JTC 1/SC 22/WG 23 C++ Vulnerability Discussions WG 23 N1242 January 09 2023 Participants Stephen Michell - Convenor Paul Preney - Canada Richard Corden - Spain Erhard Ploedereder - liaison Clive Pygott - UK (last hour) Regrets Anthony Williams - UK Peter Sommerlad - Switzerland Matthew Butler Discussions: Discussed 6.15 Arith wrap-arithmetic; long discussion on the promotion example. Discussed 6.12 wrt to conversion of pointers. Moving text from 6.12 to 6.11, since it talkes about conversions not arithmetic. Discussions on 6.32; merging branch. Discussion of 6.37. type breaking reinterpretation Discussion of 6.65 ; meaning of const and related wording; minor changes. Last meeting was 12 December 2022, see N1234 for summary. All work is done in the WG 23 GitHub space https://github.com/ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC22-WG23-CPP/wg23-tr24772-10 Please contact Stephen Michell, Peter Sommerlad or Paul Preney to gain access.