Expose whether atomic notifying operations are lock free

Document #: P3255R1
Date: 2024-07-16
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Brian Bi

1 Revision history

1.1 R1

2 Abstract

The atomic notifying functions for std::atomic_flag are not always lock-free even though std::atomic_flag is specified to always be lock-free. Therefore, use of std::atomic_flag::notify_one or std::atomic_flag::notify_all may cause unpredictable behavior when called in a signal handler, even though the Standard currently claims that these functions are signal-safe. It would be useful for signal handlers to know for sure whether they can safely notify a std::atomic_flag. Therefore, I propose the introduction of member constant notify_is_always_lock_free, member function notify_is_lock_free, and free function std::atomic_notify_is_lock_free for std::atomic_flag. I also propose the same for std::atomic and std::atomic_ref specializations in case the lock-free property of their notifying functions differ from those of their other functions such as loads and stores. Similarly, in the case of the atomic waiting operations, it would be useful to know whether they are safe to call in signal handlers (despite not being lock-free).

3 The problem

Atomic notifying operations for std::atomic_flag were originally proposed by [P0514R0]. In that paper, the authors provided a reference implementation and wrote that their current implementation was not lock-free. In the following revision, [P0514R1], the authors revised their proposal to no longer propose the addition of the waiting/notifying interface to std::atomic_flag, writing that “lock-freedom is guaranteed to atomic_flag and could not be preserved with the extension”. That version of the paper instead proposed a waiting/notifying interface only for semaphore types. However, the atomic waiting/notifying interface was eventually added to std::atomic_flag and std::atomic by [P1135R6], and to std::atomic_ref by [P1643R1].

It was pointed out to me that the waiting functions are clearly not lock-free because they may block the calling thread. Whether or not the notifying functions are lock-free is a much more interesting question. The notifying functions can always be made lock-free by implementing them as no-ops while the waiting threads spin, waiting for the value to change1, which is one of the approaches used by the reference implemention provided with P0514R0 [refimpl]. On Linux and Windows, which provide operating system support for notifying and waiting on objects up to a certain size, the reference implementations of the notifying functions consist of a single system call for each function, which makes them lock-free.

In practice, however, implementations of the Standard Library fall back to the “array of condvars” strategy at least some of the time, rather than spinning:

Therefore, in practice, the notify_one and notify_all functions for std::atomic_flag are not always lock-free even though the Standard specifies that all operations on std::atomic_flag shall be lock-free (§33.5.10 [atomics.flag]2p2). I think that the implementations correctly implement the intent of the Standard, but the wording of the Standard erroneously requires implementations lacking operating system support for waiting and notifying to spin rather than using an array of condvars, considering that notifying a condvar is not, in general, a lock-free operation.

Similarly, for std::atomic and std::atomic_ref, I believe that the intent of the Standard is that is_lock_free, is_always_lock_free, and atomic_is_lock_free should report whether all operations except the waiting and notifying operations are lock-free.

4 Importance of lock-free notifying operations

Fixing the wording to match the intent could be accomplished through an LWG issue: we would simply say that all operations on std::atomic_flag other than the waiting and notifying operations are lock-free, and that is_lock_free, is_always_lock_free, and atomic_is_lock_free for std::atomic<T> and std::atomic_ref<T> report whether all operations other than the waiting and notifying operations are lock-free.

This paper proposes something else in addition to the above. I believe that being able to tell whether the notifying operations are lock-free, at the very least for std::atomic_flag, would be extremely useful because no equivalent functionality is currently available for use in signal handlers. Because the set of functions specified by the Standard and by POSIX as signal-safe is so limited—for example, even printf is not signal-safe—a programmer who wishes to perform any but the simplest operations in a signal handler for an inherently fatal signal such as SIGSEGV or SIGFPE must generally use the signal handler only to store data to a global variable that some other thread reads and acts on. While it would be acceptable for the signal handler itself to spin (considering that the program cannot continue to function normally anyway), there should not be a thread that spends its entire lifetime spinning while waiting for a global variable to change (indicating that a signal handler has asked it to do something), since in most executions, the signal handler will hopefully not be invoked at all. It is desirable for the thread that performs the actual work to be blocked while waiting to be woken up by the signal handler. Unfortunately, pthread_cond_signal is not signal-safe so it cannot be used by the signal handler to wake up another thread, and workarounds must be used such as communicating through the filesystem (i.e., using a pipe or socket). Such workarounds are not only obscure but also cumbersome: they are difficult to implement correctly, resulting in a source of bugs.

§17.13.5 [support.signal] currently implies that the notifying operation of std::atomic_flag is safe to call within a signal handler; however, since this safety is considered to be a result of such operations being “plain lock-free atomic operations”, and such operations are not always lock-free in practice, unpredictable behavior may occur when such operations are called within a signal handler, despite what the Standard says. Instead of merely amending the Standard to exclude the notifying operations of std::atomic_flag from being signal-safe, we should give users a way to determine when those operations are signal-safe so that they can rely on defined behavior when performing those operations in signal handlers. On implementations that provide the guarantee that atomic notifying operations are lock-free (and therefore signal safe), those operations can become the preferred means for a signal handler to wake up another thread.

5 notify_is_always_lock_free versus notify_is_lock_free

[P0152R1] discusses the rationale for both the older runtime functions is_lock_free and std::atomic_is_lock_free and the newer constant is_always_lock_free. For the notifying operations, similar considerations apply. If a program is compiled for both old and new versions of an operating system, but only new versions have the necessary support for lock-free notifying operations, then notify_is_always_lock_free will not be true during the compilation, and the program will have to perform a runtime check. On the other hand, if the programmer simply doesn’t want to support any platforms that don’t provide a lock-free atomic notifying operation, they might wish to static_assert(std::atomic_flag::notify_is_always_lock_free); this assertion might pass if the user has configured their toolchain to target only newer versions of the target operating system. For this reason, this paper proposes both the member constant and the runtime functions.

6 Using waiting operations in signal handlers

SG1 reviewed P3255R0 and pointed out that, although waiting operations are not lock-free, there exist implementations in which they can be signal-safe because they use a timed backoff approach. David Goldblatt provided an application for calling atomic waiting operations in a signal handler (lightly edited):

This can be handy with userspace profiling—e.g. some “main” thread gets a SIGALRM, and when it gets it, it sends a SIGUSR to whatever set of threads it’s interested in, then that SIGUSR handler gathers profiling data and lets the main thread know it’s done. You want the main thread to wait until all the signal handlers it triggered have executed.

To support signal handlers that may wish to use atomic waiting operations, this paper also proposes functions and traits to query whether atomic waiting operations are signal-safe, analogous to the queries of whether atomic notifying operations are lock-free.

7 Proposal

For the foregoing reasons, I propose that:

I do not propose the addition of macros ATOMIC_BOOL_NOTIFY_LOCK_FREE and so on at this time (§33.5.5 [atomics.lockfree]) because the spelling of any such macros would need to be decided by WG14 before they are added to C++ and, in fact, C doesn’t even have atomic waiting and notifying operations yet.

8 Wording

In §17.3.2 [version.syn], add a feature test macro named __cpp_lib_atomic_notify_is_lock_free with the comment // freestanding, also in <atomic>.

Edit §17.13.5 [support.signal]p2:

A plain lock-free atomic operation is an invocation of a function f from [atomics] , other than an atomic waiting or notifying operation ([atomics.wait]), such that:

  • f is the function atomic_is_lock_free() , atomic_notify_is_lock_free(), or atomic_wait_is_signal_safe(), or
  • f is the member function is_lock_free() , notify_is_lock_free(), or wait_is_signal_safe(), or
  • f is a non-static member function of class atomic_flag, or
  • f is a non-member function, and the first parameter of f has type cv atomic_flag*, or
  • f is a non-static member function invoked on an object A, such that A.is_lock_free() yields true, or
  • f is a non-member function, and for every pointer-to-atomic argument A passed to f, atomic_is_lock_free(A) yields true.

Insert a new paragraph after §17.13.5 [support.signal]p2:

A lock-free atomic notifying operation is an invocation of an atomic notifying function ([atomics.wait]) f such that

  • f is a non-static member function of a class A such that A.notify_is_lock_free() yields true, or
  • f is a non-member function whose parameter has type pointer to cv A, where A.notify_is_lock_free() yields true.

Edit §17.13.5 [support.signal]p3:

An evaluation is signal-safe unless it includes one of the following:

  • a call to any standard library function, except for plain lock-free atomic operations, lock-free atomic notifying operations, and functions explicitly identified as signal-safe;
    [Note 1: […] — end note]
  • […]

Edit §33.5.2 [atomics.syn]:

// ...
template<class T>
  bool atomic_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic<T>*) noexcept;  // freestanding
template<class T>
  bool atomic_is_lock_free(const atomic<T>*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ template<class T>
+   bool atomic_notify_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic<T>*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ template<class T>
+   bool atomic_notify_is_lock_free(const atomic<T>*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ template<class T>
+   bool atomic_wait_is_signal_safe(const volatile atomic<T>*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ template<class T>
+   bool atomic_wait_is_signal_safe(const atomic<T>*) noexcept;  // freestanding
// ...
// [atomics.flag], flag type and operations
// struct atomic_flag;  // freestanding

+ bool atomic_flag_notify_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_flag*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ bool atomic_flag_notify_is_lock_free(const atomic_flag*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ bool atomic_flag_wait_is_signal_safe(const volatile atomic_flag*) noexcept;  // freestanding
+ bool atomic_flag_wait_is_signal_safe(const atomic_flag*) noexcept;  // freestanding

// ...

Insert a paragraph before §33.5.5 [atomics.lockfree]p1:

A lock-free atomic type is one for which operations other than atomic waiting and notifying operations ([atomics.wait]) are lock-free.

Edit the synopsis in § [atomics.ref.generic.general]:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit § [atomics.ref.ops]p3:

The static data member is_always_lock_free is true if the atomic_ref type’s operations are alwaysatomic_ref<T> is lock-free ([atomics.lockfree]), and false otherwise.

Edit § [atomics.ref.ops]p4:

Returns: true if operations on all objects of the type atomic_ref<T> areatomic_ref<T> is lock-free ([atomics.lockfree]), false otherwise.

Insert four paragraphs after § [atomics.ref.ops]p4:

static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free;
The static data member notify_is_always_lock_free is true if atomic notifying operations for type atomic_ref<T> are lock-free, and false otherwise.

bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
Returns: true if atomic notifying operations for type atomic_ref<T> are lock-free, false otherwise.

static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe;
The static data member wait_is_always_signal_safe is true if atomic waiting operations for type atomic_ref<T> are signal-safe ([support.signal]), and false otherwise.

bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
Returns: true if atomic waiting operations for type atomic_ref<T> are signal-safe, false otherwise.

Edit § [atomics.ref.int]p1:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit § [atomics.ref.float]p1:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit the synopsis in § [atomics.ref.pointer]:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit the synopsis in § [atomics.types.generic.general]:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit § [atomics.types.operations]p4:

The static data member is_always_lock_free is true if the atomic_ref type’s operations are alwaysatomic<T> is lock-free ([atomics.lockfree]), and false otherwise.
[Note 2: […] —end note]

Edit § [atomics.types.operations]p5:

Returns: true if the object’s operations areatomic<T> is lock-free ([atomics.lockfree]), false otherwise.
[Note 3: […] —end note]

Insert four paragraphs after § [atomics.types.operations]p5:

static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
The static data member notify_is_always_lock_free is true if atomic notifying operations for type atomic<T> are lock-free, and false otherwise.

bool notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
Returns: true if atomic notifying operations for type atomic<T> are lock-free, false otherwise.

static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
The static data member wait_is_always_signal_safe is true if atomic waiting operations for type atomic<T> are signal-safe ([support.syn]), and false otherwise.

bool wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
Returns: true if atomic waiting operations for type atomic<T> are signal-safe, false otherwise.

Edit § [atomics.types.int]p1:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit § [atomics.types.float]p1:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit the synopsis in § [atomics.types.pointer]:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit the synopsis in § [util.smartptr.atomic.shared]:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit the synopsis in § [util.smartptr.atomic.weak]:

// ...
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+ bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+ static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+ bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit the synopsis in §33.5.10 [atomics.flag]:

namespace std {
struct atomic_flag {
+     static constexpr bool notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
+     bool notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
+     bool notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
+     static constexpr bool wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
+     bool wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
+     bool wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
// ...

Edit §33.5.10 [atomics.flag]p2:

Operations on an object of type atomic_flag shall be lock-free. The operations should also be address-free.atomic_flag is a lock-free type ([atomics.lockfree]).

Drafting note: We shouldn’t need to repeat the “should be address-free” recommendation from §33.5.5 [atomics.lockfree]p5.

Insert four paragraphs after §33.5.10 [atomics.flag]p3:

static constexpr bool atomic_flag::notify_is_always_lock_free = implementation-defined;
The static data member notify_is_always_lock_free is true if atomic notifying operations for type atomic_flag are lock-free, and false otherwise.

bool atomic_flag_notify_is_lock_free(const volatile atomic_flag* object) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag_notify_is_lock_free(const atomic_flag* object) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag::notify_is_lock_free() const volatile noexcept;
bool atomic_flag::notify_is_lock_free() const noexcept;
Returns: true if atomic notifying operations for type atomic_flag are lock-free, false otherwise.

static constexpr bool atomic_flag::wait_is_always_signal_safe = implementation-defined;
The static data member wait_is_always_signal_safe is true if atomic waiting operations for type atomic_flag are signal-safe ([support.syn]), and false otherwise.

bool atomic_flag_wait_is_signal_safe(const volatile atomic_flag* object) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag_wait_is_signal_safe(const atomic_flag* object) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag::wait_is_signal_safe() const volatile noexcept;
bool atomic_flag::wait_is_signal_safe() const noexcept;
Returns: true if atomic waiting operations for type atomic_flag are signal-safe, false otherwise.

9 References

[P0152R1] Olivier Giroux, JF Bastien, Jeff Snyder. 2016-03-02. constexpr atomic<T>::is_always_lock_free.
[P0514R0] Olivier Giroux. 2016-11-15. Enhancing std::atomic_flag for waiting.
[P0514R1] Olivier Giroux. 2017-06-14. Enhancing std::atomic_flag for waiting.
[P1135R6] David Olsen, Olivier Giroux, JF Bastien, Detlef Vollmann, Bryce Lelbach. 2019-07-20. The C++20 Synchronization Library.
[P1643R1] David Olsen. 2019-07-20. Add wait/notify to atomic_ref.
[refimpl] NVIDIA Corporation. 2016-11-11. ogiroux/atomic_flag.

  1. Although notify_one is supposed to wake up only one waiting thread, the specification of wait allows for spurious wakeups. Therefore, an implementation of wait that spins and returns whenever it sees that the value has changed is conforming: if notify_one was called, then one of the threads that wakes up can be arbitrarily considered to have been notified, while all other such threads can be considered to have been unblocked spuriously.↩︎

  2. All citations to the Standard are to working draft N4981 unless otherwise specified.↩︎