
Document #: P3094R6 [Latest] [Status]
Date: 2025-01-10
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Evolution Working Group
Reply-to: Mateusz Pusz (Epam Systems)

1 Revision history

1.1 Changes since [P3094R5]

1.2 Changes since [P3094R4]

1.3 Changes since [P3094R3]

1.4 Changes since [P3094R2]

1.5 Changes since [P3094R1]

1.6 Changes since [P3094R0]

2 Introduction

This paper proposes standardizing a string type that could be used at compile-time as a non-type template parameter (NTTP). This means that such string type has to satisfy the structural type requirements of the C++ language. One of such requirements is to expose all the data members publicly. So far, none of the existing string types in the C++ standard library satisfies such requirements.

This type is intended to serve as an essential building block and be exposed as a part of the public interface of quantities and units library proposed in [P2980R1]. All dimensions, units, prefixes, and constants definitions will use it to provide their textual representation.

3 fixed_string is an established practice

fixed_string is not just to enable quantities and units library. There are plenty of home-grown fixed_string types in the wild already. It is heavily used in low-latency finance, text formatting, compile-time regular expressions, and many other domains.

Today, every project that wants to pass text as NTTP already provides its own version of such type. There are also some that predate C++20 and do not satisfy structural type requirements.

A quick search in GitHub returns plenty of results. Let’s mention a few of those:

Having such a type in the C++ standard library will prevent reinventing the wheel by the community and reimplementing it in every project that handles text at compile-time.

4 Minimal interface requirements

Such type should at least:

It does not need to expose a string-like interface. In case its interface is immutable, as it is proposed in this paper, we can easily wrap it with std::string_view to get such an interface for free.

5 fixed_string design alternatives

5.1 Full string_view-like interface

We could add a whole string_view-like interface to this class, but the author decided not to do it. This will add plenty of overloads that will probably not be used too often by the users of this particular type anyway. Doing that will also add a maintenance burden to keep it consistent with all other string-like types in the library.

If the user needs to obtain a string_view-like interface to work with this type, then std::string_view itself can easily be used to achieve that:

std::basic_fixed_string txt = "abc";
auto pos = txt.view().find_first_of('b');

5.2 Mutation interface

As stated above, this type is read-only. As we can’t resize the string, it could be considered controversial to allow mutation of the contents. The only thing we could provide would be support for overwriting specific characters in the internal storage. This, however, is not a common use case for such a type.

If passed as an NTTP, such type would be const at runtime, which would disable all the mutation interface anyway.

On the other hand, such an interface would allow running every constexpr algorithm from the C++ standard library on such a range at compile time.

Suppose we decide to add such an interface. In that case, it is worth pointing out that wrapping the type in the std::string_view would not be enough to obtain a proper string-like mutating interface. As we do not have another string-like reference type that provides mutating capabilities, we can end up with the need to implement the entire string interface in this class as well.

This is why the author does not propose adding it to the first iteration. We can always easily add such an interface later if a need arises.

5.3 inplace_string

We could also consider providing a full-blown fixed-capacity string class similar to the inplace_vector [P0843R9]. It would provide not only full read-write capability but also be really beneficial for embedded and low-latency domains.

Despite being welcomed and valuable in the C++ community, the author believes that such a type should not satisfy the current requirements for a structural type, which is a hard requirement of this proposal. If inplace_string was used instead, we would end up with separate template instantiations for objects with the same value but a different capacity.

The above issue could be solved by [P3380R1], which proposes a solution that would extend the definition of structural types to any type that can be serialized and deserialized. That paper is at the early stage of the standardization pipeline, and today, we can’t be sure if the Committee will accept it. Even if the paper is accepted in the future, nothing prevents us from having both a fixed_string and inplace_string in the library as types corresponding to array and inplace_vector.

LEWG took the following poll during the Wrocław 2024 meeting:

POLL: We want to proceed with fixed_string despite EWG proposals that make string structural or the possibility of inplace_string.

9 8 6 1 2

5.4 std::string with a static storage allocator

We could also try to use std::string with a static storage allocator, but this solution does not meet structural type requirements and could be an overkill for this use case.

Also, it would be hard or impossible to make the storage created at compile-time to be accessible at runtime in such cases.

5.5 Using std::array for storage

We could consider using std::array instead, as it satisfies the current requirements for structural types. However, it does not properly construct from string literals and does not provide string-like concatenation interfaces.

5.6 Just wait for the C++ language to solve it

We can’t wait for the C++ language to change forever. For example, the quantities and units library will be impossible to standardize without such a feature. This is why the author recommends progressing with the basic_fixed_string approach.

6 Design discussion

6.1 No default constructor

As this type has sized fixed at compile time it can’t be empty upon construction. This means that this type can’t provide the default constructor. This also means that it does not satisfy the constraints of the std::regular concept.

6.2 Constructor from the string literal

This constructor is the workhorse of fixed_string type. It will be called by the users every time they want to pass string literals to NTTPs. This is why the author proposes to make it implicit. Making the constructors explicit would make the primary use case much more verbose:

inline constexpr struct second : named_unit<std::basic_fixed_string{"s"}> {} second;
inline constexpr struct metre : named_unit<std::fixed_string{"m"}> {} metre;
inline constexpr struct second : named_unit<"s"> {} second;
inline constexpr struct metre : named_unit<"m"> {} metre;

Typically, we agree on making the constructor implicit if:

  1. The constructor argument and the type itself represent “the same” abstraction.
  2. There is no significant overhead of calling such a constructor.

Point 1. is satisfied as both a string literal and basic_fixed_string represent an array of characters ended with \0.

Additionally, the author proposes to make this constructor consteval. This should encourage calling it with string literals that by definition end with \0 character and limit chances of passing a hand-made array of characters. This approach got unanimous consent after discussion in LEWGI in Tokyo 2024. This approach also extends to all other functions taking the array of charT as parameters to improve consistency and correctness.

As calling such an immediate function does not impose any runtime overhead, the construction of this type also satisfies point 2. above.

Additionally, in case [P3491R0] gets accepted, we could constrain this constructor with is_string_literal(ptr).

6.3 Constructor taking the list of characters

This constructor enables a few use cases that are hard to implement otherwise:

  1. std::basic_fixed_string(static_cast<char>('0' + Value)) (used in mp-units)
  2. std::fixed_string{'V', 'P', 'B', (char)version} (credit to Hana Dusíková)
  3. std::fixed_string{'W', 'e', 'i', 'r', 'd', '\0', 'b', 'u', 't', ' ', 't', 'r', 'u', 'e'} (credit to Tom Honermann)

This constructor also allows us to deduce the size of the string from the initializer to improve CTAD usage. Using std::initializer_list<charT> would not support it.

6.4 Constructor from the range

There are at least two ways of passing a range to a string-like type in the C++ standard library:

If we decided to go with the latter case, this constructor would hijack the constructor taking the array of characters as a parameter. This is why we would need to provide a bit different signature than string_view. Taking const R& parameter would be good enough as move on character types is not faster than a copy.

Moreover, this type owns its storage, so it is more similar to basic_string than the basic_string_view.

This is why the author decided to propose the first alternative that uses from_range_t as an additional first parameter.

6.5 Assignment and swap

Even though the type does not provide any string/container-like interface to mutate the contents, they can still be changed with the copy assignment operator. Not exposing this operator could be surprising to many users. Also, as we have assignment probably it is good to also provide a swap() member function for consistency with other types in the library.

6.6 simd-like size

During Tokyo 2024 discussion in LEWGI we took the following poll:

POLL: Do we want the .size member to be an integral_constant<size_t, N> (and .empty to be bool_constant<N==0>)?

5 2 2 2 0

As a result, the R2 version of this paper introduces this practice from the simd type to size, length, max_size, and empty member functions.

6.7 Non-member swap

Typically its implementation will not differ from calling the generic std::swap. However, in some extreme cases, when we use the type with enormously long text, library implementers may choose to swap the data in chunks to save stack space. In such case, generic std::swap() could provide a different behavior than calling the member swap() function.

6.8 User-defined literals

In Tokyo 2024 we briefly discussed adding UDLs for this type. However, we decided not to do it as those strings are not massively used and typically are not created on the fly from literals in user’s code.

As there is a dedicated constructor that takes a string literal as an argument, this is a recommended way to initialize the object of this type from a string literal.

6.9 Structural type requirements

As of today, the C++ language requires a structural type to expose all its members publicly. This is why in the wording a public exposition-only data member is provided. However, we hope that the structural type requirements will be relaxed in the future and this data member will be possible to implement as a private data member in the future versions of the standard.

6.10 char_traits

Support for char_traits was added upon the LEWGI request in [P3094R1]. However, this was considered a bad decision by SG16.

char_traits promises configurability for operations where no user-level configuration makes sense.

The charT template parameter needs to be a char-like type (27.1 [strings.general]), which means it’s trivial, and the implementation thus doesn’t need char_traits to enable memcpy-style optimizations.

For the comparisons, having char_traits that implement case-insensitive comparisons is oversimplifying because case-insensitivity is locale-dependent. Also, encoding such comparison semantics into a data type seems like a bad design.

During the SG16 meeting on October 9, 2024, the following poll was taken:

POLL: P3094R4: Amend the proposal to remove the traits template parameter and dependence on std::char_traits.

4 5 1 0 0
  • Attendees: 12 (2 abstentions)
  • Author’s position: N
  • Strong consensus

As a result of this poll, char_traits were removed again from the paper in R5.

7 Related proposals

There are two papers that could affect the shape of this proposal:

8 Open questions

8.1 Should we unhide our friends?

A modern practice is to expose operators as hidden friends and this is what this type does. However, this is inconsistent with string and string_view which provide them as regular non-member functions. Should we consider doing the same for consistency?

8.2 std::string_literal

During the last meeting in Wrocław, Barry Revzin proposed to rename this type to string_literal. It might be a good solution, considering that this type does not allow mutation of the underlying storage.

9 Implementation experience

This particular interface is implemented, tested, and successfully used in the mp-units project. A complete implementation with tests can also be checked in the Compiler Explorer.

10 Wording

10.1 Library introduction

10.1.1 Library-wide requirements Library contents and organization Headers

Add <fixed_string> to the Table 24: C++ library headers.

10.2 Header <version> synopsis

#define __cpp_lib_filesystem                        201703L // also in <filesystem>
#define __cpp_lib_fixed_string                      YYYYMML // also in <fixed_string>
#define __cpp_lib_flat_map                          202207L // also in <flat_map>

Editorial note: Adjust the placeholder value as needed so as to denote this proposal’s date of adoption.

10.3 General utilities library

10.3.1 Formatting Formatter Formatter specializations

(2.2) For each charT, the debug-enabled string type specializations

template<> struct formatter<charT*, charT>;
template<> struct formatter<const charT*, charT>;
template<size_t N> struct formatter<charT[N], charT>;
template<class traits, class Allocator>
  struct formatter<basic_string<charT, Allocator>, charT>;
template<class traits>
  struct formatter<basic_string_view<charT>, charT>;
template<size_t N>
  struct formatter<basic_fixed_string<charT, N>, charT>;

10.4 Strings library

10.4.1 General

Modify Table 78: Strings library summary:

27.2 [char.traits] Character traits <string>
27.3 [string.view] String view classes <string_view>
27.4 [string.classes] String classes <string>
[fixed.string] Fixed size string classes <fixed_string>
27.5 [c.strings] Null-terminated sequence utilities <cctype>, <cstdlib>, <cstring>, <cuchar>, <cwchar>, <cwctype>

10.4.2 String view classes General

2 [Note 1: The library provides implicit conversions from const charT* and, std​::​basic_string<charT, ...> , and std​::​basic_fixed_string<charT, ...> to std​::​basic_string_view<charT, ...> so that user code can accept just std​::​basic_string_view<charT> as a non-templated parameter wherever a sequence of characters is expected. User-defined types can define their own implicit conversions to std​::​basic_string_view<charT> in order to interoperate with these functions. — end note]

10.4.3 Fixed size string classes General

1 The header <fixed_string> defines the basic_fixed_string class template that stores a read-only fixed-length sequences of char-like objects and five typedef-names, fixed_string, fixed_u8string, fixed_u16string, fixed_u32string, and fixed_wstring, that name the specializations basic_fixed_string<char>, basic_fixed_string<char8_t>, basic_fixed_string<char16_t>, basic_fixed_string<char32_t>, and basic_fixed_string<​wchar_t>, respectively. Header <fixed_string> synopsis

// mostly freestanding
#include <compare>      // see [compare.syn]
#include <string_view>  // see [string.view.synop]

namespace std {

// [fixed.string.template], class template basic_fixed_string
template<class charT, size_t N>
class basic_fixed_string;  // partially freestanding

// [fixed.string.special], specialized algorithms
template<class charT, size_t N>
constexpr void swap(basic_fixed_string<charT, N>& x, basic_fixed_string<charT, N>& y) noexcept;

// basic_fixed_string typedef-names
template<size_t N> using fixed_string    = basic_fixed_string<char, N>;
template<size_t N> using fixed_u8string  = basic_fixed_string<char8_t, N>;
template<size_t N> using fixed_u16string = basic_fixed_string<char16_t, N>;
template<size_t N> using fixed_u32string = basic_fixed_string<char32_t, N>;
template<size_t N> using fixed_wstring   = basic_fixed_string<wchar_t, N>;

// [fixed.string.hash], hash support
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_string<N>>    : hash<string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_u8string<N>>  : hash<u8string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_u16string<N>> : hash<u16string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_u32string<N>> : hash<u32string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_wstring<N>>   : hash<wstring_view> {};


1 The function templates defined in utility.swap and iterator.range are available when <fixed_string> is included. Class template basic_fixed_string

1 A specialization of basic_fixed_string is a contiguous container storing a fixed-size sequence of characters. An instance of basic_fixed_string<charT, N> stores N elements of type charT, so that size() == N is an invariant.

2 A fixed_string meets all of the requirements of a container ( [container.reqmts]) and of a reversible container ( [container.rev.reqmts]), except that fixed_string can’t be default constructed. A fixed_string meets some of the requirements of a sequence container (23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts]). Descriptions are provided here only for operations on fixed_string that are not described in one of these tables and for operations where there is additional semantic information.

3 basic_fixed_string<charT, N> is a structural type (13.2 [temp.param]) if charT is structural types. Two values fs1 and fs2 of type basic_fixed_string<charT, N> are template-argument-equivalent if and only if each pair of corresponding elements in fs1 and fs2 are template-argument-equivalent.

4 In all cases, [data(), data() + size()] is a valid range and data() + size() points at an object with value charT() (a “null terminator”). General
namespace std {

template<class charT, size_t N>
class basic_fixed_string {
  charT data_[N + 1] = {};   // exposition only

  // types
  using value_type             = charT;
  using pointer                = value_type*;
  using const_pointer          = const value_type*;
  using reference              = value_type&;
  using const_reference        = const value_type&;
  using const_iterator         = implementation-defined;  // see fixed.string.iterators
  using iterator               = const_iterator; [^1]
  using const_reverse_iterator = reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
  using reverse_iterator       = const_reverse_iterator;
  using size_type              = size_t;
  using difference_type        = ptrdiff_t;

  // [fixed.string.cons], construction and assignment
  template<same_as<charT>... Chars>
    requires(sizeof...(Chars) == N) && (... && !is_pointer_v<Chars>)
  constexpr explicit basic_fixed_string(Chars... chars) noexcept;

  consteval basic_fixed_string(const charT (&txt)[N + 1]) noexcept;

  template<input_iterator It, sentinel_for<It> S>
    requires same_as<iter_value_t<It>, charT>
  constexpr basic_fixed_string(It begin, S end);

  template<ranges::input_range R>
    requires same_as<ranges::range_value_t<R>, charT>
  constexpr basic_fixed_string(from_range_t, R&& r);

  constexpr basic_fixed_string(const basic_fixed_string&) noexcept = default;
  constexpr basic_fixed_string& operator=(const basic_fixed_string&) noexcept = default;

  // [fixed.string.iterators], iterator support
  constexpr const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;

  // capacity
  static constexpr integral_constant<size_type, N> size{};
  static constexpr integral_constant<size_type, N> length{};
  static constexpr integral_constant<size_type, N> max_size{};
  static constexpr bool_constant<N == 0> empty{};

  // [fixed.string.access], element access
  constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const;
  constexpr const_reference at(size_type pos) const;  // freestanding-deleted
  constexpr const_reference front() const;
  constexpr const_reference back() const;

  // [fixed.string.modifiers], modifiers
  constexpr void swap(basic_fixed_string& s) noexcept;

  // [fixed.string.ops], string operations
  constexpr const_pointer c_str() const noexcept;
  constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept;
  constexpr basic_string_view<charT> view() const noexcept;
  constexpr operator basic_string_view<charT>() const noexcept;
  template<size_t N2>
  constexpr friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N + N2> operator+(const basic_fixed_string& lhs,
                                                               const basic_fixed_string<charT, N2>& rhs) noexcept;
  constexpr friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N + 1> operator+(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, charT rhs) noexcept;
  constexpr friend basic_fixed_string<charT, 1 + N> operator+(const charT lhs, const basic_fixed_string& rhs) noexcept;
  template<size_t N2>
  consteval friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N + N2 - 1> operator+(const basic_fixed_string& lhs,
                                                                   const charT (&rhs)[N2]) noexcept;
  template<size_t N1>
  consteval friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N1 + N - 1> operator+(const charT (&lhs)[N1],
                                                                   const basic_fixed_string& rhs) noexcept;

  // [fixed.string.comparison], non-member comparison functions
  template<size_t N2>
  friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const basic_fixed_string<charT, N2>& rhs);
  template<size_t N2>
  friend consteval bool operator==(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const charT (&rhs)[N2]);
  template<size_t N2>
  friend constexpr see below operator<=>(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const basic_fixed_string<charT, N2>& rhs);
  template<size_t N2>
  friend consteval see below operator<=>(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const charT (&rhs)[N2]);

  // [], inserters and extractors
  friend basic_ostream<charT>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT>& os, const basic_fixed_string& str);  // hosted

// [fixed.string.deduct], deduction guides
template<typename CharT, same_as<CharT>... Rest>
basic_fixed_string(CharT, Rest...) -> basic_fixed_string<CharT, 1 + sizeof...(Rest)>;

template<typename charT, size_t N>
basic_fixed_string(const charT (&str)[N]) -> basic_fixed_string<charT, N - 1>;

template<typename CharT, size_t N>
basic_fixed_string(from_range_t, array<CharT, N>) -> basic_fixed_string<CharT, N>;


Footnote [^1]: Because basic_fixed_string is immutable, iterator and const_iterator are the same type. Construction and assignment

template<same_as<charT>... Chars>
  requires(sizeof...(Chars) == N) && (... && !is_pointer_v<Chars>)
constexpr explicit basic_fixed_string(Chars... chars) noexcept;

1 Effects: Initializes data_ with the values of chars... before the call followed by the charT() (a “null terminator”).

consteval basic_fixed_string(const charT (&txt)[N + 1]);

2 Mandates: txt[N] == CharT().

3 Effects: Initializes data_ with a copy of txt.

template<input_iterator It, sentinel_for<It> S>
  requires same_as<iter_value_t<It>, charT>
constexpr basic_fixed_string(It begin, S end);

4 Preconditions: distance(begin, end) == N.

5 Effects: Initializes data_ from the values in the range [begin, end), as specified in 23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts].

template<ranges::input_range R>
  requires same_as<ranges::range_value_t<R>, charT>
constexpr basic_fixed_string(from_range_t, R&& r);

6 Preconditions: ranges::size(r) == N.

7 Effects: Initializes data_ from the values in the range rg, as specified in 23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts]. Iterator support

using const_iterator = implementation-defined;

1 A type that meets the requirements of a constant Cpp17RandomAccessIterator [random.access.iterators], models contiguous_iterator [iterator.concept.contiguous], and meets the constexpr iterator requirements 24.3.1 [iterator.requirements.general], whose value_type is the template parameter charT.

2 All requirements on container iterators 23.2 [container.requirements] apply to fixed_string::​const_iterator as well.

constexpr const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;

3 Returns: An iterator referring to the first character in the string.

constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept;
constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept;

4 Returns: An iterator which is the past-the-end value.

constexpr const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept;
constexpr const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;

5 Returns: const_reverse_iterator(end()).

constexpr const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept;
constexpr const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;

6 Returns: const_reverse_iterator(begin()). Element access

constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const;

1 Preconditions: pos < size().

2 Returns: data_[pos].

3 Throws: Nothing.

4 [Note 1: Unlike basic_string​::operator[], basic_fixed_string::operator[](size()) has undefined behavior instead of returning charT(). — end note]

constexpr const_reference at(size_type pos) const;

5 Returns: data_[pos].

6 Throws: out_of_range if pos >= size().

constexpr const_reference front() const;

7 Preconditions: !empty().

8 Returns: data_[0].

9 Throws: Nothing.

constexpr const_reference back() const;

10 Preconditions: !empty().

11 Returns: data_[size() - 1].

12 Throws: Nothing. Modifiers

constexpr void swap(basic_fixed_string& s) noexcept;

1 Effects: Equivalent to swap_ranges(begin(), end(), s.begin()).

2 [Note 1: Unlike the swap function for other containers, basic_fixed_string::​swap takes linear time and does not cause iterators to become associated with the other container. — end note] String operations

constexpr const_pointer c_str() const noexcept;
constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept;

1 Returns: A pointer p such that p + i == addressof(operator[](i)) for each i in [0, size()].

2 Complexity: Constant time.

3 Remarks: The program shall not modify any of the values stored in the character array; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

constexpr basic_string_view<charT> view() const noexcept;
constexpr operator basic_string_view<charT>() const noexcept;

4 Effects: Equivalent to: return basic_string_view<charT>(data(), size());

template<size_t N2>
constexpr friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N + N2> operator+(const basic_fixed_string& lhs,
                                                             const basic_fixed_string<charT, N2>& rhs) noexcept;
constexpr friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N + 1> operator+(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, charT rhs) noexcept;
constexpr friend basic_fixed_string<charT, 1 + N> operator+(charT lhs, const basic_fixed_string& rhs) noexcept;

5 Effects: Returns a new fixed string object whose value is the joint value of lhs and rhs followed by the charT().

template<size_t N2>
consteval friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N + N2 - 1> operator+(const basic_fixed_string& lhs,
                                                                 const charT (&rhs)[N2]) noexcept;

6 Mandates: rhs[N2 - 1] == CharT().

7 Effects: Returns a new fixed string object whose value is the joint value of lhs and rhs.

template<size_t N1>
consteval friend basic_fixed_string<charT, N1 + N - 1> operator+(const charT (&lhs)[N1],
                                                                 const basic_fixed_string& rhs) noexcept;

8 Mandates: lhs[N1 - 1] == CharT().

9 Effects: Returns a new fixed string object whose value is the joint value of a subrange [lhs[0], lhs[N1 - 1]) and rhs followed by the charT(). Non-member comparison functions

template<size_t N2>
friend constexpr bool operator==(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const basic_fixed_string<charT, N2>& rhs);
template<size_t N2>
friend constexpr see below operator<=>(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const basic_fixed_string<charT, N2>& rhs);

1 Effects: Let op be the operator. Equivalent to:

return lhs.view() op rhs.view();
template<size_t N2>
friend consteval bool operator==(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const charT (&rhs)[N2]);
template<size_t N2>
friend consteval see below operator<=>(const basic_fixed_string& lhs, const charT (&rhs)[N2]);

2 Mandates: rhs[N2 - 1] == CharT().

3 Effects: Let op be the operator. Equivalent to:

return lhs.view() op basic_string_view<CharT>(rhs, rhs + N2 - 1); Inserters and extractors

friend basic_ostream<charT>& operator<<(basic_ostream<charT>& os, const basic_fixed_string& str);

1 Effects: Equivalent to: return os << str.view(); Hash support

template<class charT, size_t N, class traits>
constexpr void swap(basic_fixed_string<charT, N>& x, basic_fixed_string<charT, N>& y) noexcept;

1 Effects: As if by x.swap(y).

2 Complexity: Linear in N. Hash support

template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_string<N>>    : hash<string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_u8string<N>>  : hash<u8string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_u16string<N>> : hash<u16string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_u32string<N>> : hash<u32string_view> {};
template<size_t N> struct hash<fixed_wstring<N>>   : hash<wstring_view> {};

1 If FS is one of these fixed string types, SV is the corresponding string view type, and fs is an object of type FS, then hash<FS>()(fs) == hash<SV>()(SV(fs)).

10.5 Containers library

10.5.1 Requirements General containers Container requirements
X u(rv);
X u = rv;

15 Postconditions: u is equal to the value that rv had before this construction.

16 Complexity: Linear for array and basic_fixed_string, and constant for all other standard containers.


48 Result: void.

49 Effects: Exchanges the contents of t and s.

50 Complexity: Linear for array and basic_fixed_string, and constant for all other standard containers.

65 The expression a.swap(b), for containers a and b of a standard container type other than array and basic_fixed_string, shall exchange the values of a and b without invoking any move, copy, or swap operations on the individual container elements. Allocator-aware containers

1 Except for array and basic_fixed_string, all of the containers defined in 23 [containers], 19.6.4 [stacktrace.basic], 27.4.3 [basic.string], and 28.6.9 [re.results] meet the additional requirements of an allocator-aware container, as described below. Sequence containers

1 A sequence container organizes a finite set of objects, all of the same type, into a strictly linear arrangement. The library provides four basic kinds of sequence containers: vector, forward_list, list, and deque. In addition, array and basic_fixed_string are is provided as a sequence containers which provides limited sequence operations because it has they have a fixed number of elements. The library also provides container adaptors that make it easy to construct abstract data types, such as stacks, queues, flat_maps, flat_multimaps, flat_sets, or flat_multisets, out of the basic sequence container kinds (or out of other program-defined sequence containers).


69 Result: reference; const_reference for constant a.

70 Returns: *a.begin()

71 Remarks: Required for basic_string, basic_fixed_string, array, deque, forward_list, list, and vector.


72 Result: reference; const_reference for constant a.

73 Effects: Equivalent to:

auto tmp = a.end();
return *tmp;

74 Remarks: Required for basic_string, basic_fixed_string, array, deque, list, and vector.


117 Result: reference; const_reference for constant a

118 Effects: Equivalent to: return *(a.begin() + n);

119 Remarks: Required for basic_string, basic_fixed_string, array, deque, and vector.

120 Result: reference; const_reference for constant a

121 Returns: *(a.begin() + n)

122 Throws: out_of_range if n >= a.size().

123 Remarks: Required for basic_string, basic_fixed_string, array, deque, and vector.

10.6 Annex C (informative)

10.6.1 C++ and ISO C++ 2023 [library]: library introduction

1 Affected subclause: [headers]

Change: New headers.

Rationale: New functionality.

Effect on original feature: The following C++ headers are new: <debugging>, <fixed_string>, <hazard_pointer>, <linalg>, <rcu>, and <text_encoding>. Valid C++ 2023 code that #includes headers with these names may be invalid in this revision of C++.

11 Acknowledgements

Special thanks and recognition goes to Epam Systems for supporting Mateusz’s membership in the ISO C++ Committee and the production of this proposal.

The author would also like to thank Hana Dusíková and Nevin Liber for providing valuable feedback that helped him shape the final version of this document.

12 References

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