JTC 1/SC 22/WG 23 C++ Vulnerability Discussions WG 23 N1209 September 19 2022 Participants Stephen Michell - Convenor Paul Preney - Canada Clive Pygott - UK Regrets Peter Sommerlad - Switzerland Erhard Ploedereder - liaison Richard Corden - Spain Matthew Butler Added issue 128 - 6.31 Structured programming contains guidance to avoid longjump without analysis Added the relevant analysis, including setjmp. Also removed guidance on 'goto' since it is in Part 1. Issue #17 6.15 Arithmetic wrap around error - closed issue based on recommendations in #17 Created issue #129 to create references to items like core guidelines. Issue #41 and 6.65, cleaned up formatting and one guidance issue. Last meeting was 5 Sep 2022, see N1206 for summary. All work is done in the WG 23 GitHub space https://github.com/ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC22-WG23-CPP/wg23-tr24772-10 Please contact Stephen Michell, Peter Sommerlad or Paul Preney to gain access.