Proposal for C2y
WG14 3318

Title:               Statically-dependent array types
Author, affiliation: Alex Celeste, Perforce
Date:                2024-08-19
Proposal category:   Feature enhancement
Target audience:     Compiler implementers


The C type system includes the notion of a variably-modified type, but does not incorporate it as a first-class citizen. Variably-modified types cannot be type-checked by the type system as described in C23, and are largely left up to analysis tools and secondary passes to either verify with dataflow analysis or, more commonly, simply ignore and trust that the code the user wrote was valid, because variably-modified type errors are left in the realm of undefined behaviour rather than constraints.

We propose a refinement of the type system that would allow a large class of variably-modified types to be checked at compile-time as proper citizens of C's type system. The range of valid conversions is reduced by this change, which aims to restrict them to "intentionally correct" operations.

Statically-dependent array types

Reply-to:     Alex Celeste (
Document No:  N3318
Revises:      N/A
Date:         2024-08-19

Summary of Changes



The core of the issue is described succinctly in "Array declarators", paragraph 6:

For two array types to be compatible, both shall have compatible element types, and if both size specifiers are present, and are integer constant expressions, then both size specifiers shall have the same constant value. If the two array types are used in a context which requires them to be compatible, it is undefined behavior if the two size specifiers evaluate to unequal values.

C is clear that the size of an array derivation doesn't have to be a constant expression, in places where a non-constant is expressible. However, it doesn't do anything with this information in the otherwise-static type system. The language is slightly ambivalent about whether such array types even are distinct types - they cannot be matched by _Generic for obvious reasons (_Generic must select at translation-time), but in other contexts the language is happy to just assume that they are compatible with ...whatever the user wants them to be compatible with. sizeof is able to produce some value, mostly as an artifact of this information needing to exist "somewhere" for array indexing to function, but the value is not bound in any traceable way to the type it describes.

Within prototypes the size is even explicitly discarded if the user has provided it (paragraph 5). Compatibility is left entirely within the realm of runtime UB.

Effectively, in C99 C added the concept of dependent types to the type system, without adding any definitions to the type system to enable them to be checked, outside of simply leaving this entire responsibility to UB-sanitization. Dependent types at their most general are not necessarily decidable, so this is arguably the only way to incorporate them into the language without restricting the values in some way. C99 VLAs are a "bare minimum" solution that makes the feature work, but only if it is already being used correctly and only for a specific use case.

New features proposed for C2y, such as N3212 Polymorphic types, exacerbate the problem by adding new kinds of dependent types; the _Var derivation and the _Type specifier proposed by N3212 are equivalent to a variably-modified array type and a non-constant expression respectively, creating another way to potentially introduce inconsistencies as there is no way to enforce that two _Var(T) are the same. Fixing the definition of array types will enable new features like N3212 to be built on a more solid type system foundation and defined in "as-if" terms that will inherit a stronger typing model.

Other features like the forward declarations proposed in N3207 remain toothless as long as the type system simply discards the size information rather than attempt to check it for consistency. The ability to express a wider range of dependent types in interfaces would be significantly more useful if the language also required those types to mean anything.

Unfortunately full dependent type checking is not decidable and any approach that relies on the advanced folding capabilities of optimizing compilers is not adequate as a reliable solution; and relying on UB sanitization to catch egregious mistakes after they happen is not an acceptable approach as it fails to guarantee any class of mistake is not made and compiled.

We believe that adding some restrictions on the expressions that can be used to derive an array type can have a significant effect on analyzability without necessarily becoming onerous for correctly-written code. For instance:

void foo (size_t len, int (*buf)[len]);

void use (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int array[y];
    foo (x, &array);

Whether this program is correct or not depends entirely on the runtime values of x and y and cannot be decided in general. At the moment, C provides no means at all to say that there is any connection between an array type and an expression: our proposal is to provide a means of connecting array derivations and a subset runtime expressions that are known to be "the same", so that the above program can be statically rejected and its equivalent (passing y as the first argument to foo) can be statically accepted, without relying on undecidable flow analyses or checks that do not integrate into the core language's understanding of types and constants.

It isn't dependent types, but it is a "paper money" promise of something with a similar effect to dependent types.


We propose achieving this by changing the definition, but not the user-facing syntax, of the array type derivation, to add a secondary expression part to the derivation, the "expression tag". The tag is:

This allows array type derivations to always be treated as distinct when they are not statically known to be the same.

To accompany this, we need a way to unify the types of two arrays that are only determined to be the same at runtime (including cases where the program logic allows them to either be compatible or incompatible). We therefore introduce a way for array tags to be attached to other expressions by a restricted number of syntax constructs, enabling code like:

void foo (size_t s1, size_t s2, int (*l)[s1], int (*r)[s2]) {
    if (s1 == s2) {
        l = r;  // correct within the extent of the `if`
    l = r; // rejected by type checking

This corresponds to a very restricted and limited form of typestate analysis.

Array expression tags

An array derivation becomes a three-part rather than two-part derived type. In "virtual syntax", the derivation might look like:

element [size ; tag]

However this syntax is not exposed - there is no use case for the user being able to control the tag (if they could, the problem would reset).

The first part, the element type, is not changed.

The second and third parts, the size and the tag, are both derived from the length expression. For two array types to be compatible, they must have the same size and the same tag components.

For an array with a constant length expression, the derivation is almost exactly the same as it is in C23:

T[ice]  ->  T[ice ; *]

The size component is the constant length and the tag is a nil value. Therefore, arrays with constant extents function identically to their definition in C23 and the tag can be ignored when only manipulating these types.

For an array with a variable length expression, the derivation is almost the reverse:

T[var]  ->  T[* ; $(var)]

where the size is a nil value and the tag is some constant produced by a syntactic hash over the length expression. This type is no longer compatible by default with any constant-sized array type. The use of a syntactic hash also means that the type is not compatible with any other variably-modified type, even if the value of the size is the same - arrays will not be assumed to be compatible and instead need to have an equivalent length expression.

The starting point for compatibility therefore becomes that variably-modified arrays are non-compatible by default, which is a stronger position: runtime values that happen to produce the same result without clearly being related expressions, are no longer considered compatible.

Arrays may also acquire the same tag through secondary means, explored below, making it possible for array types with equivalent runtime values to be identified as compatible dynamically.

Syntactic length hash

Variably-modified array types are derived based on the form of the expression.

The syntactic hash is produced according to a rule that should allow some flexibility in permitting slightly different expressions, while also ruling out expressions that are not definitely the same in a way that is simple for all implementers and users to understand (simplicity is more important than generality overall). The rule is:

These last two conditions mean that to produce two variably-modified array types that depend on non-local state and are compatible, a local temporary should be used.

Additionally, the unique identifier for any variable entity with block scope is incremented by some implementation-internal means after every expression that modifies the named object (i.e. =, ++, etc. as well as taking the non-constant address). Sequencing of subexpressions is implementation-defined. Therefore,

int x = ...
int arr1[x];  // int[*; $(x@0)]
++ x;         // x internal id bump
int arr2[x];  // int[*; $(x@1)]
-- x;         // x internal id bump
int arr3[x];  // int[*; $(x@2)] (NOT compatible with first type)

This does not depend on whether the intervening modification was evaluated.

If a variable modification is jumped over by a backwards jump, the location of the jump target also acts as an identifier increment point for the affected variable(s):

int x = ...
int arr4[x];           // int[*; $(x@0)]
do {                   // jump target, bump x id
    int arr5[x];       // NOT compatible, int[*; $(x@1)]
} while (++x < K)      // bump x id as well
;                      // jump from here

int arr6[x];           // int[*; $(x@2)] - not compatible with arr4
do {                   // no bump because no modification
    int arr7[x];       // int[*; $(x@2)] - compatible with arr6
} while (not_using_x); // no bump

for (int x = 0; x < K; ++ x) {
    int arr8[x]; // unrelated x, int[*; $(x@BLK1@0)]

Finally, for any expression that has not reduced to a constant or been defined as producing a completely unique tag, an implementation-defined hash is applied to the form of the converted expression, treating commutative operations as the same and ignoring redundant parenthesization, casts, or identity expressions:

int x = ...

int arr7[x + 2];    // all of these arrays have compatible type:
int arr8[2L + x];        // commutative
int arr9[(long)x + (2)]; // value preserving cast, equivalent constant
int arrA[(x + 0U) + 2];  // identity op, redundant parentheses

In practice, this should mean the majority of "correct" uses of variably-modified types should still work as expected. Array types mostly become incompatible when they rely on expressions that are not locally equivalent.

(We could demand that expressions are also normalized for logical equivalence, (e.g. !(a >= b) to a < b) but this over-complicates the ruleset and doesn't really capture the idea of consistency in user intent.)

Value expression tag overrides

However, a large number of uses of variably-modified types do depend on either non-local values or expressions that are not trivially the same:

extern size_t outsize;

void f (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int arr1[outsize]; // these three types are
    int arr2[x];       // unconditionally incompatible ...
    int arr3[y];
    if (x == y) {
        // (completely valid work that needs arr2 and arr3 to be the same)
    if (sizeof (arr1) == sizeof (arr2)) {
        // (completely valid work that needs arr1 and arr2 to be the same)

Therefore, we add two rules that enable local compatibility between types that are not generally compatible (which introduces a weak notion of typestate):


void f (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int a1[x];
    int a2[y];    // not compatible with a1, $(x) != $(y)
    if (x == y) {
        // $(x) is overridden by $(@if0)
        // $(y) is overridden by $(@if0)
        // types of a1 and a2 are compatible here
        typeof (a1) a3;  // type is int[*; $(@if0)]
        int a5[x + 1]; // compatible with a6:
        int a6[1 + x]; // types are both int[*; $(@if0 + 1)]

This property does not backpropagate, so checking sizeof (L) == sizeof (R) does not make arrays declared with the original length expression of L compatible with the type of R; but checking the expressions directly (L == R) would do so.

(i.e. in the example above the compiler is not required to link x == y to sizeof (a1) == sizeof (a2) as these are not consistent expression spellings)

The guarded extent of the if statement extends from the start of the secondary-block associated with the if, until either the end of the secondary-block or the first identifier bump affecting either operand expression to the ==. The guarded extent of the ?: operator is its second operand, unless the second operand contains any identifier bumping operation affecting either operand to the ==.

int g (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int a1[x];
    int a2[y];    // not compatible with a1, $(x) != $(y)
    if (x == y) {
        // $(x) is overridden by $(@if0)
        // $(y) is overridden by $(@if0)
        // types of a1 and a2 are compatible here
        x += 1; // end of guarded extent, @if0 falls out of scope
        // types of a1 and a2 are not compatible here
    return x == y
         ? expr1   // types of a1 and a2 are compatible
         : expr2;  // types of a1 and a2 are not compatible
    return x == y
         ? (expr3, ++ x)  // types of a1 and a2 are not compatible in expr3
         : expr4;         // because there is NO guarded extent

If one of the operands to the == is a constant expression, within the guarded extent, the other operand is replaced by the constant value when evaluating array types. If this results in the whole array length expression becoming an integer constant expression, the resulting type is a VMT compatible with the equivalent non-variably-modified array type:

void fc (size_t x) {
    int a1[x];
    int a2[10]; // not compatible with a1, $(x) != *
    if (x == 10) {
        // $(x) is overridden by $(10)
        // types of a1 and a2 are compatible here
        typeof (a1) a3;  // type is a VMT compatible with int[10; *]
                         // (still flagged as VMT for syntax purposes)

Although the type is compatible with a static array type, keeping it flagged as a VMT internally lowers the implementation burden and makes it consistently impossible to use in places like generic selections.

Tag inference

In order to use variably modified types as the arguments to functions, the type in the caller needs to be translated into a type for the callee:

void user (size_t sz, int (*p1)[sz], int (*p2)[sz]) {
    // types of p1 and p2 are compatible

void caller (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int a1[x];
    int a2[y];
    // we want this to be a type error:
    user (x, &a1, &a2);
    // and for these to be OK:
    user (x, &a1, &a1);
    user (y, &a2, &a2);
    // this is also OK
    if (x == y) {
        user (x, &a1, &a2);

A similar tag-override mechanism is used at the point of application, with an extent that applies only within the application of argument list, to the argument subexpressions themselves:

void user (size_t sz   // variable the types of p1 and p2 depend on
    , int (*p1)[sz]    // type becomes int(*)[*; @user0]
    , int (*p2)[sz]);  // type becomes int(*)[*; @user0]

// @user0 is available within the function call argument list:
user (x      // x is overridden to have the tag @user0
    , &a1    // the type int[*; x] is compatible with int[*; @user0]
    , &a2);  // the type int[*; y] is not compatible, error here

sz is identified independently of the caller context as being a dependency of the types of p1 and p2, so we can generate an override for the expression passed to sz and then directly check that the types of the dependent arguments have tags compatible with the tags of their corresponding parameters.

This check examines the declaration visible at the point of call and does not imply a runtime check against the parameter declarations in the definition, if it exists in a different TU.

We also propose that the composite type rules are altered so that function declarations are checked for compatibility in the same way as for argument application, rather than allowing variably-modified types to form a composite type that discards inconsistent size information.

When the size in the callee is unspecified ([*]) or is an expression with an unconditionally-unique tag according to the rules above, the type of the argument cannot effectively be checked against the type of the parameter because the information is not available. The only thing we can propose here is that use of the unspecified-length syntax in parameter lists should always cause a warning to be emitted, and that the use of expressions producing unconditionally-unique tags for array length expressions in function parameter lists should be deprecated, also causing a warning to be emitted. Of these two, the former feature is probably more disruptive.

Related work

Much more advanced work, including the ability to properly typecheck calls to functions like printf, has been explored by Kiselyov; a number of strategies that take advantage of the tools already provided in more powerful typesystems than C's can be used to fake dependent types at a local level, closely bound enough to what the user is trying to do that their non-general nature doesn't matter.

This approach is significantly more primitive but aims to capture the same most fundamental idea, that true dependent types aren't really needed for most code that most users write. As a result, a "fiat" approach to type checking can be practical for most programs and still provides a huge improvement over the status quo of simply not checking variably-modified types at all.

Another approach is to use staged-programming (or staged-metaprogramming) in order to take advantage of a richer type system in a host language to prove that an output program in a lower-level language is correct. This is demonstrated by Low∗, which embeds a C subset into F∗. However, the resulting C programs are stripped of the dependent type information after it has been checked by the F∗ type system (Clight does not export VMTs at all, instead converting them to element pointers), so this is of limited help to users who want to write in C directly. However, staged programming with C as a second stage is a generally interesting avenue and the Committee should aim to support this as a first-class application of the language, as offloading correctness checking onto richer tools is always helpful.

A simpler proposal also being considered for C2Y would reuse the [*] syntax in block-scoped declarations, where it would deduce an array size. We think this feature would compose very well with the proposed typechecking rules and the deduced array size could easily simply inherit the tag information from the initializing expression, after that working exactly like a VMT declared with existing syntax.


The goal of this proposal is to produce a compromise position between full type checking for runtime-dependent types (practically impossible given the nature of the surrounding C language, and undecidable at best) that is at least decidable and implementable. The change would have some impact on implementations, but less than a more complete solution.

As always, a smaller implementation can choose to be more permissive with type checking and leave most of this up to more advanced tools, so long as it admits correct programs. Since no change is proposed except for checking, no new functionality is actually introduced here over what is provided in C23.

The actual type compatibility checks within a compiler would not be affected by this change, as it takes effect at the point of establishing a type for a declared object or function, and of determining the type of an identifier used in an expression. Once these types have been generated they would feed into an existing implementation of type compatibility in the same way as any other complete type.

Generating the expression types has a little complexity because the type of any expression within the extent of an override would need to regenerate its syntactic-hash to produce a new tag that took overrides into account. At the implementation level this means that the same expression might have distinct type identities depending on context, but this fact wouldn't be observable to the end user. This is not overwhelming to implement, however.

Arguably the ability to check compatibility of variably-modified types would introduce the ability to list such types as generic associations, but we do not propose adding that feature specifically because it would mandate stronger implementation support. One possible option that may be useful is for the Standard to allow smaller implementations to define that they will not check dependent types at all, in which case they should be required to warn against all assigning-uses of such types when in conforming mode. This may be practical for implementations where the core underlying feature of variable length array objects is not supported, especially if dynamic memory is also in short supply and actual VMTs are unlikely to see much use.

Future directions

As above, some changes required for this to complete coverage over array types where the information is outright missing would generate warnings on their use. In practice this would work to deprecate such types.

As a result, in future we propose that unspecified array sizes in function prototypes should be made obsolescent; and that variably-modified types in function parameters that make use of global or indirect references, assignment, or calls to non-`[[unsequenced]]`` functions in their length expression, should also be made obsolescent (and deprecated if a distinction exists).

Proposed wording

This proposal is an early draft that is still likely to significantly change before potential adoption. Therefore wording here is at most illustrative. We do not bother with all necessary changes at this time as the proposal would result in a significant number of knock-on edits that are better left until rough consensus on the semantics is achieved.

The proposed changes are based on the latest public draft of C2y, which is N3220. Bolded text is new text when inlined into an existing sentence.

Add a new subclause in 6.2.5 "Types", after all current paragraphs: Variably modified types

When the number of elements specified for an array type is a constant expression, it is a fixed-length array type. Every specifier that derives an array type with the same element type and the same constant number of elements describes the same type.

When the number of elements specified for an array type is not a constant expression, the array type is a variable length array type. A variable length array is a variably modified type, and any type derived from a variably modified type is also a variably modified type.

A specifier for a variable length array type names a specific type that does not directly depend on the concrete value of the length expression. Instead, a key is generated from the syntactic structure of the length expressionfootnote1), and two array specifiers that result in the same key describe the same type:

If the remaining expression contains any of:

a new unique key is generated for this array specifierfootnote2).

An expression not containing such operands is a stable key expression.

Otherwise, each identifier within the remaining expression is converted to a unique representation distinguishing it from any other identifiers designating objects in other scopes. Additionally, this unique representation is updated afterfootnote3 every occurrence of a modifying-operator applied to the identifier in the source, regardless of whether it is evaluated; and after any occurrence of a backward jump in the source that jumps over one or more occrrences of a modifying operator applied to the designated object. Each such update shall produce a new unique representation.

A modifying operator is any of: an increment or decrement operator; an assignment operator; or the unary & operator, unless its operand has const-qualified type or the resulting pointer is immediately converted to a pointer to const-qualified type.

An implementation-defined hash function is applied to the syntactic form of the resulting expression, as-if by proceeding over the remaining tokens (with discarded subexpressions replaced by generated tokens for their generated values) from left to right; except that redundant parentheses (that do not affect order of operations) and casts that do not alter their operand's arithmetic value are not considered, and commutative operators do not depend on order of operands; and only the arithmetic value and not the spelling of constant subexpressions is considered.

An occurrence of the sizeof operator with a variable length array type used as the length expression for an array specifier will always cause the resulting specifier to designate the same type as the operand of sizeof, even if it previously specified a unique type.

An if statement whose expression is an equality-expression using the == operator to compare two stable key expressions, introduces a guarded extent, which begins at the start of the if statement's first associated secondary block and terminates at either the end of the secondary block or at the first occurrence of any modifying operator that would affect a key generated for either stable key operand to the == operator. Within the guarded extent, both stable key operands are shall produce the same key (or key part) when they appear within the length expression of an array specifier. This is a key override.

NOTE this implies that an implementation may need to re-evaluate the key for an array type specified outside a guarded extent if the type is used within that extent.

A conditional expression whose first operand is an equality-expression using the == operator to compare two stable key expressions, introduces a guarded extent which covers the second operand, so long as there are no occurrences of any modifying operator within the second operand.

Within the arguments of a call to a function with variably modified parameter types, a key override also occurs if the variably modified parameter types depend on the value of another parameter. In a subexpression that calls such a function, the stable key associated with the parameters with non-variably-modified type replaces any stable key that would be generated for the argument expression applied to that parameter, during the evaluation of the types for any subsequent argument expressions.

Recommended Practice: in the event that a parameter has a variably modified type that does not depend on the value of another parameter, an implementation is encouraged to emit a diagnostic that the argument applied cannot be type-checked.

EXAMPLE 1 The following declarations all specify the same type:

int x = ... // block scope

int arr7[x + 2];    
int arr8[2L + x];        // commutative, spelling of literal
int arr9[(long)x + (2)]; // value preserving cast, equivalent constant
int arrA[(x + 0U) + 2];  // identity op, redundant parentheses

Example 2 Modification of an identifier means it will produce a different key, and therefore the containing specifier will designate a different type:

int x = ... // block scope

int arr1[x];  // UID of x, state 0
++ x;         // modifying operation
int arr2[x];  // UID of x, state 1
-- x;         // modifying operation
int arr3[x];  // UID of x, state 2

Each of the declared arrays has a distinct type.

EXAMPLE 3 If a modifying operator is jumped over by a backwards jump, the location of the jump target also acts to update the unique representation of the identifier that was the operand of the jumped-over operator:

int x = ... // block scope

int arr4[x];           // UID of x, state 0
do {                   // jump target, updates unique representation
    int arr5[x];       // UID of x, state 1
} while (++x < K)      // ++ updates unique representation too
;                      // jump from here

int arr6[x];           // UID of x, state 2
do {                   // no update because no modification
    int arr7[x];       // UID of x, state 2 - same type as arr6
} while (not_using_x);

EXAMPLE 4 The sizeof guarantees the resulting type specified will be the same as its operand, if it is used as the length expression:

extern int f (void);

int arr8[f ()]; // always specifies a unique type

int arr9[sizeof arr8]; // specifies the same type as arr8, whatever it is

EXAMPLE 5 A guarded extent establishes a scope where two incompatible array types can temporarily become compatible after meeting a runtime condition:

void f (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int a1[x];
    int a2[y];    // not compatible with a1, $UID(x) != $UID(y)
    if (x == y) {
        // $UID(x) is overridden by $UID(@if0)
        // $UID(y) is overridden by $UID(@if0)
        // types of a1 and a2 are compatible here
        typeof (a1) * p3 = &a1;  // type uses $UID(@if0)
        p3 = &a2;  // OK - type of a2 also uses $UID(@if0) within
                   // the extent, not $(y) within the extent
        x += 1; // end of guarded extent, @if0 falls out of scope

EXAMPLE 6 Within a call, the subexpression for an argument to a parameter that other parameters are dependent upon, has its stable key locally overridden with an extent limited to the argument applications:

void user (size_t sz, int (*p1)[sz], int (*p2)[sz]) {
    // types of p1 and p2 are compatible

void caller (size_t x, size_t y) {
    int a1[x];
    int a2[y];
    // error: a1 and a2 have unrelated types
    user (x, &a1, &a2);
    // OK
    user (x, &a1, &a1);
    user (y, &a2, &a2);
    // this is OK because of the guarded extent
    if (x == y) {
        user (x, &a1, &a2);
    // within the argument application subexpressions only:
    user (x     // stable key subexpression x defined to produce the sz key
        , &a1   // therefore this has a type dependent on $(sz)
        , &a1); // and these variably modified arguments type-check

Like example 5, the implementation may need to temporarily change the type of an expression within an extent; however, this is never observable from the code.

EXAMPLE 7 Implementations are encouraged to emit a diagnostic when an argument is applied to a parameter with a variably modified type that cannot be checked:

void user (size_t, int (*)[*]); // variably modified type that doesn't
                                // seem to depend on anything specific

void caller (size_t x) {
    int arr[x];
    user (x, &arr);  // diagnostic here: the type of the second parameter
}                    // cannot be checked, don't know what is expected

footnote1) this key is internal to the implementation and never exposed into the program source. The corresponding "hash function" is also not observable or directly invocable.

footnote2) therefore, every array specifier whose expression contains one of these features in an evaluated subexpression designates a distinct array type, regardless of whether the lengths evaluate to the same value.

footnote3) the order of evaluations within an expression is implementation-defined.

Forward references: compatible type, generic selection, multiplicative operators, additive operators, constant expressions, array declarators, initialization

Additional work

In 6.2.7 "Compatible type and composite type", additional work is still needed to clarify what "the same" means for types, and this section should probably be reworked before changing the relevant composite type rules, in terms of derivations producing specific types.

The undefined behaviour associated with composite types for unevaluated variably modified types is a problem for the key evaluation rule and needs to be addressed.

Additional work is needed in 6.6 "Constant expressions" to clarify when a subexpression is statically unevaluated, which is not currently a term of art.

Additional work is needed in "Array declarators", which is currently responsible for defining variable length array and variably modified type in terms of declarators. We think the core of these definitions should be extracted to the new clause given above, or at least a subclause in 6.2.5, and instead the definition of declarators should refer to what type derivations they describe.

Adopting consistent left-to-right evaluation within expressions would significantly simplify the definition of guarded extent and what "after" means for a modifying operator.

Questions for WG14

Would WG14 like to add a mechanism for statically checking dependent (variably modified) types to C2y, along the lines of the proposal in N3318?

Would WG14 like to allow implementations to define that they either check dependent types, or warn against all assigning-uses of dependent types?


C2y latest public draft
Dependent type
Lightweight guarantees and dependent types
Genuine dependent types and faking them
Verified Low-Level Programming Embedded in F∗
N3212 Polymorphic types
N3207 Forward Declaration of Parameters v3
Typestate analysis
Unspecified Sizes in Definitions of Arrays
Mechanized semantics for the Clight subset of the C language
Strict order of expression evaluation