Proposal for C2y
WG14 3321

Title:               User-defined qualifiers
Author, affiliation: Alex Celeste, Perforce
Date:                2024-08-20
Proposal category:   New feature
Target audience:     Compiler implementers, users


C's qualifier mechanism provides an elegant way to mark objects as having specific properties, and of specifying types that take these properties into account for object access; however, it is limited by the fact that the set of qualifiers available is fixed to only those with some meaning directly defined in the core language. Adding the ability for the user to define new qualifiers that behave according to the same rules as the access-qualifiers would allow users to encode domain logic directly into the type system in a more effective way, by describing the accesses their program can perform on objects in the types of their APIs.

User-defined qualifiers

Reply-to:     Alex Celeste (
Document No:  N3321
Revises:      N/A
Date:         2024-08-20

Summary of Changes



C provides a small set of access qualifiers (to use the term from Embedded C) that work to add constraints on the way an object is accessed through an lvalue. These encode information about access into the type system so that only APIs that conform to particular requirement can access these classes of objects.

It would be immensely useful for users and implementations to also be able to make similar promises and enforce similar restrictions about what can be done with a value, within the domain-specific logic of a given program.

Therefore, we propose to extend the existing core set of qualifiers with an arbitrarily-extensible group of added qualifiers that behave along similar lines in the type system, but that have no predefined meaning to the compiler. Instead, their meaning is entirely determined by the APIs the user creates to handle them.

Related work

In N3320 we propose a related mechanism to allow the user to define type aliases that specify distinct types from their declaring type.

A qualifier creates a distinct type from the unqualified type, so adding new qualifiers is also a way to allow the user to arbitrarily create new types.

However, the mechanisms are quite distinct: [[strong]] creates types that describe values, whereas qualifiers are always a property of the objects that hold values. The goal of this proposal is to allow the definition of objects marked as having distinct properties within the domain logic of the program, rather than to create distinct classes of value expression that persist through nested expression evaluation. Therefore, while related, the proposals serve distinct purposes.


We propose to add a new keyword, _Qualifier, which declares an identifier as a new qualifier for use on any object type. The newly-added qualifier is not one of the builtin access qualifiers and does not imply any of their properties, but within the type system, behaves in a similar way.

_Qualifier QA;  // new qualifiers
_Qualifier QB;

int i1;
int const i2;
int QA i3;

int * p1 = &i1;
p1 = &i2;  // error: loses const from the pointed-to type
p1 = &i3;  // error: loses QA from the pointed-to type

int const * p2 = &i1;  // OK, implicitly adds qualification to pointed-to
p2 = &i2;  // OK
p2 = &i3;  // error: loses QA from the pointed-to type

int const QA * p3 = &i1; // OK, implicitly adds const and QA
p3 = &i2;  // OK, implicitly adds QA
p3 = &i3;  // OK, implicitly adds const

The existing rules for the three access qualifiers are elegant and easy to remember. It would be possible to propose more complicated declarations for more powerful and/or convoluted forms of qualifier (starting with _Atomic with the rule that it cannot be added implicitly), but would be overly complicated.

Prior Art

The Embedded C TR adds named address spaces as a feature to the addressing model of C. Pointers into a given address space are represented by a qualified pointer, and objects are defined into an address space by qualifying their definition with the same qualifier.

The qualifiers themselves are not specified and are left implementation-defined. The TR does not introduce implicit conversion of a pointer to an address-qualified pointer, instead requiring a cast to change address space regardless of nesting. In this proposal, since the implicit conversions can be defined in the declaration of the qualifier, this can be replicated or a system-declared address-space qualifier could choose to be as restrictive as in the TR.

Our proposal does not include the concept of nesting because nesting can be achieved by simply only using one qualifier in conjunction with another qualifier at all times, e.g.:

// QB defined to nest inside QA

QA void * p1;     // QA-qualified
QA QB void * p2;  // OK: QB-qualified within the QA-space
QB void * p3;     // Design-level error: QB is meaningless without QA

The general qualifier system can therefore easily model the address-space qualification system from the TR.

We have implementation experience with generalized qualifiers in QAC. QAC makes heavy use of additional qualifiers with all variants of the different implicit conversion rules, to mean several different things. These are used for type inference, mutability analysis, and more. Our experience is that it is very easy for a type system capable of representing the basic CVA-qualifiers to add more qualifiers for other purposes.


The proposal requires a new keyword and a new form of declaration very similar to typedef to be added to the language. This is a simple addition.

Supporting an arbitrary number of qualifiers would probably require significant changes to some C type systems that have been implemented with the assumption that type qualification can be represented with a very small number of flag bits. In order to avoid disrupting these implementations and forcing heavy rewrites, we suggest that a reasonably low translation limit for the number of qualifiers an implementation is required to be support is appropriate, based on the likely number of bits available for a flag on low-end systems.

Future directions

A typedef-like mechanism to define qualifiers in terms of other qualifiers, without fixing the value type, could be useful but is not necessary:

_Qualifier QA;
_Qualifier QB;

// want to define a combined qualifier QA and QB?
<new keyword> QA QB QAB;

#define QAB QA QB  // works almost as well
typedef QA QB int QABint;  // good enough in practice

We could add this at a later time if it turned out to be helpful in defining more qualifier-generic interfaces along the lines of memchr.

Proposed wording

The proposed changes are based on the latest public draft of C2y, which is N3220. Bolded text is new text when inlined into an existing sentence.

(We are not bound to the particular keyword _Qualifier or the use of _Ugly keyword spelling in general.)

Modify 6.2.3 "Name spaces of identifiers", paragraph 1, last bullet:

(This explicitly puts qualifiers in the ordinary namespace, avoiding ambiguity with typedef names.)

Add a forward reference:

Forward references: enumeration specifiers (, labeled statements (6.8.2), structure and union specifiers (, structure and union members (, tags (, user qualifiers (, the goto statement (

Modify 6.2.5 "Types", paragraph 31:

Any type so far mentioned is an unqualified type. Each unqualified type has several qualified versions of its type,40) corresponding to the combinations of one, two, or all three of the const, volatile, and restrict access qualifiers, or any number of identifiers declared with the _Qualifer keyword to represent user qualifiers. The qualified or unqualified versions of a type are distinct types that belong to the same type category ...

Add a forward reference at the end of 6.2.5:

Forward references: compatible type and composite type (6.2.7), declarations (6.7), user qualifiers (

NOTE that no change is needed to, 6.5.16, etc.

Add the new keyword to 6.4.1 Keywords:


Modify 6.7 "Declarations", adding a production to declaration:

declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list opt ;
attribute-specifier-sequence declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list ;

Modify paragraph 6, last bullet:

Modify 6.7.4 "Type Qualifiers":

Add to the syntax, in "General":



Add a new paragraph after paragraph 4:

The identifier in a user-qualifier shall have a visible declaration as an ordinary identifier that declares a qualifier.

Add a new paragraph after paragraph 9:

An object qualified by a user qualifier shall be accessed through an lvalue with a type qualified by the same user qualifier.

(ED: "it doesn't do anything but we didn't forget")

Add a new subclause to 6.7.4 after User qualifiers


_Qualifier identifier ;


In a declaration with the _Qualifier keyword, the identifier is defined as the name of a user qualifier. The qualifier is distinct from any other qualifier with a different name. If a qualifier with the same name is already visible in the scope, no new qualifier is added and the name continues to refer to the same qualifier.

A user qualifier can be used to specify a qualified type, in the same fashion as the access qualifiers const, volatile and restrict. Unlike the access qualifiers, a user qualifier does not give any special properties to an object that is defined with the qualifier or any special behavior upon accesses through an lvalue with the qualified type.

A type qualified by a user qualifier is a user-qualified type.

Recommended practice A user qualifier is intended to communicate properties defined within the program's logic.

EXAMPLE A user qualifier follows the same rules as an access qualifier in terms of implicit conversions:

_Qualifier QA;  // define user qualifiers QA and QB
_Qualifier QB;

int i1;
int const i2;
int QA i3;

int * p1 = &i1;
p1 = &i2;  // invalid: conversion would lose const from the pointed-to type
p1 = &i3;  // invalid: conversion would lose QA from the pointed-to type

int const * p2 = &i1;  // implicitly adds qualification to pointed-to
p2 = &i2;  // OK
p2 = &i3;  // invalid: conversion would lose QA from the pointed-to type

int const QA * p3 = &i1; // OK, implicitly adds const and QA
p3 = &i2;  // OK, implicitly adds QA
p3 = &i3;  // OK, implicitly adds const

Modify "The bsearch generic function", paragraph 5:

The bsearch function is generic in the qualification of the type pointed to by the argument base. If this argument is a pointer to a const-qualified or user-qualified object type, the returned pointer will be a pointer to void with the same qualification. Otherwise, the argument shall be a pointer to an unqualified object type or a null pointer constant,354) and the returned pointer will be a pointer to unqualified void.

Modify 7.26.5 "Search functions", paragraph 1:

The stateless search functions in this section (memchr, strchr, strpbrk, strrchr, strstr) are generic functions. These functions are generic in the qualification of the array to be searched and will return a result pointer to an element with the same qualification as the passed array. If the array to be searched is const-qualified or user-qualified, the result pointer will be to an element with the same qualification. If the array to be searched is not const-qualified or user-qualified,364) the result pointer will be to an unqualified element.

Modify "Wide string search functions", paragraph 1:

The stateless search functions in this section (wcschr, wcspbrk, wcsrchr, wmemchr, wcsstr) are generic functions. These functions are generic in the qualification of the array to be searched and will return a result pointer to an element with the same qualification as the passed array. If the array to be searched is const-qualified or user-qualified, the result pointer will be to an element with the same qualification. If the array to be searched is not const-qualified or user-qualified,412) the result pointer will be to an unqualified element.

(ED: unsure about whether the "supports all correct uses" wording should be removed or not, since user qualifiers don't "do" anything and can be safely removed by a cast)

Questions for WG14

Would WG14 like to add a mechanism for declaring new type qualifiers to C2y, along the lines of N3321?


C2y latest public draft
Embedded C TR 18037
Strong typedefs