Pattern Matching: variant-like and std::expected

Document #: P3527R1 [Latest] [Status]
Date: 2025-01-13
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Evolution
Library Evolution
Reply-to: Michael Park
Zach Laine

1 Motivation and Scope

[P2688R3] introduces pattern matching for C++, including handling of std::variants. For example:

auto v = std::variant<int32_t, int64_t, float, double>{/* ... */};
v match {
  int32_t: let i32 =>
    std::print("got int32: {}", i32);
  int64_t: let i64 =>
    std::print("got int64: {}", i64);
  float: let f =>
    std::print("got float: {}", f);
  double: let d =>
    std::print("got double: {}", d);

However, there is an unsupported type in the standard that is variant-like but is not covered by [P2688R3] without explicit library support. That type is std::expected.

This proposal does not interact with the pattern matching language feature, nor does it interact with user defined types; it only affects whether std::expected interoperates gracefully with the language feature.

This paper adds library facilities that allow std::expected to conform to the notion of variant-like used in the pattern matching core wording. In order to accomplish this, we propose to add an API for std::expected that is syntactically and semantically equivalent to the API used by pattern matching to match std::variants.

1.1 The Variant Protocol

The language semantics for pattern matching ([P2688R3]) include the notion of a “variant protocol”. This is analogous to the tuple protocol used for structured bindings. The tuple protocol is used in defining the behavior of pattern matching as well.

This section does not describe a library change, and is not part of this proposal. It is here to describe the relevant language part of the pattern matching design, since that language design informs the library design in this paper.

To match based on the currently-engaged value of a variant-like object v of type V, the pattern matching language feature uses std::variant_size<V>, std::variant_alternative<V>, get<I>(v), and v.index(). get() is used via ADL-only calls. The template parameter passed to get() is a size_t NTTP, not a type.

2 Design

The minimal design is this.

By making these changes, std::expected will be compatible with match expressions wherever std::variant is.

2.1 Optional additions

The changes above make std::expected very close to std::variant in many ways, but there are a few ways in which the two differ. Since the main design above brings them into such near-alignment, it might be useful to add even more compatability, so that the user can treat std::variant and std::expected as equivalent in most generic code. The optional changes are:

The costs of wording and implementing these additions is low, so they seem like good additions for the sake of consistency.

2.2 Not included: modifying std::visit

The list of optional additions above leaves out a pretty important API – std::visit. These are the reasons the authors chose not to include it.

  1. std::expected is fixed at two alternatives. No one would write std::visit when they can simply write if, unless perhaps they were handling variant-like types generically, in which case…

  2. …, the advent of pattern matching as a language feature means we can use that for generic handling of variant-like types. No one has to write std::visit ever again, and that’s for the better.

  3. There was an increased-complexity cost (and associated compile time cost) to implementing std::visit support for std::expected. This stems from the fact that std::visit takes a variadic pack of variants. If some elements of the pack were also allowed to be std::expecteds, there would have to be compile-time conditional handling for these two types added to each element of the pack.

The benefits are nearly zero, and the costs are non-zero. Worse still, the costs apply to code that never uses std::expected with std::variant, which violates the “don’t pay for what you don’t use” principle.

2.3 A note about std::bad_variant_access

Much of the API proposed here is throwing. Each throwing function throws std::bad_variant_access, same as the ones that work with std::variant. There exists another exception type associated with std::expected, std::bad_expected_access. However, this is the wrong type to use. std::bad_expected_access is thrown when the user attempts to access the value of an expected, when that expected has an error engaged, not a value.

3 Proposed Wording

Add to the end of 22.8.2 [expected.syn]:

+ // [expected.helper], expected helper class specializations
+ template<class T, class E>
+   struct variant_size<expected<T, E>>;
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   struct variant_alternative<I, expected<T, E>>;
+ // [expected.get], value access
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr bool holds_alternative(const expected<T, E>&) noexcept;
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&
+     get(expected<T, E>&);                                          // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&&
+     get(expected<T, E>&&);                                         // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&
+     get(const expected<T, E>&);                                    // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&&
+     get(const expected<T, E>&&);                                   // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr T& get(expected<T, E>&);                               // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr T&& get(expected<T, E>&&);                             // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const T& get(const expected<T, E>&);                   // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const T&& get(const expected<T, E>&&);                 // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>>
+     get_if(expected<T, E>*) noexcept;
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<const variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>>
+     get_if(const expected<T, E>*) noexcept;
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<T>
+     get_if(expected<T, E>*) noexcept;
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<const T>
+     get_if(const expected<T, E>*) noexcept;

Add a new member function index to [expected.object.general] [expected.object.general] General

namespace std {
  template<class T, class E>
  class expected {

    // [expected.object.obs], observers
    template<class U> constexpr T value_or(U&&) const &;
    template<class U> constexpr T value_or(U&&) &&;
    template<class G = E> constexpr E error_or(G&&) const &;
    template<class G = E> constexpr E error_or(G&&) &&;
+   constexpr size_t index() const noexcept;


Add a new member function index to [expected.object.obs] [expected.object.obs] Observers

+ constexpr size_t index() const noexcept;

26 Returns: has_value() ? 0 : 1.

Add a new member function index to [expected.void.general] [expected.void.general] General

template<class T, class E> requires is_void_v<T>
class expected {

  // [expected.void.obs], observers
  template<class G = E> constexpr E error_or(G&&) const &;
  template<class G = E> constexpr E error_or(G&&) &&;
+ constexpr size_t index() const noexcept;


Add a new member function index to [expected.void.obs] [expected.void.obs] Observers

+ constexpr size_t index() const noexcept;

15 Returns: has_value() ? 0 : 1.

Add a new section [expected.helpers] after [expected.void.eq]: [expected.helpers] expected helper class specializations

+ template<class T, class E>
+   struct variant_size<expected<T, E>> : integral_constant<size_t, 2> { };
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   struct variant_alternative<I, expected<T, E>> {
+     using type = see below ;
+   };

1 Mandates: I < 2

2 Type: The type is T if I is 0. Otherwise, the type is E.

Add a new section [expected.helpers] after [expected.void.eq]: [expected.get] Value access

+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr bool holds_alternative(const expected<T, E>& e) noexcept;

1 Returns: true if e.index() == 0 && e.has_value() is true, or if e.index() == 1 && e.has_error() is true. Otherwise, returns false.

+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&
+     get(expected<T, E>& e);                                          // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&&
+     get(expected<T, E>&& e);                                         // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&
+     get(const expected<T, E>& e);                                    // freestanding-deleted
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>&&
+     get(const expected<T, E>&& e);                                   // freestanding-deleted

2 Mandates: I < 2.

3 Throws: bad_variant_access if e.index() != I.

4 Returns: *e if has_value() is true, and e.error() otherwise.

+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr T& get(expected<T, E>& e);                               // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr T&& get(expected<T, E>&& e);                             // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const T& get(const expected<T, E>& e);                   // freestanding-deleted
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr const T&& get(const expected<T, E>&& e);                 // freestanding-deleted

5 Effects: If e holds a value of type U, returns a reference to that value. Otherwise, throws an exception of type bad_variant_access.

+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>>
+     get_if(expected<T, E>* e) noexcept;
+ template<size_t I, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<const variant_alternative_t<I, expected<T, E>>>
+     get_if(const expected<T, E>* e) noexcept;

6 Mandates: I < 2.

7 Returns: A pointer to the value stored in the expected, if e != nullptr and v->index() == I. Otherwise, returns nullptr.

+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<T>
+     get_if(expected<T, E>* e) noexcept;
+ template<class U, class T, class E>
+   constexpr add_pointer_t<const T>
+     get_if(const expected<T, E>* e) noexcept;

8 Effects: If e holds a value of type U, returns a pointer to that value. Otherwise, returns nullptr.

4 Implementation Experience

One of the authors implemented all the changes proposed here in a branch of Clang/libc++. The implementation was straightforward, and posed no unforseen challenges. The changes did not cause any of the pre-existing libc++ tests to fail.

The changes can be found here.

5 References

[P2688R3] Michael Park. 2024-10-16. Pattern Matching: `match` Expression.