Proposal for C2y
WG14 3320

Title:               Strong typedefs
Author, affiliation: Alex Celeste, Perforce
Date:                2024-08-20
Proposal category:   New feature
Target audience:     Compiler implementers, safety-critical users


C's typedef mechanism to create type aliases is useful for conveying intent to the reader, but has no impact on the type system itself as the aliases it creates are completely transparent. We propose enhancing the mechanism with a new keyword and a new attribute in order to allow users to express more constraints over how the newly created alias can be used, by constraining type compatibility and implicit convertibility respectively.

Strong typedefs

Reply-to:     Alex Celeste (
Document No:  N3320
Revises:      N/A
Date:         2024-08-20

Summary of Changes



The typedef storage class enables users to declare new names for types, in a fashion syntactically identical to declaration of objects or functions:

typedef int Integer;
// Integer can be used anywhere int can

This is a wonderful tool for enhancing readability and for conveying developer intent. In addition to aliases provided by the Standard Library to name specific sizes of builtin types, aliases can also communicate when a value is intended to mean a quantity, a difference, or some real-world unit like a length or duration:

hours trip = 6;  // duration of an excursion

kilometres length = 10;  // of a road, but readably not
                         // of a movie or a shelf

Unfortunately, because these are only aliases, there is no type system enforcement that they are used consistently, or at all:

length = trip;  // in isolation, the names do not indicate a
                // problem - length could be a duration, trip
                // could be a distance

There are many other possible examples, such as unit conflicts within the same physical dimension (e.g. mixing SI and Imperial measurements of the same value to catastrophic effect), or even mixing up dimensions entirely, such as confusing speed with acceleration, or time with temperature. It is also reasonable not to want values with the same meaning but different local domains within a design to be able to mix (e.g. length of different non-interacting components).

The only straightforward way to express this in C23 is to use a tag type, which is the only mechanism for creating a completely new type that is not compatible with any existing type in the program. (Type derivations are designed to work in the opposite way: the same sequence of derivations always produces the same type.) This is potentially useful:

typedef struct Metres { double val; } Metres;
typedef struct Yards  { double val; } Yards;

Metres height1 = { 6.5 };
Yards  height2 = { 8.4 };

height1 = height2; // Error: types are not compatible (great!)

height1 = imperialToSi (height2); // Correct!

...but limited by the need to "unbox" when the values are used concretely:

Metres addDistance (Metres m1, Metres m2) {
    return { m1.val + m2.val };

// which means it is still completely possible to write:
Metres addDistance (Metres m1, Yards m2) {
    return { m1.val + m2.val };

As demonstrated, this means the type-safety can only really be enforced by this means at an abstract interface level, and evaporates at the expression level. The resulting expressions are also inelegant, and not all ABIs support this idiom as efficiently as if the builtin types were used (mostly for historical reasons).

C would therefore be dramatically improved by a feature which allowed a similar degree of type-checking that integrates seamlessly with the expression language.

Related work

In N3321 we propose a related mechanism to allow the user to define new type qualifiers. A qualifier creates a distinct type from the unqualified type, so creating new qualifiers is another way to allow the user to arbitrarily create new types.

However, the mechanisms are quite distinct: [[strong]] creates types that describe values, whereas qualifiers are always a property of the objects that hold values. A qualifier on a type is always discarded during value conversion, whereas the goal of this proposal is to allow the definition of useful value types that thread through evaluation of an expression. Therefore, while related, the proposals serve distinct purposes.


We propose two new features are added to the language, with semantics that directly complement each other: one new attribute, and one new keyword.

The spelling of either feature can be altered and is not critical.


The [[strong]] attribute appertains to a type definition. When a type is named using the declared identifier, the attribute requires it to be used consistently such that it is never required to be compatible with, or implicitly convertible to, a type not named by that identifier:

[[strong]] typedef double Metres;
[[strong]] typedef double Yards;

Metres d1 = 6.5;
Yards  d2 = 8.4;
d1 = d2;  // Error: attempting to convert from a type named by
          // [[strong]] Yards to another type

double abstract;
abstract = d1;  // Error: attempting to convert from a type named
                // by [[strong]] Metres to a non-strong type

This adds a Constraint. The Constraint is suitable to be introduced and enforced by an attribute because any program that correctly respects the introduced Constraint would remain correct and continue to have the same meaning if the attributes were removed.

Additional typedefs "over" a strong typedef could add new constraints:

[[strong]] typedef Metres HullLength;

HullLength hl = 10.8;
d1 = hl;  // Error: converting domain-specific length to metres

A typedef of a strong type that does not include the attribute behaves as a completely transparent alias for that type, just as it does in C23:

typedef Metres M2;

M2 d3 = 12.34;
d3 += d1;  // fine, fully interchangeable
d1 -= d3;  // likewise

d2 = d3;        // Error, unrelated strong types
abstract = d3;  // Error, implicit conversion to non-strong type

...but with this permissiveness only existing "above" the typedef.

Implicit conversions from non-strong to strong types should be permitted:

d1 = abstract;  // double to meaningful Metres
d2 = abstract;  // double to meaningful Yards

hl = d1;  // Metres to HullLength (in metres)
hl = d2;  // Error, cannot convert Yards to HullLength

This allows the user to define hierarchies of meaning and also makes initialization significantly simpler, as values have to originate from somewhere. (It would be possible to restrict this permission only to initialization, but allowing it generally seems more expressive.)

Expressions requiring the usual arithmetic conversions are permitted if one operand is assignable to the other according to the above rules. The result expression inherits the strong type of the operand and propagates it to any containing expression, even if the common real type of the result is not the same as the strong operand type:

[[strong]] typedef short T1;

T1 x, y, z;
(x + y) + z;  // OK, (T1 + T1) still has strong type T1
              // despite having representation type int

[[strong]] typedef short T2;
T2 s, u, v;
(x + y) + (s + u);  // Error: (T1 + T1) + (T2 + T2)
                    // even though the toplevel is int + int

(x + y) + (double)v;  // OK, double is convertible to the
                      // underlying type of T1

An explicit cast always overrides strong typing (but should be used sparingly).


The _Newtype keyword behaves exactly like the typedef keyword for syntactic purposes, acting as a storage class and creating identifiers with no linkage in exactly the same way.

The keyword differs from typedef in one respect only, which is that the declaration creates a new type with the exact same representation and other properties as the type used in the declaration, but which is not compatible with that declaring type (i.e. it is generative):

typedef int Int;
_Generic (x
    , int: 0
    , Int: 1); // Constraint violation: int appears twice

_Newtype float Real;
_Generic (x
    , float: 0
    , Real:  1); // OK, two distinct, incompatible types

This functionality requires a keyword rather than an attribute as the behaviour would change if _Newtype was replaced by typedef.

By default, a type created by _Newtype is implicitly convertible to the underlying type, which is always a NOP:

typedef int Int1;
typedef int Int2;

Int1 i1 = 0;
Int2 i2 = 1;
int i3 = 2;

i1 = i2;         // OK
i3 = i1;         // OK
(i2 + i3) * i1;  // OK

In addition, if a tag type is aliased with _Newtype, the resulting new tag type is also implicitly convertible to the underlying type, and vice versa, even though normally tag types have no conversions.

_Newtype creates a type without restrictions against implicit conversion because if such restrictions are required, they can be added with [[strong]] at the same time:

[[strong]] int Int1;
[[strong]] int Int2;

Int1 x;
Int2 y;
x = y;  // Error

Prior Art

The [[strong]] attribute draws heavily on ideas found in MISRA C's Essential Type system, which defines a secondary layer on top of the C core type system, requiring a form of strong typing that persists across the implicit conversions of arithmetic and initialization. Tools that implement the Essential Type system are required to provide the functionality to type check expressions that perform a C conversion while preserving the operand type, so for instance:

typedef unsigned short US;

US x, y, z;
z = x + y;  // OK even though the type of (x + y) is int

signed short u, v;
z = u + v;  // Not OK - (u + v) is Essentially Signed

The MISRA type system is slightly different and is roughly similar to what would be the result of every type having [[strong]] splitting the signed and unsigned types, the real floating and the complex floating types, etc. Unlike in this proposal, every C expression has a MISRA Essential Type, although there are some relaxations for constant expressions and conversions that do not lose value range.

Overall the Essential Type system is mostly focused on preservation of value ranges and precisions and is not a type system focused on domain or on expressiveness, so the exact set of permitted conversions and operations is not the same and it is not possible to define new restrictions. However, from an implementation perspective, support is essentially identical as it requires the tool to process types in a way that is distinct from representation.

This is especially evident with the Essentially Boolean types, which are required to be supported even in C90 mode; this means a tool must be able to be configured in some way to understand typedefs separately from their representations:

// configuration: -intrinsictype "bool=Boolean"

typedef int Boolean;
extern int x, y;

int r1 = (x == y); // MISRA error:
                   // assigning Essentially Boolean value to int
Boolean r2 = (x == y);  // MISRA is OK with this
                        // Tool needs to be able to distinguish the type

In practice this means a tool capable of enforcing the Essential Type system must already have implicit support for the same mechanism as [[strong]], although it may not expose any general way of invoking it to the user.

_Newtype has equivalents in Standard ML and related languages where it is possible to define a module with opaque types. datatype with a single constructor (and its equivalents in other languages) can also often be used in a similar practical fashion, although what it does is closer to the "box" idiom (and it can unfortunately be misused in the same way).

C++ of course allows for any type to be boxed within a class:

StrongType <int, struct MY_TAG_1> x;
StrongType <int, struct MY_TAG_2> y;

x = y;  // type error

StrongType can be defined to allow implicit conversions only one way or neither. However, this requires significant language machinery not available in C. It is also possible to define any number of drop-in replacements for the basic arithmetic types thanks to operator overloading, which is also not available in C and is also very verbose even in C++. This also has similar de-facto ABI limitations to the "box" idiom, for the same reasons.


This proposal describes an original feature which only adds functionality and therefore there is no impact against existing code.

Implementation is relatively straightforward and considerably simpler than compiler support for the overloading/class-based solution that is idiomatic in C++. Any tool that can currently enforce the MISRA C Essential Type system can enforce the [[strong]] attribute, while tools that do not do this can also simply choose to ignore the attribute and leave enforcement to others. _Newtype can be treated as equivalent to typedef in most contexts, while all compilers already have the ability to introduce new types through the struct keyword; all this feature requires is that they can be used like the underlying type.

Implementations already generally have the ability to understand that two types can be distinct but identical, as (for instance) on most targets long will be identical to either int or to long long and only be distinguished at compile-time by the type system. char is similarly already defined by the Standard to be identical to either signed char or unsigned char and again cannot be distinguished from either one at runtime.

Proposed wording

The proposed changes are based on the latest public draft of C2y, which is N3220. Bolded text is new text when inlined into an existing sentence.

These changes assume the spellings described above. The features can be renamed without substantially affecting the proposed wording changes.


This change should be introduced in a single place, in the clauses describing attributes:

Modify, paragraph 2, to add the new attribute name:


Add a new section after The strong attribute

Constraints The strong attribute shall be applied to the declaration of a typedef name.

Semantics The strong attribute marks a typedef name as strongly-typed.

The __has_c_attribute conditional inclusion expression (6.10.2) shall return the value XXXXXXL when given strong as the pp-tokens operand if the implementation supports the attribute.

Recommended Practice Implementations are encouraged to issue a diagnostic when a value originating from a declaration using a strongly-typed typedef name is converted to a value, or assigned to an lvalue, originating from a declaration that did not use the same typedef name (possibly via a second typedef name that was itself declared using the first typedef), other than by means of an explicit cast; except when the conversion is part of the usual arithmetic conversions, in which case the same check is moved to any use of the result of the subexpression.

Strongly-typed typedefs behave as though a unique, virtual qualifier is added onto a type at the position within the type derivation that the typedef name was used. Unlike a concrete qualifier, the virtual qualification is not removed by value conversion, and may be "added" at any level of derivation.

EXAMPLE 1 No diagnostic is encouraged against conversions to strong types, in order to permit initialization, but conversion between strong types should result in a diagnostic:

// define two distinct strong typedefs
[[strong]] typedef double Metres;
[[strong]] typedef double Yards;

Metres d1 = 6.5;  // initialization is OK
Yards  d2 = 8.4;

d1 = d2;  // Diagnose attempt to convert between Yards and Metres
d2 = d1;  // Diagnose attempt to convert between Metres and Yards

double abstract;
abstract = d1;  // Diagnose attempt to convert to underlying type
d1 = abstract;  // OK - strengthening conversion

On the assignment d1 = d2, the proper reason for the warning is the conversion from a value strongly-typed as Yards to any type not strongly-typed as Yards. (The warning is on the loss of a strong type rather than on a conversion "between" strong types, but the effect for the user is the same.)

EXAMPLE 2 A typedef of a strong type inherits its strong type, and also has the opportunity to introduce a new layer of typing:

[[strong]] typedef int Int1;
           typedef int Int2;
Int1 i1;
Int2 i2;

i1 = i2;  // OK - these are aliases for the same strong type
i2 = i1;  // just like a normal typedef

[[strong]] typedef Int1 Int3; // more "refinement"
Int i3;

i3 = i1;  // OK - strengthening implicit conversion
i1 = i3;  // Diagnose attempt to convert Int3 to an underlying type

EXAMPLE 3 When a strongly-typed value is converted by arithmetic conversions, the result of the subexpression inherits the strong type, regardless of representation:

[[strong]] typedef short T1;

T1 x, y, z;
z = (x + y);  // OK - the result is an int, but still strongly-typed
              // as T1 and can be converted on assignment to z
int w;
w = (x + y);  // Diagnose attempt to convert T1 to int, even though
              // the representation type is int

[[strong]] typedef short T2;
T2 s, u, v;
z = (x + y) + (u + v);  // Diagnose attempt to convert a result to T1
                        // which has inherited two strong types T1 and T2
s = (x + y) + (u + v);  // Same issue, converting (T1+T2) to just T2

In the example above, the result expression inherits two strong types with distinct origins, so there is no valid assignment for the result as conversion would have to lose either T1 or T2. In contrast, an expression that inherits two strong types with related origins can still be used as a value of the "stronger" type:

[[strong]] typedef T1 T3; // T3 strengthens T1
T3 s2, u2, v2;

z = (x + y) + (u2 + v2);  // Diagnose attempt to convert a result to T1
                          // which has inherited strong types T1 and T3

s2 = (x + y) + (u2 + v2); // OK - inheriting T1 and T3 is just a T3

EXAMPLE 4 A derived type can introduce a strong type at any level, unlike a qualifier which can only be added by implicit conversion in select circumstances:

[[strong]] typedef size_t Metres;
[[strong]] typedef size_t Yards;

// weakly-typed function signature
size_t addLengths (size_t l, size_t r);

// allow conversion to a strongly-typed function derivation
typeof (Metres (Metres, Metres)) * addMetres = addLengths;
typeof (Metres (Yards,  Yards))  * addYards  = addLengths;

addMetres = addYards; // Diagnose an attempt to convert a derivation
                      // from Yards to a derivation without Yards

EXAMPLE 5 An explicit cast always succeeds (without the diagnostic emitted for an implicit conversion that would discard a strong type):

Metres m;
Yards y;

m = y;  // Diagnose attempt to convert Yards to non-Yards
y = m;  // Diagnose attempt to convert Metres to non-Metres

m = (Metres)y;  // Succeeds without the diagnostic for loss of strong type 
m = (double)y;  // Similarly successful

An implementation might choose to emit a secondary diagnostic against the cast directly between unrelated strong types, but should not use the main warning.


We do not introduce a new term of art and consider the identifiers introduced by _Newtype to be a second kind of typedef-name. In most of the document the term is not used as a monospaced-keyword and does not need to change.

Add a new clause to 6.3.2 "Other operands", after _Newtypes

Any type created by means of the _Newtype specifier may be converted to the type used in its definition, and vice-versa. Such a conversion shall not change the representation of the value.

Add the new keyword to 6.4.1 Keywords:


Modify "Simple assignment", paragraph 1, adding a bullet point to the end of the list:

Modify 6.7.9 "Type definitions":

Modify paragraph 3, breaking it into four new paragraphs:

In a declaration whose storage-class specifier is typedef or _Newtype, each declarator defines an identifier to be a typedef name that denotes the type specified for the identifier in the way described in 6.7.7. Any array size expressions associated with variable length array declarators and typeof operators are evaluated each time the declaration of the typedef name is reached in the order of execution.

A typedef declaration does not introduce a new type, only a synonym for the type so specified. That is, in the following declarations:

typedef T type_ident;
type_ident D;

type_ident is defined as a typedef name with the type specified by the declaration specifiers in T (known as T), and the identifier in D has the type "derived-declarator-type-list T" where the derived-declarator-type-list is specified by the declarators of D.

A _Newtype declaration has the same effect as the typedef specifier except that a new type is also defined alongside each declarator in the declaration, with an identical representation to the type specified in the declaration, but not compatible with it. That is, in the following declarations:

_Newtype T type_ident;
type_ident D1;
T D2;

the identifier in D1 has a distinct and incompatible type from the identifier in D2, but their representations are the same.

**The type defined by a _Newtype declaration is convertible to the type used in its definition, and vice versa.

A typedef name shares the same name space as other identifiers declared in ordinary declarators. If the identifier is redeclared in an enclosed block, the type of the inner declaration shall not be inferred (6.7.10).

Add a new EXAMPLE after paragraph 8:

EXAMPLE 6 The typedef and _Newtype storage classes are the same except that typedef creates a transparent alias for a type, while _Newtype creates a new and incompatible type:

typedef  int Int1;
_Newtype int Int2;

int x;
_Generic (x
    , int : 1
    , Int1 : 2); // Constraint violation, int specified twice

_Generic (x
    , int : 1
    , Int2 : 2); // two distinct types specified, result is 1

Int2 y;
y = x; x = y;    // conversion both ways is a no-op

Questions for WG14

Would WG14 like to add something along the lines of the [[strong]] attribute into C2y?

Would WG14 like to add something along the lines of the _Newtype keyword into C2y?

Would WG14 like to make use of either [[strong]] or _Newtype in the specification of any library features?


C2y latest public draft
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MISRA C 2023
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User-defined qualifiers