Amendments to the C++20 Synchronization Library

Published Proposal,

Issue Tracking:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Introduction

During the wording review of the C++20 Synchronization Library, [P1135R4], five design flaws were found in the paper. Rather than send the entire paper back to SG1 to look over the changes and risk missing the deadline for C++20, this new paper is being written for SG1 to review.

The wording changes here have already been applied to [P1135R5]. If SG1 approves these changes, then P1135 will go to LWG in its current state. If any of the changes are rejected by SG1, then the change will be backed out of P1135, by applying the wording change in this paper in reverse, before LWG gives its final approval to P1135.

2. Changelog

Revision 0: Initial version. Included first four changes.

Revision 1: Add a fifth change, which removes the Expects clauses on the destructors of counting_semaphore, latch, and barrier. Include the results of SG1 discussion of the paper in Cologne.

3. Make atomic_flag::test const

3.1. Motivation

atomic_flag::test does not modify the atomic_flag object at all, so it should be a const member function. Similarly, the first parameter to atomic_flag_test and atomic_flag_test_explicit should be of type const atomic_flag* or const volatile atomic_flag*.

This bug seems to have been here from the beginning. See [P0995R0]. There is no record of a discussion of the const-ness of these functions.

3.2. Wording

Modify the header synopsis for <atomic> in [atomics.syn] as follows:

  // 30.9, flag type and operations
  struct atomic_flag;
  bool atomic_flag_test(const volatile atomic_flag*) noexcept;
  bool atomic_flag_test(const atomic_flag*) noexcept;
  bool atomic_flag_test_explicit(const volatile atomic_flag*, memory_order) noexcept;
  bool atomic_flag_test_explicit(const atomic_flag*, memory_order) noexcept;

Modify [atomics.flag] as follows:

30.9 Flag type and operations [atomics.flag]
namespace std {
  struct atomic_flag {
    bool test(memory_order = memory_order::seq_cst) const volatile noexcept;
    bool test(memory_order = memory_order::seq_cst) const noexcept;

    // ...

  bool atomic_flag_test(const volatile atomic_flag*) noexcept;
  bool atomic_flag_test(const atomic_flag*) noexcept;
  bool atomic_flag_test_explicit(const volatile atomic_flag*, memory_order) noexcept;
  bool atomic_flag_test_explicit(const atomic_flag*, memory_order) noexcept;


Still within section [atomics.flag], change the function signatures between paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 as follows:

bool atomic_flag_test(const volatile atomic_flag* object) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag_test(const atomic_flag* object) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag_test_explicit(const volatile atomic_flag* object, memory_order order) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag_test_explicit(const atomic_flag* object, memory_order order) noexcept;
bool atomic_flag::test(memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) const volatile noexcept;
bool atomic_flag::test(memory_order order = memory_order::seq_cst) const noexcept;

4. Prohibit counting_semaphore<-1>

4.1. Motivation

  template<ptrdiff_t least_max_value = implementation-defined>
    class counting_semaphore;

Template class counting_semaphore has a non-type template parameter least_max_value which is intended to put an upper limit on the number of times a semaphore of that type can be simultaneously acquired.

[P1135R3] had no restrictions on the value of least_max_value. There was nothing that prevented users from using counting_semaphore<0> or counting_semaphore<-20>, neither of which can do anything useful.

4.2. Wording

Insert a new paragraph after paragraph 1 in [thread.semaphore.counting.class]:

least_max_value shall be greater than zero; otherwise the program is ill-formed.

5. Prohibit barrier::arrive(0)

5.1. Motivation

[P0666R2] and early versions of P1135 did not put any lower limit on the value of the update parameter for barrier::arrive(ptrdiff_t update). While working on [P1135R4], wording was added to require that update >= 0, since negative values don’t make sense. During LWG wording review in Kona, Dan Sunderland pointed out that barrier::arrive(0) would be problematic for implementations that used a fan-in strategy rather than a counter, since it would allow threads to wait on the barrier without arriving at the barrier. arrive(0) is of dubious usefulness even without the implementation problem, so the lower bound of update is changed from zero to one, making arrive(0) undefined behavior, the same as arrive(-1).

5.2. Wording

Change paragraph 13 in [thread.coord.barrier.class] as follows:

[[nodiscard]] arrival_token arrive(ptrdiff_t update = 1);
Expects: update >=> 0 is true, and update is less than or equal to the expected count for the current barrier phase.

6. Allow latch::try_wait() to fail spuriously

6.1. Motivation

The old wording for latch::try_wait of "Returns: counter == 0" implied that implementations needed to use memory_order::seq_cst for counter so that try_wait would immediately see the result of a different thread’s call to count_down. The new wording that allows try_wait to spuriously return false frees the implementation to use a more relaxed memory order.

6.2. Wording

Change paragraph 13 in [thread.coord.latch.class] as follows:

bool try_wait() const noexcept;
Returns: With very low probability false. Otherwise counter == 0

7. Remove Expects clauses from destructors

7.1. Motivation

[P1135R5] had Expects clauses on the destructors of classes counting_semaphore, latch, and barrier which essentially stated that no threads were blocked on the object but that some threads could still have not returned from the member functions that had blocked. That wording was a committee invention, modeled on the behavior of condition_variable, and was not based on existing practice. That wording imposes an implementation burden that was not fully understood when the wording was adopted. It would impose a cost on all users whether or not they take advantage of the additional freedom the wording grants, which goes against the principle of zero-cost overhead.

Because the wording is a requirement on the implementation, it can always be added back later if it is determined that zero-cost implementations are possible or that the cost is worth the benefit to the user of easier-to-write correct code. But if that wording goes into C++20, it would be difficult to remove it later because that would introduce undefined behavior into valid C++20 programs.

7.2. Wording

Remove paragraph 8 from [thread.semaphore.counting.class]:

Expects: For every function call blocked on *this, a function call that will cause it to unblock and return has happened before this call. [ Note: This relaxes the usual rules, which would have required all blocking function calls to happen before destruction. — end note ]

Remove paragraphs 6 and 7 from [thread.coord.latch.class]:

Expects: No threads are blocked on *this. [ Note: May be called even if some threads have not yet returned from invocations of wait on this object, provided that they are unblocked. This relaxes the usual rules, which would have required all blocking function calls to happen before destruction. - end note ]
Remarks: The destructor may block until all threads have exited invocations of wait on this object.

Remove paragraps 11 and 12 from [thread.coord.barrier.class]:

Expects: No threads are blocked at a phase synchronization point for any barrier phase of this object. [ Note: May be called even if some threads have not yet returned from invocations of wait, provided that they have unblocked. This relaxes the usual rules, which would have required all blocking function calls to happen before destruction. - end note ]
Remarks: The destructor may block until all threads have exited invocations of wait on this object.

8. Review by SG1

This paper was reviewed by SG1 in Cologne.

When discussing the restriction on counting_semaphore's least_max_value, the committee decided that counting_semaphore<0> should be allowed even though the type can’t be used in any meaningful way. But everyone agreed that counting_semaphore<-1> should be forbidden. As a result, this wording change was made to [P1135R6]:

least_max_value shall be greater than or equal to zero; otherwise the program is ill-formed.

There was lots of discussion about the change to remove the Expects clauses of the destructors, but the committee ended up approving that change as it was presented. So no further changes are needed to P1135.

With the change to the lower limit of least_max_value, SG1 strongly approved the paper.


Informative References

Olivier Giroux. Revised Latches and Barriers for C++20. 6 May 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0666r2
JF Bastien, Olivier Giroux, Andrew Hunter. Improving atomic_flag. 17 March 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0995r0
Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Olivier Giroux, JF Bastien, Detlef Vollmann. The C++20 Synchronization Library. 21 January 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1135r3
Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Olivier Giroux, JF Bastien, Detlef Vollmann, David Olsen. The C++20 Synchronization Library. 4 March 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1135r4
David Olsen, Olivier Giroux, JF Bastien, Detlef Vollmann, Bryce Lelbach. The C++20 Synchronization Library. 17 June 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1135r5