P0334r0 : Immutable Persistent Containers

Project:ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++
Date: 2016-04-24
Author: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach
Contact: balelbach@lbl.gov
Audience:Library Evolution Working Group (LEWG)

1   Motivation

While discussing a more general-purpose exception_list (see P0322), my co-authors and I began to explore the broader design space of immutable, persistent containers. These data structures, prevalent in functional programming languages, such as Haskell or Lisp, are useful in parallel programming contexts as they are inherently safe to access concurrently (because they cannot be modified).

2   Design

The basic properties of an immutable container are the following:

From these properties, it is straightforward to see where immutable containers might be useful:

In Haskell, immutable sequences are implemented using 2-3 finger trees. These trees allow for constant time access to and insertion at the ends of the sequence and logarithmic time splitting and concatenation. A non-lazy, reference-counted implementation of 2-3 finger trees would be one possible way of efficiently implementing rope<> and exception_list in C++. Other algorithms allow for constant time concatenation at the cost of linear time splitting.

As far as interface design, for exception_list we decided to provide the traditional Container interfaces for accessing elements and properties of the container. We created a set of constructors which allow for splitting and concatenation. Alternatively, a set of free function interfaces serve as the interface for this functionality. This design could be extended from exception_list (a sequence of exception_ptrs) to immutable_list<T> (a sequence of Ts) and other possible immutable types (such as a rope<>-like type).

A draft specification for an immutable_list<> is provided below. It is intended to be implemented with a referenced-counted tree structure such as a 2-3 finger tree; complexity guarantees reflect this. The move constructor and move assignment operator have been deleted, as they are modifying operations and immutable_list<> is an immutable type.

3   Specification

namespace std {

template <class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
class immutable_list
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef Allocator allocator_type;
    typedef /*** unspecified ***/ size_type;
    typedef /*** unspecified ***/ difference_type;
    typedef value_type& reference;
    typedef value_type const& const_reference;
    typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer pointer;
    typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer const_pointer;
    typedef /*** unspecified ***/ iterator;
    typedef /*** unspecified ***/ const_iterator;


    constexpr immutable_list() noexcept = default;

    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other);
    immutable_list& operator=(const immutable_list& other);

    immutable_list(immutable_list&&) = delete
    immutable_list& operator=(immutable_list&&) = delete;

    // "push_back" and "emplace_back" constructors
    immutable_list(T const& v);
    immutable_list(T&& v);
    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, T const& v);
    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, T&& v);

    // iterator-pair "insert" constructors
    immutable_list(iterator first, iterator last);
    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other,
                   iterator first, iterator last);
    template <class InputIterator>
    immutable_list(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
    template <class InputIterator>
    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other,
                   InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

    // initializer-list "insert" constructors
    immutable_list(initializer_list<T> list);
    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other,
                   initializer_list<T> list);

    // "splice" constructor
    immutable_list(const immutable_list& other0,
                   const immutable_list& other1) noexcept;


    size_type size() const noexcept;

    iterator begin() const noexcept;
    iterator cbegin() const noexcept;

    iterator end() const noexcept;
    iterator cend() const noexcept;



The class immutable_list<T> owns a sequence of T objects.

The type immutable_list<T>::iterator shall fulfill the requirements of ForwardIterator.

The type immutable_list<T>::size_type shall be an unsigned integral type large enough to represent the size of the sequence.

The type immutable_list<T>::difference_type shall be an unsigned integral type large enough to represent distances between iterators to the sequence.

constexpr immutable_list() noexcept = default;

Effect: Construct an empty immutable_list.

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which is a copy of other.

Complexity: Linear time in the size of other.

Complexity: Constant time.

immutable_list& operator=(const immutable_list& other);

Effect: Copy the contents of other into this immutable_list.

Complexity: Linear time in the size of other.

Complexity: Constant time.

immutable_list(T const& v);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which contains a single element which is a copy of v.

Complexity: Constant time.

immutable_list(T&& v);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which contains a single element which has been moved from v..

Complexity: Constant time.

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, T const& v);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which is a copy of other, and append a new element which is a copy of v to the end of the owned sequence.

Complexity: Linear in the size of other + 1.

Complexity: Constant time.

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, T&& v);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which is a copy of other, and append a new element which is moved from v to the end of the owned sequence.

Complexity: Linear in the size of other + 1.

Complexity: Constant time.

immutable_list(iterator first, iterator last);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which contains distance(first, last) elements from the range [first, last).

Complexity: Logarthmic in distance(first, last).

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, iterator first, iterator last);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which is a copy of other, and append the range [first, last) to the end of the owned sequence.

Complexity: Logarthmic in min(other.size(), distance(first, last)).

template <class InputIterator>

immutable_list(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which contains distance(first, last) elements from the range [first, last).

Complexity: Linear in distance(first, last).

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution if is_convertible_v<typename InputIterator::value_type, T> == false.

template <class InputIterator>

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which is a copy of other, and append the range [first, last) to the end of the owned sequence.

Complexity: Linear in distance(first, last).

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution if is_convertible_v<typename InputIterator::value_type, T> == false.

immutable_list(initializer_list<T> list);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which contains list.size() elements from list.

Complexity: Linear in the size of list.

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other, initializer_list<T> list);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which is a copy of other, and append list to the end of the owned sequence.

Complexity: Linear in the size of list.

immutable_list(const immutable_list& other0, const immutable_list& other1);

Effect: Construct a new immutable_list which contains all the elements of other0 followed by all the elements of other1.

Complexity: Logarthmic in the min(other0.size(), other1.size()).

size_type size() const noexcept;

Returns: The number of T objects contained within the immutable_list.

Complexity: Constant time.

iterator begin() const noexcept;

iterator cbegin() const noexcept;

Returns: An iterator referring to the first T object contained within the immutable_list.

iterator end() const noexcept;

iterator cend() const noexcept;

Returns: An iterator that is past the end of the owned sequence.