Clause 4.8. Remove the indentation of the whole of this subclause. Clause 4.8. In para 1, before the last sentence "The ..." add "Statements executed on one image ahead of its execution of an statement precede statements executed on another image after its corresponding execution of an statement." Clause 4.8. Add at the end of para 1: "The and statements provide another mechanism for ensuring that data on an image are accessed by one image at a time." Clause 4.8. Add at the end of the penultimate para: "The execution of a statement defines a boundary on an image between two segments, each of which can be ordered in some user-defined way with respect to segments on other images. This can be done, for example, by applying the intrinsic subroutines and to an atomic variable." Clause 4.8. Add new penultimate para: "Another exception for the segment ordering rule is that a variable may be declared as . This indicates to the compiler that, at any time, the variable might be changed and/or examined from outside the Fortran program. The feature needs to be used with care. If two processes access the variable at the same time, an inconsistent value might be obtained. The main reason for adding is for interoperating with parallel-processing packages such as MPI that have procedures for nonblocking (asynchronous) transfer of data from one process to another." Clause 6.3. Change the red parts to black. Clause 6.6.1, first example in para 8, indent "type centigrade" to correspond to that of "end type". Clause 6.6.1, second example in para 8, remove blank line before "end function". Clause 6.59, replace all the text by "The vulnerability described in ISO/IEC 24772-1 clause 6.59 is not applicable to Fortran. It has no mechanism for thread activation. Clause 6.60, replace all the text by "The vulnerability described in ISO/IEC 24772-1 clause 6.60 can occur for Fortran only as a consequence of a poor quality implementation. The only mechanism for an image to direct termination of another image is by executing an statement. This initiates error termination on that image and the processor should initiate error termination on all other images as quickly as possible." Clause 6.61.1, replace all the text by "The vulnerability as described in ISO/IEC 24772-1 clause 6.62 applies to Fortran. Locks and critical sections, see clause 4.8, are available to limit code execution to a single image." [The old text seemed to be asking for a short description of parallelism in Fortran. I think this belongs in 4.8. I have added text there on locks and volatile. I have not added anything on asychronous, because in the present standard it pertains only to IO; in the next standard it provides a replacement for volatile for interoperating with MPI.] Clause 6.61.2, replace all the text by o Use locks and critical sections to limit execution to one image at a time where this does not cause a significant loss in overall performance. o Avoid the use of the attribute unless there are performance reasons for using a parallel-processing package such as MPI for nonblocking data transfer. o Avoid the use of the statement for defining and orderering segments. o Use the collective subroutines when they are suitable. Clause 6.62.1, last sentence, change "4.X" to "4.8".