JTC 1/SC 22/WG 23 C++ Vulnerability Discussions WG 23 N1397 July 8 2024 Participants Stephen Michell - convenor, SCC Erhard Ploedereder - liaison Peter Somerlad - SNV Matt Butler - USA Paul Preney - Canada Regrets Richard Corden - USA Richard Corden - USA Loic Joly - AFNOR Actions: Continued work on issues as follows: Issue #23 Concurrent data types comments and 6.61 Concurrent data access considered complete. Issue #24 Protocol lock errors 6.63 Protcol lock errors Added some material. Last meeting was 24 June 2024 with meeting notes in document N1393. All work is done in the WG 23 GitHub space https://github.com/ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC22-WG23-CPP/wg23-tr24772-10 and changes made are tracked in GitHub history. The generated Word document that reflects the current state of the draft document is available from. https://iso-iec-jtc1-sc22-wg23-cpp.github.io/wg23-tr24772-10-public/all.html Please contact Stephen Michell, Peter Sommerlad or Paul Preney to gain access.