n3302 - Editor's Report, Post June 2024 Meeting

Welcome to Editor's Report n3302, which is for the Standard Drafts n3301 (C2y Post C23-Publication Working Draft).

You can read the last draft's editor's report here.

This report is after the publication submission process for C23 and the June 2024 Virtual Meeting which commenced adding new features and bugfixes to the next version of C, coloquially named C2Y/C2y. Quite a few decisions were made, and the ones resulting in real changes to the C standard are documented below.

Important Non-Wording Decision Reached

As part of the next wave of changed for C2y, a new charter of C was approved in n3280. This puts additional focus on secure programming and tweaks many of the older charters' ideals. It's an important tone setter for what is going to be one of the most consequential standardizations.


This draft includes some very cool new features and groundwork for future fixes and features. The papers integrated were as follows:

A few minor editorial changes to spelling were incorporated during the integratino of these papers.

Paper Submissions

The new paper submission system is still taking time. Yes, even now. Lots to do, little time, tiredness all around.

— JeanHeyd Meneide, Project Editor <wg14@soasis.org>