std::variant_alternative_index and std::variant_alternative_index_v

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


A description of std::variant_alternative_index and std::variant_alternative_index_v which polish use of std::variant in C++.

1. Introduction

std::variant seems have a missing piece. std::get and std::get_if can be used with an index or with a type. There is already a way to get a type from an index (std::variant_alternative) but there is no way to get an index from a type. This adds such a mechanism.

2. Addition to Standard Library

Add the following to the existing header :

template<class Type, class Variant> struct variant_alternative_index {
    static constexpr std::size_t value;

template<class Type, class Variant> inline constexpr
    std::size_t variant_alternative_index_v = variant_alternative_index<Type, Variant>::value;

The design is similar to std::variant_size and std::variant_size_v. The variadic version is omitted because they are not associated with std::variant but rather any list of types. They could be added if feedback indicates their inclusion is desired.

3. Ill-formed use

Like the versions of std::get and std::get_if that take a type, the program must be ill formed if the type is not a unique element in the types of the std::variant such as in these two cases:

using Example1 = std::variant<int, double, double>;
auto ambiguous = std::variant_alternative_index_v<double, Example1>;

using Example2 = std::variant<int, double>;
auto missing = std::variant_alternative_index_v<float, Example2>;

4. Motivating Use Case: Migrating C code to use std::variant

Consider the following C program with a unit test:

#include <assert.h>

struct NumberStorage {
    enum Type { TYPE_INT, TYPE_DOUBLE } type;
    union {
        int i;
        double d;

struct NumberStorage packageInteger(int i) {
    struct NumberStorage packaged;
    packaged.type = TYPE_INT;
    packaged.i = i;
    return packaged;

int main() {
    struct NumberStorage i = packageInteger(5);
    assert(i.type == TYPE_INT);

In order to migrate it from using a union to using a std::variant one of the cleanest solutions looks something like this:

#include <assert.h>
#include <variant>

// Dear future developers: VariantIndex and NumberStorage must stay in sync.
// If you reorder or add to one, you must do the same to the other.
enum class VariantIndex : std::size_t { Int, Double };
using NumberStorage = std::variant<int, double>;

NumberStorage packageInteger(int i) {
    return { i };

int main() {
    auto i = packageInteger(5);
    auto expectedIndex = static_cast<std::size_t>(VariantIndex::Int);
    assert(i.index() == expectedIndex);

Instead, using std::variant_alternative_index_v would make the code look cleaner and be easier to maintain:

#include <assert.h>
#include <variant>

using NumberStorage = std::variant<int, double>;

NumberStorage packageInteger(int i) {
    return { i };

int main() {
    auto i = packageInteger(5);
    auto expectedIndex = std::variant_alternative_index_v<int, NumberStorage>;
    assert(i.index() == expectedIndex);

5. Motivating Use Case: Simple object serialization

Another place where std::variant_alternative_index_v is useful is when we have an index from a source such as deserialization and we want to decide what type it represents without using any magic numbers:

struct Reset { };
struct Close { };
struct RunCommand { std::string command; };

using Action = std::variant<Reset, Close, RunCommand>;

void serializeAction(const Action& action, std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer)
    if (auto* runCommand = std::get_if<RunCommand>(&action))
        serializeString(runCommand->command, buffer);

std::optional<Action> deserializeAction(std::span<const uint8_t> source)
    if (!source.size())
        return std::nullopt;

    switch (source[0]) {
    case std::variant_alternative_index_v<Reset, Action>:
        return Reset { };
    case std::variant_alternative_index_v<Close, Action>:
        return Close { };
    case std::variant_alternative_index_v<RunCommand, Action>:
        return RunCommand { deserializeString(source.subspan(1)) };

    return std::nullopt;

Like the other motivating use case, this could be done with an enum class or #define RESET_INDEX 0 etc., but this is nicer and references the variant instead of requiring parallel metadata. This was the use case that motivated an implementation in WebKit.