Wording for a Minimal mdspan<>

Draft Proposal,

This version:
(Sandia National Laboratory)
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++


Proposed wording, based on span [P0122R3] for an mdspan with a core subset of the full mdspan functionality.

1. Modified P0122R3 Wording

The proposed wording changes are relative to the working draft of the standard as of [N4567] with the changes proposed in [P0122R3] applied.

The � character is used to denote a placeholder section number which the editor shall determine.

Apply the following changes to 23.7.� [views.general] paragraph 1:

The header <span> defines the view views span and mdspan . A span is a view over a contiguous sequence of objects, the storage of which is owned by some other object. An mdspan is a multidimensional view over a contiguous sequence of objects, the storage of which is owned by some other object.

Apply the following changes to 23.7.�.1 [views.span.synop]:

namespace std {

// [views.constants], constants
constexpr ptrdiff_t dynamic_extent = -1;
enum class dynamic_extent_tag {};
inline constexpr dynamic_extent_tag dyn { -1 };

template <auto Extent>
  using is_dynamic_dimension = typename is_same<decay_t<decltype(Extent)>,
template <auto Extent>
  inline constexpr bool is_dynamic_dimension_v =

// [views.span], class template span
template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent = dynamic_extentdyn>
class span;

// [views.span.comparison], span comparison operators
template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  constexpr bool operator==(const span<ElementType, Extent>& l, const
span<ElementType, Extent>& r);

template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  constexpr bool operator!=(const span<ElementType, Extent>& l, const
span<ElementType, Extent>& r);

template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  constexpr bool operator<(const span<ElementType, Extent>& l, const
span<ElementType, Extent>& r);

template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  constexpr bool operator<=(const span<ElementType, Extent>& l, const
span<ElementType, Extent>& r);

template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  constexpr bool operator>(const span<ElementType, Extent>& l, const
span<ElementType, Extent>& r);

template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  constexpr bool operator>=(const span<ElementType, Extent>& l, const
span<ElementType, Extent>& r);

// [views.span.objectrep], views of object representation
template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  span<const char, ((Extent == dynamic_extentis_dynamic_dimension_v<Extent>) ? dynamic_extent :
(sizeof(ElementType) * Extent))> as_bytes(span<ElementType, Extent> s)

template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent>
  span<const char, ((Extent == dynamic_extentis_dynamic_dimension_v<Extent>) ? dynamic_extent :
(sizeof(ElementType) * Extent))> as_writeable_bytes(span<ElementType,
Extent>) noexcept;

// [views.dimensions], class template dimensions
template <auto... Extents>
class dimensions;

// [views.dimensions.comparison], dimensions comparison operators
template <auto... Extents>
  constexpr bool operator==(const dimensions& l,
                            const dimensions& r);

template <auto... Extents>
  constexpr bool operator!=(const dimensions& l,
                            const dimensions& r);

// [views.mdspan], class template mdspan
template <class ElementType, class Dimensions, class... Properties>
class mdspan;

template <class T> struct is_mdspan_property;
template <class T>
inline constexpr bool is_mdspan_property_v = is_mdspan_property<T>::value;

// [views.layout.props], mdspan layout properties
class layout_right;
class layout_left;

template <class T> struct is_layout;
template <class T>
inline constexpr bool is_layout_v = is_layout<T>::value;

} // namespace std

Add the following paragraph in between paragraphs 2 and 3 in 23.7.�.2 [views.span.template]:

span requires the type of Extent to be either dynamic_extent_tag or implicitly convertible to the span's index_type.

Apply the following changes to the definition of span in 23.7.�.2 [views.span.template]

namespace std {

// A view over a contiguous, single-dimension sequence of objects
template <class ElementType, ptrdiff_tauto Extent = dynamic_extentdyn>
class span {
  inline constexpr static index_typeauto extent = Extent;
  template <class OtherElementType, ptrdiff_tauto OtherExtent>
    constexpr span(const span<OtherElementType, OtherExtent>& other);
  template <class OtherElementType, ptrdiff_tauto OtherExtent>
    constexpr span(span<OtherElementType, OtherExtent>&& other);
  template <ptrdiff_t Offset, ptrdiff_tauto Count = dynamic_extentdyn>
    constexpr span<element_type, Count> subspan() const;
  constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent> first(index_type count) const;
  constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent> last(index_type count) const;
  constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent> subspan(index_type
    offset) const;
  constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent> subspan(index_type
    offset, index_type count = dynamic_extent) const;

Apply the following changes to the converting copy constructor in 23.7.�.3 [views.span.cons]:

template <class OtherElementType, ptrdiff_tauto OtherExtent>
  constexpr span(const span<OtherElementType, OtherExtent>& other);
template <class OtherElementType, ptrdiff_tauto OtherExtent>
  constexpr span(span<OtherElementType, OtherExtent>&& other);

Remarks: These constructors shall not participate in overload resolution unless trying to access OtherElementType through an ElementType* would meet the rules for well-defined object access defined in 3.10/10.

Requires: If extent is not equal to dynamic_extent is_dynamic_dimension_v<Extent> == false , then other.size() shall be equal to extent.

Effects: Constructs a span by copying the implementation data members of another span, performing suitable conversions.

Postconditions: size() == other.size() && data() == reinterpret_cast<pointer>(other.data()).

Complexity: Constant.

Throws: Nothing.

Apply the following changes to subspan() in 23.7.�.4 [views.span.sub]:

template <ptrdiff_t Offset, ptrdiff_tauto Count = dynamic_extentdyn>
  constexpr span<element_type, Count> subspan() const;

Requires: (Offset == 0 || Offset > 0 && Offset < size()) && (Count == dynamic_extentis_dynamic_dimension<Count> || Count >= 0 && Offset + Count <= size()).

Effects: Returns a new span that is a view over Count elements of the current span starting at element Offset. If Count is equal to dynamic_extent is_dynamic_dimension<Count> == true , then a span over all elements from Offset onwards is returned.

Returns: span(data() + Offset, Count == dynamic_extentis_dynamic_dimension<Count> ? size() - Offset : Count).

Complexity: Constant.

Add the following subspan() overload to 23.7.�.4 [views.span.sub]:

constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent> subspan(index_type
  offset) const;

Requires: (offset == 0 || offset > 0 && offset < size()).

Effects: Returns a new span that is a view over all elements from offset onwards.

Returns: span(data() + offset, size() - offset).

Complexity: Constant.

Apply the following changes to subspan() in 23.7.�.4 [views.span.sub]:

constexpr span<element_type, dynamic_extent> subspan(index_type
  offset, index_type count = dynamic_extent) const;

Requires: (offset == 0 || offset > 0 && offset < size()) && (count == dynamic_extent || count >= 0 && offset + count <= size()).

Effects: Returns a new span that is a view over count elements of the current span starting at element offset. If count is equal to dynamic_extent, then a span over all elements from offset onwards is returned.

Returns: span(data() + offset, count == dynamic_extent ? size() - offset : count).

Complexity: Constant.

2. mdspan Wording

2.1. dimensions Class Template

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.dimensions.template]:

23.7.� Class Template dimensions [views.dimensions.template]
template <auto... Extents>
class dimensions {
  // types
  using value_type = ptrdiff_t;
  using index_type = ptrdiff_t;

  // [views.dimensions.cons], constructors/assignment/destructor
  constexpr dimensions() noexcept;
  template <class... DynamicExtents>
    constexpr dimensions(DynamicExtents... dexts) noexcept;
  constexpr dimensions(dimensions const& other) noexcept = default;
  constexpr dimensions(dimensions&& other) noexcept = default;
  dimensions& operator=(dimensions const& other) noexcept = default;
  dimensions& operator=(dimensions&& other) noexcept = default;

  // [views.dimensions.obs], observers
  static constexpr index_type rank() noexcept;
  static constexpr index_type rank_dynamic() noexcept;

  constexpr size_type size() noexcept;

  constexpr bool is_dynamic_dimension(index_type i) const noexcept;

  // [views.dimensions.elem], element access
  constexpr value_type operator[](index_type i) const noexcept;

dimensions is a class which contains storage for a fixed number of integer elements, each of which represents the extent of a dimension, collectively forming a multi-dimensional integer index.

Each non-type template parameter specifies either a positive integral value, indicating a static dimension, or a value of type dynamic_extent_tag, indicating a dynamic dimension whose value will be provided at runtime.

Implementations are not permitted to use additional storage, such as dynamic memory, to allocate the contained dimensions. The contained values shall be allocated in a region of the dimensions storage suitably aligned for the type value_type. [ Note: Implementations are not required to store the value of static dimensions. — end note ]

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.dimensions.cons]:

23.7.� dimensions Constructors, Assignment and Destructors [views.dimensions.cons]
constexpr dimensions() noexcept;

Effects: Constructs a dimensions object with all dynamic dimensions default initialized.

template <class... DynamicExtents>
  constexpr dimensions(DynamicExtents... dexts) noexcept;

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless sizeof...(DynamicExtents) == rank_dynamic().

Effects: Constructs a dimensions object with each dynamic dimensions initialized from a corresponding value in dexts.

constexpr dimensions(dimensions const& other) noexcept = default;
constexpr dimensions(dimensions&& other) noexcept = default;

Effects: Constructs a dimensions object by copying from another dimensions object.

dimensions& operator=(dimensions const& other) noexcept = default;
dimensions& operator=(dimensions&& other) noexcept = default;

Effects: Assigns from one dimensions object into another.

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.dimensions.obs]:

23.7.� dimensions Observers [views.dimensions.obs]
static constexpr index_type rank() noexcept;

Effects: Returns the number of elements in the dimensions object.

Returns: sizeof...(Extents).

static constexpr index_type rank() noexcept;

Effects: Returns the number of parameters in Extents for which is_dynamic_dimension_v is true.

constexpr bool is_dynamic_dimension(index_type i) const noexcept;

Effects: If i < rank(), returns true if the ith dimension is a dynamic dimension. Otherwise, returns false.

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.dimensions.elem]:

23.7.� dimensions Element Access [views.dimensions.elem]
constexpr value_type operator[](index_type i) const noexcept;

Effects: If i < rank(), returns the value of the ith element. Otherwise, returns 0.

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.dimensions.comparison]:

23.7.� dimensions Comparison Operators [views.dimensions.comparison]
template <auto... Extents>
  constexpr bool operator==(const dimensions& l,
                            const dimensions& r);

Effects: l[i] == r[i], where i is in the range [0, rank()).

Throws: Nothing.

template <auto... Extents>
  constexpr bool operator!=(const dimensions& l,
                            const dimensions& r);

Effects: Equivalent to return !(l == r);

2.2. Layout Mapping Requirements

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.layout.requirements]:

23.7.� Layout Mapping Requirements [views.layout.requirements]

A layout is class that describes a mapping from a multi-dimensional index to a mapped index, which is one-dimensional. mdspan (23.7.�) is parameterized in terms of layout mappings.

A layout shall have an embedded template class mapping which takes a single template parameter that shall be a type which fulfills the definition of the dimensions class. Layout mappings are instantiations of this embedded template class.

In the following section:

  • Let LM be a layout mapping and let lm be an object of type LM.

  • Let i be in the range [0, rank()) in order.

The expression is_layout<LM>::value shall be true.

The expression lm.span() shall be well-formed and have the following semantics:

  • Effects: Returns (*this)(extent(0), /* ... */, extent(i)) - (*this)(0, /* ... */, 0).

The expression LM::is_always_strided(r) shall be true if the difference between two mapped indices that are consecutive is always identical.

If LM::is_always_strided(r), the expression lm.stride(r) shall be well-formed and have the following semantics:

  • Effects: Returns the difference between two mapped indices that are consecutive.

The expression lm(is...) shall be well-formed and have the following semantics if sizeof...(decltype(is)) == LM::rank() and all the types in decltype(is) are integral:

  • Effects: Returns the mapped index for multi-dimensional index is.

2.3. mdspan Class Template

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.mdspan.template]:

23.7.� Class template mdspan [views.mdspan.template]
template <class ElementType, class Dimensions, class... Properties>
class mdspan {
  // types
  using element_type = ElementType;
  using index_type = ptrdiff_t;
  using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
  using pointer = element_type*;
  using reference = element_type&;

  using layout = implementation defined;
  using layout_mapping = typename layout::template mapping;

  // [views.mdspan.cons], constructors/assignment/destructor 
  constexpr mdspan() noexcept;
  constexpr mdspan(nullptr_t) noexcept;
  template <class... DynamicExtents>
    constexpr mdspan(pointer ptr, DynamicExtents... dexts);
  constexpr mdspan(pointer ptr, layout_mapping&& l);
  constexpr mdspan(pointer ptr, layout_mapping const& l);
  constexpr mdspan(mdspan const& other) noexcept = default;
  constexpr mdspan(mdspan&& other) noexcept = default;
  template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
    constexpr mdspan(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...> const& other);
  template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
    constexpr mdspan(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...>&& other);

  mdspan& operator=(mdspan const& other) noexcept = default;
  mdspan& operator=(mdspan&& other) noexcept = default;
  template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
    mdspan& operator=(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...> const& other);
  template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
    mdspan& operator=(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...>&& other);

  ~mdspan() noexcept = default;

  // [views.mdspan.domobs], domain observers
  static constexpr index_type rank() noexcept;
  static constexpr index_type rank_dynamic() noexcept;

  constexpr bool is_dynamic_dimension(rank_type r) const noexcept;
  constexpr index_type extent(rank_type r) const noexcept;

  constexpr index_type size() const noexcept;
  constexpr index_type length() const noexcept;
  constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;

  // [views.mdspan.codobs], codomain observers
  constexpr index_type span() const noexcept;

  // [views.mdspan.mapobs], mapping observers
  constexpr index_type stride(rank_type r) const noexcept;

  constexpr layout_mapping mapping() const noexcept;

  // [views.mdspan.elem], element access
  template <class... Indices>
    reference operator()(Indices... is) const;

  constexpr pointer data() const noexcept;
  1. An mdspan is a multidimensional view over a contiguous sequence of objects, the storage of which is owned by some other object.

  2. ElementType is required to be a complete object that is not an abstract class type.

  3. In the following section:

    • Let i be in the range [0, sizeof...(Properties)) in order and

    • Pi be the ith type in Properties,

    • Let r be in the range [0, rank()) in order and

    • Idxr be the rth type in a template parameter pack named Indices,

    • Let rd be in the range [0, rank_dynamic()) in order, and

    • DExtrd be the rdth type in a template parameter pack named DynamicExtents.

  4. is_layout_v<Pi> shall be true for i. The layout type is the type in Pi for which is_layout_v<Pi> == true. If sizeof...(Properties) == 0 or is_layout_v<Pi> == false for all i, then the layout type is layout_right.

  5. If is_mdspan_property_v<Pi> is false for any i, then mdspan is ill-formed.

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.mdspan.cons]:

23.7.� mdspan Constructors, Assignment and Destructors [views.mdspan.cons]
constexpr mdspan() noexcept;
constexpr mdspan(nullptr_t) noexcept;

Remarks: If !is_dynamic_dimension(r) && extent(r) != 0 then the program is ill-formed.

Effects: Constructs an empty mdspan.

Postconditions: size() == 0 && data() == nullptr

template <class... DynamicExtents>
  constexpr mdspan(pointer ptr, DynamicExtents... dexts);

Effects: Equivalent to mdspan(ptr, Dimensions(dexts...)).

Complexity: Constant.

constexpr mdspan(pointer ptr, layout_mapping&& l);
constexpr mdspan(pointer ptr, layout_mapping const& l);


  • l.size() >= 0.

  • If ptr is null, then l.size() shall be 0.

  • If ptr is not null, ptr shall point to the beginning of a valid sequence of objects of at least l.size() length.

Effects: Constructs an mdspan that is a view over the sequence of objects pointed to be ptr with mapping l. If ptr is null or l.size() is 0, then an empty mdspan is constructed.

Complexity: Constant.

Throws: Nothing.

constexpr mdspan(mdspan const& other) noexcept = default;
constexpr mdspan(mdspan&& other) noexcept = default;

Effects: Constructs an mdspan by copying from another mdspan.

Postconditions: other.size() == size() && other.data() == data() && other.mapping() == mapping()

template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
  constexpr mdspan(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...> const& other);
template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
  constexpr mdspan(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...>&& other);

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...>::pointer is implicitly convertible to pointer.

Requires: If !other.is_dynamic_dimension(r) then other.extent(r) shall be equal to extent(r), for all r.

Effects: Constructs an mdspan by copying from another mdspan.

Postconditions: other.size() == size() && reinterpret_cast<pointer>(other.data()) == data() && other.mapping() == mapping()

Complexity: Constant.

Throws: Nothing.

mdspan& operator=(mdspan const& other) noexcept = default;
mdspan& operator=(mdspan&& other) noexcept = default;

Effects: Assigns from one mdspan to another.

Postconditions: other.size() == size() && other.data() == data() && other.mapping() == mapping()

template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
  mdspan& operator=(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...> const& other);
template <class UElementType, class UDimensions, class... UProperties>
  mdspan& operator=(mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...>&& other);

Remarks: This operator shall not participate in overload resolution unless mdspan<UElementType, UDimensions, UProperties...>::pointer is implicitly convertible to pointer.

Requires: If !other.is_dynamic_dimension(r) then other.extent(r) shall be equal to extent(r), for all r.

Effects: Assigns from one mdspan to another.

Postconditions: other.size() == size() && other.data() == data() && other.mapping() == mapping()

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.mdspan.domobs]:

23.7.� mdspan Domain Observers [views.mdspan.domobs]
static constexpr index_type rank() noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return layout_mapping::rank();

static constexpr index_type rank_dynamic() noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return layout_mapping::rank_dynamic();

constexpr bool is_dynamic_dimension(rank_type r) const noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return mapping().is_dynamic_dimension(r);

constexpr index_type extent(rank_type r) const noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return mapping()[r];

constexpr index_type size() const noexcept;
constexpr index_type length() const noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return mapping().size();

constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return size() == 0;

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.mdspan.codobs]:

23.7.� mdspan Codomain Observers [views.mdspan.codobs]
constexpr index_type span() const noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to return mapping().span();

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.mdspan.mapobs]:

23.7.� mdspan Mapping Observers [views.mdspan.mapobs]
constexpr index_type stride(rank_type r) const noexcept;

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution if layout_mapping::is_always_strided(r) is true for all r.

Effects: Equivalent to return mapping().stride(r);

constexpr layout_mapping mapping() const noexcept;

Effects: Returns a copy of the mdspan's layout mapping.

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.mdspan.mapobs]:

23.7.� mdspan Element Access [views.mdspan.elem]
template <class... Indices>
  reference operator()(Indices... is) const;

Effects: Returns a reference to the element at position mapping()(is...).

Complexity: Constant

Throws: Nothing

constexpr pointer data() const noexcept;

Effects: If !empty(), returns a pointer to the first element in the sequence accessible via the mdspan. Otherwise, returns nullptr.

Complexity: Constant

2.4. Layout Mapping Properties

Add the following section, 23.7.� [views.layout.props]:

23.7.� Layout Mapping Properties [views.layout.props]

In the following section, let D be an instantiation of the dimensions class template.

layout_right shall be a layout ([views.layout.requirements]) such that layout_right::mapping<D>().stride(D::rank() - 1) == 1.

layout_left shall be a layout such that layout_left::mapping<D>().stride(0) == 1.

3. Feature Testing

The __cpp_lib_mdspan feature test macro should be added.


Informative References

Richard Smith. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++ Note:. 9 November 2015. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4567.pdf
Neil MacIntosh. span: bounds-safe views for sequences of objects. 10 July 2016. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0122r3.pdf