Input range adaptors

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


P1035 proposes to introduce seven additional range adaptors in the C++20 timeframe.

1. Changes

1.1. From R1 to R2

1.2. From R0 to R1

2. Acknowledgements

We would like to acknowledge the following people for their assistance with this proposal:

3. Motivation

[P0789] introduces the notion of a range adaptor and twelve pioneering range adaptors that improve declarative, range-based programming. For example, it is possible to perform an inline, in-place, lazy reverse like so:

namespace ranges = std::ranges;
namespace view = std::ranges::view;

// Old
auto i = ranges::find(ranges::rbegin(employees), ranges::rend(employees), "Lovelace", &employee::surname);

// New
auto j = ranges::find(employees | view::reverse, "Lovelace", &employee::surname);
[[assert: i == j]];

P1035 recognises that P0789 introduces only a few of the widely experimented-with range adaptors in [range-v3], and would like to add a few more to complete the C++20 phase of range adaptors.

4. Proposals

Unless otherwise requested, each sub-subsection below should be polled individually from other sub-subsections. Two major questions are to be asked per range adaptor. It is up to LEWG to decide the exact phrasing, but the author’s intentions are listed below.

  1. Do we want this range adaptor in C++20?

    1. As-is?

    2. With modifications, as suggested by LEWG?

  2. If we do not want this range adaptor in C++20, do we want it in C++23?

    1. As-is?

    2. With modificaitons, as suggested by LEWG?

4.1. zip_view

Note: This section was formerly titled zip_with_view in P1035R1. Due to complications in the design process, zip_with_view will not be proposed, but zip_view shall be. A subsubsection below articulates how to emulate zip_with_view below.

4.1.1. Motivation

A zip, also known as a [convolution] operation, performs a transformation on multiple input ranges. The typical zip operation transforms several input ranges into a single input range containing a tuple with the ith element from each range, and terminates when the smallest finite range is delimited.

Iterating over multiple ranges simultaneously is a useful feature. Both [EWG43] and [P0026] ask for this functionality at a language level. While these papers request a useful feature that benefits raw loops, they don’t address algorithmic composition, which is important for ensuring both correctness and simplicity. A zip_view will allow programmers to iterate over multiple ranges at the same time when requiring either a raw loop or an algorithm.

Current (C++17) Proposed (C++20)
auto x = vector<float>{/* ... */};
auto y = vector<float>{/* ... */};
// ...
auto xit = begin(x);
auto yit = begin(y);
for (; xit != end(x) and yit != end(y); ++xit, (void)++yit) {
   // ...
auto x = vector<float>{/* ... */};
auto y = vector<float>{/* ... */};
// ...
for (auto xy = view::zip(x, y); auto [xi, yi] : xy) {
   // ...

Another motivating example for using zip involves replacing raw loops with algorithms and range adaptors, but still being able to index the operation in question.

Current (C++17) Proposed (C++20)
auto v = vector(istream_iterator<int>(cin),
auto weighted_sum = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i < ranges::distance(v); ++i) {
   weighted_sum += i * v[i];
auto in = view::zip(view::iota(0), istream_view<int>(cin));
auto const weighted_sum = accumulate(begin(in), end(in),
   [](auto const a, auto const b){
      auto const [index, in] = b;
      return a + (index * in);

Finally, people who work in the parallelism and heterogeneous industries are not able to take full advantage of the Parallel STL at present due to the limited number of input ranges each algorithm can support. zip_view will permit this (see [P0836] §2.1 for how this is beneficial).

The benefits of this proposed approach include: zip_with in C++20

zip_with is a generalisation of zip, such that we can apply an n-ary function in place of the transforms above. The following is an example of how zip_with can refine zip when tuples are not necessary.

vector<float> const x = // ...
vector<float> const y = // ...
float const a = // ...
// ...
auto ax = x | view::transform([a](auto const x) noexcept { return a * x; });
auto saxpy = view::zip_with(plus<>{}, ax, y);
auto const result = vector(begin(saxpy), end(saxpy));

As zip_with_view is no longer proposed in C++20, users wanting zip_with functionality will be required to use something akin to:

template<class F>
constexpr auto compose_apply(F&& f) {
   return [f = std::forward<F>(f)](auto&& t) {
      return std::apply(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<decltype(t)>(t));

// ...
auto saxpy = zip(ax, y) | transform(compose_apply(plus<>{}));

This isn’t an ideal approach, but some of the finer details of zip_with_view that are independent of zip_view are still being worked out, and this should not preclude the usage of zipping ranges for maximum composability.

4.1.2. Problems with pair and tuple

zip_view requires a value type to store the values of the iterators to the ranges that are iterated over, and a reference type to access those values via an iterator to the range. Additionally, the concept "Writable wants const proxy references to be assignable, so we need a tuple-like type with const-qualified assignment operators"[cmcstl2].

Both range-v3 and the cmcstl2 implementation above use an exposition-only type derived from tuple (both) or pair (range-v3 only) that permits a CommonReference between tuple<Ts...>& (an lvalue reference to the value type) and tuple<Ts&...> (the perceived reference type). This is deemed to be a hack by both Eric Niebler and Casey Carter; a careful reader might notice that the above implementation specifies this as __tuple_hack (which has conveniently been left out of P1035).

Adding a third (and possibly fourth) tuple type that is exposition-only is not ideal: this requires extensions to both pair and tuple so that they are compatible with __tuple_hack and __pair_hack, specialisations for all tuple utilities will be required, and overloads to get, apply, etc. are also necessary.

Alternatively, we can provide an implicit conversion from tuple<Ts...>& to tuple<Ts&...>, and ensure that a common_reference exists (à la basic_common_reference), and similarly for the other reference types.

template<class... Ts>
struct tuple {
   // ...

   constexpr tuple const& operator=(tuple<_Elements...> const&)
   requires (__stl2::Assignable<_Elements const&, _Elements const&> and ...);

   constexpr tuple const& operator=(tuple<_Elements...>&&)
   requires (__stl2::Assignable<_Elements const&, _Elements> and ...);

   template<class... Us>
   requires sizeof...(Ts) == sizeof...(Us) and (Assignable<Ts const&, Us const&> and ...)
   constexpr tuple const& operator=(tuple<Us...> const& other) const;

   template<class... Us>
   requires sizeof...(Ts) == sizeof...(Us) and (Assignable<Ts const&, Us const&> and ...)
   constexpr tuple const& operator=(tuple<Us...>&& other) const;

   constexpr operator tuple<remove_reference_t<_Elements>&...>() noexcept;
   constexpr operator tuple<remove_reference_t<_Elements> const&...>() const noexcept;
   constexpr operator tuple<remove_reference_t<_Elements>&&...>() noexcept;
   constexpr operator tuple<remove_reference_t<_Elements> const&&...>() const noexcept;

template<class... Ts>
requires (requires { typename common_type_t<Ts, Ts&>; } && ...)
struct common_type<tuple<Ts&...>, tuple<Ts...>> {
   using type = tuple<common_type_t<Ts&, Ts>...>;
template<class... Ts>
requires (requires { typename common_type_t<Ts, Ts&>; } && ...)
struct common_type<tuple<Ts...>, tuple<Ts&...>>   {
   using type = tuple<common_type_t<Ts&, Ts>...>;

template<class... Ts,
   template <class> class TQual, template <class> class UQual>
requires (requires { typename common_reference_t<TQual<Ts>, UQual<Ts&>>; } && ...)
struct basic_common_reference<tuple<Ts&...>, tuple<Ts...>, TQual, UQual> {
   using type = tuple<common_reference_t<TQual<Ts&>, UQual<Ts>>...>;
template<class... Ts,
   template <class> class TQual, template <class> class UQual>
requires (requires { typename common_reference_t<TQual<Ts>, UQual<Ts&>>; } && ...)
struct basic_common_reference<tuple<Ts...>, tuple<Ts&...>, TQual, UQual> {
   using type = tuple<common_reference_t<TQual<Ts>, UQual<Ts&>>...>;

// lvalue to rvalue reference
template<class... Ts>
requires (requires { typename common_type_t<Ts, Ts&&>; } && ...)
struct common_type<tuple<Ts&&...>, tuple<Ts...>> {
   using type = tuple<common_type_t<Ts&&, Ts>...>;
template<class... Ts>
requires (requires { typename common_type_t<Ts, Ts&&>; } && ...)
struct common_type<tuple<Ts...>, tuple<Ts&&...>>   {
   using type = tuple<common_type_t<Ts&&, Ts>...>;

template<class... Ts,
   template <class> class TQual, template <class> class UQual>
requires (requires { typename common_reference_t<TQual<Ts>, UQual<Ts&&>>; } && ...)
struct basic_common_reference<tuple<Ts&&...>, tuple<Ts...>, TQual, UQual> {
   using type = tuple<common_reference_t<TQual<Ts&&>, UQual<Ts>>...>;
template<class... Ts,
   template <class> class TQual, template <class> class UQual>
requires (requires { typename common_reference_t<TQual<Ts>, UQual<Ts&&>>; } && ...)
struct basic_common_reference<tuple<Ts...>, tuple<Ts&&...>, TQual, UQual> {
   using type = tuple<common_reference_t<TQual<Ts>, UQual<Ts&&>>...>;

// lvalue reference to rvalue reference
template<class... Ts>
requires (requires { typename common_type_t<Ts&, remove_reference_t<Ts>&&>; } && ...)
struct common_type<tuple<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&...>, tuple<Ts&...>> {
   using type = tuple<common_type_t<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&, Ts&>...>;
template<class... Ts>
requires (requires { typename common_type_t<Ts&, remove_reference_t<Ts>&&>; } && ...)
struct common_type<tuple<Ts&...>, tuple<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&...>>   {
   using type = tuple<common_type_t<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&, Ts&>...>;

template<class... Ts,
   template <class> class TQual, template <class> class UQual>
requires (requires { typename common_reference_t<TQual<Ts&>, UQual<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&>>; } && ...)
struct basic_common_reference<tuple<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&...>, tuple<Ts&...>, TQual, UQual> {
   using type = tuple<common_reference_t<TQual<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&>, UQual<Ts&>>...>;
template<class... Ts,
   template <class> class TQual, template <class> class UQual>
requires (requires { typename common_reference_t<TQual<Ts&>, UQual<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&>>; } && ...)
struct basic_common_reference<tuple<Ts&...>, tuple<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&...>, TQual, UQual> {
   using type = tuple<common_reference_t<TQual<Ts&>, UQual<remove_reference_t<Ts>&&>>...>;
}; Pros and cons for fixing tuple (and possibly pair)
Pros Cons
Exactly one tuple and one pair exist. Consider this code:
constexpr tuple<int&, double&> bad_code(int i)
  auto t = tuple<int, double>{i, 0.0};
  return t;

int main()
   auto const t = bad_code(4); // BOOM! Undefined behaviour.
   auto const u = bad_code(6);
   auto const tu = std::get<0>(t) + std::get<0>(u);
   CHECK(tu == 10);

This program is undefined; GCC’s -Wuninitialized flag identifies this, and when coupled with -Werror, can force a build to fail (this is good if, and only if -Werror is enabled for this warning). A naive programmer mightn’t be aware that they’re calling a conversion operator.

While this may not be motivation for LEWG to avoid making the changes to tuple directly, it is certainly important to be aware of this issue. Pros and cons for introducing an exposition-only __tuple_hack (and possibly __pair_hack)
Pros Cons
Dangling issue resolved (users can’t directly use exposition-only types). More library maintainer maintenance.
More overloads for std::get, tuple_cat, etc. Ensure tuple and pair assignment operators are constexpr

To ensure that the constexpr-ness of zip_view is not accidentally inhibited, this paper also requests that there be some discussion on making the assignment operators of pair and tuple constexpr.

4.1.3. Example implementation

The following implementation has been taken and modified from cmcstl2:

template<View... Rs>
struct zip_view : view_interface<zip_view<Rs...>> {
private: // begin exposition-only
   template <bool Const, class Indices> struct __zipperator;
   template <bool Const, class Indices> struct __sentinel;

   static constexpr bool all_simple = (simple-view<Rs> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_forward = (ForwardRange<Rs> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_forward_const = (ForwardRange<const Rs> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_sized = (SizedRange<Rs> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_sized_const = (SizedRange<const Rs> && ...);

   tuple<Rs...> ranges_ {};
public:// end exposition-only
   zip_view() = default;

   constexpr zip_view(Rs... rs)
   noexcept((is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Rs> && ...))
   requires sizeof...(Rs) != 0

   constexpr auto begin();
   constexpr auto begin() const requires all_forward_const;

   constexpr auto end() requires all_forward;
   constexpr auto end() const;

   constexpr auto size() requires all_sized;
   constexpr auto size() const requires all_sized_const;

template <class... Rs>
zip_view(Rs&&...) -> zip_view<all_view<Rs>...>; zip_view constructors
constexpr zip_view(Rs... rs) noexcept(is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Rs> && ...)
requires (sizeof...(Rs) != 0);
  1. Effects: Initialises ranges_ with rs.... zip_view begin
constexpr auto begin();
constexpr auto begin() const requires all_forward_const;
  1. Effects: Returns an iterator containing a tuple of iterators to the beginning of each range, such that the first iterator corresponds to the beginning of the first range, the second tuple corresponds to the beginning of the second range, and so on. zip_view end
constexpr auto end() requires all_forward;
constexpr auto end() const;
  1. Effects: Returns a sentinel containing a tuple of sentinels to the end of each range, such that the first sentinel corresponds to the end of the first range, the second sentinel corresponds to the end of the second range, and so on.

constexpr auto size() requires all_sized;
constexpr auto size() requires all_sized_const;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to returning the size of the smallest range in ranges_. zip_view<Rs...> iterator (exposition-only)
template<View... Rs>
template<bool Const, size_t... Is>
struct zip_view<Rs...>::__zipperator<Const, index_sequence<Is...>> {
   template<class R>
   using maybe_const = conditional_t<Const, R const, R>;

   static constexpr bool all_random_access =
      (RandomAccessRange<maybe_const<Rs>> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_bidi =
      (BidirectionalRange<maybe_const<Rs>> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_forward =
      (ForwardRange<maybe_const<Rs>> && ...);
   static constexpr bool all_input =
      (InputRange<maybe_const<Rs>> && ...);

   static_assert(!Const || all_forward);

   zip_view<Rs...>* parent_ = nullptr;
   tuple<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>...> iterators_{};
   using value_type = tuple<iter_value_t<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>>...>;
   using iterator_category = see-below;
   using difference_type = see-below;

   __zipperator() = default;
   explicit constexpr __zipperator(Parent& parent);
   constexpr __zipperator(Parent& parent) requires all_forward;
   constexpr __zipperator(Parent& parent, difference_type n) requires all_random_access;

   constexpr auto operator*();
   constexpr auto operator*() const
   requires (dereferenceable<const iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...);

   constexpr __zipperator& operator++();
   constexpr auto operator++(int);

   constexpr __zipperator& operator--() requires all_bidi;
   constexpr __zipperator operator--(int) requires all_bidi;

   friend constexpr bool operator==(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y)
   requires all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y)
   requires all_forward;

   friend constexpr bool operator==(const __zipperator& x, default_sentinel) requires !all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator==(default_sentinel y, const __zipperator& x) requires !all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __zipperator& x, default_sentinel y) requires !all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(default_sentinel y, const __zipperator& x) requires !all_forward;

   friend constexpr bool operator==(const __zipperator& x, const Sent& y) requires all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator==(const Sent& y, const __zipperator& x) requires all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __zipperator& x, const Sent& y) requires all_forward;
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(const Sent& y, const __zipperator& x) requires all_forward;

   friend constexpr bool operator<(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
   friend constexpr bool operator>(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
   friend constexpr bool operator<=(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
   friend constexpr bool operator>=(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;

   constexpr __zipperator& operator+=(difference_type n) requires all_random_access;

   friend constexpr __zipperator operator+(const __zipperator& x, difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
   friend constexpr __zipperator operator+(difference_type n, const __zipperator& x) requires all_random_access;

   constexpr __zipperator& operator-=(difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
   friend constexpr __zipperator operator-(const __zipperator& x, difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
   friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y)
   requires (SizedSentinel<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>, iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...);

   constexpr auto operator[](difference_type n) const requires all_random_access;

   friend constexpr auto iter_move(const __zipperator& x)
   requires ((Readable<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...));

   friend constexpr void iter_swap(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y);
   requires (IndirectlySwappable<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...)
}; zip_view::__zipperator members
using iterator_category = see-below;
  1. Effects: If (RandomAccessRange<Rs> && ...) is satisfied, then iterator_category denotes random_access_iterator_tag. Otherwise, if (BidirectionalRange<Rs> && ...), then iterator_category denotes bidirectional_iterator_tag. Otherwise, if (ForwardRange<Rs> && ...), then iterator_category denotes forward_iterator_category. Otherwise, if (InputRange<Rs> && ...) is satisfied, then iterator_category denotes input_iterator_tag. Otherwise, iterator_category denotes output_iterator_category.

using difference_type = see-below;
  1. Effects: If sizeof...(Rs) == 0, then difference_type denotes int. Otherwise, difference_type denotes common_type_t<iterator_t<conditional_t<Const, const Rs, Rs>>...>. zip_view::__zipperator constructors
explicit constexpr __zipperator(Parent& parent);
  1. Effects: Initialises parent_ with std::addressof(parent).

constexpr __zipperator(Parent& parent) requires all_forward;
  1. Effects: Initialises parent_ with std::addressof(parent) and iterators_ with the iterator to the first element in each range (respectively).

constexpr __zipperator(Parent& parent, difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Initiaises parent_ with std::addressof(parent) and iterators_ with the nth iterator to each range (respectively). For any range r in Rs..., a program is undefined if n > size(r). zip_view::__zipperator element access
constexpr auto operator*();
constexpr auto operator*() const;
  1. Effects: Returns a tuple of references to the elements of each range denoted by *i for each iterator in the __zipperator.

constexpr auto operator[](difference_type n) const requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return *(*this + n);. zip_view::__zipperator advance
constexpr __zipperator& operator++();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to incrementing each iterator in iterators_.

  2. Returns: *this.

constexpr auto operator++(int);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

if constexpr (all_forward) {
   auto temp = *this;
   return temp;
else {

constexpr __zipperator& operator--() requires all_bidi;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to decrementing each iterator in iterators_.

constexpr __zipperator operator--(int) requires all_bidi;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

auto temp = *this;
return temp;

constexpr __zipperator& operator+=(difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to calling ranges::advance(E, n) on each iterator in iterators_, where E is a placeholder for the iterator expression.

constexpr __zipperator& operator-=(difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return *this += -n;. zip_view::__zipperator comparisons
friend constexpr bool operator==(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_forward;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return x.iterators_ == y.iterators_;.

friend constexpr bool operator==(const __zipperator& x, default_sentinel) requires !all_forward;
friend constexpr bool operator==(default_sentinel y, const __zipperator& x) requires !all_forward;
  1. Effets: Returns true if at least one iterator in iterators_ is equivalent to the sentinel of its corresponding range, false otherwise.

friend constexpr bool operator==(const __zipperator& x, const Sent& y) requires all_forward;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const Sent& y, const __zipperator& x) requires all_forward;
  1. Effects: Returns true if at least one iterator in iterators_ is equivalent to the sentinel.

friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_forward;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __zipperator& x, default_sentinel y) requires !all_forward;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(default_sentinel y, const __zipperator& x) requires !all_forward;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __zipperator& x, const Sent& y) requires all_forward;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const Sent& y, const __zipperator& x) requires all_forward;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return !(x == y);.

friend constexpr bool operator<(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return x.iterators_ < y.iterators_;.

friend constexpr bool operator>(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return y < x;

friend constexpr bool operator<=(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return !(y < x);

friend constexpr bool operator>=(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return !(x < y); zip_view<Rs...>::__zipperator arithmetic
friend constexpr __zipperator operator+(const __zipperator& x, difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
friend constexpr __zipperator operator+(difference_type n, const __zipperator& x) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

auto temp = x;
temp += n;
return temp;

friend constexpr __zipperator operator-(const __zipperator& x, difference_type n) requires all_random_access;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return x + -n;.

friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y)
requires (SizedSentinel<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>, iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...)
  1. Effects: If sizeof...(Rs) == 0, then returns 0. Otherwise returns the greatest distance between iterators in x.iterators_ and y.iterators_. zip_view<Rs...>::__zipperator iter_move
friend constexpr auto iter_move(const __zipperator& x) requires ((Readable<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...));
  1. Effects: Returns a tuple containing expressions equivalent to iter_move applied to each of x.iterators_. zip_view<Rs...>::__zipperator iter_swap
friend constexpr void iter_swap(const __zipperator& x, const __zipperator& y)
requires (IndirectlySwappable<iterator_t<maybe_const<Rs>>> && ...);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to iter_swap applied to each iterator in x.iterators_ and y.iterators_. zip_view<Rs...> sentinel (exposition-only)
template<View... Rs>
template<bool Const, size_t... Is>
struct zip_view<Rs...>::__sentinel<Const, index_sequence<Is...>> {
   using Iter = typename zip_view<Rs...>::template
      __zipperator<Const, index_sequence<Is...>>;
   friend Iter;

   using Parent = conditional_t<Const, const zip_view<Rs...>, zip_view<Rs...>>;
   static constexpr bool all_forward =
      (ForwardRange<maybe_const<Rs>> && ...);

   tuple<sentinel_t<maybe_const<Rs>>...> last_;
   __sentinel() = default;
   explicit constexpr __sentinel(Parent& parent);

4.2. view::zip

The name view::zip denotes a range view adaptor. Let rs... denote a pack expansion of the parameter pack Rs.... Then, the expression view::zip(rs...) is expression-equivalent to:

  1. zip_view{rs...} if (Range<Rs> && ...) && (is_object_v<Rs> && ...) is satisfied.

  2. Otherwise view::zip(rs...) is ill-formed.

4.3. basic_istream_view

4.3.1. Motivation

istream_iterator is an abstraction over a basic_istream object, so that it may be used as though it were an input iterator. It is a great way to populate a container from the get-go, or fill a container later in its lifetime. This is great, as copy is a standard algorithm that cleanly communicates that we’re copying something from one range into another. There aren’t any Hidden SurprisesTM. This is also good when writing generic code, because the generic library author does not need to care how things are inserted at the end of v, only that they are.

Without istream_iterator With istream_iterator
auto v = []{
   auto result = vector<int>{};
   for (auto i = 0; cin >> i;) {
// ...
for (auto i = 0; cin >> i;) {
auto v = vector(istream_iterator<int>{cin},
// ...

The problem with istream_iterator is that we need to provide a bogus istream_iterator<T>{} (or default_sentinel{}) every time we want to use it; this acts as the sentinel for istream_iterator. It is bogus, because the code is equivalent to saying "from the first element of the istream range until the last element of the istream range", but an istream range does not have a last element. Instead, we denote the end of an istream range to be when the istream's failbit is set. This is otherwise known as the end-of-stream iterator value, but it doesn’t denote a 'past-the-last element' in the same way that call to vector<T>::end does. Because it is the same for every range, the end-of-stream object may as well be dropped, so that we can write code that resembles the code below.

auto v = vector(ranges::istream_view<int>{cin});
// ...
copy(ranges::istream_view<int>{cin}, back_inserter(v));

This code is cleaner: we are implicitly saying "until our basic_istream object fails, insert our input into the back of v". There is less to read (and type!), and the code is simpler for it.

4.3.2. Interface

template<class T, class CharT = char, class Traits = char_traits<CharT>>
concept StreamExtractable = see-below;

template<class T, class CharT = char, class Traits = char_traits<CharT>>
concept StreamInsertable = see-below;

template<Semiregular Val, class CharT, class Traits = char_traits<CharT>>
requires StreamExtractable<Val, CharT, Traits>
class basic_istream_view : public view_interface<basic_istream_view<Val, CharT, Traits>> {
   basic_istream_view() = default;

   explicit constexpr basic_istream_view(basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& stream);

   constexpr auto begin();
   constexpr default_sentinel end() const noexcept;
   struct __iterator; // exposition-only
   basic_istream<CharT, Traits>* stream_; // exposition-only
   Val object_; // exposition-only

template<class T, class CharT, class Traits>
basic_istream_view<T, CharT, Traits> istream_view(basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& in); Concept StreamExtractable
template<class T, class CharT = char, class Traits = char_traits<CharT>>
concept StreamExtractable =
   requires(basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& is, T& t) {
      { is >> t } -> Same<basic_istream<CharT, Traits>>&;
  1. Remarks: std::addressof(is) == std::addressof(is << t). Concept StreamInsertable
template<class T, class CharT = char, class Traits = char_traits<CharT>>
concept StreamInsertable =
   requires(basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& os, const T& t) {
      { os << t } -> Same<basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>>&;
  1. Remarks: std::addressof(os) == std::addressof(os >> t). basic_istream_view constructor
explicit constexpr basic_istream_view(basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& stream);
  1. Effects: Initialises stream_ to std::addressof(stream). basic_istream_view begin
constexpr auto begin();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to

*stream_ >> object_;
return __iterator{*this}; basic_istream_view end
constexpr default_sentinel end() const noexcept;
  1. Returns: default_sentinel{}. basic_istream_view::__iterator
template<class Val, class CharT, class Traits>
class basic_istream_view<Val, CharT, Traits>::__iterator {
   using iterator_category = input_iterator_tag;
   using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
   using value_type = Val;

   __iterator() = default;

   explicit constexpr __iterator(basic_istream_view<Val>& parent) noexcept;

   __iterator& operator++();
   void operator++(int);

   Val& operator*() const;

   friend bool operator==(__iterator x, default_sentinel);
   friend bool operator==(default_sentinel y, __iterator x);
   friend bool operator!=(__iterator x, default_sentinel y);
   friend bool operator!=(default_sentinel y, __iterator x);
   basic_istream_view<Val, CharT, Traits>* parent_ = nullptr; // exposition-only
}; basic_istream_view::__iterator constructor
explicit constexpr __iterator(basic_istream_view<Val>& parent) noexcept;
  1. Effects: Initialises parent_ with std::addressof(parent_). basic_istream_view::__iterator next
__iterator& operator++();
void operator++(int);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to

*parent_->stream_ >> parent_->object_; basic_istream_view::__iterator value
Val& operator*() const;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return parent_->value_; basic_istream_view::__iterator comparison functions
friend bool operator==(__iterator x, default_sentinel);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return !*x.parent_->stream_;.

friend bool operator==(default_sentinel y, __iterator x);
  1. Returns: x == y.

friend bool operator!=(__iterator x, default_sentinel y);
  1. Returns: !(x == y).

friend bool operator!=(default_sentinel y, __iterator x);
  1. Returns: !(x == y). basic_istream_view factory
template<class T, class CharT, class Traits>
basic_istream_view<T, CharT, Traits> istream_view(basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& s);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return basic_istream_view<T, CharT, Traits>{s};.

4.4. Introducing associated types for ranges

Note: This section was formerly titled Reviewing iter_value_t, etc., and introducing range_value_t, etc. in P1035R1, but the current title is more accurate.

[P1037] introduced iter_difference_t, iter_value_t, iter_reference_t, and iter_rvalue_reference_t, which dispatch to templates that correclty identify the associated types for iterators (formerly known as iterator traits). The current mechanism supports iterators, but not ranges. For example, in order to extract an range’s value type, we are required to do one of three things:

  1. Use the traditional typename T::value_type. As we have had template aliases since C++11, this has probably been abandoned in many projects (not cited).
  2. Define our own associated type à la
    template<class T>
    requires requires { typename T::value_type; }
    using value_type = typename T::value_type;

    This was apparently possible in the Ranges TS (albeit in much more detail) [iter.assoc.types.value_type], but P1037 has redefined value_type_t as iter_value_t, which focuses on iterators, rather than anything defining value_type alias. We could do this in C++20, but we then risk R::value_type being different to R::iterator::value_type (consider vector<int const>::value_type and vector<int const>::iterator::value_type, which are int const and int, respectively)[value_type].

  3. Use iter_value_t<iterator_t<R>>, which what we probably want, and is also a mouthful.

When discussing extending iter_value_t so that it can also operate on ranges, Casey Carter had this to say:

What should iter_value_t<T> be when T is an iterator with value type U and a range with value type V?

Alternately: What is iter_value_t<array<const int>>? array<const int>::value_type is const int, but iter_value_t<iterator_t<array<const int>> is int.

Specific examples aside, early attempts to make the associated type aliases "polymorphic" kept running into ambiguities that we had to disambiguate or simply declare broken.

I’d rather see range_value_t et al proposed.

P1035 introduces shorthands for iter_foo_t<iterator_t<R>> as range_foo_t<R>, which in turn have been taken from range-v3.

template<Range R>
using range_difference_t = iter_difference_t<iterator_t<R>>;

template<Range R>
using range_size_t = make_unsigned_t<range_difference_t<R>>;

template<InputRange R>
using range_value_t = iter_value_t<iterator_t<R>>;

template<InputRange R>
using range_reference_t = iter_reference_t<iterator_t<R>>;

template<InputRange R>
using range_rvalue_reference_t = iter_rvalue_reference_t<iterator_t<R>>;

template<Range R>
requires Same<iterator_t<R>, sentinel_t<R>>
using range_common_iterator_t = common_iterator<iterator_t<R>, sentinel_t<R>>;

These have an enormous amount of usage in range-v3, and will ensure consistency between generic code that uses ranges and generic code that uses iterators (which are essential for underpinning all range abstractions in C++).

4.5. take_while_view

4.5.1. Motivation

P0789 introduces take_view, which rangifies the iterator pair {ranges::begin(r), ranges::next(ranges::begin(r), n, ranges::end(r))}. As an example:

auto v = vector{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
cout << distance(v | view::take(3)) << '\n'; // prints 3
copy(v | view::take(3), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")); // prints 0 1 2
copy(v | view::take(distance(v)), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")); // prints 0 1 2 3 4 5

take_while_view will provide slightly different functionality, akin to having a sentinel that checks if a certain predicate is satisfied.

Current Proposed
namespace ranges = std::experimental::ranges;

template <ranges::Integral I>
constexpr bool is_odd(I const i) noexcept
   return i % 2;

struct is_odd_sentinel {
   template <ranges::Iterator I>
   constexpr friend bool operator==(I const& a,
      is_odd_sentinel) noexcept
      return is_odd(*a);

   template <ranges::Iterator I>
   constexpr friend bool operator==(is_odd_sentinel const a,
      I const& b) noexcept
      return b == a;

   template <ranges::Iterator I>
   constexpr friend bool operator!=(I const& a,
      is_odd_sentinel const b) noexcept
      return not (a == b);

   template <ranges::Iterator I>
   constexpr friend bool operator!=(is_odd_sentinel const a,
      I const& b) noexcept
      return not (b == a);

int main()
   auto v = vector{0, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16};
     ranges::ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
namespace ranges = std::experimental::ranges;

template <ranges::Integral I>
constexpr bool is_odd(I const i) noexcept
   return i % 2;

template <ranges::Integral I>
constexpr bool is_even(I const i) noexcept
   return not is_odd(i);

int main()
   namespace view = ranges::view;
   auto v = vector{0, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16};
      v | view::take_while(is_even<int>),
      ranges::ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
Wandbox demo Wandbox demo

The former requires that a user define their own sentinel type: something that while not expert-friendly, is yet to be established as a widespread idiom in C++, and providing a range adaptor for this purpose will help programmers determine when a sentinel is _not_ necessary.

4.5.2. Notes

4.5.3. Interface and specification

template <View R, class Pred>
   InputRange<R> &&
   is_object_v<Pred> &&
   IndirectUnaryPredicate<const Pred, iterator_t<R>
class take_while_view : public view_interface<take_while_view<R, Pred>> {
   template<bool> class __sentinel; // exposition-only
   take_while_view() = default;
   constexpr take_while_view(R base, Pred pred);

   template <ViewableRange O>
   requires constructible-from-range<R, O>
   constexpr take_while_view(O&& o, Pred pred);

   constexpr R base() const;
   constexpr const Pred& pred() const;

   constexpr auto begin() requires (!simple-view<R>);
   constexpr auto begin() const requires Range<const R>;

   constexpr auto end() requires (!simple-view<R>);
   constexpr auto end() const requires Range<const R>;
   R base_; // exposition-only
   semiregular<Pred> pred_; // exposition-only

template<class R, class Pred>
take_while_view(R&&, Pred) -> take_while_view<all_view<R>, Pred>; take_while_view constructors
constexpr take_while_view(R base, Pred pred);
  1. Effects: Initialises base_ with base and initialises pred_ with pred.

template <ViewableRange O>
requires constructible-from-range<R, O>
constexpr take_while_view(O&& o, Pred pred);
  1. Effects: Initialises base_ with view::all(std::forward<O>(o)) and initialises pred_ with pred. take_while_view conversion
constexpr R base() const;
  1. Returns: base_.

constexpr const Pred& pred() const;
  1. Returns: pred_. take_while_view range begin
constexpr auto begin() requires (!simple-view<R>);
constexpr auto begin() const requries Range<const R>
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return ranges::begin(base_);. take_while_view range end
constexpr auto end() requires (!simple-view<R>);
constexpr auto end() const requires Range<const R>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return __sentinel<is_const_v<decltype(*this)>>(&pred());.

4.5.4. take_while_view::__sentinel

template<class R, class Pred>
template<bool Const>
class take_while_view<R, Pred>::__sentinel {
   using Parent = conditional_t<Const, const take_while_view, take_while_view>;
   using Base = conditional_t<Const, const R, R>;
   sentinel_t<Base> end_{}; // exposition-only
   const Pred* pred_{}; // pred
   __sentinel() = default;
   constexpr explicit __sentinel(sentinel_t<Base> end, const Pred* pred);
   constexpr __sentinel(__sentinel<!Const> s)
     requires Const && ConvertibleTo<sentinel_t<R>, sentinel_t<Base>>

   constexpr sentinel_t<Base> base() const { return end_; }

   friend constexpr bool operator==(const __sentinel& x, const iterator_t<Base>& y);
   friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator_t<Base>& x, const __sentinel& y);
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __sentinel& x, const iterator_t<Base>& y);
   friend constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator_t<Base>& x, const __sentinel& y);

4.5.5. take_while_view::__sentinel constructor

constexpr explicit __sentinel(sentinel_t<Base> end, const Pred* pred);
  1. Effects: Initialises end_ with end, and pred_ with pred.

constexpr __sentinel(__sentinel<!Const> s)
   requires Const && ConvertibleTo<sentinel_t<R>, sentinel_t<Base>>;
  1. Effects Initialises end_ with s.end_ and pred_ with s.pred_.

4.5.6. take_while_view::__sentinel conversion

constexpr sentinel_t<Base> base() const;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return end_;

4.5.7. take_while_view::__sentinel comparisons

friend constexpr bool operator==(const __sentinel& x, const iterator_t<Base>& y)
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return x.end_ != y && !(*x.pred_)(*y);.

friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator_t<Base>& x, const __sentinel& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return y == x;.

friend constexpr bool operator!=(const __sentinel& x, const iterator_t<Base>& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to !(x == y);.

friend constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator_t<Base>& x, const __sentinel& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to !(y == x);.

4.6. view::take_while

The name view::take_while denotes a range adaptor object. Let E and F be expressions such that type T is decltype((E)). Then, the expression view::take_while(E, F)is expression-equivalent to:

  1. take_while_view{E, F} if T models InputRange and if F is an object, and models IndirectUnaryPredicate.

  2. Otherwise ranges::view::take_while(E, F) is ill-formed.

4.7. drop_view

4.7.1. Motivation

drop_view is the complement to take_view: instead of providing the user with the first n elements, it provides the user with all but the first n elements.

Current (C++17) Proposed (C++20)
auto begin = next(begin(employees), 5, end(employees));
auto result = find(begin, end(employees), "Lovelace", &employees::surname);
namespace view = ranges::view;
auto result = find(employees | view::drop(5), "Lovelace", &employees::surname);

4.7.2. Interface

template<View R>
class drop_view : public view_interface<drop_view<R>> {
   using D = iter_difference_t<iterator_t<R>>; // exposition-only
   constexpr drop_view(R base, D count) [[expects: 0 < count]];

   template<ViewableRange O>
   requires constructible-from-range<R, O>
   constexpr drop_view(O&& o, D count) [[expects: 0 < count]];

   constexpr R base() const;

   constexpr auto begin() requires (!(simple-view<R> && RandomAccessRange<R>));
   constexpr auto begin() const requires Range<const R> && RandomAccessRange<const R>;
   constexpr auto end() requires (!simple-view<R>);
   constexpr auto end() const requires Range<const R>;

   constexpr auto size() requires (!simple-view<R>) && SizedRange<R>;
   constexpr auto size() const requires SizedRange<const R>;
   R base_; // exposition-only
   D count_; // exposition-only

template<Range R>
drop_view(R&&, iter_difference_t<iterator_t<R>>) -> drop_view<all_view<R>>; drop_view constructor
constexpr drop_view(R base, D count) [[expects: 0 < count]];
  1. Effects: Initialises base_ with base and count_ with count.

template<ViewableRange O>
requires constructible-from-range<R, O>
constexpr drop_view(O&& o, D count) [[expects: 0 < count]];
  1. Effects: Initialises base_ with view::all(std::forward<O>(o)) and count_ with count. drop_view conversion
constexpr R base() const;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return base_. drop_view range begin
constexpr auto begin() requires (!(simple-view<R> && RandomAccessRange<R>));
constexpr auto begin() const requires Range<const R> && RandomAccessRange<const R>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return ranges::next(ranges::begin(base_), count_, ranges::end(base_));.

  2. Remarks: In order to provide the amortized constant time complexity required by the Range concept, the first overload caches the result within the drop_view for use on subsequent calls. drop_view range end
constexpr auto end() requires (!simple-view<R>);
constexpr auto end() const requires Range<const R>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return ranges::end(base_);. drop_view size
constexpr auto size() requires (!simple-view<R>) && SizedRange<R>;
constexpr auto size() const requires SizedRange<const R>;
  1. Equivalent to:

auto const size = ranges::size(base_);
auto const count = static_cast<decltype(size)>(count_);
return size < count ? 0 : size - count;

4.8. view::drop

The name view::drop denotes a range adaptor object. Let E and F be expressions such that type T is decltype((E)). Then, the expression view::drop(E, F)is expression-equivalent to:

  1. drop_view{E, F} if T models InputRange and F is implicitly convertible to iter_difference_t<iterator_t<T>>.

  2. Otherwise view::drop(E, F) is ill-formed.

4.9. drop_while_view

4.9.1. Motivation

The motivation for drop_while_view is the union of drop_view and take_while_view.

Current (C++17) Proposed (C++20) v1
auto begin = find_if_not(employees,
   [](auto const holidays){ return holidays < 20; },

transform(begin, end(employees),
   ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"),
   [](auto const& e) { return e.given_name() + e.surname(); });
auto excess_holidays = employees
                     | view::drop_while([](auto const e) { return e.holidays() < 20; });
transform(excess_holidays, ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"),
   [](auto const& e) { return e.given_name() + e.surname(); });

4.9.2. Interface

template<View R, class Pred>
  InputRange<R> &&
  is_object_v<Pred> &&
  IndirectUnaryPredicate<const Pred, iterator_t<R>>
class drop_while_view : public view_interface<drop_while_view<R, Pred>> {
   drop_while_view() = default;

   constexpr drop_while_view(R base, Pred pred);

   template<ViewableRange O>
   requires constructible-from-range<R, O>
   constexpr drop_while_view(O&& o, Pred pred);

   constexpr R base() const;
   constexpr Pred pred() const;

   constexpr auto begin();
   constexpr auto end();
   R base_; // exposition-only
   semiregular<Pred> pred_; // exposition-only

template<class R, class Pred>
drop_while_view(R&&, Pred) -> drop_while_view<all_view<R>, Pred>; drop_while_view constructors
constexpr drop_while_view(R base, Pred pred);
  1. Effects: Initialises base_ with base and initialises pred_ with pred.

template<ViewableRange O>
requires constructible-from-range<R, O>
constexpr drop_while_view(O&& o, Pred pred)
  1. Effects: Initialises base_ with view::all(std::forward<O>(o)), and intialises pred_ with pred. drop_while_view conversion
constexpr R base() const;
  1. Returns: base_.

constexpr Pred pred() const;
  1. Returns: pred_. drop_while_view begin
constexpr auto begin();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return ranges::find_if_not(base_, std::ref(pred_));.

  2. Remarks: In order to provide the amortized constant time complexity required by the Range concept, the first overload caches the result within the drop_while_view for use on subsequent calls. drop_while_view end
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return ranges::end(base_);.

4.10. view::drop_while

The name view::drop_while denotes a range adaptor object. Let X and Y be expressions such that type T is decltype((X)) and F is decltype((Y)). Then, the expression view::drop_while(X, Y)is expression-equivalent to:

  1. drop_while_view{X, Y} if T models InputRange, and Y is an object, and F| and models IndirectUnaryPredicate.

  2. Otherwise view::drop_while(E, F) is ill-formed.

4.11. keys and values

4.11.1. Motivation

It is frequent to want to iterate over the keys or the values of an associative container. There is currently no easy way to do that. It can be approximated using ranges::view::transform, given how frequently such operation is needed we think their addition would make manipulation of associative containers easier by more clearly expressing the intent.

These views have been part of ranges-v3 and we also have implemented them in cmcstl2. A lot of languages and frameworks (notably JS, Python, Qt, Java, [Boost.Range]) offer methods to extract the keys or values of an associative container, often through .keys() and .values() operations, respectively.

4.11.2. Implementation

Given an exposition-only tuple extractor (__get_fn), keys and values need only be range adaptor objects implemented in terms of view::transform, rather than range adaptors.

namespace view {
   template<int X>
   requires (X == 0) || (X == 1)
   struct __get_fn {
      template<class P>
      requires pair-like<P>
      constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(P&& p) const
         using T = decltype(std::get<X>(std::forward<P>(p)));
         return std::get<X>(std::forward<P>(p));

   inline constexpr auto keys = view::transform(__get_fn<0>{});
   inline constexpr auto values = view::transform(__get_fn<1>{});
} // namespace view


Informative References

Boost.Range. URL: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_68_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/adaptors/reference/map_values.html#range.reference.adaptors.reference.map_values.map_values_example
Casey Carter & others. cmcstl2/zip_view. URL: https://github.com/caseycarter/cmcstl2/tree/zip_view
Wikipedia. Convolution. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution_(computer_science)
Gabriel Dos Reis. [tiny] simultaneous iteration with new-style for syntax. URL: https://cplusplus.github.io/EWG/ewg-active.html#43
Eric Niebler; Casey Carter. ISO/IEC TS 21425:2017 C++ Extensions for Ranges. URL: https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/ranges-ts/iterator.assoc.types.value_type
Matthew McAtamney-Greenwood. multi-range-based for loops. URL: https://wg21.link/p0026
Eric Niebler. Range Adaptors and Utilities. URL: https://wg21.link/p0789
Gordon Brown; et al. P0836 Introduce Parallelism to the Ranges TS. URL: https://wg21.link/p0836
Eric Niebler; Casey Carter. Deep Integration of the Ranges TS. URL: https://wg21.link/p1037
Eric Niebler & others. range-v3. URL: https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3
static_assert(not is_same_v<vector<int const>::value_type, vector<int const>::iterator::value_type>). URL: https://godbolt.org/z/xkcREX