WG 14 Study Group Organization


A Study Group is a mechanism that allows the Working Group to evaluate a subject by a small group of experts. The major benefits of a Study Group are:


A Study Group chairperson is appointed by the Working Group. This chairperson is then responsible for setting up the Study Group. Setting up the Study Group consistes of:


The goal of an Study Group is to create a proposal suitable for consideration by the Working Group and a suggested direction for the proposal. It is the Working Group that will then decide how to progress or not progress the work.


A Study Group should hold meetings independent of the Work Group. The schedule the Study Groups sets to complete the the assigned task should help determine the meeting schedule. The Study Group should produce a preliminary agenda that contains the meeting location or teleconference information at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. It would be best to have a set schedule set as early as possible.


The agenda should contain at least the following information.

1. Opening Activities

1.2 Introduction of Participants/Roll Call
1.3 Procedures for this Meeting
1.4 Approval of Previous Minutes
1.5 Review of Action Items and Resolutions
1.6 Approval of Agenda for this meeting

2. Reports on Liaison Activities
3. Future meetings
4. Action Item Review
5. Document review
6. Decisions reached and Action Items assigned


All documents that are not sent to the Working Group for review do not need an N numbered reference. The Study Group should determine a naming convention that works best for the purposes of the Study Group and name all document accordingly.


A study group can finish one of several way: