Welcome to Editor's Report n3097, which is for the Standard n3096.
You can read the last draft's editor's report here.
This report is after the first block of the Committee Draft 1 (CD1) National Body (NB) Comment Balloting. There were over 330 comments made against the standard, some requiring complex papers to integrate and others as straightforward and formatting fixes. Despite this, it was the formatting fixes that proved most vexing in a variety of cases, while all text changes were integrated more or less seamlessly.
There are hundreds of changes made to the C Standard in this time frame. The full list of them is NOT displayed in this document. Instead, one will need to read through n3108 to get the relevant list of changes. Every change made was from an either accepted, accepted-with-comment, or similar National Body comment in n3018.
Additional changes were made editorially based on feedback from random comments people saw fit to submit to unrelated GitHub repositories of the editors, e-mails the editors have received, or other communication since then, including from Telegram, Twitter, and the "Fediverse".
For the list of comments that were successfully applied, see this document. Comments that were successfully applied have a "✅" in the penultimate column. Comments that have not yet been applied (but will be) have a "❌" in the penultimate column.
Very importantly, you will notice that all of the actual changes have been applied, save for the formatting issues related to the Index, Annex H, and Annex F. This is known and intentional. There is still more work to do in hammering down the formatting for Annex H and Annex F, as well as deeply improving the infrastructure for Index generation so that it does not produce unaccountable entries. The editors are aware of this and will be working to fix it before the end of CD2 ballot and before the DTS ballot.
Please do not submit additional comments about the formatting or the index at this time if they are related to the "❌"-marked National Body comments from CD1 ballot; they will only just be re-marked as in-progress or already-completed when we do get around to fixing them.
The new paper submission system is still taking time. Life's hard when you're in the C23 crunch; deepest apologies! We hope to have it up for paper submissions for when the next revision of the standard opens up for contributions.
— JeanHeyd Meneide, Project Editor <wg14@soasis.org>