Doc. no.: N4531
Date: 2015-05-08
Project: Programming Language C++, Library Working Group
Revises: N4316
Reply-to: Zhihao Yuan <zy at miator dot net>

std::rand replacement, revision 3

Changes since N4316

Changes since N4217

Changes since N3796


The std::rand friends are discouraged in C++14, so we want:

  1. A direct replacement to the std::rand friends. Despite of the security issues, std::rand is considered both handy and useful as a global uniform random number generator.

  2. To expose the most widely-used combo in C++11 <random> without pushing the users to learn the whole design. Smoothing the learning curve can usually optimize the acceptance.

Design Decisions

std::rand is a self-contained interface, so its replacement should be independent as well. In addition, I expect the interface to correctly expose the functionalities of <random> and lead to more robust and secure programs. The proposed replacement is

Two variants for the shuffling and sampling algorithms without the explicit URNG parameter are also proposed.


std::randint(0, 6);              // randomly seeded
std::randint(0L, 6L);            // deduced type
std::randint<size_t>(0, 6);      // selected type

std::reseed(0);                  // for debugging purpose
std::shuffle(begin(v), end(v));
std::reseed();                   // back to random


Change 26.5.2 [rand.synopsis]:

namespace std {

 //, function template generate_canonical
 template<class RealType, size_t bits, class URNG>
   RealType generate_canonical(URNG& g);
//, function template randint
template<class IntType>
  IntType randint(IntType a, IntType b);
void reseed();
void reseed(default_random_engine::result_type value);
 //, class template uniform_int_distribution
 template<class IntType = int>
   class uniform_int_distribution;

} // namespace std

New section [rand.util.randint]: Function template randint

A separate per-thread engine of type default_random_engine, initialized to an unpredictable state, shall be maintained for each thread.

template<class IntType>
  IntType randint(IntType a, IntType b);

Requires: a b. If the template argument does not meet the requirements for IntType (, the program is ill-formed.

Returns: A random integer i, a ≤ i ≤ b, produced from a thread-local instance of uniform_int_distribution<IntType> ( invoked with the per-thread engine.

void reseed();
void reseed(default_random_engine::result_type value);

Effects: Let g be the per-thread engine ( The first form sets g to an unpredictable state. The second form invokes g.seed(value).

Postcondition: Subsequent calls to randint ( do not depend on values produced by g before calling reseed. [Note: reseed also resets any instances of uniform_int_distribution used by randint. –end note]

Change 25.1 [algorithms.general]:

Header <algorithm> synopsis

 // 25.3.12, shuffle:
template<class RandomAccessIterator>
  void shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
 template<class RandomAccessIterator, class UniformRandomNumberGenerator>
   void shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first,
                RandomAccessIterator last,
                UniformRandomNumberGenerator&& g);

Change 25.3.12 [alg.random.shuffle]:

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
  void shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);
 template<class RandomAccessIterator, class UniformRandomNumberGenerator>
   void shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first,
                RandomAccessIterator last,
                UniformRandomNumberGenerator&& g);

Remarks: If g is not given in the argument list, it denotes the per-thread engine ( To the extent that the implementation of this function makes use of random numbers, the object g shall serve as the implementation’s source of randomness.

The following wording is relative to N4529 [fund.ts2].

[Editorial note: Please consider referring the C++17 working paper. –end note]

Change 12.3 [alg.random.sample]:

template<class PopulationIterator, class SampleIterator, class Distance>
SampleIterator sample(PopulationIterator first, PopulationIterator last,
                      SampleIterator out, Distance n);
 template<class PopulationIterator, class SampleIterator,
          class Distance, class UniformRandomNumberGenerator>
 SampleIterator sample(PopulationIterator first, PopulationIterator last,
                       SampleIterator out, Distance n,
                       UniformRandomNumberGenerator&& g);


Feature-testing recommendation

Please use randint as the macro name suffix in the library category.

Sample Implementation

A sample implementation is available at


Hans Boehm, who emphasized the importance of enforcing the per-thread random engine more than once.

Stephan T. Lavavej, who carefully reviewed this paper and provided many corrections.

Walter E. Brown, who drafted the paper[1] which contains basically the same thought.

And many others who joined the std::rand related discussions on c++std-lib and c++std-lib-ext mailing lists.


[1] Brown, Walter E. N3742 Three <random>-related Proposals, v2.

[2] random – Generate pseudo-random numbers. “The Python Standard Library”.