Support Non-copyable Types for single_view

Document #: P2483R0
Date: 2021-09-30
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Hui Xie

1 Introduction

This paper proposes allowing single_view to hold non-copyable types.

2 Motivation and Scope

Currently, single_view requires the object that it holds to satisfy std::copy_constructible concept. This makes the single_view not usable with move only types. For example, the following code is invalid

// foo is move only type
foo make_foo();

std::views::single(make_foo()) // | more_pipe_lines

In the original c++ 20 ranges proposal, the view concept requires semiregular, thus all view implementations have to be copyable. However, after [P1456R1], view no long requires implementations to be copyable but only movable, so technically the std::copy_constructible constraint can be relaxed to std::move_constructible for the types that single_view holds.

// foo is move only type
foo make_foo();

  | std::views::transform([](const auto& f) -> decltype(auto) {
      return (*f);
  | // more_pipe_lines
// foo is move only type
foo make_foo();

std::views::single(make_foo()) // | more_pipe_lines

3 Impact on the Standard

This proposal is a pure library extension.

4 Proposed Wording

Modify 24.2 [ranges.syn]

// [range.single], single view
template<copy_­constructiblemove_­constructible T>
    requires is_object_v<T>
  class single_view;

Modify [range.single.view]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<copy_­constructiblemove_­constructible T>
    requires is_object_v<T>
  class single_view : public view_interface<single_view<T>> {
    copyable-boxmovable-box<T> value_;             // exposition only (see [range.copymove.wrap])

  single_view() requires default_initializable<T> = default;
  constexpr explicit single_view(const T& t) requires copy_constructible<T>;
  constexpr explicit single_view(T&& t);
constexpr explicit single_view(const T& t) requires copy_constructible<T>;

1 Effects: Initializes value_­ with t.

Add a new section [range.move.wrap] under 24.7 [range.adaptors]

Movable wrapper

1 movable-box behaves exactly like optional<T> with the following differences:

  • (1.1) movable-box constrains its type parameter T with move_constructible<T> && is_object_v<T>

  • (1.2) The default constructor of movable-box is equivalent to:

constexpr movable-box() noexcept(is_nothrow_default_constructible_v<T>)
    requires default_initializable<T>
  : movable-box(){in_place}
  • (1.3) If movable<T> is not modelled, the move assignment operator is equivalent to:
movable-box& operator=(movable-box&& that)
  noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>)  {
  if (this != addressof(that))  {
    if (that) emplace(std::move(*that));
    else reset();  
  return *this;  

2 Recommended practices: movable-box should store only a T if either T models movable or is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T> is true.

5 Design Decisions

An alternative approach is to not have the movable-box wrapper. Instead, we can just constrain single_view to only accept movable T. However, this is inconsistent with the rest of the range library.

6 Future Work

copyable-box is not only used in single_view, but also used in lots of views that hold a function object. For example, transform_view stores the function inside copyable-box<F>. I think as view is no long required to be copyable, there should be no constraint for the function object F being copyable. And in fact, transform_view stores a base view: V base_. If base_ is not copyable, there is no point to have copyable-box<F>. This is the case for all other views that store the function objects. Potentially, the copyable-box can be removed and replaced by the movable-box that is proposed in this paper.

7 References

[P1456R1] Casey Carter. 2019-11-12. Move-only views.