ISO/ IEC C - Project status and milestones

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ISO/IEC 9899 - Revision of the C standard

The primary output of WG14 is ISO/IEC 9899, the C Standard. The following is a list of revisions to ISO/IEC 9899 that the committee has produced:

RevisionPublicationSimilar draft
C2yNot availableN3467 [2025-02-09]
C23ISO/IEC 9899:2024N3220 [2024-02-22] (early C2y draft)
C17ISO/IEC 9899:2018N2310 [2018-11-11] (early C23 draft)
C11ISO/IEC 9899:2011N1570 [2011-04-04]
C99ISO/IEC 9899:1999N1256 [2007-09-07]
C95ISO/IEC 9899:1990/Amd 1:1995Not available
C90ISO/IEC 9899:1990Not available
C89ANSI X3.159-1989NIST publication

Change and Clarification Requests

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 processes change and clarification requests (previously called Defect Reports) against ISO/IEC 9899 and has produced the following records of response:

ISO publicationCompendium document
ISO/IEC 9899:2018N2396
ISO/IEC 9899:2011N2396
ISO/IEC 9899:1999List of C99 CRs
ISO/IEC 9899:1990List of C90 CRs

Additionally, WG14 tracks a list of proposals that the committee agrees should apply to obsolete versions of the C standard when applicable. These proposals are adopted into the current working draft of the C standard, but are reasonable to treat as extensions to previous versions of C if an implementation chooses to provide such a mode to their users. See the list of extensions to obsolete versions of C for more details.

Important Committee Documents

The following are documents about the how the committee conducts its business:

TS 25007: C Extensions to Support Generalized Function Calls

WG14 is working on a Technical Specification for tail calls and constexpr functions. A draft is available as N3389.

TS 6010: A provenance-aware memory object model for C

WG14 has prepared a Technical Specification with proposed clarifications for a C memory object model in relation to pointer provenance. This is pending publication as of February 2025. A draft is available as N3231.

TS 18661: Floating-point extensions for C

This TS (Technical Specification) is in five parts, all of which are available from ISO. Note that Parts 1 through 3 were adopted in their entirety into C23, and part 4 was partially adopted into C23. All five parts were originally developed based on C11; parts 4 and 5 are being revised based on C23 (revisions pending publication as of February 2025).

PurposeISO publicationLatest draft
Part 1: Binary float-point arithmeticISO/IEC TS 18661-1:2014N1711
Part 2: Decimal floating-point arithmeticISO/IEC TS 18661-2:2015N1912
Part 3: Interchange and extended typesISO/IEC TS 18661-3:2015N1896
Part 4: Supplementary functionsISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015N3163
Part 5: Supplementary attributesISO/IEC TS 18661-5:2016N3164

A Clarification Request summary for the version based on C11 may be found in N2397.

TS 17961: C secure coding rules

WG14 has published a TS on rules for writing secure code in C. The TS focuses on requirements for implementations wishing to diagnose insecure C code. The latest draft is in document N1717 and the ISO publication is document ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013. A Technical Corrigendum (TC) was published to correct issues with the original publication. The latest draft is in document N2010 and the ISO publication is document ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013/COR 1:2016. A Clarification Request summary may be found in N2150.

TR 18037: Embedded C

WG14 has published a TR (Technical Report) on Embedded C, which is available for free from ISO at ISO/IEC TR 18037:2008. A previous version was published as ISO/IEC TR 18037:2004. A Clarification Request summary for the 2004 edition may be found in N1180.

TR 24731-1: Extensions to the C Library Part 1: Bounds-checking interfaces

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C Library for bounds-checking interfaces. This TR is oriented towards modifying existing programs, often by adding an extra parameter with the buffer length. The latest draft is in document N1225 and the ISO publication is document ISO/IEC TR 24731-1:2007. A rationale is in N1173. This TR was integrated into and superseded by C11.

TR 24731-2: Extensions to the C Library - Part 2: Dynamic allocation functions

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C Library for dynamic allocation functions. This TR is oriented towards new programs using dynamic allocation instead of an extra parameter for the buffer length. The latest draft is in document N1388 and the official ISO publication is ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010.

TR 24732: Decimal floating-point

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C programming language to support decimal floating-point arithmetic. The latest draft is in document N1312 and the official ISO publication is ISO/IEC TR 24732:2009. A rationale document is in N1242. N.B.: this technical report has been superseded by ISO/IEC TS 18661-2:2015, which was adopted into C23.

ISO/IEC 24747: Mathematical special functions

WG14 has published a International Standard on extensions to the C Library to support mathematical special functions. The latest draft is in document N1292 and the official ISO publication is ISO/IEC 24747:2009. A rationale document is in N1244.

TR 19769: New character types in C

WG14 had published a TR on new character types, including support for UTF-16, called TR 19769 - Extensions for the programming language C to support new character data types. This TR has been withdrawn because a revised version of its text was merged into the C Standard. The draft of the TR that was approved for publication can be found in document N1040.

SC22/WG14 Milestones

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