Jens Maurer

Overload resolution tiebreakers for integer types


Overload resolution chooses one single best function among a set of candidate functions, as described in section 13.3 [over.match] of the Working Paper. For built-in integer types, a hierarchy called "integer conversion rank" is defined in section 4.13 [conv.rank], but that hierarchy is reflected in the overload resolution rules only in a very limited way, namely in form of the differentiation between "integral promotions (4.5 [conv.prom]) and integral conversions (4.7 [conv.integral]).

For example, consider the following code for an unlimited-precision integer class:

class BigUnsignedInt
 BigUnsignedInt(unsigned long long);   // #1
 BigUnsignedInt(long long);            // #2

int main()
 BigUnsignedInt b = 5;   // error: ambiguous

The class author wanted to make sure that users get clear feedback when misusing the class by attempting to store a negative value. Just providing overload #1 for the constructor doesn't prevent calls with signed integer types, because integral conversions (4.7 [conv.integral]) will implicitly (and silently) convert to an unsigned type ( [over.ics.scs]). Adding overload #2 to catch usage with signed integers enables checking for negative values, for example by defining that overload as = delete, thereby reminding users to restrict calls to unsigned types. However, that alone is not helpful, because then even simple calls with small integer literals are considered ambiguous, because both overloads #1 and #2 require an integral conversion, thus neither overload is better.

The current state-of-the-art in C++ is to add overloads for all integer types with integer conversion rank equal to or larger than "int", which is impossible to formulate portably given the potential existence of an arbitrary amount of extended integer types (3.9.1 [basic.fundamental]). It is a nuisance, too.


While I believe that the integral promotion rules consistently preferring signed over unsigned integer types of the same rank, regardless of the signedness of the original value, as well as the integral conversion rules blindly permitting narrowing conversions, deserve fixing, the amount of ensuing code breakage would be overwhelming. Thus, this paper only deals with adding disambiguation rules to overload resolution.


In general, there are only a few use-cases why a function taking a built-in integer type would reasonably be overloaded with a function taking another built-in integer type:

The argument for the limited number of use-cases is that a function taking a built-in integer type genuinely expects a value; the type for that value is of secondary interest other than making sure it is large enough and sufficiently signed (or not) to satisfy the use case.

The proposal is to prefer integral conversions that maintain the value range of the argument type over those that don't, and to prefer conversions moving fewer steps in the integer conversion rank hierarchy over those that move more steps. The first rule is a mirror of the narrowing conversion rules introduced for brace-initialization, but without special consideration of the value of constant arguments. Consideration of the argument value (in addition to the argument type) would be a radically novel concept for the overload resolution tiebreaker rules that I am therefore not proposing.

Removing ambiguities in overload resolution for the integer conversion cases seems to be a relatively safe approach: Function calls that used to be ambiguous (i.e. ill-formed) now become non-ambiguous (i.e. well-formed). However, new ambiguities will be introduced, e.g.

struct A { };
struct B : A { };

void f(long, A);           // #1
void f(unsigned long, B);  // #2

int main()
  f(-5, B());  // calls #2 in C++11

This call would be ambiguous given the current proposal, because conversion of the first argument (which is of type "int") is better for #1 (keeps value range), whereas conversion of the second argument is better for #2 (identity vs. derived-to-base conversion).

I would consider such code rather rare, plus the breakage is noisy (as opposed to silently calling a different function), and so can be fixed as appropriate.

Open Issues

Changes to the Working Draft

Alternative 1: same signedness first, then lowest rank

Change in 4.13 conv.rank paragraph 1:
[ Note: The integer conversion rank is used in the definition of the integral promotions (4.5 conv.prom) and, the usual arithmetic conversions (Clause 5 expr), and the ranking of implicit conversion sequences ( over.ics.rank). -- end note ]
Add two new bullets in over.ics.rank paragraph 4:

Alternative 2: lowest rank first, then same signedness

Change in 4.13 conv.rank paragraph 1:
[ Note: The integer conversion rank is used in the definition of the integral promotions (4.5 conv.prom) and, the usual arithmetic conversions (Clause 5 expr), and the ranking of implicit conversion sequences ( over.ics.rank). -- end note ]
Add five new bullets in over.ics.rank paragraph 4:


Thanks to Marc Glisse for helpful comments on various iterations of this paper. Thanks to Steve Adamczyk for preferring alternative 2.