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Desert Sessions: Improving hostile environment interactions

Published Proposal,

This version:
Isabella Muerte
LEWG, SG15, SG16
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
Current Render:
Current Source:


Working with environment variables and command line arguments is painful, platform specific, and lacking a modern C++ touch.

1. Revision History

1.1. Revision 0

Initial Release 🎉

2. Motivation

Environment variables are an important aspect of modern systems. Yet, as of right now, C and C++ lack a standardized way to iterate through all current environment variables. An interface to iterate, get, set, erase, and modify environment variables, as well as providing familiar syntax found in other programming languages is needed.

Additionally, accessing command line arguments when main is outside of your control is currently not possible. Instead, objects must be initialized inside of main, or global variables must be initialized once main has started. Additionally, on Windows, the standard char** argv type is deprecated for use in main, and the only correct way to get the command line arguments is to call platform specific functions or use WinMain and wmain, both of which are non-standard entry points into the program. This is all such a strange approach compared to most other languages, especially due to command line arguments existing for the duration of a programs life. In languages such as Python, Rust, Ruby, Haskell, and C#, getting the list of command line arguments is just a function or member call away.

This paper aims to rectify both of these problems, while providing a familiar interface for users of argv as well as providing an interaction with Ranges.

3. Design

This paper proposes the addition of a new header, <session>, for any and all types or functions that affect the current program’s running session. To begin with we add two types into this header: std::arguments and std::environment. Each one is a wrapper interface around the command line and environment variables respectively.

std::arguments attempts to meet most of the Named Requirements found in SequenceContainer. However, because it is an immutable container (it can not grow, shrink, delete or add its elements), its interface is effectively reduced to that of a std::vector<T> const. If mutation or modifications are desired, it is recommended that one construct a std::vector from the elements of std::arguments. The elements found inside of std::arguments is currently std::string_view. Whether the contents of these string_views are bytes or UTF-8 is intended to be implementation defined. The interface for std::arguments will need to be revisited once SG16’s initial work is released, as a unicode-only interface for arguments is desirable.

std::environment is a bit more complex. It can be seen as an associative container, however it attempts to store no state unless absolutely needed. Additionally, for ease of use, it provides three ranges interfaces:

Each of these ranges provides iteration over the keys, values, or the pair of both. Additionally subscript gets and sets are possible as well:

auto x = std::environment["PATH"];

The following straw polls are requested regarding the interface for both std::arguments and std::environment:

Additionally, the plan is to provide two functions to easily iterate over a "path list". On platforms where this matters, an implementation specific path separator (e.g., : on POSIX, ; on Windows) is used to separate multiple values when storing file system paths in enviroment variables. These functions create iterators that permit both the splitting of std::string_view objects into std::filesystem::path objects, as well as joining std::filesystem::path objects into a std::string that can then be assigned to an environment variable.

Lastly, on platforms where arguments or environment variables cannot typically be passed in or read from, attempting to iterate std::arguments and std::environment will yield an empty range, and attempting to index or subscript into them will return empty std::string_view objects.

Note: For security reasons we do not currently provide a cross platform way to get the current executable or home directory.

Wording has been witheld in this initial paper to see what interface changes are necessary.

3.1. Synopsis

The <session> headers full specification is:

namespace std {
    class arguments;
    class environment;

    std::string join_paths (Iter begin, Iter end);
    std::string join_paths (Range);

3.1.1. Arguments

The arguments class represents a mostly sequence-like container. It can be seen as a wrapper around argv, while still being accessible from outside of main. The object itself is immutable, and could technically be treated as a singleton. Reading from arguments is thread-safe, as is iterating over it. The type it currently returns is std::string_view, as this type can represent both UTF-8 and raw bytes. While the wording is not yet complete in this initial draft, it is intended that arguments only permit bytes from the operating system directly or UTF-8 only. Treating UTF-16 characters as bytes will not be permitted. At some point in the future, this will have to change, or an additional unicode-only arguments class will have to be implemented.

Additionally, it still provides access to the underlying char** argv and length of argc for backwards compatibility with APIs that still expect it as such.

class arguments {
  using iterator = /* implementation-defined */
  using reverse_iterator = reverse_iterator<iterator>;
  using value_type = std::string_view;
  using index_type = size_t;
  using size_type = size_t;

  value_type operator [] (index_type) const noexcept;
  value_type at (index_type) const noexcept(false);

  [[nodiscard]] bool empty () const noexcept;
  size_type size () const noexcept;

  iterator cbegin () const noexcept;
  iterator cend () const noexcept;

  iterator begin () const noexcept;
  iterator end () const noexcept;

  reverse_iterator crbegin () const noexcept;
  reverse_iterator crend () const noexcept;

  reverse_iterator rbegin () const noexcept;
  reverse_ierator rend () const noexcept;

  [[nodiscard]] char** argv () const noexcept;
  [[nodiscard]] int argc () const noexcept;

3.1.2. Environment

The environment mapping object is also mostly immutable itself. It does support removing keys directly, although setting them directly is not supported. However, the environment can be modified by operating on the variable class it returns from operator []. This type acts as a proxy object and can be assigned to with nearly any string-like object. Additionally, it can return an object that has a pair of iterators that permit range operations to "split" on the path separator for a given environment variable.

Some platform’s keys are case insensitive and for this reason, the environment silently checks both upper and lower case keys for their validity. This is safe to do as currently all platforms store their keys as ASCII strings.

Note: Due to platform specific restrictions, environments can be iterated on while also actively mutating them. However, the underlying iterator’s environment will still iterate on the unmodified version of the environment. After extensively looking at all operating systems available, it was confirmed that they all behave in this same way.

class environment {
  class variable {
    operator std::string_view () const noexcept;
    variable& operator = (std::string_view);
    std::string_view key () const noexcept;
    /* implementation-defined */ split () const;

  using value_range = /* implementation-defined */
  using key_range = /* implementation-defined */
  using iterator = /* implementation-defined */
  using value_type = variable;

  template <class T>
  value_type operator [] (T const&) const; // see below

  value_type operator [] (std::string const&) const noexcept;
  value_type operator [] (std::string_view) const;
  value_type operator [] (char const*) const noexcept;

  template <class K>
  iterator find (K const&) const noexcept;

  bool contains (std::string_view) const noexcept;

  iterator cbegin () const noexcept;
  iterator cend () const noexcept;

  iterator begin () const noexcept;
  iterator end () const noexcept;

  size_type size () const noexcept;
  bool empty () const noexcept;

  value_range values () const noexcept;
  key_range keys () const noexcept;

  template <class K>
  void erase (K const&) noexcept;

All member functions that take a T const& follow the same rules regarding std::string's 10th and 11th constructors regarding std::string_view conversion.

In the case of environment::find, this function follows the same rules of std::map::find as though it’s Compare::is_transparent were valid.

Note: environment does not have a Compare template member, but can act as though it has one, since it works almost exclusively on strings.