SC22/WG20 N911

CENT/TC304 N997

Subject/Title: Draft reponse to comments on registration of european locales

Date of TC distribution: 14. January 2002

Note/comment: This document was tabled and discussed together with other related documents in the TC304 plenary 3 December 2001. Resolution 6 and 7 were passed on them (see also N996 and N998).

Draft reponse to comments on registration of european locales

SC22 N3342

Response to UK comments:

The workshop agreement has been validated by the TC 304 before

TC 304 took the decision to forward it for registration.

Response to Netherlands comments:


1. The SC22 secretariat has decided that SC22 N3256 was

allowable in the process.

2. We appreciate all the comments that the Netherlands has

expertise to provide.


1. Noted. The expertise is called as broadly as possible, as

the CWA is produced by a CEN workshop, open to all.

2. The locales are not for countries, but for use with

paneuropean institutions.

3. The ECB was consulted.

4. The scope was the official languages in the European Union and EFTA.

Other languages may be considered at a later point in time.

The affirmative/negative answers may have different values for

different languages.


1. The POSIX operating system is viable in the marketplace, and the only

OS that is formally standardized today. There is thus a need for

the specifications for this OS.

2. The POSIX specifications do not prescribe any input or output devices.

The specifications refer to the POSIX standards, and the specifications


3. The monetary formatting is a compromise of the workshop.

4. We would like to receive the short note on handling Dutch ij/IJ.

5. The locale is not a locale for the Netherlands, but a locale

for pan-european institutions handling Dutch.

6. More elaborate answers are allowed, but the specification

only considers the first character of the answer, disregarding

the rest of the answer. The convention to only rely on the

first character is customary in software.

Response to the US national body:

Repertoire map:

1. Graphical characters not in MES-2 (CWA 13873) will be removed.

2. It was decided by the workshop to use the mnemonics also.

3. The extra mnemonics are mnemonics use by the Canadian member body for their

locales and charmaps. These are included for added versatility of the specification.

4. Duplicate entries with same mnemonics will be removed.

Generic _EU locale

1. Mnemonics for letters with circumflex will be corrected.

2. The greek menmonics are done with escapes to prevent special

handling of the metacharacter ;.

3. <th8> will be defined.

4. The greek and cyrillic collation orders are according to EOR.

5. Control characters could be moved up in the collating. The order

now was determined by EOR, first, and then the additional repertoire


6. <D><2> will be changed to <1><2> in abmon

7. The mnemonics here demonstates the readability of them, as

the hex Uxxxx menmonics would be quite unintelligble.

Country-specific locales.

These are not country-specific, but language specific.

1. The use id for pan-european institutions, and tayloring is thus

deemed inappropiate.


Response to Swedish member body on CEN comment:

  1. Monetary: maybe change to "without plural 's'"
  1. repertoiremap: Of cause it its the CWA 13873 that is the defining specification of MES-2, but to employ it with locales a repertoiremap is needed, and the additional control characters needed for the specifications need also be specified.
  1. The repertoiremap uses Uxxxx identifiers, in addition to mnemonics.

4. The format for repertoiremaps does not allow a title.