n3300 - Editor's Report, Post-C23 Publication

Welcome to Editor's Report n3300, which is for the Standard Drafts n3299 (C2y Post C23-Publication Working Draft).

You can read the last draft's editor's report here.

This report is after finally finishing the publication and submission process for C23, which will be completed by ISO as soon as they can. We would like to thank Miss Isabel Nelson for her dedicated effort, Robert Seacord for his great coordination as a new convenor, Bill Ash for tireless advocacy on behalf of the programming language working groups, and David Keaton for his advocacy despite having retired from his role as convenor recently. C23 is a brave new chapter in the C language that will fulfill the original vision of Kernighan and Ritchie, and will help us move C forward into the contemporary era without compromising on the principles which made it great.


This draft includes some additional Introduction material and sweeping editorial changes to comply with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. Most of these were to ensure that the wording was ready for publication of C23, and were merged into the current C2Y draft. This will allow people writing papers to have a proper base to work their papers from, as well as set the record straight since the last published draft of C2Y.

Paper Submissions

The new paper submission system is still taking time. Yes, even now. Lots to do, little time, tiredness all around.

— JeanHeyd Meneide, Project Editor <wg14@soasis.org>