Document Number





Programming Language C++


Library Evolution Working Group


This paper proposes adding support for type-based metaprogramming to the standard library, based on Boost.Mp11.


This paper proposes adding support for type-based metaprogramming to the standard library, based on the Boost library Mp11 (itself based on the article "Simple C++ metaprogramming" and its sequel).

The fundamental data structure on which the proposed algorithms operate is the list, an instantiation of a class template whose parameters are all types. The library does not require or prefer a specific list type. While a canonical mp_list is supplied, its use is not mandatory; all operations and algorithms support other lists such as std::tuple, std::variant or even std::pair (when there is no need to add or remove elements).

For example, the algorithm for removing the duplicate elements of a list, mp_unique, can be applied directly to std::variant<int, float, int, double>, with the result of mp_unique<std::variant<int, float, int, double>> being std::variant<int, float, double>.

Operations that need to transform types take metafunctions, alias or class templates matching template<class…​> class F. std::add_pointer_t, for instance, is a metafunction and can be used to turn a list of types L into a list to pointers to those types by way of mp_transform<std::add_pointer_t, L>. To take a specific example, the result of mp_transform<std::add_pointer_t, std::pair<int, float>> is std::pair<int*, float*>.

Lists are valid metafunctions. mp_transform<std::pair, std::tuple<int, float, double>, std::tuple<char[1], char[2], char[3]>> results in the transposition std::tuple<std::pair<int, char[1]>, std::pair<float, char[2]>, std::pair<double, char[3]>>.

Quoted metafunctions are types with a public nested metafunction member fn. All operations and algorithms that take a metafunction have a corresponding operation or algorithm (with a _q suffix) taking a quoted metafunction. Compared to metafunctions, quoted metafunctions have the advantage of being types; this allows their being returned from operations or algorithms (such as mp_bind) and their being stored into lists.

mp_quote<F> turns the metafunction F into a quoted metafunction (Qf). Qf::template fn does the opposite.


Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.

— Philip Greenspun

Greenspun’s famous quote is equally true today if we replace "Common Lisp" with "a metaprogramming library". A standard type-based metaprogramming library is badly needed by both users and library implementers. The latter includes standard library implementers; the C++17 additions require significant amounts of metaprogramming which effectively means that a subset of the facilities proposed therein already need to be present as an implementation detail. (As a further example, the reference implementation of the Ranges TS includes a full metaprogramming library.)

To illustrate the challenges users face, let’s write the relatively simple function tp_select(cond, tuple1, tuple2) that returns the contents of tuple1 when cond is true and those of tuple2 otherwise:

template<class Tp1, class Tp2,
    class R = mp_transform<std::common_type_t, Tp1, Tp2>>
    R tp_select( bool cond, Tp1 const& tp1, Tp2 const& tp2 )
    if( cond )
        return tp1;
        return tp2;

Using language features such as pack expansion, we can sometimes avoid using a library, and this is the case here:

template<class... T1, class... T2,
    class R = std::tuple<std::common_type_t<T1, T2>...>
    R tp_select( bool cond, std::tuple<T1...> const& tp1, std::tuple<T2...> const& tp2 )
    if( cond )
        return tp1;
        return tp2;

But what if we need vt_select, which is the same function, but for variants instead of tuples?

template<class V1, class V2> V1 vt_convert( V2 const& v2 )
    return mp_with_index<mp_size<V2>>( v2.index(), [&]( auto I ) -> V1
        return std::get<I>( v2 );

template<class V1, class V2,
    class R = mp_unique<mp_append<V1, V2>>>
    R vt_select( bool cond, V1 const& v1, V2 const& v2 )
    if( cond )
        return vt_convert<R>( v1 );
        return vt_convert<R>( v2 );

As we can see, even relatively trivial tuple or variant manipulations require metaprogramming.

Or consider reflection, which is all about metaprogramming. The canonical type-based reflection proposal by Chochlik-Naumann-Sankel states in its overview paper P0578:

We assume WG21 will incorporate proper compile-time type lists at some point and consider this a placeholder implementation as well.

This is for instance how one would print the members of a struct:

template<class T> void print( T const& t )
    using members = reflect::get_data_members_t<reflexpr(T)>;
    using pointers = mp_transform<reflect::get_pointer, members>;

    mp_for_each<pointers>( [&]( auto pm )
        std::cout << t.*pm << std::endl;

get_data_members_t only gives us the direct data members though, not the inherited ones. What if we wanted to print those as well?

template<class T> struct get_all_data_members;
template<class T> using get_all_data_members_t = typename get_all_data_members<T>::type;

template<class T> struct get_all_data_members

    using members = reflect::get_data_members_t<T>;
    using bases = reflect::get_bases_t<T>;

    using inherited_members = mp_apply<mp_append, mp_transform<get_all_data_members_t, bases>>;


    using type = mp_append<members, inherited_members>;

We can now use get_all_data_members_t instead of get_data_members_t in our print function.

Proposed Text

Add a new subclause in [utilities] with the following contents:

Type-based metaprogramming

This subclause contains facilities enabling compile-time manipulation of types and collections of types.

Header <type_programming> synopsis

namespace std {

  // integral constants

  template<bool B> using mp_bool = integral_constant<bool, B>;
  template<int I> using mp_int = integral_constant<int, I>;
  template<size_t N> using mp_size_t = integral_constant<size_t, N>;

  using mp_true = mp_bool<true>;
  using mp_false = mp_bool<false>;

  template<class T> using mp_to_bool = mp_bool<static_cast<bool>(T::value)>;
  template<class T> using mp_not = mp_bool< !T::value >;

  // utility components

  template<class T> struct mp_identity;
  template<class T> using mp_identity_t = typename mp_identity<T>::type;

  template<class... T> struct mp_inherit;

  template<bool C, class T, class E> using mp_if_c = /*see below*/;
  template<class C, class T, class E> using mp_if =
    mp_if_c<static_cast<bool>(C::value), T, E>;

  template<bool C, class T, template<class...> class F, class... U> using mp_eval_if_c =
    /*see below*/;
  template<class C, class T, template<class...> class F, class... U> using mp_eval_if =
    mp_eval_if_c<static_cast<bool>(C::value), T, F, U...>;
  template<class C, class T, class Q, class... U> using mp_eval_if_q =
    mp_eval_if<C, T, Q::template fn, U...>;

  template<class C, class T, class... R> using mp_cond = /*see below*/;

  template<template<class...> class F, class... T> using mp_valid = /*see below*/;
  template<template<class...> class F, class... T> using mp_defer = /*see below*/;

  template<template<class...> class F> struct mp_quote;
  template<template<class...> class F> struct mp_quote_trait;
  template<class Q, class... T> using mp_invoke = typename Q::template fn<T...>;

  // list operations

  template<class... T> struct mp_list {};

  template<class T, T... I> using mp_list_c =
    mp_list<integral_constant<T, I>...>;

  template<class L> using mp_is_list = /*see below*/;

  template<class L> using mp_size = /*see below*/;
  template<class L> using mp_empty = mp_bool<mp_size<L>::value == 0>;

  template<class L1, class L2> using mp_assign = /*see below*/;
  template<class L> using mp_clear = mp_assign<L, mp_list<>>;

  template<class L> using mp_front = /*see below*/;
  template<class L> using mp_pop_front = /*see below*/;
  template<class L> using mp_first = mp_front<L>;
  template<class L> using mp_rest = mp_pop_front<L>;
  template<class L> using mp_second = /*see below*/;
  template<class L> using mp_third = /*see below*/;

  template<class L, class... T> using mp_push_front = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class... T> using mp_push_back = /*see below*/;

  template<class L, template<class...> class Y> using mp_rename = /*see below*/;
  template<template<class...> class F, class L> using mp_apply = mp_rename<L, F>;
  template<class Q, class L> using mp_apply_q = mp_apply<Q::template fn, L>;

  template<class... L> using mp_append = /*see below*/;

  template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_front = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_first = mp_replace_front<L, T>;
  template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_second = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_third = /*see below*/;

  // algorithms

  template<template<class...> class F, class... L> using mp_transform = /*see below*/;
  template<class Q, class... L> using mp_transform_q =
    mp_transform<Q::template fn, L...>;
  template<template<class...> class P, template<class...> class F, class... L>
    using mp_transform_if = /*see below*/;
  template<class Qp, class Qf, class... L> using mp_transform_if_q =
    mp_transform_if<Qp::template fn, Qf::template fn, L...>;

  template<class L, class V> using mp_fill = /*see below*/;

  template<class L, class V> using mp_count = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_count_if = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_count_if_q = mp_count_if<L, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L, class V> using mp_contains = mp_to_bool<mp_count<L, V>>;

  template<class L, size_t N> using mp_repeat_c = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class N> using mp_repeat = mp_repeat_c<L, size_t{N::value}>;

  template<template<class...> class F, class... L> using mp_product = /*see below*/;
  template<class Q, class... L> using mp_product_q = mp_product<Q::template fn, L...>;

  template<class L, size_t N> using mp_drop_c = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class N> using mp_drop = mp_drop_c<L, size_t{N::value}>;

  template<class S> using mp_from_sequence = /*see below*/
  template<size_t N> using mp_iota_c = mp_from_sequence<make_index_sequence<N>>;
  template<class N> using mp_iota =
    mp_from_sequence<make_integer_sequence<remove_const_t<decltype(N::value)>, N::value>>;

  template<class L, size_t I> using mp_at_c = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class I> using mp_at = mp_at_c<L, size_t{I::value}>;

  template<class L, size_t N> using mp_take_c = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class N> using mp_take = mp_take_c<L, size_t{N::value}>;

  template<class L, size_t I, class... T> using mp_insert_c =
    mp_append<mp_take_c<L, I>, mp_push_front<mp_drop_c<L, I>, T...>>;
  template<class L, class I, class... T> using mp_insert =
    mp_append<mp_take<L, I>, mp_push_front<mp_drop<L, I>, T...>>;

  template<class L, size_t I, size_t J> using mp_erase_c =
    mp_append<mp_take_c<L, I>, mp_drop_c<L, J>>;
  template<class L, class I, class J> using mp_erase =
    mp_append<mp_take<L, I>, mp_drop<L, J>>;

  template<class L, class V, class W> using mp_replace = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P, class W> using mp_replace_if = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q, class W> using mp_replace_if_q =
    mp_replace_if<L, Q::template fn, W>;
  template<class L, size_t I, class W> using mp_replace_at_c = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class I, class W> using mp_replace_at =
    mp_replace_at_c<L, size_t{I::value}, W>;

  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_copy_if = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_copy_if_q = mp_copy_if<L, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L, class V> using mp_remove = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_remove_if = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_remove_if_q = mp_remove_if<L, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_partition = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_partition_q = mp_partition<L, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_sort = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_sort_q = mp_sort<L, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, size_t I, template<class...> class P> using mp_nth_element_c =
    /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class I, template<class...> class P> using mp_nth_element =
    mp_nth_element_c<L, size_t{I::value}, P>;
  template<class L, class I, class Q> using mp_nth_element_q =
    mp_nth_element<L, I, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_min_element = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_min_element_q = mp_min_element<L, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_max_element = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_max_element_q = mp_max_element<L, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L, class V> using mp_find = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_find_if = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_find_if_q = mp_find_if<L, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L> using mp_reverse = /*see below*/;

  template<class L, class V, template<class...> class F> using mp_fold = /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class V, class Q> using mp_fold_q =
    mp_fold<L, V, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, class V, template<class...> class F> using mp_reverse_fold =
    /*see below*/;
  template<class L, class V, class Q> using mp_reverse_fold_q =
    mp_reverse_fold<L, V, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L> using mp_unique = /*see below*/;

  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_all_of =
    mp_bool<mp_count_if<L, P>::value == mp_size<L>::value>;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_all_of_q = mp_all_of<L, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_none_of =
    mp_bool<mp_count_if<L, P>::value == 0>;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_none_of_q = mp_none_of<L, Q::template fn>;
  template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_any_of =
    mp_bool<mp_count_if<L, P>::value != 0>;
  template<class L, class Q> using mp_any_of_q = mp_any_of<L, Q::template fn>;

  template<class L, class F> constexpr F mp_for_each(F&& f);

  template<size_t N, class F>
    constexpr auto mp_with_index(size_t i, F&& f)
      -> decltype(declval<F>()(declval<mp_size_t<0>>()));
  template<class N, class F>
    constexpr auto mp_with_index(size_t i, F&& f)
      -> decltype(declval<F>()(declval<mp_size_t<0>>()));

  // set operations

  template<class S> using mp_is_set = /*see below*/;
  template<class S, class V> using mp_set_contains = /*see below*/;
  template<class S, class... T> using mp_set_push_back = /*see below*/;
  template<class S, class... T> using mp_set_push_front = /*see below*/;

  // map operations

  template<class M> using mp_is_map = /*see below*/;
  template<class M, class K> using mp_map_find = /*see below*/;
  template<class M, class K> using mp_map_contains =
    mp_not<is_same<mp_map_find<M, K>, void>>;
  template<class M, class T> using mp_map_insert =
    mp_if<mp_map_contains<M, mp_first<T>>, M, mp_push_back<M, T>>;
  template<class M, class T> using mp_map_replace = /*see below*/;
  template<class M, class T, template<class...> class F> using mp_map_update = /*see below*/;
  template<class M, class T, class Q> using mp_map_update_q =
    mp_map_update<M, T, Q::template fn>;
  template<class M, class K> using mp_map_erase = /*see below*/;
  template<class M> using mp_map_keys = mp_transform<mp_first, M>;

  // helper metafunctions

  template<class... T> using mp_and = /*see below*/;
  template<class... T> using mp_all = /*see below*/;
  template<class... T> using mp_or = /*see below*/;
  template<class... T> using mp_any = /*see below*/;
  template<class... T> using mp_same = /*see below*/;
  template<class... T> using mp_plus = /*see below*/;
  template<class T1, class T2> using mp_less = /*see below*/;
  template<class T1, class... T> using mp_min = mp_min_element<mp_list<T1, T...>, mp_less>;
  template<class T1, class... T> using mp_max = mp_max_element<mp_list<T1, T...>, mp_less>;

  // bind

  template<size_t I> struct mp_arg;

  using _1 = mp_arg<0>;
  using _2 = mp_arg<1>;
  using _3 = mp_arg<2>;
  using _4 = mp_arg<3>;
  using _5 = mp_arg<4>;
  using _6 = mp_arg<5>;
  using _7 = mp_arg<6>;
  using _8 = mp_arg<7>;
  using _9 = mp_arg<8>;

  template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_bind;
  template<class Q, class... T> using mp_bind_q = mp_bind<Q::template fn, T...>;
  template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_bind_front;
  template<class Q, class... T> using mp_bind_front_q =
    mp_bind_front<Q::template fn, T...>;
  template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_bind_back;
  template<class Q, class... T> using mp_bind_back_q =
    mp_bind_back<Q::template fn, T...>;

} // namespace std

Utility Components

template<class T> struct mp_identity
  using type = T;
template<class... T> struct mp_inherit: T... {};
template<bool C, class T, class E> using mp_if_c = /*see below*/;

T when C is true, otherwise E.

template<bool C, class T, template<class...> class F, class... U> using mp_eval_if_c =
  /*see below*/;

T when C is true, otherwise F<U…​>.


F<U…​> is not evaluated when C is true. When C is false and F<U…​> causes a substitution failure, the result is a substitution failure.

template<class C, class T, class... R> using mp_cond = /*see below*/;

T when static_cast<bool>(C::value) is true, otherwise mp_cond<R…​>.


When static_cast<bool>(C::value) causes a substitution failure, the result is a substitution failure.

[ Example:

template<int N> using unsigned_ = mp_cond<
    mp_bool<N ==  8>, uint8_t,
    mp_bool<N == 16>, uint16_t,
    mp_bool<N == 32>, uint32_t,
    mp_bool<N == 64>, uint64_t,
    mp_true, unsigned // default case

-- end example ].

template<template<class...> class F, class... T> using mp_valid = /*see below*/;

mp_true when F<T…​> is valid, mp_false when F<T…​> causes a substitution failure.

template<template<class...> class F, class... T> using mp_defer = /*see below*/;
  • when F<T…​> is valid,

    struct unspecified-type-1
      using type = F<T...>;
  • when F<T…​> causes a substitution failure,

    struct unspecified-type-2
template<template<class...> class F> struct mp_quote
  template<class... T> using fn = typename mp_defer<F, T...>::type;
template<template<class...> class F> struct mp_quote_trait
  template<class... T> using fn = typename F<T...>::type;

List Operations

A list is an instantiation of a class template whose parameters are all types.

[ Note: tuple<int, float> is a list, as are tuple<> and pair<int, float>. So are unique_ptr<int> and string. -- end note ]

A list L is said to be of the form K<T…​> when, given the hypothetical declarations

template<class T> struct X;
template<template<class...> class K, class... T> struct X<K<T...>>;

X<L> chooses the partial specialization with appropriate K and T…​. (The elements of T…​ are said to be the elements of L.)

[ Note: The elements of unique_ptr<int> are int and default_delete<int>. The elements of string are char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char>. -- end note ]

Similarly, a list L is said to be of the form K<T1, T…​> when, given the hypothetical declarations

template<class T> struct X;
template<template<class...> class K, class T1, class... T> struct X<K<T1, T...>>;

X<L> chooses the partial specialization with appropriate K, T1 and T…​.

A variadic list is an instantiation of a template of the form template<class…​> class L. A fixed-arity list is an instantiation of a template of the form template<class T1, class T2, …​, class Tn> class L.

As a general rule, operations and algorithms that accept lists and do not need to instantiate a list with the same template-name, but with a different number of arguments, work on fixed-arity lists.

[ Note: For example, mp_size, mp_front, mp_replace_front, mp_transform_if, mp_reverse, mp_sort work on fixed-arity lists. mp_pop_front, mp_insert, mp_remove_if, mp_partition do not. -- end note ]

The behavior of operations and algorithms that do not work on fixed-arity lists is unspecified if the argument is an instantiation of a class template that has default arguments, such as template<class T1 = void, class T2 = void, …​, class Tn = void> class L.

[ Note: For such a list L, mp_size<L> remains constant after operations that would ordinarily remove elements, such as mp_pop_front<L>. This causes infinite recursion in recursive algorithm implementations. -- end note ]

template<class L> using mp_is_list = /*see below*/;

mp_true when L is a list, mp_false otherwise.

template<class L> using mp_size = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, mp_size_t<sizeof…​(T)>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = mp_list<>;
using R1 = mp_size<L1>; // mp_size_t<0>

using L2 = pair<int, int>;
using R2 = mp_size<L2>; // mp_size_t<2>

using L3 = tuple<float>;
using R3 = mp_size<L3>; // mp_size_t<1>

-- end example ].

template<class L1, class L2> using mp_assign = /*see below*/;

When L1 is a list of the form K1<T1…​> and L2 is a list of the form K2<T2…​>, K1<T2…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure. [ Note: That is, mp_assign replaces the elements of L1 with those of L2. -- end note ]

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<long>;
using L2 = pair<long, char>;
using L3 = mp_list<int, float>;

using R1 = mp_assign<L1, L3>; // tuple<int, float>
using R2 = mp_assign<L2, L3>; // pair<int, float>

-- end example ].

template<class L> using mp_front = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T1, T…​>, T1. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = pair<int, float>;
using R1 = mp_front<L1>; // int

using L2 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R2 = mp_front<L2>; // float

-- end example ].

template<class L> using mp_pop_front = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T1, T…​>, K<T…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R1 = mp_pop_front<L1>; // tuple<double, long double>

using L2 = mp_list<void>;
using R2 = mp_pop_front<L2>; // mp_list<>

-- end example ].

template<class L> using mp_second = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T1, T2, T…​>, T2. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = pair<int, float>;
using R1 = mp_second<L1>; // float

using L2 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R2 = mp_second<L2>; // double

-- end example ].

template<class L> using mp_third = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T1, T2, T3, T…​>, T3. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R1 = mp_third<L1>; // long double

using L2 = mp_list<char[1], char[2], char[3], char[4]>;
using R2 = mp_third<L2>; // char[3]

-- end example ].

template<class L, class... T> using mp_push_front = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<U…​>, K<T…​, U…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<double, long double>;
using R1 = mp_push_front<L1, float>; // tuple<float, double, long double>

using L2 = mp_list<void>;
using R2 = mp_push_front<L2, char[1], char[2]>; // mp_list<char[1], char[2], void>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class... T> using mp_push_back = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<U…​>, K<U…​, T…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<double, long double>;
using R1 = mp_push_back<L1, float>; // tuple<double, long double, float>

using L2 = mp_list<void>;
using R2 = mp_push_back<L2, char[1], char[2]>; // mp_list<void, char[1], char[2]>

-- end example ].

template<class L, template<class...> class Y> using mp_rename = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, Y<T…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<double, long double>;
using R1 = mp_rename<L1, pair>; // pair<double, long double>

using L2 = pair<int, float>;
using R2 = mp_rename<L2, mp_list>; // mp_list<int, float>

-- end example ].

template<class... L> using mp_append = /*see below*/;

When L is an empty pack, mp_list<>. When the elements of L are lists of the form L1<T1…​>, L2<T2…​>, …​, Ln<Tn…​>, L1<T1…​, T2…​, …​, Tn…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<double, long double>;
using L2 = mp_list<int>;
using L3 = pair<short, long>;
using L4 = mp_list<>;

using R1 = mp_append<L1, L2, L3, L4>;
  // tuple<double, long double, int, short, long>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_front = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<U1, U…​>, K<T, U…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = pair<int, float>;
using R1 = mp_replace_front<L1, void>; // pair<void, float>

using L2 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R2 = mp_replace_front<L2, void>; // tuple<void, double, long double>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_second = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<U1, U2, U…​>, K<U1, T, U…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = pair<int, float>;
using R1 = mp_replace_second<L1, void>; // pair<int, void>

using L2 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R2 = mp_replace_second<L2, void>; // tuple<float, void, long double>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class T> using mp_replace_third = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<U1, U2, U3, U…​>, K<U1, U2, T, U…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<float, double, long double>;
using R1 = mp_replace_third<L1, void>; // tuple<float, double, void>

using L2 = mp_list<char[1], char[2], char[3], char[4]>;
using R2 = mp_replace_third<L2, void>; // mp_list<char[1], char[2], void, char[4]>;

-- end example ].


template<template<class...> class F, class... L> using mp_transform = /*see below*/;

When L is an empty pack, causes a substitution failure. When the elements of L are lists of the form L1<T1…​>, L2<T2…​>, …​, Ln<Tn…​>, L1<F<T1, T2, …​, Tn>…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When not all lists are of the same size, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<void, int, float>;
using L2 = mp_list<void, int, float>;

using R1 = mp_transform<add_pointer_t, L1>; // tuple<void*, int*, float*>
using R2 = mp_all<mp_transform<is_same, L1, L2>>; // mp_true

template<class T1, class T2> using eq = mp_bool<T1::value == T2::value>;

using L3 = std::tuple<mp_int<1>, mp_int<2>, mp_int<3>>;
using L4 = mp_list<mp_size_t<1>, mp_size_t<2>, mp_size_t<3>>;

using R3 = mp_all<mp_transform<eq, L3, L4>>; // mp_true

template<class L, class V> using mp_fill =
  mp_transform_q<mp_bind<mp_identity_t, V>, L>;

-- end example ].

template<template<class...> class P, template<class...> class F, class... L>
  using mp_transform_if = /*see below*/;

When L is an empty pack, causes a substitution failure. When the elements of L are lists of the form L1<T1…​>, L2<T2…​>, …​, Ln<Tn…​>, L1<mp_if<P<T1, T2, …​, Tn>, T1, F<T1, T2, …​, Tn>>…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When not all lists are of the same size, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<void, int, float, void, int>;
using L2 = mp_list<char[1], char[2], char[3], char[4], char[5]>;

template<class T1, class T2> using first_is_void = is_same<T1, void>;
template<class T1, class T2> using second = T2;

using R1 = mp_transform_if<first_is_void, second, L1, L2>;
  // tuple<char[1], int, float, char[4], int>

using R2 = mp_transform_if_q<mp_bind<is_same, _1, void>, _2, L1, L2>;
  // tuple<char[1], int, float, char[4], int>

template<class L, class V, class W> using mp_replace =
  mp_transform_if_q<mp_bind<is_same, _1, V>, mp_bind<mp_identity_t, W>, L>;

template<class L, size_t I, class W> using mp_replace_at_c =
  mp_transform_if_q<mp_bind<is_same, _2, mp_size_t<I>>, mp_bind<mp_identity_t, W>,
    L, mp_iota<mp_size<L>>>;

-- end example ].

template<class L, class V> using mp_fill = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<V, V, …​, V>, with the result having the same size as L. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<void, int, float>;
using R1 = mp_fill<L1, double>; // tuple<double, double, double>

using L2 = pair<int, float>;
using R2 = mp_fill<L2, void>; // pair<void, void>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class V> using mp_count = /*see below*/;

When L is a list, mp_size_t<N>, where N is the number of elements of L same as V. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_count_if = /*see below*/;

When L is a list, mp_size_t<N>, where N is the number of elements T of L for which mp_to_bool<P<T>> is mp_true. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, size_t N> using mp_repeat_c = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ is T…​ repeated N times. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<int>;
using R1 = mp_repeat_c<L1, 3>; // tuple<int, int, int>

using L2 = pair<int, float>;
using R2 = mp_repeat_c<L2, 1>; // pair<int, float>

using L3 = mp_list<int, float>;
using R3 = mp_repeat_c<L3, 2>; // mp_list<int, float, int, float>

using L4 = mp_list<int, float, double>;
using R4 = mp_repeat_c<L4, 0>; // mp_list<>

-- end example ].

template<template<class...> class F, class... L> using mp_product = /*see below*/;

mp_product<F, L1<T1…​>, L2<T2…​>, …​, Ln<Tn…​>> evaluates F<U1, U2, …​, Un> for values Ui taken from the Cartesian product of the lists, as if the elements Ui are formed by n nested loops, each traversing Li. It returns a list of the form L1<V…​> containing the results of the application of F, in order.


When the elements of L aren’t lists, or when L is an empty pack, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = tuple<short, int, long>;
using L2 = mp_list<float, double>;

using R1 = mp_product<pair, L1, L2>;
  // tuple<
  //   pair<short, float>, pair<short, double>,
  //   pair<int, float>, pair<int, double>,
  //   pair<long, float>, pair<long, double>
  // >

-- end example ].

template<class L, size_t N> using mp_drop_c = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​> with at least N elements, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ is T…​ with its first N elements removed. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class S> using mp_from_sequence = /*see below*/

When S is of the form template<class T, T…​ I> class, mp_list<integral_constant<T, I>…​>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure. [ Note: Types of this form are produced by make_integer_sequence. --end note ]

template<class L, size_t I> using mp_at_c = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​> with at least I+1 elements, the element of T…​ at zero-based index I. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, size_t N> using mp_take_c = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​> with at least N elements, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ consists of the first N elements of T…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, class V, class W> using mp_replace = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ is T…​ with all V elements replaced with W. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, template<class...> class P, class W> using mp_replace_if = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ is T…​ with all elements U for which mp_to_bool<P<U>> is mp_true replaced with W. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, size_t I, class W> using mp_replace_at_c = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​> with at least I+1 elements, K<U…​>, where U…​ is T…​ with the element at zero-based index I replaced with W. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_copy_if = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ consists of those elements V of T…​ for which mp_to_bool<P<V>> is mp_true, in their original order. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

template<class L, class V> using mp_remove = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ is T…​ with all V elements removed. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


The order of the remaining elements is preserved.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_remove_if = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where the pack U…​ is T…​ with all elements V, for which mp_to_bool<P<V>> is mp_true, removed. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


The order of the remaining elements is preserved.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_partition = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<K<U1…​>, K<U2…​>>, where U1…​ consists of the elements V of T…​ for which mp_to_bool<P<V>> is mp_true, and U2…​ consists of the remaining elements of T…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


The order of the elements is preserved.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_sort = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where U…​ consists of the elements of T…​ sorted according to the strict weak ordering mp_to_bool<P<T1, T2>>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When mp_to_bool<P<T1, T2>> is not a strict weak ordering over the elements of T…​, the program remains well-formed, but the result of mp_sort is unspecified.

[ Example:

using L1 = mp_list<ratio<1,2>, ratio<1,4>, ratio<1,3>>;
using R1 = mp_sort<L1, ratio_less>; // mp_list<ratio<1,4>, ratio<1,3>, ratio<1,2>>

using L2 = pair<mp_size_t<0>, mp_int<-1>>;
using R2 = mp_sort<L2, mp_less>; // pair<mp_int<-1>, mp_size_t<0>>

-- end example ].

template<class L, size_t I, template<class...> class P> using mp_nth_element_c =
  /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​> with at least I+1 elements, mp_at_c<mp_sort<L, P>, I>. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


mp_nth_element_c is not required to evaluate mp_at_c<mp_sort<L, P>, I>.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_min_element = /*see below*/;

mp_fold<mp_rest<L>, mp_first<L>, F>, where F<T, U> returns mp_if<P<T, U>, T, U>.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_max_element = /*see below*/;

mp_fold<mp_rest<L>, mp_first<L>, F>, where F<T, U> returns mp_if<P<U, T>, T, U>.

template<class L, class V> using mp_find = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, mp_size_t<I>, where I is the zero-based index of the first occurrence of V in T…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When V does not appear in T…​, the result is mp_size<L>.

template<class L, template<class...> class P> using mp_find_if = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, mp_size_t<I>, where I is the zero-based index of the first element V in T…​ for which mp_to_bool<P<V>> is mp_true. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When such an element does not appear in T…​, the result is mp_size<L>.

template<class L> using mp_reverse = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where U…​ are the elements of T…​ in reverse order. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.

[ Example:

using L1 = mp_list<int, void, float>;
using R1 = mp_reverse<L1>; // mp_list<float, void, int>

using L2 = pair<int, float>;
using R2 = mp_reverse<L2>; // pair<float, int>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class V, template<class...> class F> using mp_fold = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, F< F< F< F<V, T1>, T2>, …​>, Tn>, where Ti are the elements of T…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When T…​ is an empty pack, the result is V.

[ Example:

using L1 = mp_list<ratio<1,8>, ratio<1,4>, ratio<1,2>>;
using R1 = mp_fold<L1, ratio<0,1>, ratio_add>; // ratio<7,8>

-- end example ].

template<class L, class V, template<class...> class F> using mp_reverse_fold =
  /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, F<T1, F<T2, F<…​, F<Tn, V>>>>, where Ti are the elements of T…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When T…​ is an empty pack, the result is V.

template<class L> using mp_unique = /*see below*/;

When L is a list of the form K<T…​>, K<U…​>, where U…​ is T…​ with the duplicate elements removed. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


The order of elements is preserved.

template<class L, class F> constexpr F mp_for_each(F&& f);

Calls f with T() for each element T of the list L, in order.




When L is not a list, the program is ill-formed.

[ Example:

template<class... T> void print( std::tuple<T...> const & tp )
    std::size_t const N = sizeof...(T);

    mp_for_each<mp_iota_c<N>>( [&]( auto I ){

        // I is mp_size_t<0>, mp_size_t<1>, ..., mp_size_t<N-1>

        std::cout << std::get<I>(tp) << std::endl;


-- end example ].

template<size_t N, class F>
  constexpr auto mp_with_index(size_t i, F&& f)
    -> decltype(declval<F>()(declval<mp_size_t<0>>()));

i < N.


std::forward<F>(f)(mp_size_t<I>()), where I == i.

[ Example:

template<class... T> void print( std::variant<T...> const& v )
    mp_with_index<sizeof...(T)>( v.index(), [&]( auto I ) {

        // I is mp_size_t<v.index()> here

        std::cout << std::get<I>( v ) << std::endl;


-- end example ].

template<class N, class F>
  constexpr auto mp_with_index(size_t i, F&& f)
    -> decltype(declval<F>()(declval<mp_size_t<0>>()));

mp_with_index<N::value>(i, f).

Set Operations

template<class S> using mp_is_set = /*see below*/;

When S is a list of the form L<T…​> and all elements of T…​ are distinct, mp_true. Otherwise, mp_false.

template<class S, class V> using mp_set_contains = /*see below*/;

When S is a list of the form L<T…​>, mp_true when V occurs in T…​, else mp_false. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


When T…​ contains duplicates, the program is ill-formed.

template<class S, class... T> using mp_set_push_back = /*see below*/;

When S is a list of the form L<U…​>, L<U…​, V…​>, where V…​ are the elements of T…​ that do not occur in U…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


The order of the appended elements is preserved. When U…​ contains duplicates, the program is ill-formed.

template<class S, class... T> using mp_set_push_front = /*see below*/;

When S is a list of the form L<U…​>, L<V…​, U…​>, where V…​ are the elements of T…​ that do not occur in U…​. Otherwise, causes a substitution failure.


The order of the prepended elements is preserved. When U…​ contains duplicates, the program is ill-formed.

Map Operations

A type M is a map when

  • M is a list, of the form L<T…​>;

  • All elements of T…​ are lists of at least one element, of the form Li<Ui, Vi…​>;

  • All Ui are distinct types.

template<class M> using mp_is_map = /*see below*/;

When M is a map, mp_true. Otherwise, mp_false.

template<class M, class K> using mp_map_find = /*see below*/;

Given M of the form L<T…​>, if T…​ contains an element U such that first<U> is K, U, otherwise void.


When M is not a map, the program is ill-formed.

template<class M, class T> using mp_map_replace = /*see below*/;

Given M of the form L<U…​>, if U…​ contains an element V such that first<V> is first<T>, L<W…​>, where W…​ is U…​ with V replaced with T, otherwise L<U…​, T>.


When M is not a map, the program is ill-formed.

template<class M, class T, template<class...> class F> using mp_map_update = /*see below*/;

Given M of the form L<U…​>, if U…​ contains an element K<V1, V…​> such that V1 is first<T>, L<W…​>, where W…​ is U…​ with K<V1, V…​> replaced with K<V1, F<V1, V…​>>, otherwise L<U…​, T>.


When M is not a map, the program is ill-formed.

[ Example:

template<class T, class U> using inc2nd = mp_int<U::value + 1>;

template<class M, class T> using count_types =
    mp_map_update<M, pair<T, mp_int<1>>, inc2nd>;

using L1 = mp_list<float, char, float, float, float, float, char, float>;

using R1 = mp_fold<L1, tuple<>, count_types>;
// tuple<pair<float, mp_int<6>>, pair<char, mp_int<2>>>

-- end example ].

template<class M, class K> using mp_map_erase = /*see below*/;

Given M of the form L<T…​>, if T…​ contains an element U such that first<U> is K, L<V…​>, where V…​ is T…​ with U removed, otherwise M.


When M is not a map, the program is ill-formed.

Helper Metafunctions

template<class... T> using mp_and = /*see below*/;

Applies mp_to_bool to the types in T…​, in order. If the result of an application is mp_false, returns mp_false. If the application causes a substitution failure, returns mp_false. If all results are mp_true, returns mp_true.


mp_and<> is mp_true.

[ Example:

using R1 = mp_and<mp_true, mp_true>;   // mp_true
using R2 = mp_and<mp_false, void>;     // mp_false, void is not reached
using R3 = mp_and<mp_false, mp_false>; // mp_false
using R4 = mp_and<void, mp_true>;      // mp_false (!)

-- end example ].

template<class... T> using mp_all = /*see below*/;

mp_bool<(static_cast<bool>(T::value) && …​)>.


mp_all<> is mp_true.

[ Example:

using R1 = mp_all<mp_true, mp_true>;   // mp_true
using R2 = mp_all<mp_false, void>;     // ill-formed
using R3 = mp_all<mp_false, mp_false>; // mp_false
using R4 = mp_all<void, mp_true>;      // ill-formed

-- end example ].

template<class... T> using mp_or = /*see below*/;

Applies mp_to_bool to the types in T…​, in order. If the result of an application is mp_true, returns mp_true. If all results are mp_false, returns mp_false.


mp_or<> is mp_false.

[ Example:

using R1 = mp_or<mp_true, mp_false>;   // mp_true
using R2 = mp_or<mp_true, void>;       // mp_true, void is not reached
using R3 = mp_or<mp_false, mp_false>;  // mp_false
using R4 = mp_or<void, mp_true>;       // ill-formed

-- end example ].

template<class... T> using mp_any = /*see below*/;

mp_bool<(static_cast<bool>(T::value) || …​)>.


mp_any<> is mp_false.

[ Example:

using R1 = mp_any<mp_true, mp_false>;  // mp_true
using R2 = mp_any<mp_true, void>;      // ill-formed
using R3 = mp_any<mp_false, mp_false>; // mp_false
using R4 = mp_any<void, mp_true>;      // ill-formed

-- end example ].

template<class... T> using mp_same = /*see below*/;

mp_true when all types in T…​ are the same, mp_false otherwise.


mp_same<> is mp_true.

template<class... T> using mp_plus = /*see below*/;

integral_constant<V, v>, where v is (T::value + …​ + 0) and V is the type of v.


mp_plus<> is mp_int<0>.

template<class T1, class T2> using mp_less = /*see below*/;

mp_true when the numeric value of T1::value is less than the numeric value of T2::value, mp_false otherwise.

[ Note: mp_less<T1, T2> is not necessarily the same as mp_bool<(T1::value < T2::value)> when comparing between signed and unsigned types; -1 < 1u is false, but mp_less<mp_int<-1>, mp_size_t<1>> is mp_true. -- end note ]


template<size_t I> struct mp_arg
  template<class... T> using fn = mp_at_c<mp_list<T...>, I>;
template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_bind
  template<class... U> using fn = /*see below*/;
template<class... U> using fn = /*see below*/;

F<V…​>, where V…​ is T…​ with the elements W that are instantiations of mp_arg or mp_bind replaced with typename W::template fn<U…​>.

template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_bind_front
  template<class... U> using fn = typename mp_defer<F, T..., U...>::type;
template<template<class...> class F, class... T> struct mp_bind_back
  template<class... U> using fn = typename mp_defer<F, U..., T...>::type;

Differences with Mp11

The two-argument form of mp_if has been removed; it’s equivalent to std::enable_if_t and is only present in Mp11 because enable_if_t requires C++14.

mp_void has been removed; it’s equivalent to std::void_t and is supplied in Mp11 because void_t requires C++17.

Mp11’s integer sequences are already part of C++14.

Mp11’s tuple operations are either (tuple_apply, construct_from_tuple) already part of C++17, or (tuple_for_each) out of scope and potentially a subject of a separate paper.