An infinite range concept

Document #: P3555R0
Date: 2025-01-13
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: SG9
Reply-to: Jonathan Müller (think-cell)

1 Abstract

We propose a new concept ranges::infinite_range to statically detect infinite ranges. This makes it possible to statically catch buggy infinite loops, resolving [LWG4019], allows for a common idiom with parallel algorithms, improving [P3179R4], and enables optimizations to eliminate unnecessary bounds checks, like the manual one proposed in [P3230R1].

2 Motivation

2.1 Statically catch buggy infinite loops

[LWG4019] points out that the following code contains an infinite loop:

auto a = views::iota(0) | views::reverse;
a.begin(); // infinite loop

The problem is that views::iota is a non-common range. Therefore, the implementation of reverse_view::begin() has to manually find the end of views::iota before going backwards from there. But views::iota is infinite, so there is no end, and it loops forever.

The issue submitter proposes a detection of unreachable_sentinel_t in views::reverse: By definition, ranges with that sentinel type are infinitely sized, and passing them to views::reverse should not compile. However, this solution is unsatisfactory as there are more infinite ranges not covered by the detection of unreachable_sentinel_t (e.g. views::zip(views::iota(0), views::iota(1))). We therefore need a more general mechanism to detect infinite ranges to properly resolve [LWG4019]. This sentiment was shared by a joint SG9/LWG meeting in St. Louis.

2.2 Parallel binary transform

Another motivation comes from [P3179R4], proposing rangified algorithms with execution policies. One of them is binary transform:

ranges::transform(execution::par, rng1, rng2, output, fn);

The implementation needs to know the size of the input ranges to properly partition the input for parallel processing. The paper originally proposed that it is enough if one of rng1 and rng2 is sized, and the algorithm should then assume that the other one is at least as big. However, SG9 decided in Wrocław that both ranges must be sized for safety reasons.

This decision was met with strong vendor resistance. A common idiom is to pass some sort of index or constant sequence as rng1 and then some data as rng2. The natural way, passing the indexes as an infinite range, does not work, because infinite ranges aren’t sized:

ranges::transform(execution::par, views::iota(0), data, output, fn); // infinite range is not sized

In theory, this is fine; the implementation only requires knowing min(size(rng1), size(rng2)) which in the case of an infinite range is just size(rng2). But we again need a mechanism to detect infinite ranges to implement that.

2.3 Bounds checks elimination

Finally, [P3230R1] proposes views::unchecked_take and views::unchecked_drop. They work just like views::take and views::drop, but assume the range is bigger than the number of elements taken or dropped, avoiding bounds checks and improving performance. The common case of infinite_range | views::take(n) could be automatically optimized to infinite_range | views::unchecked_take(n) — if there is a way to statically detect infinite ranges. Likewise, bounds checks in other range adaptors could be eliminated.

A mechanism to detect infinite ranges can enable these optimizations.

3 Prior art

[range-v3] has the concept of a range cardinality. A range can have one of the following cardinalities:

Known finite size
the range is finite and the size is known (e.g. a vector)
Unknown finite size
the range is finite but the size is not known (e.g. a views::filter of a vector)
Infinite size
the range is infinite (e.g. views::repeat)
the size of the range is completely unknown, including whether it is finite or infinite (e.g. a generator)

This information is then propagated by (some) views. For example, transform leaves the cardinality unchanged, and a filter of a finite range stays finite but a filter of an infinite range has an unknown cardinality.

This design was dropped during standardization due to implementation complexity for little benefit.

4 Proposed design

We propose a simplified model of cardinality. In our proposal, a range can have only the following cardinalities:

Known finite size
corresponding to the ranges::sized_range
Infinite size
corresponding to the newly proposed ranges::infinite_range
if neither concept is satisfied

Compared to the [range-v3] model, a range can no longer have an unknown but finite size. This means that not ranges::infinite_range does not mean “finite range” it means “finite range or infinite range that we couldn’t detect”. For example, views::filter can be finite (when filtering a finite range) or infinite (when filtering an infinite range and keeping an infinite subset of elements). However, when it is finite, we do not know what size it is, so it cannot model ranges::sized_range.

The benefit of our proposal is reduced implementation complexity; fewer views need to propagate cardinality information than in the range-v3 model. We also believe that knowing that a range is definitely finite is not particularly useful. The inverse, knowing that a range is definitely infinite, is enough to catch infinite loops and omit bounds checks.

4.1 The ranges::infinite_range concept

Whether a range is infinite is a semantic, not a syntactic distinction, which requires manual opt-in or opt-out. There is one exception: if the sentinel type of a range is unreachable_sentinel_t, then the range is definitely infinite.

For other ranges, we propose an opt-in: a range does not model ranges::infinite_range by default. There are two obvious ways to design the opt-in.

4.1.1 Option A: ranges::enable_infinite_range

Similar to ranges::enable_borrowed_range, there could be a variable template ranges::enable_infinite_range that can be specialized to indicate that a type models ranges::infinite_range. The primary specialization checks whether the sentinel is unreachable_sentinel_t; the concept delegates:

namespace std::ranges {
    template <class R>
    constexpr bool enable_infinite_range = same_as<sentinel_t<R>, unreachable_sentinel_t>;

    template <class R>
    concept infinite_range = range<R> && enable_infinite_range<remove_cvref_t<R>>;

User code can then opt-in by specializing ranges::enable_infinite_range:

template <>
constexpr bool std::ranges::enable_infinite_range<my_infinite_range> = true;

template <class R>
constexpr bool std::ranges::enable_infinite_range<my_range_adaptor_that_does_not_affect_cardinality<R>> = std::ranges::infinite_range<R>;

4.1.2 Option B: Tag type returned by .size() or ADL size()

Alternatively, we could leverage the fact that a range is either infinite or sized but never both, and have size() return a tag type to indicate infinite. Note that it is a designated tag type not a special tag value like std::size_t(-1) as we need to distinguish it at compile-time. Let’s call it infinite_tag_t for now (there is an argument to be made for re-using unreachable_sentinel_t):

namespace std { // or std::ranges
    struct infinite_tag_t {};
    inline constexpr infinite_tag_t infinite_tag;

ranges::infinite_range is then modeled if and only if size() returns that tag type. Like ranges::size we check for member and non-member size(); unlike ranges::size we don’t need to worry about arrays (definitely finite), random access ranges with sized sentinel (definitely finite), or disable_sized_range (if you return an infinite_tag_t you better use the semantics we want!).

namespace std::ranges {
    template <class R>
    concept infinite_range = range<R> && (
        same_as<seninel_t<R>, unreachable_sentinel_t>
        || requires(R&& r) { { r.size() } -> same_as<infinite_tag_t>; }
        || requires(R&& r) { { /*ADL*/size(r) } -> same_as<infinite_tag_t>; }

Note that a type that models ranges::infinite_range can never model ranges::sized_range, which requires that size() returns an integer type. Also note that in this option we do not propose changing std::ranges::size; it will never return infinite_tag_t.

Users can then opt-in by returning std::infinite_tag from size():

class my_infinite_range {
    auto size() const { return std::infinite_tag; }

template <class R>
class my_range_adaptor_that_does_not_affect_cardinality {
    R _r;

    auto size() const requires std::ranges::sized_range<R> { return std::ranges::size(_r); }
    auto size() const requires std::ranges::infinite_range<R> { return std::infinite_tag; }

4.1.3 Option A vs. Option B

The example code for my_range_adaptor_that_does_not_affect_cardinality shows one potential advantage of option B over option A: In many cases, a range adaptor wants to both propagate the size (if there is one) and the infinite-ness; see below for a list of those range adaptors. With option B and some helper code, it is possible to do this without a lot of code duplication.

namespace detail {
    auto potentially_infinite_size(std::ranges::sized_range auto&& r) { return std::ranges::size(r); }
    auto potentially_infinite_size(std::ranges::infinite_range auto&&) { return std::infinite_tag; }

    template <class R>
    concept enable_size = requires(R&& r) { detail::potentially_infinite_size(r); };

Changing a range adaptor from propagating only size to propagating size and infinite-ness is then trivial:

template <class R>
class my_range_adaptor_that_does_not_affect_cardinality {
    R _r;

-    auto size() const requires std::ranges::sized_range<R> { return std::ranges::size(_r); }
+    auto size() const requires detail::enable_size<R> { return detail::potentially_infinite_size(_r); }

With option A, we would need to additionally write a separate specialization for enable_infinite_range.

The need for a potentially_infinite_size() function then makes one wonder: what if ranges::size could also return that?

4.1.4 Option C: Like option B, but change ranges::size

Under this option, we still have the infinite_tag_t, but we relax std::ranges::size: When it delegates to .size() or ADL-size(), it also allows infinite_tag_t. We also add a case to return infinite_tag:


2 Given a subexpression E with type T, let t be an lvalue that denotes the reified object for E. Then:

  • If T is an array of unknown bound ([dcl.array]), ranges​::​size(E) is ill-formed.

  • Otherwise, if T is an array type, ranges​::​size(E) is expression-equivalent to auto(extent_v<T>).

  • Otherwise, if disable_sized_range<remove_cv_t<T>> ([range.sized]) is false and auto(t.size()) is a valid expression of integer-like type ([iterator.concept.winc]) or of type infinite_tag_t, ranges​::​size(E) is expression-equivalent to auto(​t.size()).

  • Otherwise, if T is a class or enumeration type, disable_sized_range<remove_cv_t<T>> is false and auto(size(t)) is a valid expression of integer-like type or of type infinite_tag_t where the meaning of size is established as-if by performing argument-dependent lookup only ([basic.lookup.argdep]), then ranges​::​size(E) is expression-equivalent to that expression.

  • Otherwise, if to-unsigned-like(ranges​::​end(t) - ranges​::​begin(t)) ([ranges.syn]) is a valid expression and the types I and S of ranges​::​begin(t) and ranges​::​end(t) (respectively) model both sized_sentinel_for<S, I> ([iterator.concept.sizedsentinel]) and forward_iterator<I>, then ranges​::​size(E) is expression-equivalent to to-unsigned-like(ranges​::​end(t) - ranges​::​begin(t)).

  • Otherwise, if same_as<sentinel_t<T>, unreachable_sentinel_t> is true, ranges​::​size(E) is expression-equivalent to infinite_tag.

  • Otherwise, ranges​::​size(E) is ill-formed.

ranges::sized_range then additionally checks for a finite size:

template <class T>
concept sized_range = range<T> && requires(T& t) { requires is-integer-like<decltype(ranges::size(t))>; };

For infinite_range, ranges::size has to return infinite_tag_t:

template <class T>
concept infinite_range = range<T> && requires(T& t) { { ranges::size(t) } -> same_as<infinite_tag_t>; };

This simplifies the conditional opt-in:

template <class R>
class my_range_adaptor_that_does_not_affect_cardinality {
    R _r;

-    auto size() const requires std::ranges::sized_range<R> { return std::ranges::size(_r); }
+    auto size() const requires requires(R&& r) { std::ranges::size(r); } { return std::ranges::size(_r); }

Option C is not a breaking change: We only changed cases where ranges::size would have been ill-formed before. However, we break assumptions about an equivalence between ranges::sized_range and ranges::size. Badly constrained generic code might have called ranges::size unconditionally. But again, this just means trading one error message (ranges::size does not exist) to anther one (infinite_tag_t is not an integer).

However, re-using ranges::size like that might be confusing.

4.2 Propagating cardinality in range factories

empty_view and single_view are definitely finite, so don’t need to change. Unbounded iota_view and repeat_view are already covered as they use unreachable_sentinel_t. istream_view and generator have an unknown cardinality, so they can never model ranges::infinite_range. We therefore do not propose any changes here.

subrange is interesting: If the sentinel type is unreachable_sentinel_t, it will model ranges::infinite_range automatically. Otherwise, the cardinality is unknown and cannot be easily derived as we lost information about the range type the iterators came from. We could extend the ranges::subrange_kind enumeration to add an additional subrange_kind::infinite value. Similar tosubrange_kind::unsized subrange it would not store a size value, but it would unconditionally model ranges::infinite_range. As a result, constructing a subrange_kind::infinite subrange has a precondition that the range is actually infinite. Moreover, this precondition is safety critical as an implementation might choose to elide bounds checks for infinite range access. We therefore do not propose any changes to subrange in this paper; that option can always be explored later.

4.3 Propagating cardinality in range adaptors

Note: This is meant to be an exhaustive list. If a range adaptor is not mentioned here, we have forgotten about it.

The following range adaptors model ranges::infinite_range if and only if their underlying range models ranges::infinite_range:

We propose that they get the appropriate opt-in.

The following range adaptors are definitely finite or have an unknown cardinality:

We thus do not propose any changes for them.

The remaining range adaptors require more detailed discussion.

4.3.1 join_view and join_with_view

We propose that join_view models ranges::infinite_range if and only if the underlying outer range models ranges::infinite_range (joining infinitely many things together is definitely infinite). Note that the cardinality is unknown if only the underlying inner range models ranges::infinite_range: The outer range could be empty in which case join_view is empty.

If we have a mechanism to statically determine whether a range is non-empty, we could have join_view model ranges::infinite_range in more cases. However, we do not propose such a mechanism at this time.

The same logic applies to join_with_view. Note that there it is also not enough to only know that the separator models ranges::infinite_range for the same reason.

4.3.2 concat_view

We propose that concat_view models ranges::infinite_range if at least one of the underlying ranges models ranges::infinite_range.

4.3.3 zip_view and zip_transform_view

We propose that zip_view and zip_transform_view model ranges::infinite_range if all of the underlying ranges model ranges::infinite_range.

4.4 Using ranges::infinite_range

4.4.1 Statically catch buggy infinite loops

Once ranges::infinite_range exist, we can statically catch buggy infinite loops. Technically, an implementation is allowed to do that as a matter of QoI due to the guarantees in [intro.progress]: If an algorithm or view has an infinite loop without side-effects, the behavior is undefined, and undefined behavior can be lifted into compile-time errors.

However, given that an issue was already filed for views::reverse, we should mandate a detection at least for that view adaptor. We therefore propose that views::reverse is ill-formed for ranges modeling ranges::infinite_range but not also ranges::common_range, resolving [LWG4019].

Preventing infinite ranges in other situations requires implementation experience and has to be done more careful. For example, passing an infinite range to std::ranges::for_each is fine if the predicate has side effects, but calling std::ranges::sort on it is an error (unless the user does something funky with the comparison or swap). We therefore do not propose additional infinite loop detection.

4.4.2 Parallel binary transform

As [P3179R4] is still in-flight, we do not propose any changes to it in this paper. We expect harmonization to appear in a follow-up paper.

4.4.3 Bounds check elimination

Optimizations to eliminate bounds checks for infinite ranges are QoI and do not need to be mandated. We expect vendors to implement them once the concept is available.

5 Wording


6 References

[LWG4019] Barry Revzin. Reversing an infinite range leads to an infinite loop.
[P3179R4] Ruslan Arutyunyan, Alexey Kukanov, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. 2024-12-11. C++ parallel range algorithms.
[P3230R1] Hewill Kang. 2024-12-01. views::unchecked_(take|drop).
[range-v3] range-v3.