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ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committee - ISOCPP

2024-07-22: standards | projects | papers | mailings | internals | meetings | contacts

News 2024-07-22: The C++ Standard Core Issues List (Revision 115) is available (.zip)
News 2024-07-16: The deadline for the 2024-08 mailing is 2024-08-15 15:00 UTC
News 2024-07-16: The 2024-07 post-St. Louis mailing is available (20000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2024-05-22: The 2024-05 pre-St. Louis mailing is available (15000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2024-05-10: The C++ Standard Core Issues List (Revision 114) is available (.zip)
News 2024-04-16: The 2024-04 post-Tokyo mailing is available (32000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2024-02-15: The 2024-02 pre-Tokyo mailing is available (13000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2024-01-16: The 2024-01 mailing is available (4000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2023-12-22: The C++ Standard Core Issues List (Revision 113) is available (.zip)
News 2023-12-18: The 2023-12 mailing is available (22000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2023-10-15: The 2023-10 mailing is available (18000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2023-09-17: The 2023-09 mailing is available (5000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2023-08-22: The 2023-08 mailing is available (12000 kB tar.gz), individual papers
News 2023-08-19: The C++ Standard Core Issues List (Revision 112) is available (.zip)
News 2023-07-20: The 2023-07 mailing is available (19000 kB tar.gz), .zip 19000 kB), individual papers
News 2023-06-09: The C++ Standard library Issues List (Revision 124 is available (.zip)
News 2023-05-25: The 2023-05 mailing is available (20000 kB tar.gz), .zip 20000 kB), individual papers
News 2023-04-02: The 2023-04 mailing is available (11000 kB tar.gz), .zip 11000 kB), individual papers
News 2023-03-24: The C++ Standard Core Issues List (Revision 111) is available (.zip)
News 2023-02-20: The 2023-02 mailing is available (11000 kB tar.gz), .zip 11000 kB), individual papers
News 2023-01-15: The 2023-01 mailing is available (28000 kB tar.gz), .zip 20000 kB), individual papers
News 2022-12-04: The 2022-11 mailing is available (8800 kB tar.gz), .zip 8800 kB), individual papers

ISO/IEC   JTC1/SC22/WG21 is the international standardization working group for the programming language C++.

Published standards and technical reports include:

Work on projects and their milestones include:

Other information:

If you want further information, or want to participate, please contact your national member body or one of the contact addresses of the WG.

2024-02-16: standards | projects | papers | mailings | internals | meetings | contacts

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