
Document #: P2441R0
Date: 2021-09-14
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG
Reply-to: Barry Revzin

1 Introduction

C++20 Ranges introduced views::join: a range adaptor for turning a range of range of T into a range of T. This adaptor, however, did not take any delimiter range. So you could not, for instance, join together a range of strings with a space to then convert that to a longer string. This paper remedies that by producing a views::join_with, as described in [P2214R1], section 3.8.

The behavior of views::join_with is an inverse of views::split. That is, given a range r and a pattern p, r | views::split(p) | views::join_with(p) should yield a range consisting of the same elements as r.

2 Design

There are several aspects to join_with that are more complicated than join, that are worth going over. For convenience, let Rng denote the range we’re joining (i.e. the range of ranges), let Pattern denote the delimiter pattern, and let Inner denote the inner range (i.e. range_reference_t<Rng>).

2.1 Naming

Why views::join_with rather than supporting an extra argument to views::join? The issue here is ultimately ambiguity. In this potential design where we simply overload join, views::join(x) could mean either (a) produce a range that joins the ranges of x, or (b) it is a partial call that produces a range adaptor closure object to where x is a delimiter for some other range to be provided in the future.

This ambiguity is… rare. x needs to be a range of ranges (i.e. [[T]]) in order to be joinable, which means that in order for it to be a delimiter, the range it’s doing needs to be a range of range of ranges (i.e. [[[T]]]). These don’t come up very often. range-v3 simply treats join(x) if x is a joinable range (i.e. a range whose reference type is also a range) a request to produce a join_view. That’s one option.

However, eventually somebody is going to want to join a [[[T]]] on a [[T]] and it will end up just not working.

Regardless, joining with a delimiter will produce a different view than joining without a delimiter (it’s r | views::join does not produce a join_with_view<all_t<R>, empty_view<T>>, that would be needlessly inefficient… it just produces a join_with_view<all_t<R>>), so we don’t gain anything on either the implementation front or the specification front by overloading join. The only difference of introducing a new name would be that users would have to write r | views::join_with(' ') instead of r | views::join(' '). That doesn’t seem like an unreasonable burden on users, at the cost of avoiding any future ambiguity.

2.2 Category

Like views::join, and following [P2328R1], views::join_with is input-only if the primary range (the one we’re joining) is a range of prvalue non-view ranges.

Otherwise, if Rng, Inner, and Pattern are all bidirectional and Inner and Pattern are common, then bidirectional. Otherwise, if Rng, Inner, and Pattern are all forward. Otherwise, input.

2.3 Value and Reference Type

For views::join, these are obvious: Inner’s value and reference, respectively. But now, we have two ranges that we’re joining together: Inner and Pattern, an those two may have different value and reference types. range-v3’s implementation allows this, using the folloiwng formation:

using value_type = common_type_t<range_value_t<Inner>, range_value_t<Pattern>>;
using reference = common_reference_t<range_reference_t<Inner>, range_reference_t<Pattern>>;
using rvalue_reference = common_reference_t<range_rvalue_reference_t<Inner>, range_rvalue_reference_t<Pattern>>;

Those types all existing is an added constraint on constructing a join_with_view.

I’m not sure I see a need to deviate from the implementation here.

2.4 Various Properties

2.4.1 Conditionally Common

Like views::join, views::join_with can be common when Rng is a range of glvalue ranges, Rng and Inner are both forward and common. Note that we don’t need Pattern to be common.

2.4.2 Borrowed


2.4.3 Sized


2.4.4 const-iterable

If Rng and Pattern are, and Inner is glvalue range. This is the same requirement as join_view has, because if Inner is not a reference that means we have to store it, which requires state, which implies mutating that state during iteration.

2.5 Implementation Experience

Up until recently, the join_with_view in range-v3 was input-only, never common, and never const-iterable. I have implemented conditionally-bidirectional support in range-v3 and also implemented this design from scratch.

3 Wording

3.1 Addition to <ranges>

Add the following to 24.2 [ranges.syn], header <ranges> synopsis:

// [...]
namespace std::ranges {
  // [...]

  // [range.join.with], join with view
  template<class R, class P>
    concept compatible-joinable-ranges = see below; // exposition only
  template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V>
          && input_range<range_reference_t<V>>
          && view<Pattern>
          && compatible-joinable-ranges<range_reference_t<V>, Pattern>
  class join_with_view;

  namespace views {
    inline constexpr unspecified join_with = unspecified;

3.2 join_with

Add the following subclause to 24.7 [range.adaptors].

24.7.? Join with view [range.join.with]

24.7.?.1 Overview [range.join.with.overview]

1 join_with_view takes a view and a delimiter, and flattens the view, inserting every element of the delimiter in between elements of the view. The delimiter can be a single element or a view of elements.

2 The name views::join_with denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Given subexpressions E and F, the expression views::join_with(E, F) is expression-equivalent to join_with_view{E, F}.

3 [Example:

vector<string> vs = {"the", "quick", "brown", "fox"};
for (char c : vs | join_with(' ')) {
    cout << c;
// the above prints: the quick brown fox

-end example]

24.7.?.2 Class template join_with_view [range.join.with.overview]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<class R, class P>
    concept compatible-joinable-ranges =          // exposition only
        common_with<range_value_t<R>, range_value_t<P>> &&
        common_reference_with<range_reference_t<R>, range_reference_t<P>> &&
        common_reference_with<range_rvalue_reference_t<R>, range_rvalue_reference_t<P>>;
  template <class R>
    concept bidi-common = bidirectional_range<R> && common_range<R>;  // exposition only
  template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V>
          && input_range<range_reference_t<V>>
          && view<Pattern>
          && compatible-joinable-ranges<range_reference_t<V>, Pattern>
  class join_with_view : public view_interface<join_with_view<V, Pattern>> {
    using InnerRng = range_reference_t<V>;
    V base_ = V();                                          // exposition only
    non-propagating-cache<remove_cv_t<InnerRng>> inner_;    // exposition only, present only
                                                            // when !is_reference_v<InnerRng>
    Pattern pattern_ = Pattern();                           // exposition only
    template<bool Const> struct iterator;                   // exposition only
    template<bool Const> struct sentinel;                   // exposition only
    join_with_view() requires default_initializable<V> && default_initializable<Pattern> = default;
    constexpr join_with_view(V base, Pattern pattern);
    template<input_range R>
      requires constructible_from<V, views::all_t<R>> &&
               constructible_from<Pattern, single_view<range_value_t<InnerRng>>>
    constexpr join_with_view(R&& r, range_value_t<InnerRng> e);

    constexpr V base() const& requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
    constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }
    constexpr auto begin() {
      constexpr bool use_const = simple-view<V> && is_reference_v<InnerRng> && simple-view<Pattern>;
      return iterator<use_const>{*this, ranges::begin(base_)};
    constexpr auto begin() const requires input_range<const V> &&
                                          forward_range<const Pattern> &&
                                          is_reference_v<InnerRng> {
      return iterator<true>{*this, ranges::begin(base_)};
    constexpr auto end() {
      if constexpr (forward_range<V> &&
                    is_reference_v<InnerRng> && forward_range<InnerRng> &&
                    common_range<V> && common_range<InnerRng>) {
        return iterator<simple-view<V> && simple-view<Pattern>>{*this, ranges::end(base_)};
      } else {
        return sentinel<simple-view<V> && simple-view<Pattern>>{*this};
    constexpr auto end() const requires input_range<const V> &&
                                        forward_range<const Pattern> &&
                                        is_reference_v<range_reference_t<const V>> {
      if constexpr (forward_range<const V> &&
                    is_reference_v<range_reference_t<const V>> && forward_range<range_reference_t<const V>> &&
                    common_range<V> && common_range<range_reference_t<const V>>) {
        return iterator<true>{*this, ranges::end(base_)};
      } else {
        return sentinel<true>{*this};
  template<class R, class P>
    join_with_view(R&&, P&&) -> join_with_view<views::all_t<R>, views::all_t<P>>;
  template<input_range R>
    join_with_view(R&&, range_value_t<range_reference_t<R>>)
      -> join_with_view<views::all_t<R>, single_view<range_value_t<range_reference_t<R>>>>;

constexpr join_with_view(V base, Pattern pattern);

1 Effects: Initializes base_ with std::move(base) and pattern_ with std::move(pattern).

template<input_range R>
  requires constructible_from<V, views::all_t<R>> &&
           constructible_from<Pattern, single_view<range_value_t<InnerRng>>>
constexpr join_with_view(R&& r, range_value_t<InnerRng> e);

2 Effects: Initializes base_ with views::all(std::forward<R>(r)) and pattern_ with views::single(std::move(e)).

24.7.?.3 Class template join_with_view::iterator [range.join.with.iterator]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V>
          && input_range<range_reference_t<V>>
          && view<Pattern>
          && compatible-joinable-ranges<range_reference_t<V>, Pattern>
  template<bool Const>
  struct join_with_view<V, Pattern>::iterator {
    using Parent = maybe-const<Const, join_with_view>;                // exposition only
    using Base = maybe-const<Const, V>;                               // exposition only
    using InnerBase = range_reference_t<Base>;                        // exposition only
    using PatternBase = maybe-const<Const, Pattern>;                  // exposition only
    using OuterIter = iterator_t<Base>;                               // exposition only
    using InnerIter = iterator_t<InnerBase>;                          // exposition only
    using PatternIter = iterator_t<PatternBase>;                      // exposition only
    static constexpr bool ref-is-glvalue = is_reference_v<InnerBase>; // exposition only
    Parent* parent_ = nullptr;                                        // exposition only
    OuterIter outer_it_ = OuterIter();                                // exposition only
    variant<PatternIter, InnerIter> inner_it_;                        // exposition only
    constexpr auto&& update-inner(const OuterIter&);                  // exposition only
    constexpr decltype(auto) get-inner(const OuterIter&);             // exposition only
    constexpr void satisfy();                                         // exposition only
    using iterator_concept = see below;
    using iterator_category = see below;                              // not always present
    using value_type = see below;
    using difference_type = see below;
    iterator() requires default_initializable<OuterIter> = default;
    constexpr iterator(Parent& parent, iterator_t<Base> outer);
    constexpr iterator(iterator<!Const> i)
        requires Const &&
                 convertible_to<iterator_t<V>, OuterIter> &&
                 convertible_to<iterator_t<InnerRng>, InnerIter> &&
                 convertible_to<iterator_t<Pattern>, PatternIter>;
    constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const;
    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr void operator++(int);
    constexpr iterator operator++(int)
        requires ref-is-glvalue && forward_iterator<OuterIter> &&
    constexpr iterator& operator--()
        requires ref-is-glvalue && bidirectional_range<Base> &&
                 bidi-common<InnerBase> && bidi-common<PatternBase>;
    constexpr iterator operator--(int)
        requires ref-is-glvalue && bidirectional_range<Base> &&
                 bidi-common<InnerBase> && bidi-common<PatternBase>;
    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
        requires ref-is-glvalue && equality_comparable<OuterIter> &&
    friend constexpr decltype(auto) iter_move(const iterator& x)
      using rvalue_reference = common_reference_t<
      return std::visit<rvalue_reference>(ranges::iter_move, x.inner_it_);
    friend constexpr void iter_swap(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
        requires indirectly_swappable<InnerIter, PatternIter>
      std::visit(ranges::iter_swap, x.inner_it_, y.inner_it_);

1 iterator::iterator_concept is defined as follows:

  • (1.1) If ref-is-glvalue is true, Base models bidirectional_range, and InnerBase and PatternBase each model bidi-common, then iterator_concept denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.
  • (1.2) Otherwise, if ref-is-glvalue is true and Base and InnerBase each model forward_range, then iterator_concept denotes forward_iterator_tag.
  • (1.3) Otherwise, iterator_concept denotes input_iterator_tag.

2 The member typedef-name iterator_category is defined if and only if ref-is-glvalue is true, and Base and InnerBase each model forward_range. In that case, iterator::iterator_category is defined as follows:

  • (2.1) Let OUTERC denote iterator_traits<OuterIter>::iterator_category. Let INNERC denote iterator_traits<InnerIter>::iterator_category, and let PATTERNC denote iterator_traits<PatternIter>::iterator_category.
  • (2.2) If is_lvalue_reference_v<common_reference_t<iter_reference_t<InnerIter>, iter_reference_t<PatternIter>>> is false, iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag.
  • (2.3) Otherwise, if OUTERC, INNERC, and PATTERNC each model derived_from<bidirectional_iterator_category> and InnerBase and PatternBase each model common_range, iterator_category denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag.
  • (2.4) Otherwise, if OUTERC, INNERC, and PATTERNC each model derived_from<forward_iterator_tag>, iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_tag.
  • (2.5) Otherwise, iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag.

3 iterator::value_type denotes the type:


4 iterator::difference_type denotes the type:

constexpr auto&& update-inner(const OuterIter& x); // exposition only

5 Effects: Equivalent to:

if constexpr (ref-is-glvalue) {
    return *x;
} else {
    return parent_->inner_.emplace-deref(x);
constexpr decltype(auto) get-inner(const OuterIter& x); // exposition only

6 Effects: Equivalent to:

if constexpr (ref-is-glvalue) {
    return *x;
} else {
    return *parent_->inner_;

7 join_with_view iterators use the satisfy function to skip over empty inner ranges.

constexpr void satisfy(); // exposition only

8 Effects: Equivalent to:

while (true) {
    if (inner_it_.index() == 0) {
        if (std::get<0>(inner_it_) != ranges::end(parent_->pattern_)) {

        auto&& inner = update-inner(outer_it_);
    } else {
        auto&& inner = get-inner();
        if (std::get<1>(inner_it_) != ranges::end(inner)) {

        if (++outer_it_ == ranges::end(parent_->base_)) {
            if constexpr (ref-is-glvalue) {
                inner_it_ = {};

constexpr iterator(Parent& parent, iterator_t<Base> outer);

9 Effects: Initializes parent_ with std::addressof(parent) and outer_it_ with std::move(outer). Then, equivalent to:

if (outer_it_ != ranges::end(parent_->base_)) {
    auto&& inner = update-inner(outer_it_);
constexpr iterator(iterator<!Const> i)
    requires Const &&
             convertible_to<iterator_t<V>, OuterIter> &&
             convertible_to<iterator_t<InnerRng>, InnerIter> &&
             convertible_to<iterator_t<Pattern>, PatternIter>;

10 Effects: Initializes outer_it_ with std::move(i.outer_it_) and parent_ with i.parent_. Then, equivalent to:

if (i.inner_it_.index() == 0) {
} else {
constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const;

11 Effects: Equivalent to:

using reference = common_reference_t<
return std::visit([](auto& it) -> reference { return *it; }, inner_it_);
constexpr iterator& operator++();

12 Effects: Equivalent to:

std::visit([](auto& it){ ++it; }, inner_it_);
return *this;
constexpr void operator++(int);

13 Effects: Equivalent to ++*this;

constexpr iterator operator++(int)
    requires ref-is-glvalue && forward_iterator<OuterIter> &&

14 Effects: Equivalent to:

iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
constexpr iterator& operator--()
    requires ref-is-glvalue && bidirectional_range<Base> &&
             bidi-common<InnerBase> && bidi-common<PatternBase>;

15 Effects: Equivalent to:

if (outer_it_ == ranges::end(parent_->base_)) {

while (true) {
    if (inner_it_.index() == 0) {
        auto& it = std::get<0>(inner_it_);
        if (it == ranges::begin(parent_->pattern_)) {
        } else {
    } else {
        auto& it = std::get<1>(inner_it_);
        if (it == ranges::begin(*outer_it_)) {
        } else {

std::visit([](auto& it){ --it; }, inner_it_);
return *this;
constexpr iterator operator--(int)
    requires ref-is-glvalue && bidirectional_range<Base> &&
             bidi-common<InnerBase> && bidi-common<PatternBase>;

16 Effects: Equivalent to:

iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
    requires ref-is-glvalue && equality_comparable<OuterIter> &&

17 Effects: Equivalent to return x.outer_it_ == y.outer_it_ && x.inner_it_ == y.inner_it_;

24.7.?.3 Class template join_with_view::sentinel [range.join.with.sentinel]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern>
    requires view<V>
          && input_range<range_reference_t<V>>
          && view<Pattern>
          && compatible-joinable-ranges<range_reference_t<V>, Pattern>
  template<bool Const>
  struct join_with_view<V, Pattern>::sentinel {
    using Parent = maybe-const<Const, join_with_view>;  // exposition only
    using Base = maybe-const<Const, V>;                 // exposition only
    sentinel_t<Base> end_ = sentinel_t<Base>();         // exposition only

    sentinel() = default;
    constexpr explicit sentinel(Parent& parent);
    constexpr sentinel(sentinel<!Const> s)
        requires Const && convertible_to<sentinel_t<V>, sentinel_t<Base>>;

    template <bool OtherConst>
        requires sentinel_for<sentinel_t<Base>, iterator_t<maybe-const<OtherConst, V>>>
    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator<OtherConst>& x, const sentinel& y);
constexpr explicit sentinel(Parent& parent);

1 Effects: Initializes end_ with ranges::end(parent.base_).

constexpr sentinel(sentinel<!Const> s)
    requires Const && convertible_to<sentinel_t<V>, sentinel_t<Base>>;

2 Effects: Initializes end_ with std::move(s.end_).

template <bool OtherConst>
    requires sentinel_for<sentinel_t<Base>, iterator_t<maybe-const<OtherConst, V>>>
friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator<OtherConst>& x, const sentinel& y);

3 Effects: Equivalent to return x.outer_it_ == y.end_;

4 References

[P2214R1] Barry Revzin, Conor Hoekstra, and Tim Song. 2021. A Plan for C++23 Ranges.

[P2328R1] Tim Song. 2021-05-08. join_view should join all views of ranges.