Document #: | P2825R4 |
Date: | 2025-01-13 |
Project: | Programming Language C++ |
Audience: |
Reply-to: |
Gašper Ažman <> |
This paper introduces a new expression into the language
The declcall
expression is a
constant expression of type pointer-to-function (PF) or
pointer-to-member-function (PMF). Its value is the pointer to the
function that would have been invoked if the expression were
evaluated. The expression itself is an unevaluated operand.
In effect, declcall
is a hook
into the overload resolution machinery.
was a bad name,
and design refineddeclcall
well received, must come backThe language already has a number of sort-of overload resolution facilities:
All of these are unsuitable for ad-hoc type-erasure that library authors (such as [P2300R6]) need.
We can sometimes indirect through a lambda to “remember” the result of an overload resolution to be invoked later, if the function pointer type is not a perfect match:
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct my_erased_wrapper {
using fptr_t = R(*)(Args...);
fptr_t erased;};
// for some types R, T1, T2, T3
<R, T1, T2, T3> vtable = {
my_erased_wrapper+[](T1 a, T2 b, T3 c) -> R { return some_f(FWD(a), FWD(b), FWD(c)); }
… however, this does not work in all cases, and has suboptimal code generation.
Oh, if only we had a facility to ask the compiler what function we’d be calling and then just have the pointer to it.
This is what this paper is trying to provide.
The reflection proposal does not include anything like this. It knows how to reflect on constants, but a general-purpose feature like this is beyond its reach. Source: hallway discussion with Daveed Vandevoorde.
We probably need to do the specification work of this paper to understand the corner cases of even trying to do this with reflection.
Reflection ([P2320R0],[P1240R1],[P2237R0],[P2087R0],[N4856]) might miss C++26, and is far
wider in scope as another
-ish proposal that’s
easily implementable today, and
could use
Regardless of how we chose to provide this facility, it is dearly needed, and should be provided by the standard library or a built-in.
See the Alternatives to Syntax chapter for details.
The Library
Fundamentals TS version 3 defines invocation_type<F(Args...)>
with the hope of getting the function pointer type of a given call
However, this is not good enough to actually be able to resolve that call in all cases.
struct S {
static void f(S) {} // #1
void f(this S) {} // #2
void h() {
static_cast<void(*)(S)>(S::f) // error, ambiguous
{}.f(S{}); // calls #1
S{}.f(); // calls #2
S// no ambiguity for declcall
(S{}.f(S{})); // 
declcall(S{}.f()); // 
A library solution can’t give us this, no matter how much we try, unless we can reflect on unevaluated operands (which Reflection does).
We propose a new (technically) non-overloadable operator (because
is one, and this behaves
(expression); declcall
int f(int); // 1
int f(long); // 2
constexpr auto fptr_to_1 = declcall(f(2));
constexpr auto fptr_to_2 = declcall(f(2l));
The program is ill-formed if the named
not a call to an addressable function (such as a constructor,
destructor, built-in, etc.).
struct S {};
(S()); // Error, constructors are not addressable
declcall(__builtin_unreachable()); // Error, not addressable declcall
The expression is not a constant expression if the
does not
resolve for unevaluated operands, such as with function pointer values
and surrogate functions.
int f(int);
using fptr_t = int (*)(int);
constexpr fptr_t fptr = declcall(f(2)); // OK
(fptr(2)); // Error, fptr_to_1 is a pointer
declcallstruct T {
constexpr operator fptr_t() const { return fptr; }
(T{}(2)); // Error, T{} would need to be evaluated declcall
If the
evaluated and not a constant expression, the program is ill-formed (but
However, if it is unevaluated, it’s not an error, because the type of
the expression is useful as the type argument to
int f(int);
using fptr_t = int (*)(int);
constexpr fptr_t fptr = declcall(f(2));
static_cast<decltype(declcall(fptr(2)))>(fptr); // OK, fptr, though redundant
struct T {
constexpr operator fptr_t() const { return fptr; }
static_cast<decltype(declcall(T{}(2)))>(T{}); // OK, fptr
This pattern covers all cases that need evaluated operands, while
making it explicit that the operand is evaluated due to the
This division of labor is important - we do not want a language facility where the operand is conditionally evaluated or unevaluated.
void g(long x) { return x+1; }
void f() {} // #1
void f(int) {} // #2
struct S {
friend auto operator+(S, S) noexcept -> S { return {}; } // #3
auto operator-(S) -> S { return {}; } // #4
auto operator-(S, S) -> S { return {}; } // #5
void f() {} // #6
void f(int) {} // #7
() noexcept {} // #8
S~S() noexcept {} // #9
auto operator->(this auto&& self) const -> S*; // #10
auto operator[](this auto&& self, int i) -> int; // #11
static auto f(S) -> int; // #12
using fptr = void(*)(long);
auto operator fptr const { return &g; } // #13
auto operator<=>(S const&) = default; // #14
(int, long) { return S{}; } // #15
S fstruct U : S {}
void h() {
S s;
U u;(f()); // ok,  (A)
declcall(f(1)); // ok,  (B)
declcall(f(std::declval<int>())); // ok,  (C)
declcall(f(1s)); // ok,  (!) (D)
declcall(s + s); // ok,  (E)
declcall(-s); // ok,  (F)
declcall(-u); // ok,  (!) (G)
declcall(s - s); // ok,  (H)
declcall(s.f()); // ok,  (I)
declcall(u.f()); // ok,  (!) (J)
declcall(s.f(2)); // ok,  (K)
declcall(s); // error, constructor (L)
declcall(s.S::~S()); // error, destructor (M)
declcall(s->f()); // ok,  (not 
) (N)
declcall(s.S::operator->()); // ok, 
declcall(s[1]); // ok,  (P)
declcall(S::f(S{})); // ok,  (Q)
declcall(s.f(S{})); // ok,  (R)
declcall(s(1l)); // error, #13 (S)
declcallstatic_cast<decltype(declcall(s(1l)>)(s)); // ok, &13 (S)
(f(1, 2)); // ok,  (T)
declcall(new (nullptr) S()); // error, not function (U)
declcall(delete &s); // error, not function (V)
declcall(1 + 1); // error, built-in (W)
declcallreturn declcall(f());
}()()); // error (unevaluated) (X)
(S{} < S{}); // error, synthesized (Y)
declcall(static_cast<string_view>("a"s)); // error, not a call expression
argument still resolves to
the int
still resolves to a member
function of S
and O). (
specifies that
group left-to-right, which means the top-most postfix-expression is the
call to f()
, and not the
. To get to
, we have to ask
for it explicitly.g
, so the
type of g
is returned, but it’s
not a constant expression. We can get it by evaluating the operand with
.This paper is effectively a counterpart to
- give me a pointer
to the thing that would be invoked by this expression, so I can do it
This poses a problem with pointers to virtual member functions obtained via explicit access. Observe:
struct B {
virtual B* f() { return this; }
struct D : B {
* f() override { return this; }
void g() {
D d;& rb = d; // d, but type is ref-to-B
.f(); // calls D::f
d.f(); // calls D::f
rb.B::f(); // calls B::f
auto pf = &B::f;
(d.*pf)(); // calls D::f (!)
This begs the question: should there be a difference between these three expressions?
auto b_f = declcall(d.B::f()); // (1)
auto rb_f = declcall(rb.f()); // (2)
auto d_f = declcall(d.f()); // (3)
Their types are not in question. (1) and (2) certainly should have
the same type ( B* (B::*) ()
while (3) has type (
D* (D::*) ()
However, what about when we use them?
// (d, rb, b_f, rb_f, d_f as above)
(d.*rb_f)(); // definitely calls D::f, same as rb.f()
(d.*d_f)(); // definitely calld D::f, same as d.f()
(d.*b_f)(); // does it call B::f or D::f?
It is the position of the author that
should call Base::f
, because
should be a perfect
complement to declcall
However, this kind of pointer to member function currently does not exist, although it’s trivially implementable. (GCC has an extension: Unlike the GCC extension, the type of the function pointer would not be distinguishable from the current one, to enable generic programming with the regular pointer-to-member-function call syntax.
We need an EWG vote on this.
Conciser the following:
struct ABC {
virtual int f() = 0;
void h() {
auto x = declcall(declval<ABC&>().f()); // 1
auto y = declcall(declval<ABC&>().ABC::f()); // 2
What is (1)? What is (2)? Should (2) be ill-formed? Return a regular non-devirtualized pointer-to-member-function?
No. Unfortunately, pure virtual functions can actually be defined;
int ABC::f() { return 1; } // OK!
struct B : ABC {
int f() { return 2; }
int g() {
B b;.f(); // OK, 2
b.ABC::f(); // OK, 1
We propose that the following happens:
int h() {
B b;auto x = declcall(declval<ABC&>().f());
auto y = declcall(declval<ABC&>().ABC::f());
(b.*x)(); // OK, 2, does virtual dispatch
(b.*y)(); // OK, 1, does not do virtual dispatch
We could wait for reflection in which case
is implementable when
we have expression reflections.
namespace std::meta {
template<info r> constexpr auto declcall = []{
if constexpr (is_nonstatic_member(r)) {
return pointer_to_member<[:pm_type_of(r):]>(r);
} else {
return entity_ref<[:type_of:]>(r);
} /* insert additional cases as we define them. */
int f(int); //1
int f(long); //2
constexpr auto fptr_1 = [: declcall<^f(1)> :]; // 1
It’s unlikely to be quite as efficient as just hooking directly into the resolver, but it does have the nice property that it doesn’t take up a whole keyword.
It also currently only works for constant expressions, so
it’s not general-purpose. For general arguments, one would need to pass
reflections of arguments, and if those aren’t constant expressions, this
gets really complicated.
is far simpler.
Many thanks to Daveed Vandevoorde for helping out with this example.
I think declcall
is a
reasonable name - it hints that it’s an unevaluated operand, and it’s
how I implemented it in clang.
codesearch for declcall comes up with zero hits.
For all intents and purposes, this facility grammatically behaves in
the same way as sizeof
, except
that we should require the parentheses around the operand.
We could call it something other unlikely to conflict, but I like
Broadly, anywhere where we want to type-erase a call-expression. Broad uses in any type-erasure library, smart pointers, ABI-stable interfaces, compilation barriers, task-queues, runtime lifts for double-dispatch, and the list goes on and on and on and …
// generic context
::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto const& x, auto const& y) {
stdreturn my_comparator(x, y); // some overload set
// look ma, no lambda, no inlining, and less code generation!
::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), declcall(my_comparator(v.front(), v.front())); std
Note also, that in the case of a
, the ABI for
the comparator is likely to take those by value, which means we get a
better calling convention.
static_cast<bool(*)(int, int)>(my_comparator)
is not good enough here - the resolved comparator could take
s, for instance.
We cannot correctly forward immovable type construction through forwarding function.
int f(nonmovable) { /* ... */ }
struct {
#if __cpp_expression_aliases < 202506
// doesn't work
static auto operator()(auto&& obj) {
return f(std::forward<decltype(obj)>(obj)); // 1
// would work if we also had expression aliases
static auto operator()(auto&& obj)
= declcall(f(std::forward<obj>(obj))); // 2
} some_customization_point_object;
void continue_with_result(auto callback) {
void handler() {
(declcall(f(nonmovable{}))); // works
continue_with_result// (1) doesn't work, (2) works
Together with [P2826R0], the two papers constitute the ability to implement expression-equivalent in many important cases (not all, that’s probably impossible).
[P2826R0] proposes a way for a function signature to participate in overload resolution and, if it wins, be replaced by some other function.
This facility is the key to finding that other function. The ability to preserve prvalue-ness is crucial to implementing quite a lot of the standard library customization points as mandated by the standard, without compiler help.
Do we want to punt the syntax to reflection, or is this basic enough to warrant this feature? (Knowing that reflection will need more work from the user to get the pointer value).
SG7 said no, this is good. So has EWG.
Do we care that it only works on unevaluated operands? (With
the static_cast
fallback in
run-time cases)
SG7 confirmed author’s position that this is the correct design, and so has EWG.
In the table of keywords, in 5.12 [lex.key], add
In [expr.unary.general]
alignof ( type-id )
declcall ( expression )
Add to 7.7 [expr.const]:
We combine this into the
-expression point because
the footnote applies to both.
- (29.4) an expression of the form
& cast-expression
ordeclcall ( expression )
that occurs within a templated entity
In [dcl.mptr], insert a new paragraph 5 after p4, and renumber section:
5 The value of a pointer to member function can be devirtualized. [Note: Devirtualized pointers to member functions may be formed by
([expr.declcall]), and call expressions involving them call the function they point to, and not the final overrider ( []/2, 11.7.3 [class.virtual]). – end note]
In [], change p2:
If the selected function is non-virtual, or if the id-expression in the class member access expression is a qualified-id , or the bound pointer prvalue (7.6.4 [expr.mptr.oper]) is obtained from a devirtualized pointer ( [dcl.mptr]), that function is called. Otherwise, its final overrider in the dynamic type of the object expression is called; such a call is referred to as a virtual function call.
In 11.7.4 [class.abstract], change p2:
… A pure virtual function need be defined only if called with, or as if with (11.4.7 [class.dtor]), the qualified-id syntax ( []), or via a devirtualized pointer to member function ( [dcl.mptr]).
Add new section under [expr.alignof], with a stable tag of [expr.declcall].
1 The
operator yields a pointer prvalue to the function or member function which would be invoked by its expression. The operand ofdeclcall
is an unevaluated operand.2 If expression is not a function call ( []), but is an expression that is transformed into an equivalent function call ( [over.match.oper]/2), replace expression by the transformed expression for the remainder of this subclause. Otherwise, the program is ill-formed. Such a (possibly transformed) expression is of the form postfix-expression ( expression-listopt ).
3 If postfix-expression is a prvalue of pointer type
( []/1), the result has typeT
, its value is unspecified, and thedeclcall
expression shall not be potentially-evaluated.4 Otherwise, if postfix-expression is of the (possibly transformed) form
E1 .* E2
(7.6.4 [expr.mptr.oper]) whereE2
is a cast-expression of typeT
, the result has typeT
, its value is unspecified, and thedeclcall
expression shall not be potentially-evaluated.5 Otherwise, let F be the function selected by overload resolution ( []), and
its type.
(5.1) If F is a constructor, destructor, or synthesized candidate (7.6.9 [expr.rel], 7.6.10 [expr.eq]), the program is ill-formed.
(5.2) Otherwise, if F is a surrogate call function ( []/2), the result has type “pointer to
”, its value is unspecified, and thedeclcall
expression shall not be potentially-evaluated.(5.3) Otherwise, if F is an implicit object member function declared as a member of class
, the postfix-expression is a class member access expression ( [expr.ref]). The result has type “pointer to member of classC
of typeT
” and points to F. If the id-expression in the class member access expression of this call is a qualified-id, the result pointer is a devirtualized pointer. (6.8.4 [basic.compound]).[Example:
struct B { virtual B* f() { return this; } }; struct D : B { D* f() override { return this; } }; struct D2 : B {}; void g() { D d; B& rb = d; auto b_f = declcall(d.B::f()); // type: B* (B::*)() auto rb_f = declcall(rb.f()); // type: B* (B::*)() auto d_f = declcall(d.f()); // type: D* (D::*)() declcall(D2().f()); // type: B* (B::*)() (d.*b_f)(); // B::f, devirtualized (d.*rb_f)(); // D::f, via virtual dispatch (d.*d_f)(); // D::f, via virtual dispatch }
– end example]
(5.4) Otherwise, the result has type “pointer to
” and points to F.
Into [temp.dep.constexpr], add to list in 2.6:
alignof ( type-id )
declcall ( expression )
Add feature-test macro into 17.3.2 [version.syn] in section 2
#define __cpp_declcall 2025XXL
Add to Annex C:
Affected subclause: 5.12 [lex.key]
Change: New keyword.Rationale: Required for new features.
Effect on original feature: Added to Table 5, the following identifier is now a new keyword:
. Valid C++ 2023 code using these identifiers is invalid in this revision of C++.