April 15, 1996



Meeting #11 - Internationalization

DATE: September 9-13, 1996

TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday
Wednesday, September 11, 1996 will be a combined meeting with CEN/TC304

LOCATION: Unisys Austria
Seidengasse 33-35
A-1071 Vienna, Austria
Contact: Peter Swoboda
Tel: +43-1-52121, Fax: +43-1-523-3248 or +43-1-52121-280


  1. Introduction and announcements by Convenor
  2. Introduction of national delegations, liaisons, and cooperation partners
  3. Appointment of chairperson, secretary, and drafting committee
  4. Approval of prior meeting's minutes
  5. Future Meeting Schedule and Plans
  6. Recognition of new documents and assignment to agenda items
  7. Approval of Agenda
  8. Liaison Reports
    1. Additions/deletions/changes to liaisons
    2. SC22/WG4, COBOL
    3. SC22/WG15, POSIX, Rapporteur Group on Internationalization
    4. X/Open
    5. SC2/WG2
    6. WG14
    7. WG21
    8. WG5
    9. GUIDE/SHARE Europe
    10. SC18/WG9
    11. CEN TC 304
    12. ECMA Arabic Task Group
    13. TC37
    14. ITU-T
  9. Review of prior meetings action items
  10. Framework for internationalization TR 11017
  11. Revision of TR 10176
  12. Special Meeting with CEN TC304/WG1
    Wednesday September 11, AM
    International string ordering ISO/IEC WD 14651
  13. Special Meeting with CEN TC304/WG2
    Wednesday September 11, PM
    Cultural convention-specification standard ISO/IEC WD 14652
  14. Internationalization API standard
  15. ISO/IEC 10646 Issues
  16. Other business
  17. Review of Priorities and Target Dates
  18. Review of Actions Items from this meeting
  19. Approval of Resolutions
  20. Adjournment