Document number P2472R2
Date 2022-03-08

Jarrad J. Waterloo <>

Zhihao Yuan <>

Audience Library Evolution Working Group (LEWG)

make function_ref more functional

Table of contents





This document proposes adding additional constructors to function_ref 1 in order to make it easier to use, more efficient, and safer to use with common use cases.

Currently, a function_ref, can be constructed from a lambda/functor, a free function pointer, and a member function pointer. While the lambda/functor use case does support type erasing this pointer, its free/member function pointer constructors do not allow type erasing any arguments, even though these two use cases are common.


Stateless Stateful
Lambda/Functor 🗸 🗸
Free Function 🗸
Member Function 🗸

Motivating Examples


struct rule {
    void when() {
// rule could just as easily be test which also have when and then functions

void then(rule& r) {

void rule_when(rule& r) {

struct callback {
    rule* r;
    void (*f)(rule&);

rule localTaxRule;

member/free function with type erasure

Since typed erased free and member functions are not currently supported, the current function_ref proposal forces users to create an unnecessary temporary functor, likely with std::bind_front or a stateful/capturing lambda that the developer hopes the optimizer to elide.

member function with type erasure
C/C++ core language
callback cb = {&localTaxRule, [](rule& r){r.when();}};
// or
callback cb = {&localTaxRule, rule_when};
// separate temp to prevent dangling
// when temp is passed to multiple arguments
auto temp = [&localTaxRule](){localTaxRule.when();};
function_ref<void()> fr = temp;
// or when given directly as a function argument
function_ref<void()> fr = {nontype<&rule::when>, localTaxRule};
free function with type erasure
C/C++ core language
callback cb = {&localTaxRule, [](rule& r){then(r);}};
// or
callback cb = {&localTaxRule, then};
// separate temp to prevent dangling
// when temp is passed to multiple arguments
auto temp = [&localTaxRule](){then(localTaxRule);};
function_ref<void()> fr = temp;
// or when given directly as a function argument
function_ref<void()> fr = {nontype<then>, localTaxRule}

This has numerous disadvantages compared to what the C++ core language can do. It is inefficient, hard to use, and unsafe to use.

Not easy to use
Why should a stateful lambda even be needed when the signature is compatible?
easier to use more efficient safer to use
C/C++ core language 🗸 🗸 🗸
proposed 🗸 🗸 🗸

What is more, member/free functions with type erasure are common use cases! “Member functions with type erasure” is used by delegates/events in object oriented programming and “free functions with type erasure” are common with callbacks in procedural/functional programming.

member function without type erasure

The fact that users do not expect “stateless” things to dangle becomes even more apparent with the member function without type erasure use case.

C/C++ core language
void (rule::*mf)() = &rule::when;
// separate temp needed to prevent dangling
// when temp is passed to multiple arguments
auto temp = &rule::when;
function_ref<void(rule&)> fr = temp;
// or when given directly as a function argument
function_ref<void(rule&)> fr = {nontype<&rule::when>};

Current function_ref implementations store a reference to the member function pointer as the state inside function_ref. A trampoline function is required regardless. However, the user expected behavior is for function_ref referenced state to be unused/nullptr, as all of the arguments must be forwarded since none are being type erased. Such dangling is never expected, yet the current function_ref proposal/implementation does. Similarly, this use case suffers, just as the previous two did, with respect to ease of use, efficiency, and safety due to the superfluous lambda/functor and two-step initialization.

easier to use more efficient safer to use
C/C++ core language 🗸 🗸 🗸
proposed 🗸 🗸 🗸

free function without type erasure

The C/C++ core language, function_ref, and the proposed examples are approximately equal concerning ease of use, efficiency, and safety for the free function without type erasure use case. While the proposed nontype example is slightly wordier because of the template nontype, it is more consistent with the other three use cases, making it more teachable and usable since the user does not need to choose between bifurcation practices. Also, the expectation of unused state and the function being selected at compile time still applies here, as it does for member function without type erasure use case.

C/C++ core language
void (*f)(rule&) = then;
function_ref<void(rule&)> fr = then;
function_ref<void(rule&)> fr = {nontype<then>};
easier to use more efficient safer to use
C/C++ core language 🗸 🗸 🗸
function_ref 🗸 🗸 🗸
proposed 🗸 🗸 🗸

Remove existing free function constructor?

Should the existing free function constructor be removed with the overlap in functionality with the free function without type erasure use case? NO. Initializing a function_ref from a function pointer instead of a non-type function pointer template argument is still usable in the most runtime of libraries, such as dynamically loaded libraries where function pointers are looked up. However, it is not necessarily the general case where users work with declarations found in header files and modules.


The wording is relative to P0792R8.

Add new templates to 20.2.1 [utility.syn], header <utility> synopsis after in_place_index_t and in_place_index:

namespace std {

  // nontype argument tag
  template<auto V>
    struct nontype_t {
      explicit nontype_t() = default;

  template<auto V> inline constexpr nontype_t<V> nontype{};

Add a definition to 20.14.3 [func.def]:

template<auto f> constexpr function_ref(nontype_t<f>) noexcept;

Constraints: is-invocable-using<decltype(f)> is true.

Effects: Initializes bound-entity with nullptr, and thunk-ptr to address of a function such that thunk-ptr(bound-entity, call-args...) is expression equivalent to invoke_r<R>(f, nullptr, call-args...).

template<auto f, class T> function_ref(nontype_t<f>, T& state) noexcept;

Constraints: is-invocable-using<decltype(f), cv T&> is true.

Effects: Initializes bound-entity with addressof(state), and thunk-ptr to address of a function such that thunk-ptr(bound-entity, call-args...) is expression equivalent to invoke_r<R>(f, static_cast<T cv&>(bound-entity), call-args...).

template<auto f, class T> function_ref(nontype_t<f>, cv T* state) noexcept;

Constraints: is-invocable-using<decltype(f), cv T*> is true.

Effects: Initializes bound-entity with state, and thunk-ptr to address of a function such that thunk-ptr(bound-entity, call-args...) is expression equivalent to invoke_r<R>(f, static_cast<cv T*>(bound-entity), call-args...).

  template<class R, class... ArgTypes>
  class function_ref<R(ArgTypes...) cv ref noexcept(noex)> {
    // [func.wrap.ref.ctor], constructors ...
    template<auto f> constexpr function_ref(nontype_t<f>) noexcept;
    template<auto f, class T> function_ref(nontype_t<f>, T&) noexcept;
    template<auto f, class T> function_ref(nontype_t<f>, cv T*) noexcept;


  // [func.wrap.ref.deduct], deduction guides
  template<auto f>
    function_ref(nontype_t<f>) -> function_ref<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(f)>;
  template<auto f>
    function_ref(nontype_t<f>, auto) -> function_ref<see below>;

Deduction guides


template<auto f>
  function_ref(nontype_t<f>) -> function_ref<std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(f)>;

Constraints: is_function_v<f> is true.

template<auto f>
  function_ref(nontype_t<f>, auto) -> function_ref<see below>;

Constraints: - decltype(f) is of the form R(G::)(A...) cv &opt noexcept(E) for a class type G, or - decltype(f) is of the form R G:: for a class type G, in which case let A... be an empty pack, or - decltype(f) is of the form R(U, A...) noexcept(E).

Remarks: The deduced type is function_ref<R(A...) noexcept(E)>.

Feature test macro

We do not need a feature macro, because we intend for this paper to modify std::function_ref before it ships.

Other languages

C# and the .NET family of languages provide this via delegates 2.

// C#
delegate void some_name();
some_name fr = then;// the stateless free function use case
some_name fr = localTaxRule.when;// the stateful member function use case

Borland C++ now embarcadero provides this via __closure 3.

// Borland C++, embarcadero __closure
void(__closure * fr)();
fr = localTaxRule.when;// the stateful member function use case

function_ref with nontype constructors handles all four stateless/stateful free/member use cases. It is more feature-rich than those prior arts.

Example implementation

The most up-to-date implementation, created by Zhihao Yuan, is available on GitHub.4


Thanks to Arthur O’Dwyer, Tomasz Kamiński, Corentin Jabot and Zhihao Yuan for providing very valuable feedback on this proposal.




