Native handle from file streams

Published Proposal,

This version:
Elias Kosunen
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++
github.com/eliaskosunen/wg21: P1759R0


This paper proposes adding functionality to fstream and filebuf to retrieve the native file handle.

1. Revision History

1.1. Revision 0

Initial revision.

2. Overview

This paper proposes adding a new free function: std::native_file_handle. It would take a standard file stream or stream buffer, and return the native file handle corresponding to that stream.

template <typename CharT, typename Traits>
auto native_file_handle(const basic_fstream<CharT, Traits>& stream) noexcept -> native_file_handle_type;

template <typename CharT, typename Traits>
auto native_file_handle(const basic_ifstream<CharT, Traits>& stream) noexcept -> native_file_handle_type;

template <typename CharT, typename Traits>
auto native_file_handle(const basic_ofstream<CharT, Traits>& stream) noexcept -> native_file_handle_type;

template <typename CharT, typename Traits>
auto native_file_handle(const basic_filebuf<CharT, Traits>& stream) noexcept -> native_file_handle_type;

The return type of this function is std::native_file_handle_type, which is a typedef to whatever type the platform uses for its file descriptors: int on POSIX, HANDLE (void*) on Windows, and something else on other platforms. This type is a non-owning handle and is to be small, Regular, and trivially copyable.

3. Motivation

For some operations, using OS/platform-specific file APIs is necessary. If this is the case, they are unable to use iostreams without reopening the file with the platform-specific APIs.

For example, if someone wanted to query the time a file was last modified on POSIX, they’d use ::fstat, which takes a file descriptor:

int fd = ::open("~/foo.txt", O_RDONLY);
::stat s{};
int err = ::fstat(fd, &s);
std::chrono::sys_seconds last_modified = std::chrono::seconds(s.st_mtime.tv_sec);

Note: The Filesystem TS introduced the file_status structure and status function retuning one. This doesn’t solve our problem, because std::filesystem::status takes a path, not a native file descriptor (using paths is potentially racy), and std::filesystem::file_status only contains member functions type() and permissions(), not one for last time of modification. Extending this structure is out of scope for this proposal.

If the user needs to do a single operation not supported by the standard library, they have to make choice between only using OS APIs, or reopening the file every time necessary, likely forgetting to close the file, or running into buffering or synchronization issues.

// Writing the latest modification date to a file
std::chrono::sys_seconds last_modified(int fd) {
    // See above

// Today’s code
    int fd = ::open("~/foo.txt", O_RDONLY); // CreateFile on Windows
    auto lm = last_modified(fd);

    // Using iostreams
    if (use_iostreams) {
        ::close(fd); // CloseFile on Windows
        // Hope the path still points to the file!
        std::ofstream of("~/foo.txt");
        of << std::chrono::format("%c", lm) << '\n';

    // Or using POSIX ::write()
    if (use_posix) {
        // Using ::write() is clunky;
        // skipping error handling for brevity
        auto str = std::chrono::format("%c", lm);
        ::write(fd, str.data(), str.size());
        // Remember to close!

// This proposal
    // No need to use platform-specific APIs to open the file
    std::ofstream of("~/foo.txt");
    auto lm = last_modified(std::native_file_handle(of));
    of << std::chrono::format("%c", lm) << '\n';
    // RAII does ownership handling for us

The utility of getting a file descriptor (or other native file handle) is not limited to getting the last modification date. Other examples include, but are definitely not limited to:

Basically, this paper would make standard file streams interoperable with operating system interfaces, making iostreams more useful in that regard.

Facilities replacing iostreams, although desirable, are not going to be available in the standard in the near future. The author, alongside many others, would thus find this functionality useful. When an iostreams replacement eventually arrives, the overload set can then be extended for easy interop.

4. Scope

This paper does not propose constructing a file stream or stream buffer from a native file handle. The author is worried of ownership and implementation issues possibly associated with this design.

// Not part of this proposal
// POSIX example
#include <fstream>
#include <fcntl.h>

std::native_file_handle_type fd = ::open(/* ... */);
auto f = std::fstream{fd};

This paper also does not propose getting the native handle from a C-style file stream FILE.

// Not part of this proposal
#include <cstdio>

auto fd = std::native_file_handle(stdout); // stdout is of type FILE*
// This would essentially be a wrapper over POSIX fileno or Windows _fileno + _get_osfhandle

The author is open to extending the paper to cover one or all of these areas, in this paper or some separate one (whichever is more appropriate), should there be a desire and consensus for doing so.

5. Design Decisions

5.1. Free function and namespace-scope typedef

In this proposal, native_file_handle is a namespace-scope free function to avoid needing to add a new virtual function, causing an ABI break.

This paper opted for a namespace scope typedef for deliberately introducing inconsistency; std::thread has a member function native_handle, and since we have a free function, a namespace scope typedef is used to draw attention to the fact that the interface is different.

5.2. Separate native_handle_type from thread and Networking TS

C++11 thread support library includes functionality for getting a native handle out of a std::thread. Several types in there have members native_handle_type and native_handle. The same case also applies for the Networking TS [N4734]. The author feels like it’d be good design to keep native_file_handle_type separate from threads for the sake of type safety, even though they could be the same underlying type.

5.3. Type of native_file_handle_type

This paper describes native_file_handle_type as a typedef to the native file descriptor type. Alternatives to this could be:

std::thread defines its native_handle_type as an implementation-defined typedef, just like this paper does.

5.4. Naming

The names native_file_handle and native_file_handle_type are subject to bikeshedding. A non-exhaustive list of alternatives:

Function Type
get_native_file_handle native_file_handle
native_handle native_handle_type
get_native_handle native_handle
get_native_handle native_handle_type
file_descriptor file_descriptor_type
get_file_descriptor file_descriptor
native_file_descriptor native_file_descriptor_type
get_native_file_descriptor native_file_descriptor

6. Design Alternatives

6.1. Member typedef instead of namespace scope typedef

It could be a viable alternative to provide native_file_handle_type as a member typedef inside basic_filebuf and basic_(i|o)fstream.

template <class CharT, class Traits>
class basic_filebuf {
    using native_handle_type = /* implementation-defined */
    // ...
// Same for file streams

template <class CharT, class Traits>
auto native_file_handle(const basic_filebuf<CharT, Traits>& buf) noexcept
    -> typename decltype(buf)::native_handle_type;
// Also overloads for file streams

6.2. Member instead of namespace scope

This paper proposes adding a free function and a typedef in namespace scope. Should adding a member function be possible (having it not be virtual), there is an alternative design:

template <class CharT, class Traits>
class basic_filebuf {
    using native_handle_type = /* implementation-defined */
    // ...
    native_handle_type native_handle() const noexcept;
// Same for file streams

The author would prefer this, if possible, due to consistency with std::thread and the Networking TS.

However, the author is doubtful about implementability and usability of this. See §5.1 Free function and namespace-scope typedef for rationale.

Should this alternative design be adopted, the names should be changed from native_file_handle_type and native_file_handle to native_handle_type and native_handle, respectively (dropping the file), again for consistency with thread.

7. Impact On the Standard and Existing Code

This proposal is a pure library extension, requiring no changes to the core language. It would cause no existing conforming code to break.

8. Implementation

Implementing this paper should be a relatively trivial task. The only issue is, that a lot of the data is hidden behind a private interface, so modification of the library internals would be required. To go around this, the following reference implementations use an exposition-only function __get_cfile_handle, which returns an internal C stdio file handle and could be implemented as a friend.

Although all implementations surveyed (libstdc++ and MSVC) use FILE* instead of native file descriptors in their basic_filebuf implementations, these platforms provide facilites to get a native handle from a FILE*; fileno on POSIX, and _fileno + _get_osfhandle on Windows. The following reference implementations use these.

For libstdc++ on Linux:

namespace std {
    using native_file_handle_type = int;

    template <class CharT, class Traits>
    native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_filebuf<CharT, Traits>& buf) {
        // _M_file is a protected member variable of basic_filebuf,
        // so using friend __get_cfile_handle instead
        const __basic_file<char>& file = __get_cfile_handle(buf);
        // __basic_file<char> has a member function for this purpose
        return file.fd();
        // ::fileno(file.file()) could also be used

    // Other overloads are trivial with rdbuf()


namespace std {
    using native_file_handle_type = HANDLE;

    template <class CharT, class Traits>
    native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_filebuf<CharT, Traits>& buf) {
        // _Myfile is a private member of basic_filebuf,
        // so using friend __get_cfile_handle instead
        auto cfile = ::_fileno(__get_cfile_handle(buf));
        return static_cast<HANDLE>(::_get_osfhandle(cfile));

    // Other overloads are trivial with rdbuf()

9. Prior Art

[Boost.IOStreams] provides file_descriptor, file_descriptor_source, and file_descriptor_sink, which, when used in conjunction with stream_buffer, are std::basic_streambufs using a file descriptor. These classes can be constructed from a path or a native handle (int or HANDLE) and can also return it with member function handle().

Niall Douglas’s [P1031R1] also defined a structure native_handle_type with an extensive interface and a member union with an int and a HANDLE, with a constructor taking either one of these.

9.1. Discussion

There has been some discussion over the years about various things relating to this issue, but as far as the author is aware, no concrete proposal has ever been submitted.

There have been a number of threads on std-discussion and std-proposals: [std-proposals-native-handle], [std-discussion-fd-io], [std-proposals-native-raw-io], [std-proposals-fd-access]. The last one of these lead to a draft paper, that was never submitted: [access-file-descriptors].

The consensus that the author took from these discussions is, that native handle support for iostreams would be very much welcome.

An objection was raised by Billy O’Neal to being able to retrieve a native file handle from a standard file stream:

[This] also would need to mandate that the C++ streams be implemented directly such that there was a 1:1 native handle relationship, which may not be the case. For instance, a valid implementation of C++ iostreams would be on top of cstdio, which would not have any kind of native handle to expose.

– Billy O’Neal: [std-proposals-billy-oneal]

Every implementation surveyed did implement basic_filebuf on top of C stdio, but these platforms also provide functionality for getting a file descriptor out of a FILE*. On every platform, file I/O is ultimately implemented on top of native APIs, so not providing access to a file descriptor from a FILE* would be rather unfortunate. Should such a platform exist, they probably don’t have a conforming C++ implementation anyway. See §8 Implementation for more.

10. Technical Specifications

The proposed wording is likely to be incomplet and/or incorrekt.

Add the following into Header <iosfwd> synopsis [iosfwd.syn]:

using native_file_handle_type = /* implementation-defined */;

Add the following two paragraphs between § 5 and § 6 of Overview [iostream.forward.overview]:

The type native_file_handle_type serves as a type representing a platform-specific handle to a file. It satisfies the requirements of Regular and is trivially copyable.

[Note: For operating systems based on POSIX, native_file_handle_type should be int. For Windows-based operating systems, it should be HANDLE.]

Add the following into Header <fstream> synopsis [fstream.syn]:

template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_filebuf<charT, traits>& buf) noexcept;

template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_ifstream<charT, traits>& stream) noexcept;

template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_ofstream<charT, traits>& stream) noexcept;

template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_fstream<charT, traits>& stream) noexcept;

Modify Class template basic_filebuf [filebuf] § 1

The class basic_filebuf<charT, traits> associates both the input sequence and the output sequence with a file. The file has an associated native_file_handle_type.

Add the following to the appropriate section of File-based streams [file.streams]. Replace the * in 29.9.* with the appropriate number.

29.9.* Function template native_file_handle [file.handle]

template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_filebuf<charT, traits>& buf) noexcept;

Returns: The native_file_handle_type associated with the underlying file of buf.

template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_ifstream<charT, traits>& stream) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_ofstream<charT, traits>& stream) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
native_file_handle_type native_file_handle(const basic_fstream<charT, traits>& stream) noexcept;

Returns: native_file_handle(*stream.rdbuf());

11. Acknowledgements

Thanks to the rest of the co-authors of [P1750R0] for the idea after cutting this functionality out.

A special thanks to Jeff Garland for providing the heads-up about ABI that I totally would’ve missed.


Informative References

Bruce S. O. Adams. file streams and access to the file descriptor. URL: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=forums&srcid=MTEwODAzNzI2MjM1OTc0MjE3MjkBMDY0OTY1OTUzMjAwNzY0MTA0MjkBakhWMHBFLUNGd0FKATAuMQFpc29jcHAub3JnAXYy&authuser=0
Jonathan Turkanis. Boost.IOStreams. URL: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_70_0/libs/iostreams/doc/index.html
Jonathan Wakely. Working Draft, C ++ Extensions for Networking. 4 April 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/n4734
Niall Douglas. Low level file i/o library. URL: https://wg21.link/p1031r1
Klemens Morgenstern, Jeff Garland, Elias Kosunen, Fatih Bakir. A Proposal to Add Process Management to the C++ Standard Library. URL: https://wg21.link/p1750r0
File descriptor-backed I/O stream?. URL: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/forum/#!topic/std-discussion/macDvhFDrjU
Billy O'Neal. Comment on 'native_handle for basic_filebuf'. URL: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/d/msg/std-proposals/oCEErQbI9sM/rMkAMOkxFvMJ
file streams and access to the file descriptor. URL: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/d/topic/std-proposals/XcQ4FZJKDbM/discussion
native_handle for basic_filebuf. URL: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/d/topic/std-proposals/oCEErQbI9sM/discussion
Native raw IO and FILE* wrappers?. URL: https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/d/topic/std-proposals/Q4RdFSZggSE/discussion