This paper talks about the differences of initializers of objects with automatic vs. dynamic storage duration; in particular, the difference of initializing an object of a type vs. initializing a pointer to that type with a new-expression. See the thread starting at
The gist of the problem is that these are different:
double* p = new double[]{1,2,3}; // not ok
double a[] {1,2,3}; // ok
A different inconsistency:
double** pp = new double*{nullptr}; // ok
double* p = double*{nullptr}; // not ok
An innocent user might expect that if you can write T x{something};, you could also write T* x = new T{something};, and vice versa. In both of the examples in the abstract, that is not the case:
The second example may be beyond fixing. Making the * be part of the type rather than part of the expression is certainly a breaking change.
For the first example, Jens Maurer provided an explanation why it doesn't work:
Level 1 answer: Because the expression inside the square brackets is mandatory for a new-expression; see [] p1. That situation is unchanged since at least C++03. Level 2 answer: When braced-init-lists were added to /new-initializer/ in the course of uniform initialization, the rule about deducing the size of the array from the number of initializers was never extended to the new-expression case. Level 3 answer: I don't know of a fundamental reason why we can't make this work. Papers welcome.
It seems to me that a combination of adding deduction to a new-expression and then removing the requirement for the expression inside square brackets should fix the problem in the first example.
Hey, I just wrote this paper so that we can talk about the issue, the actual technical solution is left as an exercise for readers. :)