besides, the intended usage is just return std::unexpected(some_error);, providing a member accessor does not seem to help this use case at all.

This is an interesting point. Also, one of [P0323R12]'s referenced implementation [viboes-expected] does this: its std::experimental::fundamental_v3::unexpected<E> type have no accessor at all. However, providing an accessor does not seem to do any harm and may have interesting use cases that I’m not aware of. Therefore I do not propose this but will not be against changing the proposal to this direction if L(E)WG favors this.

3.2. Target Vehicle

This proposal targets C++23. I’m aware that the design freeze deadline of C++23 is already passed, but I think this can be classified as an improvement/fix over the defect in std::expected<T, E>. Furthermore, this proposal will be a huge breaking change (that makes it simply unviable to propose) after C++23.

3.3. Feature Test Macro

As long as the proposal lands in C++23, I don’t think there is a need to change any feature test macro. However, if L(E)WG feels there is a need or if [P2505R2] ends up bumping the feature test macro, then I suggest bumping __cpp_lib_expected to the date of adoption (definitely larger than 202202L, and probably share a value with [P2505R2]).

4. Implementation & Usage Experience

The referenced implementation of [P0323R12] all implement the interface of the original proposal (except [viboes-expected] mentioned above). This section thus investigated several similar implementations.

4.1. Outcome v2

[outcome-v2] is a popular library invested in a set of tools for reporting and handling function failures in contexts where directly using C++ exception handling is unsuitable. It is both provided as Boost.Outcome and the standalone GitHub repository and also has an experimental branch that is the basis of [P1095R0] and [P1028R3] std::status_code. The library provided result<T, E, Policy> and outcome<T, EC, EP, Policy> types that represents value/error duo type, just like std::expected<T, E>, with the difference in interface and also the outcome can hold both EC and EP (error code and exception (pointer)). The design of result<T, E> also deeply influences [P0323R12], and the final adopted design of std::expected<T, E> is very similar to what outcome::result<T, E> provides.

One of the main design differences is that result<T, E> can be implicitly constructed from both T and E, while std::expected<T, E> can only be implicitly constructed from the former. For this reason, result<T, E> does not allow for T and E to be the same and also does not provide operator* and operator-> accessor. Thus, there are wrappers for both success and failure value for construction, and success_type<T> wrap a success T, while failure_type<EC, EP> wraps an unexpected E (or EC and EP). Their accessors are: (the assume_* narrow-contract accessors and failure() are not shown)

Member Return Type result<T, E> outcome<T, EC, EP> success_type<T> failure_type<EC, EP>
(Normal) Value T value() value() value() N/A
Unexpected Outcome
E (or EC and EP) error() error()
N/A error()

We can see that Outcome v2 is pretty consistent in member accessor, and especially its failure_type<EC, EP> provides error() and exception(), not value(). Also, note that the default exception being thrown, bad_result_access and bad_outcome_access, does not hold the error/exception value at all. There is a bad_result_access_with<E> for consistency with std::expected<T, E>.

4.2. Boost.LEAF

Lightweight Error Augmentation Framework (LEAF), or [Boost.LEAF], is a lightweight error handling library for C++11. It is intended to be an improved version of Outcome by eliminating branchy code and removing error type from result<T, E> signature. The author describes it as

LEAF is designed with a strong bias towards the common use case where callers of functions which may fail check for success and forward errors up the call stack but do not handle them. In this case, only a trivial success-or-failure discriminant is transported. Actual error objects are communicated directly to the error handling scope, skipping the intermediate check-only frames altogether.

The main type for LEAF is leaf::result<T>, which is again a counterpart of std::expected<T, E> and outcome::result<T, E>, but with E eliminated from the signature. Unexpected results are produced by leaf::new_error(some_error), which returns a leaf::error_id object that the user can convert to an unexpected leaf::result<T>. There is also a leaf::error_info that is used as the generic error type receiver for functions such as leaf::try_catch. The member accessor is:

Member Return Type leaf::result<T> leaf::error_info
(Normal) Value T value() N/A
Unexpected Outcome
leaf::error_id error() error()
(Notice that leaf::error_id is the final error (unexpected outcome) type, its value() is similar to that of std::error_code, which does not return an "unexpected outcome", but instead return an error ID for the alternative description of leaf::error_id, which actually fits into my reasoning of returning "value".) Again we can see consistency here.

5. Wording

The wording below is based on [N4910]. Wording includes only the renaming of value() to error(), and val to unex; no semantic changes are intended.

Currently, feature test macro wording is not present. If [P2505R2] ends up adopting the macro changes, then I will provide an accompanied wording here.

5.1. 22.8.3 Unexpected objects [expected.unexpected]

5.1.1. Class template unexpected [expected.un.object] General [expected.un.object.general]
namespace std {
    template<class E>
    class unexpected {
        constexpr unexpected(const unexpected&) = default;
        constexpr unexpected(unexpected&&) = default;
        template<class... Args>
            constexpr explicit unexpected(in_place_t, Args&&...);
        template<class U, class... Args>
            constexpr explicit unexpected(in_place_t, initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
        template<class Err = E>
            constexpr explicit unexpected(Err&&);

        constexpr unexpected& operator=(const unexpected&) = default;
        constexpr unexpected& operator=(unexpected&&) = default;

        constexpr const E& valueerror() const & noexcept;
        constexpr E& valueerror() & noexcept;
        constexpr const E&& valueerror() const && noexcept;
        constexpr E&& valueerror() && noexcept;

        constexpr void swap(unexpected& other) noexcept(see below);

        template<class E2>
            friend constexpr bool operator==(const unexpected&, const unexpected<E2>&);

        friend constexpr void swap(unexpected& x, unexpected& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y)));

        E valunex; // exposition only

    template<class E> unexpected(E) -> unexpected<E>;
} Constructors [expected.un.ctor]
template<class Err = E>
    constexpr explicit unexpected(Err&& e);


Effects: Direct-non-list-initializes valunex with std::forward<Err>(e).

Throws: Any exception thrown by the initialization of valunex.

template<class... Args>
    constexpr explicit unexpected(in_place_t, Args&&... args);

Constraints: is_constructible_v<E, Args...> is true.

Effects: Direct-non-list-initializes valunex with std::forward<Args>(args)....

Throws: Any exception thrown by the initialization of valunex.

template<class U, class... Args>
    constexpr explicit unexpected(in_place_t, initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args);

Constraints: is_constructible_v<E, initializer_list<U>&, Args...> is true.

Effects: Direct-non-list-initializes valunex with il, std::forward<Args>(args)....

Throws: Any exception thrown by the initialization of valunex. Observers [expected.un.obs]
constexpr const E& valueerror() const & noexcept;
constexpr E& valueerror() & noexcept;

Returns: valunex.

constexpr E&& valueerror() && noexcept;
constexpr const E&& valueerror() const && noexcept;

Returns: std::move(valunex). Swap [expected.un.swap]
constexpr void swap(unexpected& other) noexcept(is_nothrow_swappable_v<E>);

Mandates: is_swappable_v<E> is true.

Effects: Equivalent to: using std::swap; swap(valunex, other.valunex); Equality operator [expected.un.eq]
template<class E2>
    friend constexpr bool operator==(const unexpected& x, const unexpected<E2>& y);

Mandates: The expression x.valueerror() == y.valueerror() is well-formed and its result is convertible to bool.

Returns: x.valueerror() == y.valueerror().

5.2. 22.8.4 Class template bad_expected_access [expected.bad]

namespace std {
    template<class E>
    class bad_expected_access : public bad_expected_access<void> {
        explicit bad_expected_access(E);
        const char* what() const noexcept override;
        E& error() & noexcept;
        const E& error() const & noexcept;
        E&& error() && noexcept;
        const E&& error() const && noexcept;
        E valunex; // exposition only

The class template bad_expected_access defines the type of objects thrown as exceptions to report the situation where an attempt is made to access the value of an expected<T, E> object for which has_value() is false.

explicit bad_expected_access(E e);

Effects: Initializes valunex with std::move(e).

const E& error() const & noexcept;
E& error() & noexcept;

Returns: valunex.

E&& error() && noexcept;
const E&& error() const && noexcept;

Returns: std::move(valunex).

5.3. 22.8.6 Class template expected [expected.expected]

5.3.1. Constructors [expected.object.ctor]

template<class G>
    constexpr explicit(!is_convertible_v<const G&, E>) expected(const unexpected<G>& e);
template<class G>
    constexpr explicit(!is_convertible_v<G, E>) expected(unexpected<G>&& e);

Let GF be const G& for the first overload and G for the second overload.

Constraints: is_constructible_v<E, GF> is true.

Effects: Direct-non-list-initializes unex with std::forward<GF>(e.valueerror()).

Postconditions: has_value() is false.

Throws: Any exception thrown by the initialization of unex.

5.3.2. Assignment [expected.object.assign]

template<class G>
    constexpr expected& operator=(const unexpected<G>& e);
template<class G>
    constexpr expected& operator=(unexpected<G>&& e);

Let GF be const G& for the first overload and G for the second overload.



Returns: *this.

5.3.3. Equality operators [expected.object.eq]

template<class E2> friend constexpr bool operator==(const expected& x, const unexpected<E2>& e);

Mandates: The expression x.error() == e.valueerror() is well-formed and its result is convertible to bool.

Returns: !x.has_value() && static_cast<bool>(x.error() == e.valueerror()).

5.4. 22.8.7 Partial specialization of expected for void types [expected.void]

5.4.1. Constructors [expected.void.ctor]

template<class G>
    constexpr explicit(!is_convertible_v<const G&, E>) expected(const unexpected<G>& e);
template<class G>
    constexpr explicit(!is_convertible_v<G, E>) expected(unexpected<G>&& e);

Let GF be const G& for the first overload and G for the second overload.

Constraints: is_constructible_v<E, GF> is true.

Effects: Direct-non-list-initializes unex with std::forward<GF>(e.valueerror()).

Postconditions: has_value() is false.

Throws: Any exception thrown by the initialization of unex.

5.4.2. Assignment [expected.void.assign]

template<class G>
    constexpr expected& operator=(const unexpected<G>& e);
template<class G>
    constexpr expected& operator=(unexpected<G>&& e);

Let GF be const G& for the first overload and G for the second overload.

Constraints: is_constructible_v<E, GF> is true and is_assignable_v<E&, GF> is true.


Returns: *this.

5.4.3. Equality operators [expected.void.eq]

template<class E2>
    friend constexpr bool operator==(const expected& x, const unexpected<E2>& e);

Mandates: The expression x.error() == e.valueerror() is well-formed and its result is convertible to bool.

Returns: !x.has_value() && static_cast<bool>(x.error() == e.valueerror()).


Normative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++. 17 March 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/n4910
Vicente Botet, JF Bastien, Jonathan Wakely. std::expected. 7 January 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p0323r12
Yihe Li. std::unexpected should have error() as member accessor. 13 February 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2549r0

Informative References

Emil Dotchevski. Lightweight Error Augmentation Framework written in C++11. URL: https://boostorg.github.io/leaf/
F. Cacciola, A. Krzemieński. A proposal to add a utility class to represent optional objects (Revision 4). 19 April 2013. URL: https://wg21.link/n3672
F. Cacciola, A. Krzemieński. A proposal to add a utility class to represent optional objects (Revision 5). 3 October 2013. URL: https://wg21.link/n3793
Niall Douglas. Standalone Outcome v2: Lightweight Error Handling Framework. URL: https://github.com/ned14/outcome
Ville Voutilainen. To boldly suggest an overall plan for C++23. 25 November 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p0592r4
Herb Sutter. Zero-overhead deterministic exceptions: Throwing values. 4 August 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p0709r4
Niall Douglas. SG14 status_code and standard error object. 12 January 2020. URL: https://wg21.link/p1028r3
Niall Douglas. Zero overhead deterministic failure - A unified mechanism for C and C++. 29 August 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p1095r0
Jeff Garland. Monadic Functions for std::expected. URL: https://wg21.link/p2505r2
Vicente J. Botet Escriba. viboes's Implementation of LFTSv3 std::expected<T, E>. URL: https://github.com/viboes/std-make/blob/master/include/experimental/fundamental/v3/expected2/expected.hpp