Extending User-Generated Diagnostic Messages

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21
Issue Tracking:
GitHub Mick235711/wg21-papers

During Varna (2023-06), [P2741R3] had been adopted into the C++26 working draft, which gave static_assert the ability to accept a user-generated string-like object as the message parameter. This extension allowed the user of static_assert to provide a more precise error message in compile time, thus significantly increasing the user-friendliness of libraries. This proposal, therefore, proposes to unify the language by allowing other constructs in the language that currently accept a message parameter, namely [[nodiscard]], [[deprecated]], and = delete, to also allow a user-generated string-like object as the provided message.

1. Revision History

1.1. R1 (2025-01 pre-Hagenberg Mailing)

1.2. R0 (2024-10 pre-Wrocław Mailing)

2. Motivation and History

The first appearance of the compile-time message parameter in the C++ core language is in C++11, where static_assert declaration was introduced into the language by [N1720] with the syntax static_assert(condition, message). At that time, the message parameter was the first time that users of the C++ language were able to control the generation of diagnostic messages in a dynamic way (excluding the preprocess macro #error, which is not controllable by the language itself, let alone dynamically in compile-time programming). Such flexibility has allowed the emergence of user-friendly compile-time libraries, where error messages can directly present to the user what they have done wrong. For instance, the following misuse of std::print:

#include <print>

struct A {};

int main()
    A a;
    std::println("{}", a);

can directly generate user-friendly diagnostics under clang 19.1.0 with libstdc++:

In file included from <source>:1:
In file included from /opt/compiler-explorer/gcc-14.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14.2.0/../../../../include/c++/14.2.0/print:41:
/opt/compiler-explorer/gcc-14.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14.2.0/../../../../include/c++/14.2.0/format:3732:18: error: static assertion failed due to requirement 'is_default_constructible_v<std::formatter<A, char>>': std::formatter must be specialized for the type of each format arg
 3732 |           static_assert(is_default_constructible_v<formatter<_Tq, _CharT>>,

Although a bit cramped and hidden, the error message directly tells the user that std::formatter must be specialized, thus informing them how to fix the problem. Without this feature, the user will only be faced with cryptic error messages such as "std::formatter<A, char> is not default constructible", which requires an expert with a deep understanding of the specification of std::formatter to uncover the actual cause of the error.

Over the following years, more and more control over the generation and content of the diagnostic message of the compiler had been opened to the library writer:

The key difference between those extensions of the message parameter compared to static_assert is that some of them don’t generate error messages but allow the library writer to control the content of the warnings generated by the compiler. These extensions have allowed more and more misuse of the library to be diagnosed with user-friendly error messages that directly convey the cause and the fix of errors, and contributed significantly to making C++'s error message more approachable and readable.

However, despite these advancements, one key limitation of the message parameter in all these examples remained: the parameter must be an (unevaluated) string literal. This restriction means that no computation can be performed when providing the custom message, preventing library writers from providing more useful diagnostic messages to the user. For instance, with the following misuse of std::format:

std::format("{:d}", "not a number");
// Current error message: (https://godbolt.org/z/enxWj5WY1)
error: call to consteval function 'std::basic_format_string<char, const char (&)[13]>::basic_format_string<char[5]>' is not a constant expression
// Potential best we can get using static_assert with fixed message parameter:
error: static assertion failed due to requirement [...]: wrong formatter specified for std::format

The above "potential best" message is already much more user-friendly than the status quo but still lacks some crucial information: the position of the invalid argument (the first, the second, etc.), the actual required type of :d (integer), and so on. Let’s compare with Rust’s error message:

format!("{} {:b}", 2, "not a number");
// Error message:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `str: Binary` is not satisfied
 --> <source>:3:27
3 |     format!("{} {:b}", 2, "not a number");
  |                 ----      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Binary` is not implemented for `str`, which is required by `&str: Binary`
  |                 |
  |                 required by a bound introduced by this call
  = help: the following other types implement trait `Binary`:
            &mut T
          and 9 others

The above error message is clearly a step ahead even compared to C++'s "potential best" message achievable. Not only is the precise wrong argument and format specifier is pointed out, but several possible fixes (correct type for the argument) are suggested, prompting the user that an integer-like argument is required here.

Such an error message is not possible with static_assert with a fixed message parameter. Since no computation is allowed, contextual information, such as the position of the argument, cannot be embedded within the message. In light of this, in the C++17 cycle, [N4433] proposed making static_assert’s message parameter dynamically computed and allowing any expression contextually convertible to const charT* to appear in the message parameter.

However, the consensus at that time was that the C++ language was not yet ready for dynamically computed string literals, since constexpr evaluation was still too limited at that point (for example, std::string[_view] could not be used at compile time at that time). Therefore, the first attempt to introduce dynamically generated diagnostic messages to C++ failed.

The constexpr evaluation had evolved significantly after that point in time. In C++20, we gained the ability to use std::string and std::string_view in compile-time, and the extension of allowing user-defined class types in NTTP allowed strings to be passed to functions as compile-time arguments. Nowadays, users no longer need to write compile-time string concatenations on their own, and compile-time string generation facilities such as constexpr std::format are also on the horizon (implemented by {fmt} already).

Finally, in the C++26 cycle, the matter of user-generated static_assert messages is revisited, and [P2741R3] allowed the use of custom-generated string-like parameters as the second message parameter of static_assert. This relaxation had allowed for significantly better error messages that embed contextual information to appear in library code, thus allowing the above std::format misuse example to output an error message similar to:

error: static assertion failed due to requirement [...]: For argument #1, the d specifier is only valid for integers, but a argument with type const char (&)[13] was provided.

Clearly, this new "potential best" error message is much superior to the previous best possible message, thus marking another big step forward for the user-friendliness of C++ error messages. To further expand this advantage, this proposal, therefore, proposes to allow the other three appearances of the message parameter in the core language to also accept user-generated string-like approaches. Such expansion not only unifies the language but also provides more opportunities for more friendly error/warning messages to be provided. Several examples of the possible diagnostics that will be allowed by this proposal can be seen in the Usage Examples section below.

3. Usage Example

3.1. Standard Library

This part contains some concrete examples of how functions and classes in the standard library can benefit from the new flexibility of message parameters. All examples are based on [N5001], and also assumes the existence of constexpr std::format ([P3391R0]) and Reflection ([P2996R7]).

One thing to note here is that [[deprecated]] is never required on the deprecated features in the standard library. Similarly, [[nodiscard]] is regarded as QoI after the adoption of [P2422R1] in St. Louis (2024-06) and no longer appears in the standard library’s specification. Therefore, all the following examples only resemble some possible use of the attributes by a standard library vendor. All the examples below that used [[nodiscard]] were marked as so in the specification before [P2422R1] landed.

// [memory.syn]
namespace std {
    // ...
    template<class T, class... Args> // T is not array
        constexpr unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args);
    template<class T> // T is U[]
        constexpr unique_ptr<T> make_unique(size_t n);
    template<class T, class... Args> // T is U[N]
        unspecified make_unique(Args&&...) = delete(format(
            "make_unique<U[{}]>(...) is not supported; perhaps you mean make_unique<U[]>({}) instead?",
            extent_v<T>, extent_v<T>

    template<class T, class... Args> // T is not array
        constexpr unique_ptr<T> make_unique_for_overwrite(Args&&... args);
    template<class T> // T is U[]
        constexpr unique_ptr<T> make_unique_for_overwrite(size_t n);
    template<class T, class... Args> // T is U[N]
        unspecified make_unique_for_overwrite(Args&&...) = delete(format(
            "make_unique_for_overwrite<U[{}]>(...) is not supported; perhaps you mean make_unique_for_overwrite<U[]>({}) instead?",
            extent_v<T>, extent_v<T>

// [new.syn]
namespace std {
    // [ptr.launder], pointer optimization barrier
    template<class T>
        "The resulting {}* pointer returned is discarded, which defeats the purpose of std::launder.",
    constexpr T* launder(T* p) noexcept;

// [future.syn]
namespace std {
    // [futures.async], function template async
    template<class F, class... Args>
        "The returning future<{}> is discarded, which makes the given function of type {} always executes synchronously.",
        meta::identifier_of(^^invoke_result_t<decay_t<F>, decay_t<Args>...>), meta::identifier_of(^^F)
    future<invoke_result_t<decay_t<F>, decay_t<Args>...>>
    async(F&& f, Args&&... args);
    template<class F, class... Args>
        "The returning future<{}> is discarded, which makes the given function of type {} always executes synchronously.",
        meta::identifier_of(^^invoke_result_t<decay_t<F>, decay_t<Args>...>), meta::identifier_of(^^F)
    future<invoke_result_t<decay_t<F>, decay_t<Args>...>>
    async(launch policy, F&& f, Args&&... args);

// [depr.relops]
namespace std::rel_ops {
    template<class T>
        "operator!= will be automatically generated for class {}",
    bool operator!=(const T&, const T&);

// [depr.meta.types]
namespace std {
    // ...
    template<size_t Len, size_t Align = default-alignment> // see below
        struct [[deprecated(format(
            "use alignas({}) std::byte[{}] instead.",
            Align, Len
        ))]] aligned_storage;
    template<size_t Len, size_t Align = default-alignment > // see below
        using aligned_storage_t = typename aligned_storage<Len, Align>::type;
    template<size_t Len, class... Types>
        struct [[deprecated(format(
            "use alignas({}) std::byte[std::max({{{}}})] instead.",
            string_view{vector{meta::identifier_of(^^Types)...} | views::join_with(", ")},
            string_view{vector{format("sizeof({})", meta::identifier_of(^^Types))...} | views::join_with(", ")}
        ))]] aligned_union;
    template<size_t Len, class... Types>
        using aligned_union_t = typename aligned_union<Len, Types...>::type;

Some of the examples above are particularly notable:

// Usage:
std::aligned_union_t<0, A, B> t_buff:
// Diagnostics:
warning: 'std::aligned_union' is deprecated: use alignas(A, B) std::byte[std::max({sizeof(A), sizeof(B)})] instead.

3.2. Third-Party Libraries

A potential use case of the new flexibility to third-party library developers is to include the library name in every diagnostic emitted by the types and functions within the library. Although this is already achievable with the current fixed message parameter, adding the name to each message parameter is error-prone. A better approach is something like (assuming that std::fixed_string ([P3094R5]) exists):

namespace my_lib
    constexpr std::fixed_string lib_name = "myLib";

    [[nodiscard(lib_name + ": api()'s return value should not be discarded because ...")]]
    void api();

    struct [[deprecated(lib_name + ": class S is deprecated because ...")]] S;

This design allows the library name to be changed easily by altering lib_name and also reduces the possibility of misspelling the library name across different message parameters. Furthermore, a similar design can be applied to functions within a class, with the class name factored out into a fixed_string static variable.

4. Design

The general design of this proposal is to allow the following constructs:

= delete(message);

where message can be a user-provided string-like parameter with the requirements documented below.

4.1. What Is A String?

An immediately obvious question is: What constitute as a string that can be provided as the message parameter? Obviously, we don’t want these core language parameters to be tied to a concrete library type such as std::string_view.

Fortunately, [P2741R3] already solved this problem for static_assert. A compatible string-like type that can be used as the message parameter to static_assert has the following requirements:

This proposal also proposes the same requirement for the message parameter in = delete, [[nodiscard]], and [[deprecated]].

4.2. Design Decisions

The following design decisions were made by [P2741R3] and are also proposed by this proposal. Please see [P2741R3] for detailed motivations of these decisions:

template<int N>
void bad() { static_assert(N > 0, "fires"); }
[[nodiscard(bad<0>())]] int fun() { return 2; }
// although fun() is never called, bad<0> is instantiated and the static_assert is fired.

4.3. Attribute Expression Argument

One thing that is novel in this proposal is the fact that arbitrary expression is allowed as arguments to [[nodiscard]] and [[deprecated]] attributes. This is not completely unheard of, as, in C++23, the [[assume]] attribute was adopted via [P1774R8], which also accepts arbitrary expression as an argument. However, the processing of expression in these two cases is different:

Here, potentially evaluated and unevaluated operands are complete inversions of each other ([basic.def.odr]/3). The most prominent distinction between those two treatments is the requirement on the definition of the function used:

int some_fact(); // no definition
consteval std::array<char, 5> message(); // no definition yet

// For ODR-use, all used functions must have a definition ([basic.def.odr]/12)
// For unevaluated operand, function definitions are not required at the point of use
template<typename T>
void fun()
    [[assume(some_fact() > 42)]]; // IFNDR
    static_assert(false, message()); // okay

consteval std::array<char, 5> message()
    return {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};

int main()
    fun<int>(); // Diagnostics: Hello

Although as of Oct 2024, the latest released versions of GCC and Clang both do not diagnose the above example (Compiler Explorer) and instead just silently ignore the assumption.

This can also affect the ABI of a class, as demonstrated in [P1774R8]:

constexpr auto f(int i) {
    return sizeof( [=] { [[assume(i == 0)]]; } );
constexpr auto f2(int i) {
    // nothing is actually captured here
    return sizeof( [=] { static_assert(true, std::array<char, 1>{"Hello"[sizeof(i)]}); } );
struct X {
    char data[f(0)];
struct X2 {
    char data[f2(0)];
// sizeof(X) == 4, sizeof(X2) == 1

Overall, the author doesn’t think that this discrepancy has that much of an effect since [[nodiscard]] and [[deprecated]]’s message parameter is required to be a constant expression, and no runtime behavior should be affected.

4.4. Attribute Placement and Name Visibility

An unfortunate consequence of the grammar of attributes is that, as demonstrated in the Usage Example section, the placement of [[nodiscard]] and [[deprecated]] on class declarations must be after the class-key:

[[nodiscard(message)]] struct S; // Wrong, attribute ignored
struct [[nodiscard(message)]] S; // Right

Fortunately, most compilers will emit a warning that the specified attribute is ignored in this case.

Another problem caused by the placement of attribute and = delete is the name visibility problem. Since = delete is a kind of definition and attributes must appear before the parameter list, the former can reference the parameters to the function:

template<typename T> std::fixed_string message();

template<typename T, typename U>
void fun(const T& t, const U& u) = delete(message<decltype(t + u)>());

template<typename T, typename U>
[[nodiscard(message<decltype(std::declval<T>() + std::declval<U>())>())]] // cannot reference t and u here
int fun2(const T& t, const U& u);

// Placement:
[[deprecated]] void fun(); // okay
void fun [[deprecated]] (); // okay, equivalent
void fun() [[deprecated]]; // attribute here applies to the function type, which is invalid and is silently ignored/cause error in major implementations

This proposal does not propose to change any grammar of attribute placement, and these unfortunate consequences are only documented here for information.

4.5. What If The Message Parameter Is Invalid?

As discussed before, the message parameter is intended to always be instantiated but only evaluated on triggering:

template <auto N>
consteval std::string_view oups() {
    static_assert(N, "this always fires");
    return "oups!";
void f() = delete(oups<false>()); // static_assert fires even though f() is not called
[[deprecated(oups<false>())]] void f2(); // ditto

However, when templates are involved, the situation is less obvious. As pointed out in an issue submitted to CWG GitHub, it is currently unclear if the attribute-specifier-seq that appears in a function declaration is in the immediate context and therefore contributes to overload resolution. This part of the function declaration is not in the deduction substitution loci ([temp.deduct.general]/7), so the standard currently does not specify the answer to this question. With the addition of user-provided argument to [[nodiscard]] and [[deprecated]], we have to answer this question.


template<bool B>
consteval std::string_view get_message() {
    return "message";

template<bool B>
void f1(...) {} // 1A
template<bool B>
void f1(int) {} // 1B

void test_f1() {
    f1<false>(1); // #1

template<bool B>
void f2(...) {} // 2A
template<bool B>
void f2(int) {} // 2B

void test_f2() {
    f2<false>(2); // #2

template<typename T>
void f3(...) {} // 3A
template<typename T>
void f3(int) {} // 3B

void test_f3() {
    f3<int>(3); // #3

The author think there are two approaches in general to determine the well-formedness of these three examples.

The first approach is to make attribute-specifier-seq attached to a function part of its deduction substitution loci (i.e. in the immediate context). This makes them equivalent to return types (equivalent Compiler Explorer), and thus:

In other words, substitution into attribute (and = delete) happens before overload resolution, and any substitution failure is an error that cause the overload to drop out of overload resolution.

Another approach is to make attributes and = delete to only be instantiated when overload resolution selects that function overload (i.e. not in the immediate context). This makes them equivalent to noexcept(...) (or, equivalently, static_assert with message in the body, equivalent Compiler Explorer), and thus:

The author thinks that the second approach is more sensible, since = delete is conceptually a kind of function body, and the idea that [[some_attribute]] affects overload resolution is a bit nonsensical. The original response to the issue agrees with this decision.

4.6. Alternative Syntax Considered

One possible alternative syntax proposed by [P1267R0] is to use a [[reason]] attribute to express the message uniformly. Such a design will look like:

[[deprecated, reason(message)]] void fun();
[[nodiscard, reason(message)]] int fun2();
[[reason(message)]] void fun3() = delete;

However, [[deprecated]], [[nodiscard]], and = delete already accept a message parameter today, so the author thinks this ship has already been sunk.

4.7. Claim of Syntax Space

During the EWGI review of [P2573R2], some people expressed concern about the possibility of that proposal "claiming the syntax space" of possible further enhancement to = delete. The same concern may apply to this proposal; namely, it is possible for a future proposal to propose "conditional [[nodiscard]]":

template<typename T>
[[nodiscard(sizeof(T) > 10)]] int some_fun();

While this is certainly a possible future direction, the author doesn’t think this proposal claims any syntax space in this regard. Similar to static_assert, the only modification needed for conditional [[nodiscard]] to still be possible is to require two arguments in that case:

template<typename T>
[[nodiscard(sizeof(T) > 10, "reason")]] int some_fun();

This does sacrifice some convenience, but if desired, the distinction can be made such that for [[nodiscard(expr)]], if expr is convertible to bool, then conditional semantic is used; if expr satisfies the string-like requirements, the message semantic is used. A tie-breaker between these two is obviously needed for types that satisfy both, but the author doesn’t think this is a huge conflict that forms an obstacle to this proposal.

4.8. Interaction with Reflection

Reflection ([P2996R7]) is great and will probably come to C++ in the near future. It will also greatly aid in generating friendly diagnostic messages that display the template type argument’s name, as demonstrated in the Usage Examples section above.

However, a natural question arises: should there be a reflection facility to get the message specified to = delete and attributes?

In the current reflection proposal ([P2996R7]), there is one metafunction that queries whether the function is deleted: meta::is_deleted. No attribute-reflecting mechanisms are proposed in [P2996R7], but there is ongoing work on reflecting attributes first by [P1887R1] and currently by [P3385R2]. Should these proposals also propose the ability to query the message provided to the attributes and = delete?

The author thinks that they probably should (for instance, by letting meta::display_name_of return the message or add a new meta::message_of), but this is certainly outside the scope of this proposal. The message parameter already exists in these attributes, and this proposal does not add any new parameters to them, so the difficulty of supporting them should not change drastically.

4.9. Proposal Scope

This proposal is a pure language extension proposal with no library changes involved. It is also a pure addition, so no breaking changes are involved. It is intended practice that exchanging = delete("message"); for = delete(func()); will have no breakage and no user-noticeable effect except for the diagnostic messages.

There has been sustained strong opposition to the idea of mandating diagnostic texts in the standard library specifications, and in my opinion, such complaints are justified. This paper does not change this by only proposing to make passing a user-generated string-like object as a message parameter possible and nothing more.

This paper encourages vendors to apply any message they see fit for the purpose as a non-breaking QoI feature.

4.10. Target Vehicle

This proposal targets C++26.

4.11. Feature Test Macro

This proposal bumps the feature test macro for = delete (__cpp_deleted_function) and the value reported by __has_cpp_attribute for [[nodiscard]] and [[deprecated]].

However, one thing to note here is that __has_cpp_attribute will report 0 for [[nodiscard]] and [[deprecated]] if the implementation cannot issue a warning that includes the text of the message provided. This proposal intends for the following rules to be used:

Such rules are consistent with how other feature test macros worked.

5. Implementation Experience

An experimental implementation of the proposed feature is located in my Clang fork at [clang-implementation], which is capable of handling

template<std::fixed_string str>
consteval std::fixed_string<str.size() + 2> fun()
    return "^" + str + "$";

void fun1() = delete(fun<"Test">());
[[nodiscard(fun<"Test2">())]] int fun2() { return 2; }
[[deprecated(fun<"Test3">())]] void fun3() {}

and outputting the following diagnostic messages (close to what the author intended; of course, there are other formats such as put reason on separate lines):

propose.cpp:56:5: error: call to deleted function 'fun1': ^Test$
   56 |     fun1(); fun2(); fun3();
      |     ^~~~
propose.cpp:50:6: note: candidate function has been explicitly deleted
   50 | void fun1() = delete(fun<"Test">());
      |      ^
propose.cpp:56:13: warning: ignoring return value of function declared with 'nodiscard' attribute: ^Test2$ [-Wunused-result]
   56 |     fun1(); fun2(); fun3();
      |             ^~~~
propose.cpp:56:21: warning: 'fun3' is deprecated: ^Test3$ [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
   56 |     fun1(); fun2(); fun3();
      |                     ^
propose.cpp:52:3: note: 'fun3' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
   52 | [[deprecated(fun<"Test3">())]] void fun3() {}
      |   ^
2 warnings and 1 error generated.

The implementation is very incomplete (no feature-test macro, only a few tests, etc.), so it is only aimed at proving that the vendors can support the proposed feature relatively easily. No significant obstacles are observed during the implementation.

6. Wording

The wording below is based on [N5001].

Wording notes for CWG and editor:

6.1. 7.7 Constant expressions [expr.const]

[Note 12: Except for a static_assertdiagnostic-message, a manifestly constant-evaluated expression is evaluated even in an unevaluated operand ([expr.context]). — end note]

6.2. 9.1 Preamble [dcl.pre]

Paragraph 1:

Declarations generally specify how names are to be interpreted. Declarations have the form

    static_assert ( constant-expression ) ;
    static_assert ( constant-expression , static_assertdiagnostic-message ) ;

Paragraph 12:

If a static_assertdiagnostic-message matches the syntactic requirements of unevaluated-string, it is an unevaluated-string and the text of the static_assertdiagnostic-message is the text of the unevaluated-string. Otherwise, a static_assertdiagnostic-message shall be an expression M such that [...]

Paragraph 13:

In a static_assert-declaration, the constant-expression E is contextually converted to bool and the converted expression shall be a constant expression ([expr.const]). If the value of the expression E when so converted is true or the expression is evaluated in the context of a template definition, the declaration has no effect and the static_assertdiagnostic-message is an unevaluated operand ([expr.context]). Otherwise, the static_assert-declaration fails and

Paragraph 14:

Recommended practice: When a static_assert-declaration fails, the resulting diagnostic message should include the text of the static_assertdiagnostic-message, if one is supplied.

6.3. 9.5 Function definitions [dcl.fct.def]

6.3.1. 9.5.1 General [dcl.fct.def.general]

Paragraph 1:

Function definitions have the form

    attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seqopt declarator virt-specifier-seqopt function-body
    attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seqopt declarator requires-clause function-body
    ctor-initializeropt compound-statement
    = default ;
    = delete ;
    = delete ( unevaluated-stringdiagnostic-message ) ;

6.3.2. 9.5.3 Deleted definitions [dcl.fct.def.delete]

Paragraph 2:

A program that refers to a deleted function implicitly or explicitly, other than to declare it, is ill-formed.

Recommended practice: The resulting diagnostic message should include the text of the unevaluated-string diagnostic-message ([dcl.pre]) , if one is supplied.

[Note 1: This includes calling the function implicitly or explicitly and forming a pointer or pointer-to-member to the function. It applies even for references in expressions that are not potentially-evaluated. For an overload set, only the function selected by overload resolution is referenced. The implicit odr-use ([basic.def.odr]) of a virtual function does not, by itself, constitute a reference. The unevaluated-stringdiagnostic-message, if present, can be used to explain the rationale for deletion and/or to suggest an alternative. — end note]

6.4. 9.12 Attributes [dcl.attr]

6.4.1. 9.12.1 Attribute syntax and semantics [dcl.attr.grammar]

Paragraph 5-6:

Each attribute-specifier-seq is said to appertain to some entity or statement, identified by the syntactic context where it appears ([stmt.stmt], [dcl.dcl], [dcl.decl]). If an attribute-specifier-seq that appertains to some entity or statement contains an attribute or alignment-specifier that is not allowed to apply to that entity or statement, the program is ill-formed. If an attribute-specifier-seq appertains to a friend declaration ([class.friend]), that declaration shall be a definition.

[Note 3: An attribute-specifier-seq cannot appertain to an explicit instantiation ([temp.explicit]). — end note]

The attribute-specifier-seqs appertaining to a function are considered to be needed ([temp.inst]) when
  • the function is odr-used ([basic.def.odr]), or

  • the function is defined.

The attribute-specifier-seqs appertaining to a templated function is instantiated only when needed.

For an attribute-token (including an attribute-scoped-token) not specified in this document, the behavior is implementation-defined; any such attribute-token that is not recognized by the implementation is ignored.

6.4.2. 9.12.5 Deprecated attribute [dcl.attr.deprecated]

Paragraph 1:

The attribute-token deprecated can be used to mark names and entities whose use is still allowed, but is discouraged for some reason.

[Note 1: In particular, deprecated is appropriate for names and entities that are deemed obsolescent or unsafe. — end note]

An attribute-argument-clause may be present and, if present, it shall have the form:

( unevaluated-stringdiagnostic-message )

[Note 2: The unevaluated-stringdiagnostic-message in the attribute-argument-clause can be used to explain the rationale for deprecation and/or to suggest a replacing entity. — end note]

Paragraph 4:

Recommended practice: Implementations should use the deprecated attribute to produce a diagnostic message in case the program refers to a name or entity other than to declare it, after a declaration that specifies the attribute. The diagnostic message should include the text of the diagnostic-message ([dcl.pre]) provided within the attribute-argument-clause of any deprecated attribute applied to the name or entity. The value of a has-attribute-expression for the deprecated attribute should be 0 unless the implementation can issue such diagnostic messages.

6.4.3. 9.12.10 Nodiscard attribute [dcl.attr.nodiscard]

Paragraph 1:

The attribute-token nodiscard may be applied to a function or a lambda call operator or to the declaration of a class or enumeration. An attribute-argument-clause may be present and, if present, it shall have the form:

( unevaluated-stringdiagnostic-message )

Paragraph 4:

Recommended practice: Appearance of a nodiscard call as a potentially-evaluated discarded-value expression ([expr.prop]) is discouraged unless explicitly cast to void. Implementations should issue a warning in such cases. The value of a has-attribute-expression for the nodiscard attribute should be 0 unless the implementation can issue such warnings.

[Note 2: This is typically because discarding the return value of a nodiscard call has surprising consequences. — end note]

The unevaluated-string text of the diagnostic-message ([dcl.pre]) in a nodiscard attribute-argument-clause should be used in the message of the warning as the rationale for why the result should not be discarded.

6.5. 13.9.2 Implicit instantiation [temp.inst]

Paragraph 14:

The noexcept-specifier and attribute-specifier-seqs of a function template specialization is are not instantiated along with the function declaration; it is they are instantiated when needed ([except.spec] , [dcl.attr.grammar] ). If such a noexcept-specifier specifier is needed but has not yet been instantiated, the dependent names are looked up, the semantics constraints are checked, and the instantiation of any template used in the noexcept-specifier specifier is done as if it were being done as part of instantiating the declaration of the specialization at that point.

6.6. 13.10.3 Template argument deduction [temp.deduct]

6.6.1. General [temp.deduct.general]

Paragraph 7:

[Note 4: The equivalent substitution in exception and attribute specifications is done only when the noexcept-specifier or attribute-specifier-seq, respectively, is instantiated, at which point a program is ill-formed if the substitution results in an invalid type or expression. — end note]

6.7. 15.2 Conditional inclusion [cpp.cond]

In [tab:cpp.cond.ha], modify the rows as indicated, and substituting 20XXYYL by the date of adoption.

Attribute Value
deprecated 201309L 20XXYYL
nodiscard 201907L 20XXYYL

6.8. 15.11 Predefined macro names [cpp.predefined]

In [tab:cpp.predefined.ft], modify the rows as indicated, and substituting 20XXYYL by the date of adoption.

Macro name Value
__cpp_deleted_function 202403L 20XXYYL

7. Poll Results

7.1. EWGI Review, Wrocław (2024-11)

Poll: [P3423R0] Extending User-Generated Diagnostic Messages: Forward to EWG.

Strongly Favor Favor Neutral Against Strongly Against
1 8 0 0 0


Normative References

Yihe Li. Mick235711's Clang Fork. URL: https://github.com/Mick235711/llvm-project/tree/deleted-user-message
Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++. 17 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/n5001
Corentin Jabot. user-generated static_assert messages. 16 June 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2741r3
Yihe Li. Extending User-Generated Diagnostic Messages. 15 October 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3423r0

Informative References

CWG. Conformance requirements and #error/#warning. 13 January 2022. C++23. URL: https://wg21.link/cwg2518
R. Klarer, J. Maddock, B. Dawes, H. Hinnant. Proposal to Add Static Assertions to the Core Language (Revision 3). 20 October 2004. URL: https://wg21.link/n1720
Alberto Ganesh Barbati. [[deprecated]] attribute. 1 September 2013. URL: https://wg21.link/n3760
Walter E. Brown. Extending static_assert, v2. 14 February 2014. URL: https://wg21.link/n3928
Michael Price. Flexible static_assert messages. 9 April 2015. URL: https://wg21.link/n4433
Hana Dusíková, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. Custom Constraint Diagnostics. 8 October 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p1267r0
JeanHeyd Meneide, Isabella Muerte. [[nodiscard("should have a reason")]]. 5 August 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1301r4
Timur Doumler. Portable assumptions. 14 June 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p1774r8
Corentin Jabot. Reflection on attributes. 13 January 2020. URL: https://wg21.link/p1887r1
Ville Voutilainen. Remove nodiscard annotations from the standard library specification. 28 June 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2422r1
Yihe Li. = delete("should have a reason");. 22 March 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2573r2
Barry Revzin. Allowing static_assert(false). 20 January 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2593r1
Joshua Berne, Timur Doumler, Andrzej Krzemieński. Contracts for C++. 17 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2900r12
Barry Revzin, Wyatt Childers, Peter Dimov, Andrew Sutton, Faisal Vali, Daveed Vandevoorde, Dan Katz. Reflection for C++26. 13 October 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2996r7
Mateusz Pusz. std::basic_fixed_string. 15 October 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3094r5
Aurelien Cassagnes, Roman Khoroshikh, Anders Johansson. Attributes reflection. 12 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3385r2
Barry Revzin. constexpr std::format. 12 September 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3391r0