Towards C++23 executors: A proposal for an initial set of algorithms

Document #: P1897R0
Date: 2019-10-06
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Lee Howes

1 Introduction

In [P0443R11] we have included the fundamental principles described in [P1660R0], and the fundamental requirement to customize algorithms. In recent discussions we have converged to an understanding of the submit operation on a sender acting as a fundamental interoperation primitive, and algorithm customization giving us full flexibility to optimize, to offload and to avoid synchronization in chains of mutually compatible algorithm customizations.

As a starting point, in [P0443R11] we only include a bulk_execute algorithm, that satisfies the core requirement we planned with P0443 to provide scalar and bulk execution. To make the C++23 solution completely practical, we should extend the set of algorithms, however. This paper suggests an expanded initial set that enables early useful work chains. This set is intended to act as a discussion focus for us to discuss one by one, and to analyze the finer constraints of the wording to make sure we do not over-constrain the design.

In the long run we expect to have a much wider set of algorithms, potentially covering the full set in the current C++20 parallel algorithms. The precise customization of these algorithms is open to discussion: they may be individually customized and individually defaulted, or they may be optionally individually customized but defaulted in a tree such that customizing one is known to accelerate dependencies. It is open to discussion how we achieve this and that is an independent topic, beyond the scope of this paper.

2 Impact on the Standard

Starting with [P0443R11] as a baseline we have the following customization points:

and the following Concepts:

First, we should add wording such that the sender algorithms are defined as per range-adapters such that:

are equivalent. In this way we can use operator| in code to make the code more readable.

We propose immediately discussing the addition of the following algorithms:

Details below are in loosely approximated wording and should be made consistent with [P0443R11] and the standard itself when finalized. We choose this set of algorithms as a basic set to allow a range of realistic, though still limited, compositions to be written against executors.

2.1 execution::is_noexcept_sender

2.1.1 Summary

Queries whether the passed sender will ever propagate an error when treated as an r-value to submit.

2.1.2 Wording

The name execution::is_noexcept_sender denotes a customization point object. The expression execution::is_noexcept_sender(S) for some subexpression S is expression-equivalent to:

        template<class S>
          void is_noexcept_sender(S) = delete;
and that does not include a declaration of `execution::is_noexcept_sender`.

If possible, is_noexcept_sender should be noexcept.

If execution::is_noexcept_sender(s) returns true for a sender s then it is guaranteed that s will not call error on any callback c passed to submit(s, c).

2.2 execution::just

2.2.1 Summary

Returns a sender that propagates the passed value inline when submit is called. This is useful for starting a chain of work.

2.2.2 Wording

The expression execution::just(t) returns a sender, s wrapping the value t.

2.3 execution::just_error

2.3.1 Summary

Returns a sender that propagates the passed error inline when submit is called. This is useful for starting a chain of work.

2.3.2 Wording

The expression execution::just_error(e) returns a sender, s wrapping the error e.

2.4 execution::sync_wait

2.4.1 Summary

Blocks the calling thread to wait for the resulting sender to complete. Returns a std::optional of the value or throws if an exception is propagated.1 On propagation of the set_done() signal, returns an empty optional.

2.4.2 Wording

The name execution::sync_wait denotes a customization point object. The expression execution::sync_wait(S) for some subexpression S is expression-equivalent to:

        template<class S>
          void sync_wait(S) = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::sync_wait.

If execution::is_noexcept_sender(S) returns true at compile-time, and the return type T is nothrow movable, then sync_wait is noexcept. Note that sync_wait requires S to propagate a single value type.

2.5 execution::via

2.5.1 Summary

Transitions execution from one executor to the context of a scheduler. That is that:

sender1 | via(scheduler1) | bulk_execute(f)...

will create return a sender that runs in the context of scheduler1 such that f will run on the context of scheduler1, potentially customized, but that is not triggered until the completion of sender1.

via(S1, S2) may be customized on either or both of S1 and S2. For example any two senders with their own implementations may provide some mechanism for interoperation that is more efficient than falling back to simple callbacks.

2.5.2 Wording

The name execution::via denotes a customization point object. The expression execution::via(S1, S2) for some subexpressions S1, S2 is expression-equivalent to:

        template<class S1, class S2>
          void via(S1, S2) = delete;

If execution::is_noexcept_sender(S1) returns true at compile-time, and execution::is_noexcept_sender(S2) returns true at compile-time and all entries in S1::value_types are nothrow movable, execution::is_noexcept_sender(on(S1, S2)) should return true at compile time2.

2.6 execution::transform

2.6.1 Summary

Applies a function f to the value channel of a sender such that some type list T... is consumed and some type T2 returned, resulting in a sender that transmits T2 in its value channel. This is equivalent to common Future::then operations, for example:

 Future<float>f = folly::makeFuture<int>(3).thenValue(
   [](int input){return float(input);});

2.6.2 Wording

The name execution::transform denotes a customization point object. The expression execution::transform(S, F) for some subexpressions S and F is expression-equivalent to:

        template<class S, class F>
          void transform(S, F) = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::transform.

If execution::is_noexcept_sender(S) returns true at compile-time, and F(S1::value_types) is marked noexcept and all entries in S1::value_types are nothrow movable, execution::is_noexcept_sender(transform(S1, F)) should return true at compile time.

2.7 execution::bulk_transform

2.7.1 Summary

bulk_execute is a side-effecting operation across an iteration space. bulk_transform is a very similar operation that operates element-wise over an input range and returns the result as an output range of the same size.

2.7.2 Wording

The name execution::bulk_transform denotes a customization point object. The expression execution::bulk_transform(S, F) for some subexpressions S and F is expression-equivalent to:

        template<class S, class F>
          void bulk_transform(S, F) = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::bulk_transform.

2.8 execution::handle_error

2.8.1 Summary

This is the only algorithm that deals with an incoming signal on the error channel of the sender. Others only deal with the value channel directly. For full generality, the formulation we suggest here applies a function f(e) to the error e, and returns a sender that may output on any of its channels. In that way we can solve and replace an error, cancel on error, or log and propagate the error, all within the same algorithm.

2.8.2 Wording

The name execution::handle_error denotes a customization point object. The expression execution::handle_error(S, F) for some subexpressions S and F is expression-equivalent to:

        template<class S, class F>
          void handle_error(S, F) = delete;

and that does not include a declaration of execution::handle_error.

3 Customization and example

Each of these algorithms, apart from just, is customizable on one or more sender implementations. This allows full optimization. For example, in the following simple work chain:

auto s = just(3) |                                        // s1
         via(scheduler1) |                                // s2
         transform([](int a){return a+1;}) |              // s3
         transform([](int a){return a*2;}) |              // s4
         on(scheduler2) |                                 // s5
         handle_error([](auto e){return just_error(e);}); // s6
int r = sync_wait(s);

The result of s1 might be a just_sender<int> implemented by the standard library vendor.

on(just_sender<int>, scheduler1) has no customization defined, and this expression returns an scheduler1_on_sender<int> that is a custom type from the author of scheduler1, it will call submit on the result of s1.

s3 calls transform(scheduler1_on_sender<int>, [](int a){return a+1;}) for which the author of scheduler1 may have written a customization. The scheduler1_on_sender has stashed the value somewhere and build some work queue in the background. We do not see submit called at this point, it uses a behind-the-scenes implementation to schedule the work on the work queue. An scheduler1_transform_sender<int> is returned.

s4 implements a very similar customization, and again does not call submit. There need be no synchronization in this chain.

At s5, however, the implementor of scheduler2 does not know about the implementation of scheduler1. At this point it will call submit on the incoming scheduler1_transform_sender, forcing scheduler1’s sender to implement the necessary synchronization to map back from the behind-the-scenes optimal queue to something interoperable with another vendor’s implementation.

handle_error at s6 will be generic in terms of submit and not do anything special, this uses the default implementation in terms of submit. sync_wait similarly constructs a condition_variable and a temporary int, submits a receiver to s and waits on the condition_variable, blocking the calling thread.

r is of course the value 8 at this point assuming that neither scheduler triggered an error.

4 References

[P0443R11] 2019. A Unified Executors Proposal for C++.

[P1660R0] 2019. A Compromise Executor Design Sketch.

  1. Conversion from asynchronous callbacks to synchronous function-return can be achieved in different ways. A CancellationException would be an alternative approach.↩︎

  2. Should, shall, may?↩︎