p0019r1 : Atomic View

Project:ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++
Date: 2016-02-04
Author: H. Carter Edwards
Contact: hcedwar@sandia.gov
Author: Hans Boehm
Contact: hboehm@google.com
Author: Olivier Giroux
Contact: ogiroux@nvidia.com
Author: James Reus
Contact: reus1@llnl.gov
Audience:SG1 Concurrency

1   Introduction

This paper proposes an extension to the atomic operations library [atomics] for atomic operations applied to non-atomic objects. The proposal is in five parts: (1) the concept of an atomic view, (2) application of this concept applied to single objects, (3) application of this concept applied to members of a very large array, and (4) motivating use cases and illustrative examples.

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
template< class T > atomic_view ;
template< class T > atomic_array_view ;

Note: Feedback from SG1 Library Evolution Working Group (LEWG) on P0009r0, Polymorphic Multidimensional Array View, noted that the term view has the connotation of read-only. In response the P0009r0 array_view name has been revised to array_ref in P0009r1. The proposed names atomic_view and atomic_array_view may have the same feedback from LEWG, potentially resulting in a similar naming revision.

2   Atomic View Concept

A class conforming to the atomic view concept provides atomic operations for the viewed non-atomic object. These operations replicate the operations on std::atomic<T> [29.5, Atomic types]; however, operations are const with respect to the atomic view object in contrast to the non-const and volatile operations of a std::atomic<T> object. An atomic view does not own (neither exclusively nor shared) the viewed non-atomic object.

The following atomic-view-concept specification is included to define requirements for classes conforming to the atomic-view-concept and does not imply the existiance of a template class of this name.

template< class T >
struct atomic-view-concept {
// Functionality matches corresponding member of atomic<T>
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation defined ;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept;
void store( T , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst ) const noexcept;
T load( memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst ) const noexcept;
operator T() const noexcept ;
T exchange( T , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst ) const noexcept;
bool compare_exchange_weak( T& , T , memory_order , memory_order ) const noexcept;
bool compare_exchange_strong( T& , T , memory_order , memory_order ) const noexcept;
bool compare_exchange_weak( T& , T , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst ) const noexcept;
bool compare_exchange_strong( T&, T, memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst ) const noexcept;
T operator=(T) const noexcept ;

// Functionality that may exist and deviate from corresponding member of atomic<T>, if any.
atomic-view-concept ();
atomic-view-concept ( const atomic-view-concept & );
atomic-view-concept ( atomic-view-concept && );
atomic-view-concept & operator = ( const atomic-view-concept & );
atomic-view-concept & operator = ( atomic-view-concept && );

constexpr bool operator() const noexcept;

Requires: Type T is trivially copyable.

Constructors and assignment operators of an atomic-view-concept may acquire shared resources such as concurrent locks to support atomic operations on the non-atomic object. and

constexpr bool operator() const noexept ;

Returns if the atomic-view-concept object wraps a non-null pointer. A default constructed atomic-view-concept object returns false.

A class conforming to the atomic view concept shall provide the following operations when T is an integral type. These operations replicate the operations on std::atomic<integral> [29.5, Atomic types]; however, operations are const with respect to the atomic view object in contrast to the non-const and volatile operations of a std::atomic<integral> object.

template<> struct atomic-view-concept < integral > {

integral fetch_add( integral , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept;
integral fetch_sub( integral , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept;
integral fetch_and( integral , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept;
integral fetch_or( integral , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept;
integral fetch_xor( integral , memory_order = memory_order_seq_cst) const noexcept;

integral operator++(int) const noexcept;
integral operator--(int) const noexcept;
integral operator++() const noexcept;
integral operator--() const noexcept;
integral operator+=( integral ) const noexcept;
integral operator-=( integral ) const noexcept;
integral operator&=( integral ) const noexcept;
integral operator|=( integral ) const noexcept;
integral operator^=( integral ) const noexcept;

Note that for consistency the atomic-view-concept<integral> mathematical operator overloads retain the same mathematical inconsistency with respect to the mathematical operators for the integral type, as illustrated below.

int i(0)
++( ++i );        // ++i returns an lvalue
( i += 1 ) += 2 ; // i+= returns an lvalue

std::atomic<int> ai(0);
++( ++( ai ) );    // error: ++ai returns an rvalue
( ai += 1 ) += 2 ; // error: ai+= returns an rvalue

3   Atomic View for a Single Object

An atomic_view<T> object is used to perform atomic operations on the globally accessible viewed non-atomic object. The intent is for atomic_view<T> to provide the best-performing implementation of atomic-view-concept operations for the type T. All atomic operations on an instance of atomic_view<T> are atomic with respect to any other instance that views the same globally accessible object, as defined by equality of pointers to that object.

[Note: Introducing concurrency within legacy codes may require replacing operations on existing non-atomic objects with atomic operations such that the non-atomic object cannot be replaced with a std::atomic object. - end note]

[Note: An object may be heavily used non-atomically in well-defined phases of an application. Forcing such objects to be exclusively std::atomic would incur an unnecessary performance penalty. - end note]

template< class T > struct atomic_view { // conforms to atomic view concept

explicit atomic_view( T & ); // wrapping constructor is NOT noexcept

atomic_view( atomic_view && ) noexcept ;
atomic_view( const atomic_view & ) noexcept ;
atomic_view & operator = ( atomic_view && ) noexcept ;
atomic_view & operator = ( const atomic_view & ) noexcept ;
~atomic_view() noexcept ;

Requires: Type T is trivially copyable.

[Note: The intent is for atomic operations of atomic_view<T> to directly update the referenced object. The wrapping constructor may acquire a resource, such as a lock from a collection of address-sharded locks, to perform atomic operations. When such a resource is necessary subsequent copy and move constructors and assignment operators may reduce overhead by copying or moving the previously acquired resource as opposed to re-acquiring that resource. – end note]


Effects: This instance does not reference a globally accessible object.

atomic_view<T>::atomic_view( T & obj );

Requires: The referenced obj must be properly aligned for its type T, otherwise behavior is undefined.

Requires: While any atomic_view instance exists for a referenced object all accesses of that object shall occur through an atomic_view referencing that object, otherwise behavior is undefined. Multiple instances of an atomic_view may be constructed with the wrapping constructor which reference the same globally accessible object.

Effects: This wrapping constructor wraps the globally accessible referenced object. Atomic operations on this instance are atomic with respect to atomic operations on any atomic_view instance that reference the same globally accessible object. [Note: This constructor is allowed to throw an exception if the referenced object is not properly aligned. - end note] [Note: This constructor may obtain a resource as necessary to support atomic operations. This constructor is allowed to throw an exception if such a resource could not be obtained. – end note]

Effects: All accesses of the wrapped object in the same execution context that appear before the wrapping constructor shall happen before the wrapping constructor completes. [Note: As if a memory fence were performed on the on the wrapped object within the wrapping constructor. - end note]

void foo( int & i ) {
  i = 42 ;
  atomic_view<int> ai(i);
  std::async( [=]() { assert( ai.load() == 42 ); });
atomic_view<T>::atomic_view( atomic_view && rhs ) noexcept ;
atomic_view<T>::atomic_view( const atomic_view & rhs ) noexcept ;
atomic_view<T> & atomic_view<T>::operator = ( atomic_view && rhs ) noexcept ;
atomic_view<T> & atomic_view<T>::operator = ( const atomic_view & rhs ) noexcept ;
Effects: If rhs references a globally accessible object then this instance references the same object otherwise this instance does not reference a globally accessible object. [Note: If rhs holds a resource to support atomic operations then that resource should be copied or moved as appropriate. - end note]

atomic_view<T>::~atomic_view() noexcept ;

Effects: This instance does not reference a globally accessible object. [Note: If this instances holds a resource to support atomic operations then that resource should be released or destroyed as appropriate. - end note]

4   Atomic View for a Very Large Array

High performance computing (HPC) applications use very large arrays. Computations with these arrays typically have distinct phases that allocate and initialize members of the array, update members of the array, and read members of the array. Parallel algorithms for initialization (e.g., zero fill) have non-conflicting access when assigning member values. Parallel algorithms for updates have conflicting access to members which must be guarded by atomic operations. Parallel algorithms with read-only access require best-performing streaming read access, random read access, vectorization, or other guaranteed non-conflicting HPC pattern.

An atomic_array_view object is used to perform atomic operations on the viewed non-atomic members of the array. The intent is for atomic_array_view to provide the best-performing implementation of atomic-view-concept operations for the members of the array.

template< class T > struct atomic_array_view {

static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation defined ;
bool is_lock_free() const noexcept ;

// Returns true if the view wraps an array and member access is valid.
explicit bool operator() const noexcept ;

atomic_array_view( T * , size_t ); // Wrapping constructor is NOT noexcept
atomic_array_view() noexcept ;
atomic_array_view( atomic_array_view && ) noexcept ;
atomic_array_view( const atomic_array_view & ) noexcept ;
atomic_array_view & operator = ( atomic_array_view && ) noexcept ;
atomic_array_view & operator = ( const atomic_array_view & ) noexcept ;
~atomic_array_view() noexcept ;

size_t size() const noexcept ;

using reference = implementation-defined-atomic-view-concept-type ;

reference operator[]( size_t ) const noexcept ;

Requires: Type T is trivially copyable.

[Note: The wrapping constructor may acquire resources, such as a set of locks, to perform atomic operations. When such a resource is necessary subsequent copy and move constructors and assignment operators may reduce overhead by copying or moving the previously acquired resource as opposed to re-acquiring that resource. The intent is to enable amortization of the time and space overhead of obtaining and releasing such resources. – end note] – end note]

using reference = implementation-defined-atomic-view-concept-type ;

The reference type conforms to atomic-view-concept for type T.
static constexpr bool is_always_lock_free = implementation defined ;
bool atomic_array_view<T>::is_lock_free() const noexcept ;
Effects: Whether atomic operations on members are (always) lock free.

atomic_array_view<T>::atomic_array_view( T * ptr , size_t N );

Requires: The array referenced by [ptr .. ptr+N-1] must be properly aligned for its type T, otherwise behavior is undefined.

Requires: While any atomic_array_view instance exists for a referenced array all accesses of that array and its members shall occur through an atomic_array_view referencing that array, otherwise behavior is undefined. Multiple concurrent instances of an atomic_array_view may be constructed with the wrapping constructor which references any of the any globally accessible members (i.e., has an overlapping range) if-and-only-if the atomic_array_view type is_always_lock_free. If NOT is_always_lock_free then construction of multiple concurrent instances via the wrapping constructor has undefined behavior. [Note: This allows a non-lock-free atomic_array_view to acquire a set of locks that are exclusively associated with the wrapped array. - end note]

Effects: The wrapping constructor wraps the referenced globally accessible array [ptr .. ptr+N-1]. Atomic operations on members of this instance are atomic with respect to atomic operations on members any atomic_array_view instance that references the same globally accessible array. [Note: This constructor is allowed to throw an exception if the referenced array is not properly aligned. - end note] [Note: This constructor may obtain resources as necessary to support atomic operations on members. This constructor is allowed to throw an exception if such resources could not be obtained. – end note]

Effects: All accesses of the wrapped array members in the same execution context that appear before the wrapping constructor shall happen before the wrapping constructor completes. [Note: As if a memory fence were performed on the wrapped array within the wrapping constructor. - end note]

void foo( int * i , size_t N ) {
  i[0] = 42 ;
  i[N-1] = 42 ;
  atomic_array_view<int> ai(i,N);
  std::async( [=]()
      assert( ai[0].load() == 42 );
      assert( ai[N-1].load() == 42 );
atomic_array_view<T>::atomic_array_view( atomic_array_view && rhs ) noexcept ;
atomic_array_view<T>::atomic_array_view( const atomic_array_view & rhs ) noexcept ;
atomic_array_view<T> & atomic_array_view<T>::operator = ( atomic_array_view && rhs ) noexcept ;
atomic_array_view<T> & atomic_array_view<T>::operator = ( const atomic_array_view & rhs ) noexcept ;
Effects: If rhs references a globally accessible array then this instance references the same array otherwise this instance does not reference a globally accessible object. [Note: If rhs holds resources to support atomic operations then that resource should be copied or moved as appropriate. It may be appropriate for these resources to be managed with std::shared_ptr semantics. - end note]

atomic_array_view<T>::~atomic_array_view() noexcept ;

Effects: This instance does not reference a globally accessible object. [Note: If this instances holds resources to support atomic operations then those resources should be released or destroyed as appropriate. - end note]

atomic_array_view<T>::reference atomic_array_view<T>::operator[]( size_t i ) const noexcept ;

Requires: i < N. The program is ill-formed if I is out of bounds.

Requires: The returned reference object must be destroyed or re-assigned before the last associated atomic_array_view instance is destroyed, otherwise behavior is undefined.

Returns: An instance of reference type for the i-th member of the atomic_array_view, where indexing is zero-based. [Note: The intent is for efficient generation of the returned object with respect to obtaining a resource, such as a shared locking mechanism, that may be required to support atomic operations on the referenced member. – end note]

5   Notes and Examples

5.1   Atomic Array View

Under the HPC use case the member access operator, proxy type constructor, or proxy type destructor will be frequently invoked; therefore, an implementation should trade off decreased overhead in these operations versus increased overhead in the wrapper constructor and final destructor.

Usage Scenario for atomic_array_view<T>

  1. A very large array of trivially copyable members is allocated.
  2. A parallel algorithm initializes members through non-conflicting assignments.
  3. The array is wrapped by an atomic_array_view<T>.
  4. One or more parallel algorithms update members of the array through atomic view operations.
  5. The atomic_array_view<T> is destructed.
  6. Parallel algorithms access array members through non-conflicting reads, writes, or updates.


// atomic array view wrapper constructor:
atomic_array_view<T> array( ptr , N );

// atomic operation on a member:

// atomic operations through a temporary value
// within a concurrent function:
atomic_array_view<T>::reference x = array[i];

Possible interface for atomic_array_view<T>::reference

struct implementation-defined-proxy-type {   // conforms to atomic view concept

  // Construction limited to move
  implementation-defined-proxy-type(implementation-defined-proxy-type && ) = noexcept ;

  implementation-defined-proxy-type() = delete ;
  implementation-defined-proxy-type( const implementation-defined-proxy-type & ) = delete ;
  implementation-defined-proxy-type &
    operator = ( const implementation-defined-proxy-type & ) = delete ;

Wrapping constructor options for atomic_array_view<T>

A wrapping constructor of the form (T*begin, T*end) could be valid. However, the (T*ptr, size_t N) version is preferred to minimize potential confusion with construction from non-contiguous iterators. Wrapping constructors for standard contiguous containers would also be valid. However, such constructors could have potential confusion as to whether he atomic_array_view would or would not track resizing operations applied to the input container.

Implementation note for atomic_array_view<T>

All non-atomic accesses of array members that appear before the wrapping constructor must happen before subsequent atomic operations on the atomic_array_view members. For example:
void foo( int * i , size_t N ) {
  i[0] = 42 ;
  i[N-1] = 42 ;
  atomic_array_view<int> ai(i,N);
  // Operations on ‘i’ must happen before operations on ‘ai’
  foreach( parallel_policy, 0, M, [=]( int j ){ ++ai[j%N] ; } );

5.2   Mathematically Consistent Integral Operator Overloads

As previously noted the std::atomic<integral> mathematical operator overloads are inconsistent with the mathematical operators for integral. The atomic-view-concept<integral> retains these inconsistent operator overloads. Consistent mathematical operator semantics would be restored with the following operator specifications. However, such a change would break backward compatibility and is therefore only noted and not a proposed change.

template<> struct atomic < integral > {

volatile atomic & operator++(int) volatile noexcept ;
atomic & operator++(int) noexcept ;
volatile atomic & operator--(int) volatile noexcept ;
atomic & operator--(int) noexcept ;

// fetch-and-increment, fetch-and-decrement operators:
integral operator++() volatile noexcept ;
integral operator++() noexcept ;
integral operator--() volatile noexcept ;
integral operator--() noexcept ;

volatile atomic & operator+=( integral ) volatile noexcept;
atomic & operator+=( integral ) noexcept;
volatile atomic & operator-=( integral ) volatile noexcept;
atomic & operator-=( integral ) noexcept;
volatile atomic & operator&=( integral ) volatile noexcept;
atomic & operator&=( integral ) noexcept;
volatile atomic & operator|=( integral ) volatile noexcept;
atomic & operator|=( integral ) noexcept;
volatile atomic & operator^=( integral ) volatile noexcept;
atomic & operator^=( integral ) noexcept;

template<> struct atomic-view-concept < integral > {

const atomic-view-concept & operator++(int) const noexcept;
const atomic-view-concept & operator--(int) const noexcept;

integral operator++() const noexcept;
integral operator--() const noexcept;

const atomic-view-concept & operator+=( integral ) const noexcept;
const atomic-view-concept & operator-=( integral ) const noexcept;
const atomic-view-concept & operator&=( integral ) const noexcept;
const atomic-view-concept & operator|=( integral ) const noexcept;
const atomic-view-concept & operator^=( integral ) const noexcept;